The Unseen Angel in MHA


A few weeks went by as the remaining heroes around the world started to use the holy water and salt as I suggested. Making the war turn in our favor as fewer and fewer enhanced individuals popped up. However, at the same time, it made the more powerful villains possessed by stronger demons pop up killing some heroes. The most recent casualty in Japan was Shota, who lost his left leg protecting some of his former students at U.A. As a few remaining quirk-removing bullets were around and he got shot in the leg, so to stop the spread he cut his own leg off.

As I was at home coordinating with the other heroes of Japan because I became the leader of the remaining ones. Not only that but the people of Japan looked to me for guidance as now I would make press conference interviews with some other heroes on a video call about the ongoing war. Seemed my once-hidden heroics and abilities are now known worldwide and I became the unofficial leader of Japan. After the latest update I gave to the public with Endeavor as my fellow guest, I got an SOS signal from one of our heroes.

Using my knowledge and remaining underground heroes we gave all the remaining heroes of Japan the ability to send SOS signals out. These signals would only be known to those in the same city as them, but I could get them too since each SOS is connected to me regardless of their location. These signals were mostly meant for them to send to me if they came across a villain who was suspected to be possessed by a truly powerful demon or a known leader of the villains. I immediately turned to my angelic form and flew to where the SOS signal was coming from.

Arriving I see this is the city that Nemuri was fighting to help regain control of, alongside some other heroes. I dropped down to see two of our fellow heroes dead, having been torn apart as if a very strong Nomu got to them. Rushing forward toward the sound of fighting ahead of me in the building the two dead heroes were outside of, I see Nemuri being lifted up by a ‘Muscular’ one of the suspected commanders of the villains. Nemuri is heavily injured and doesn’t appear to be moving as he lifts her up by the neck.

I blast them both with the intention of healing Nemuri and killing Muscular who snaps his attention to me as soon as the fire comes his way. Though instead of killing Muscular who drops Nemuri and jumps back blocking my holy fire with hell fire. Though my fire reached Nemuri healing her surface wounds she remained unconscious. I ran over and checked her condition to be safe.

“Rapture! I’ve heard so much about you! Our leader wants your head! I hear you are the strongest hero to ever exist too, even stronger than All Might was at his prime!” Muscular says to me with an excited laugh at fighting me.

“NO! FUCK! You killed her!” I say standing up as my wrath burns even hotter since I did not come in time to let three of our remaining heroes die. One of them was my childhood friend who was like a sister to me.

“I would have had fun with her too, but she was struggling too much and I killed her before I could,” Muscular says with an angry voice at himself letting her die before he could abuse her.

“I’m going to ensure your punishment is eternal suffering,” I say to him as my anger has reached new heights though instead of losing control it's like I entered a zone of peace, nothing except hatred was surrounding me.

He just smirks as he charges me activating his quirk fully covering his body in this very thick muscle. As his punch reaches me my instincts scream to dodge it and I do at the last second as I intended to tank to hit. Though I’m glad I dodged it as after his fist struck the ground I was just standing on a blast of hell fire strong enough to heavily injure me erupted from his strike.

He doesn’t give up and jumps up to meet me, I can only move so fast in an enclosed space and even with my almost supersonic level of speed. He is keeping up with my speed meaning whatever demon is possessing him is not only extremely powerful but is also attached to him as they both share similarities. I am still able to dodge all his strikes which only pisses him off as I land a few strikes on my own. Like him, I place holy fire behind each strike which is slowly wearing down his body.

“STOP MOVING AROUND!!” he screams in complete anger at not landing a single punch on me.

With this outburst of anger, I land a two-hand overhead strike against his face making him fall to the ground from my strength. What surprises me more is he was able to tank several dozen full-power strikes from me, meaning the demon was a strength-based one. It seemed my strike knocked Muscular out and right before I blasted him with fire intending to trap him in my holy fire as I did with the doctor. An outburst of hell fire strong enough to force me to block it with my holy fire came out from his body.

“AHHHHH!” a demonic roar came out from his voice and it seems the demon consumed his mortal body to show itself in person to fight me. This killed Muscular but allows the demon to remain here for a few hours at best before being forced back to hell.

