The True Endgame

[Vol. 3 pt. 3] Patch 1.0: The Latest Addition

Ryouta, with Cassandra’s hand in his own, opens the door to his apartment and is bewildered at the sight in front of him.

“A-ah, your rope tying skills are rather impressive, but the knots are loose and you seem afraid of applying enough pressure,” Alice says, her body on the floor with her limbs tied behind her back with some fancy looking knots and Aiko kneeling next to her with an intense expression.

“I see, I see. Hmm. I should have practiced more… I always imagined myself being the one getting tied up, but if other girls are involved, it would be good to get better at tying you all up,” Aiko mumbles to herself.

“You should! I cannot be the only one who knows proper binding techniques! It greatly bothered me when I used to be a man’s slave in the game we play together – he and his men tied the most barbaric of knots that lacked all form and grace. Proper rope play requires practice and technique!”

“I see, I see! Alright! I’ll do my best to master all the techniques!”

“Uhhhhhh,” Ryouta interrupts their binding-and-bonding session. He has no idea where that rope even came from until he sees one of Alice’s suitcases opened nearby.

Aiko looks elated from Ryouta’s return but Alice’s face turns bright red as she looks him directly in the eyes, her legs and arms tied up in the air behind her back.

“Husband! I really like this mistress of yours. We’ve got tons of similar tastes! I found out that she’s a total rope bunny and—” Aiko gets interrupted with Alice wiggles across the floor to headbutt Aiko’s knee.

“You – you don’t need to tell him all of that! There is a time and place for such things… though, it is true. Ah, to be embarrassed in front of my hero so… I’m just imagining being tied and gagged, left behind for the hero to find after being used and abused by a gang of men, my limbs unable to be felt from how long they have been bound and my mind broken and addicted to their co—”

“You already can’t feel half your limbs,” Cassandra interrupts.

Alice pouts and wiggles her hands until they slip out from the amateur bind from Aiko. She then unties her ankles and legs, and once freed from their rope, her legs flop straight down onto the floor.

Ryouta ignores this situation and looks for Serra instead. “Where’s Serra?” he asks.

“Serra had to go to the bathroom, but it has been a while,” Alice answers.

Now that Ryouta thinks about it, checking on her if she’s in the bathroom would be a difficult thing to do given that she’s deaf. She would not be able to hear him if he’s calling on her to check up on her, and unless she tries to just make some really loud and probably unintelligible noises, he wouldn’t know that anything is wrong.

“I’ll check on her,” Cassandra says. “Ryouta, you… do something about these two deviants. So help me if I wake up all tied up someday.” She stops to think about what she just said.

Both Alice and Aiko recognize that look growing in Cassandra’s eyes.

Cassandra shakes her head, her cheeks now red, and stomps into Ryouta’s bedroom to get to the bathroom.

It is only a few seconds later that Cassandra screams at the top of her lungs.

Ryouta rushes into the bedroom.

Cassandra and Serra are holding each other on his bed and pointing up above him on the wall.

Looking up, a spider larger than his hand is resting just a couple of feet above him on the wall. It is massive enough and close enough that he sees all of its tiny, black eyes staring directly at him.

“Kill it!” Cassandra shouts.

Ryouta takes a step back out of the doorframe and back into the living room.

He looks at his two scared girlfriends and bows. “I am sorry. Good luck,” he says.

“Kill it, you dog bastard!” Cassandra tries shouting again.

“I accept you killing me next time we are in-game. Cassandra, Serra, I love you both, but I am sorry,” he says, his voice calm and serious despite his heart racing and mind telling him to burn down the entire apartment building.

“Hmm? What’s wrong?” Aiko asks, walking into the bedroom.

Then she sees it.

Then she hops up to grab the spider by its massive abdomen and hold it in her hand.

“I almost forgot! You were always scared of bugs, Ryouta,” Aiko says, holding the spider out toward him but getting confused when he’s no longer where he just was. Instead, he’s standing in the back corner of his kitchen as physically far away from her and the spider as possible.

The spider frantically tries crawling out from her hand and adjusting its body enough to bite her fingers, but Aiko is careful to hold it firmly while making sure that its head can’t reach her.

