The True Endgame

[Vol. 3 pt. 27] Patch 5.0: A Beach, a Cat, and Tentacles

“I am going to go for a swim, alright, my hero?” Nell says. “Actually! Would you like to come with me? There were some beautiful reefs down there that I would like to look at together with you.”

That does sound nice to Fenrir and, being that he’s the only one in the group that can breathe underwater, he’s the only one who can really enjoy it to its fullest extent with her.

“Sure,” he says, pulling his arm away from Aiko’s grip and breasts.

“Don’t leave me alone for too long-nya,” Aiko says, letting him go.

Fenrir takes a few steps away before turning around and saying to Cassiel, “Enjoy staring at Aiko’s chest, pervert.”

Cassiel draws her sword and shouts at him, but he and Nell are already running away and diving into the water before she has a chance to punish him.

While Cassiel and Aiko start having one of their usual little fights, Serra sits down next to Oleander and picks some of the crab that he’s eating out of his hands.

“Since when are you a thief?” Oleander asks her with a light laugh.

“I like crab,” Serra answers. “What do you think?”

“What do I think of what?”

Serra subtly points at Aiko whom is pushing her breasts up by placing her arms underneath them, teasingly giving the flustered Cassiel even more to look at and shout at.

“I’ll get used to her,” Oleander whispers to Serra.

“It’s okay. She can take getting used to. I probably wouldn’t have been her friend if I knew how she was right away, but I got to know her and love being with her now,” Serra explains.

“I feel bad for Fenny having so many different personality types in his little harem here. I’d never be able to manage that many different types. I don’t know how any of you can manage it. All you’re missing is some hypersexual girl and a shy bookworm.”

“I have the first one covered,” Serra proudly says with a smug smile following her words.

“Sometimes I forget how deviant you are when I’m looking at you. You look so small and innocent and cute!” he explains, each of his praises making her smug smile even smugger.

“We’re the same.”

“That’s right! We’re both small, cute, adorable, and innocent looking even though we’re probably the biggest perverts here. That’s what makes us such a good team! By the way, I’ve got some new ideas on how to tease Fenya – oh, oh… I just – did I really just call him that?” Oleander asks, looking as pale as a ghost with only a single ounce of life within his eyes.

Fortunately, Rock is here to give him a lick on the face to cheer him up since she can’t follow Fenrir into the water.

“Thanks, Rock,” Oleander says, petting her on the head.

“Now you’re a cat deer,” Serra teases, draining the life back out of his face.

“You’re supposed to help me tease Fenny, not tease me!”

Serra crosses her arms and holds her chin up high before giving in and listening to what Oleander’s ideas are for teasing Fenrir.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the fire, Cassiel and Aiko butt heads and breasts.

Aiko has stood up to talk directly to Cassiel, leaning forward and pressing her chest against Cassiel’s in the process. Cassiel, refusing to give up, leans forward and holds her ground which ends up pressing her chest right back against Aiko’s.

“Did nya know nyat nya make cute whimpers and moans in nya sleep?” Aiko teases her.

“Shut up, shut up! I do not make noises in my sleep, you perverted cat… bastard!” Cassiel shouts back at her. “Seriously, what’s with these stupidly sized things? How could anybody even find anything that grossly huge attractive?!”

“Is nyat why nya keep looking at them, nya?”

“I’m only looking because there’s nowhere else to look! They’re massive and take up my whole vision! You could be standing ten feet away from me and all I’d be able to see still is these two stupid things!” Cassiel shouts, pressing forward and pushing Aiko back a step.

“Just admit nya like them and I’ll let nya do whatever nya want with them after Fenya gets them first-nya!” Aiko replies, retaliating by stepping forward and putting all of her might into pushing Cassiel back a step.

“There’s no way I’d ever admit something like that!”

“Nyahaha! Nyat’s not denya’ing it!”

“Shut up!”

In a bold move, Aiko grabs Cassiel’s head and pulls her face down right into her cleavage.

It takes Cassiel a few seconds to actually start struggling to break free.

“What – what was that for?!” Cassiel shouts, her face burning red and her voice even more flustered in tone than before.

“Nya should be more honest with nyaself,” Aiko purrs into Cassiel’s ear, making the blonde jump up and gain some distance between them.

While they continue their commotion on the beach, Fenrir and Nell swim together underneath the water.

Nell mainly uses her tail and fin-like wings when swimming underwater, but Fenrir still has to use his regular arms and legs.

“It’s pretty crazy being able to swim so easily and to talk underwater like this,” Fenrir says.

“It is wonderful, is it not? Just look!” Nell says and points at one of the reefs.

It is brilliantly colored with bright reds and yellows. Sea anemones cover it as do plants that look like that are made out of thousands of tentacle-like hairs. The gentle current pushes the hairs and makes them look as if they are swaying in the wind while small fish swim in between them.

Farther down the reef, the two spot dolphins and sharks swimming around doing nothing in particular. There is really nothing special about what they are doing, but that is part of what makes it such a wondrous sight. They are just two beings of the ocean who live and swim together. Those dolphins might be snacks for the sharks at some other time, but right now, they are both just cohabitating members of the same ecosystem.

Then there are all of the fantasy fish and creatures! One anemone near the bottom is especially large and has dozens of large tentacles protruding from it that occasionally lash out and wrap around nearby fish swimming by, pulling the fish down into its maw at the center of its body.

There’s even a shark with three heads like Cerberus! Fenrir wants to check it out some more, but then something catches his attention in the corner of his eye: a chest.

Not one of his girlfriends’ chests, either. What he sees is a sunken, wooden chest potentially full of rare loot or tons of money!

Fenrir swims down toward it but gets stopped by Nell halfway there.

“What’s wrong?” he asks her.

“Watch,” Nell says.

That three-headed shark from earlier swims by the chest and bumps into it with one of its heads.

The lid of the chest swings open and unleashes a spiked tongue! Its tongue coils around the shark, embeddings its spikes into the shark’s flesh, and then pulls the entire shark into the chest before closing the lid.

“Oh. How – how’d you know it was a mimic?” Fenrir asks her.

“I saw it eat a fish earlier before you noticed it,” Nell answers with a smile.

Simple and honest.

“Is being underwater not wonderful?” Nell asks.

“It really is. Thanks a ton for giving me this ability. Being stronger around you and all that is just a bonus compared to this in my opinion. I mean, who doesn’t want to swim around underwater and get to breathe under it? I wonder how deep into the ocean we could go.”

“I was warned to not venture too deep into watery depths. I do not believe our bodies would be able to handle the pressure and, as I was warned, there are fearsome foes where the sun’s rays can no longer reach – foes that would not hesitate to tear us into many little pieces with ease. Not even the serpents venture into the farthest depths of the oceans.”

“Woah, seriously? Even the serpents are afraid of what might be down there?”

“It is not what might be down there, my hero. It is what is down there.”

“You’re just making me want to fish them up with a really big hook.”

“You would likely need the most impressive hook in all of existence, my hero. It would also most likely need to be the size of a ship!”

“So, I just need to sink a ship and use it as bait and a hook?”

“I – I am not sure that would work, my hero.”

“True. I’ll figure something out. Anyways, we should get back to the others. I want to shake off my water onto Aiko and see how she reacts since she’s a cat now. Her reaction should be even more amusing than Cass Cass’s is when I do that.”

“It would not be so horrid if you did not smell like a wet hound after swimming.”

“You saying I smell bad?”

“Indeed! However, the distasteful scent of your wet fur fuels my fantasies and assists me in imagining the scents of—”

“Yeah, let’s go back,” Fenrir says, grabbing her by her wrist to lead her back to shore.

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