The demon was the champion of Beelzebub, a huge 10-meter (33ft) angry demon with deep red skin two pairs of horns, a set of black leathery wings, two legs that lead to hoves like a horse, and wielding a two-handed axe. The demon was also covered in hell fire-made armor that protected him from holy fire to a certain degree. The demon was called An'ggrath the Unbound and was considered more than a hundred times stronger than a normal angel.

“I WILL FEAST ON YOUR SOUL SERAPHIM! THEN CONSUME THE SOULS OF ALL THE HUMANS!!” An'ggrath the Unbound roars after coming to Earth in his real form.

“We shall see the spawn of violence,” I say to him standing against him and following my instincts I summon my weapon that is tied to my angelic soul and realm.

The weapon that forms in front of me is a beautiful halberd made from silver metal and golden assents. The staff holding the head of the weapon was pure white and looked to be made from pristine white wood. The metal connecting the staff to the head was made from gold. The Halberd was 3 meters (10ft) long giving me a good reach with it and I instinctually knew how to wield this weapon as it was connected to my soul and realm of Wrath.

An'ggrath charged me as I ducked under his swing and kicked him in the chest sending him crashing through the wall back outside. I was lucky that not many civilians were out even though we are near the center of the city. That is because this place was now under the control of the villains so many civilians escaped, were killed, or remained in hiding. Though the civilians in the area and villains who ran overhearing this fight stopped to stare in fear at this battle between a demon and an angel.

With another roar of anger An'ggrath charges me but this time I deflect his strike and counter him back. I landed a strike against his armor cutting through it with little resistance due to me still being much stronger than him. Though the injury did nothing except piss him off more.

His strike became faster and stronger the angrier he got it seemed, though, at the same time, he was losing control of his precision. This gave me more openings to strike him back but I was not able to land many strikes due to dodging his attacks. Any of his attacks that hit me would heavily injure me if they went through my armor.

After what felt like hours of fighting but probably half an hour, I saw an opening I could exploit between his last furry of blows. Using this opportunity I landed a great strike against his right arm severing it from his body making him drop his great axe and roar in pain. Then using his moment of pain I landed three more strikes cutting off his two legs and remaining arm. He fell back onto his back while screeching out in anger and pain.

“You will not return to hell, but forever be stuck in my holy fire,” I say walking over to An'ggrath and releasing my Halberd back to my soul.

“THEN DO IT!!” An'ggrath roars at me with a defiant look and pure rage. Without another word, I blast him with my holy fire and trap him inside it just like the doctor.

“This city is back under the control of the Japanese government! Anyone found to be breaking the law or working with the villains will answer to me!” I say turning back to the crowd of people making the villains run off, but I blast them with my fire killing them all. The civilians cheer in excitement for me, while many were video-tapping the fight, meaning this is going to cause an uproar very soon.

“Rapture! Rapture! Rapture!” the civilians begin to chant as more and more come out of hiding. I just send a mass message to the heroes that we took back one of our fallen cities.

I go and grab Nemuri’s body, waiting for some of the other heroes to grab the other two fallen. Once they grab the other two, I fly Nemuri’s body back to her old neighborhood where she grew up. I then knock on her parent's door while holding Nemuri’s body in a princess carry. When I open it they see her and both being to sob, I place her body on their living room sofa as her father is trying to comfort his wife and Nemuri’s mother who is crying uncontrollably.

“I’m so sorry for your loss… It appears I failed her and didn’t arrive in time,” I say to them feeling the guilt and regret my Uncle probably felt many times in the past.

“At least you were able to recover her body,” Nemuri’s father says to me with a pained expression while her mother is holding onto her and sobbing.

I leave the two parents to grieve, giving all my friends a call to tell them the sad news. When I get home, Rumi and Eri see me looking understanding something bad happened. While Lucifer and Mazikeen gave me a neutral look understanding it too, he is not good with emotions. While Chole and her daughter sat there silently understanding something bad happened.

“Nemuri died fighting a villain, I did not arrive in time,” I say to Rumi and she gives me a pained look before giving me a hug and crying. Eri runs over and joins the hug as she starts crying too learning that one of the people she viewed as an Aunt died.

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