She holds it in front of her face and stares into its eyes.

Its legs stop wiggling around when her dark aura comes back, her eyes full of hatred and disgust as she glares into its own. “You scared my Ryouta. Do you understand what that means?” Aiko asks the spider.

If the spider could gulp, it would.

Aiko walks into the bathroom. A few moments pass before they hear the toilet flush and the water run. When she comes out, the spider is no longer within her hand but one of its legs is stuck on the side of it and some… what can only be assumed to be the spider’s internal fluids are on her shirt.

She looks down at her shirt and cringes. “It squirted its blood on me! Who gave it the right to dirty me while crushing it?! I don’t want spider juice on my clothes!” she whines and groans, not even noticing the spider leg stuck on her hand until Serra points at it. “Now I want to kill it again!”

Aiko stomps back into the bathroom and comes out with a hand free of spider legs and without a shirt on.

To Serra’s and Cassandra’s surprise, she has nothing left on covering her torso. Her bare breasts – or rather, her nipples are in the open for them to see. If it wasn’t obvious that she was flat before, it is extremely obvious now as there is just no elevation for her nipples to be seen.

Having large breasts does cause Cassandra her fair share of problems, but she would still want to have something. Aiko has nothing.

“Don’t look at me like you’re pitying me!” Aiko shouts at her, stomping her feet. A girl stomping around would normally have some bounce when it comes to her chest, but there is no bounce for Aiko’s.

Serra just looks happy that she’s not the smallest anymore in that department. She may be the smallest when it comes to overall size, beaten only by Tabitha, but even Serra’s modest chest is large compared to Aiko’s complete lack of breasts.

Ryouta, with Alice in his arms so that she’s not left lying on the floor, walks back into his bedroom and stops in the doorframe once more. He is frozen by surprise rather than fear this time when his eyes spot Aiko’s bare chest.

“M-maybe we should have a surgery to share,” Alice says, joining Cassandra in looking at Aiko with pity.

“Husband! I – I know that I’m just a pancake, but – but you’re still into this sort of thing, right? Right?! I mean, you’re dating Serra, so you have to like this sort of thing!” Aiko asks, pushing her arms together to try and push her non-existent breasts together in an attempt at making them look larger.

Alas, it has no effect at all.

“I – uhh, well, for one, you shouldn’t really call yourself a pancake. Pancake boobs look totally different, like saggy water balloons diagnosed with depression. You’re just… uhh… overflowing with justice?” Ryouta says.

“Why are you still looking?!” Cassandra shouts at him and throws a pillow, not noticing that he’s holding Alice, so it ends up hitting them both in the face.

“I mean, we used to take baths together as kids, and her chest hasn’t really changed much since then. So it’s not like—”

“Ryouta! You jerk! You’re still the best husband in the whole entire world, but you’re still a jerk! I love you so much, but you’re a jerk! You’re lucky you’re so perfect!” Aiko cries and whines with watery eyes.

“You mean you’ve taken baths with her before?” Cassandra asks, her tone as if she’s interrogating him.

“Y-yeah, as kids,” Ryouta answers.

“You haven’t taken a bath with us yet! You can’t bathe with other women but not us!”

Alice raises a hand over her mouth and giggles only loudly enough for Ryouta to hear. “My, my, my hero. It seems that the next six months are going to be very busy for you,” she whispers, leaning up in his arms until her lips are right next to his ear. “I would not mind bathing with you as well,” she whispers, her soft voice being transformed into an erotic and alluring one from the proximity to his ear. It doesn’t help that she gives his earlobe a quick nibble before settling back down into his arms.

“I saw that!” Cassandra shouts. “I – now you have to take baths with us and let us do that!” she explains, reaching her arm out to grab Serra for some backup, but falls sideways onto the bed instead.

Rather than sit on the bed next to Cassandra, Serra now sits at Ryouta’s computer desk and has Ryouta’s favorite website for hentai up on the screen.

Ryouta freezes.

He’s the kind of man who actually makes accounts on hentai websites and favorites all of his favorite doujins.

It doesn’t take long for Serra to open up his already-logged-in account and get into his favorites.

Ryouta does not know if he is going to survive these next six months – no, he does not know if he is going to survive this day.

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