The Unseen Angel in MHA


"So tell me then Lucifer what it once meant to you to be an angel," I say to him as he swirls his whiskey glass thinking about it.

"A very long time ago, I was once one of the few favorites of Father. I used to know what my purpose was and how much I loved my siblings and Father himself. Now… now I've forgotten what that felt like, though you are the closest sibling I have now... Funny how that turned out since I've only known you for a fraction of time compared to our many other siblings," Lucifer says to me and gives me a genuine smile for the first time I've ever seen from him.

"You aren't as bad as I've heard either, there may even be hope for you yet," I say back to him and with a small smirk at the end. We share a small laugh together.

'I hate to admit it, but Lucifer is starting to grow on me and it feels nice to have a family member who is truly related to me,' I think to myself after Lucifer and I fall silent.

"So, you gonna tell me about being an angel or what?" I ask him and he nods his head remembering the original start of the conversation.

"Right, basically each angel can tap into three realms of God. There is, as the saying goes, the 'Father', the 'Son', and the 'Holy Spirit'. Those are the realms so to speak, before Jesus was born the realm, the realm was called 'Peace', then Jesus came. The realm Jesus now oversees is the realm of Mercy. The Holy Spirit is the overseer of the realm of God's Wrath. While Father himself is the overseer of the realm of Creation, or better known as the void," Lucifer says to me explaining the three realms each angel can tap into.

"Then I guess certain angels can tap into the realms with different levels of success," I say to him and he nods his head after taking a sip of the whiskey.

"See you are learning. When you heal someone you are using the realm of Mercy, while each angel passively taps into the realm of Creation. The realm of Creation gives us immortality and the physical capabilities we each have. While there are a lot fewer angels who can tap into the realm of Wrath, and none who can use it to the degree you can," Lucifer says to me.

"As you know, there are very few Seraphims like yourself, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Sariel, Raguel, and Remiel. Even I was once a Seraphim, sure the mortals confuse us for 'Archangels' but what do mortals know?  Archangels are the second weakest type of angels, just above your average one. Fucking mortals," Lucifer says annoyed that people have been calling him an Archangel once.

"Then what are the real ranks of angels?" I ask Lucifer who just sighs at me.

"The highest orders are the Seraphims, then the Thrones, and then the Cherubims. The middle orders are the Dominions, then the Virtues, and then the Powers. While the lowest orders are the Principalities, then the Archangels, and finally the average Angels," Lucifer says to me while still annoyed with mortals it seems for confusing the ranks.

"Anyway, since Seraphims are so rare each can tap into each realm to a higher degree. Before you came along, Michael was the only angel who could access almost the entire realm of Wrath. Though I assume you can access it all, right?" Lucifer says to me with a curious look. I just silently think about what he has told me so far.

"I believe I can, the other day when I tapped into it. I could open a rift leading to the realm of Wrath and it felt like I could walk through it," I say with a shrug as Lucifer's eyes widen and he stares at me with his jaws open.

"You're serious?!" he almost screams at me with a surprised look.

"Yeah, why?" I say to him curious what that could mean.

"....Well, it seems not only can you fully access the realm of Wrath, but that you became the new overseer of the realm. Which should be impossible, unless your soul was fused with the Holy Spirit itself. But why would Father do that?" Lucifer says to me and then seems to talk to himself towards the end.

"Wouldn't that mean, that I really am the physical form of God's Wrath… Does that make everything about me… not real?" I say more to myself and have a small existential crisis.

"Calm down brother, like you once told me. Dad doesn't actually control us as much as I thought he did. Why else would he let me revolt," Lucifer says to me and seems to actually have started considering his past mistakes. Seeing even Lucifer the one individual who should be impossible to change, is starting to change, made me calm down.

"Right, guess I was just overthinking things," I say while downing my glass of whiskey and pouring myself a new one.

"I just hope those idiots come out soon so I can destroy them and end this war for good," I say after the room falls into a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"You know since you are actually the overseer of Wrath, you could open the plane here on Earth washing it in a wave of holy fire killing all sinners. Even demon lords would not be able to stop you. Which would clean this place, for a few years at least," Lucifer says to me with a shrug and I realize he knows that would kill him too forever, not even his soul would be left.

"No, that would cause too many problems and I doubt the mortals would handle seeing a wave of fire washing over the entire world too well," I say shaking my head at his idea, though I guess it would be the last resort, but then it would also destroy my mortal shell.

"I was–" Lucifer starts to say before my cell phone goes off as someone is calling me. I answer it seeing the caller is Shoto my nephew by bond.

"Uncle Akihiko, we need your help! Midoriya ran off on his own a while ago and we all have been trying to track him down. We are currently fighting two of the leaders of the League of Villains I think," I hear Shoto say to me once I answer the phone and hear the combat in the background.

"Shit! Where are you?!" I say as I jump out of my office chair and walk outside turning to my anglic form. Though turning into this form strains my body as I'm still not fully recovered yet.

"Near U.A., we got ambushed while talking with Midoriya a few blocks from the school," Shoto says and I hang up the phone immediately flying there.

As I get there I can see the whole class of 1-A fighting a girl their age known as Himiko Toga who is suspected to be one of the leaders and a villain called 'Twice' also a suspected leader. The class is being toyed with as each villain is not taking the fight seriously, but I do see Midoriya is heavily injured as he appears to be the target. Though the class came to his rescue, ensuring he didn't die right away. I send a blast of holy fire washing over the class and two villains though Twice made enough clones to fight each member of the class.

My fire washed over the class healing them all, while destroying the clones of Twice, but as I suspected the two villains were possessed. Most likely by champions due to them using hellfire to block my holy fire from killing them. Everyone notices my appearance and the kids all let out sighs of relief while smiling happily at me. The blonde girl villain just gives me a crazed smile, while Twice stares at me with what I assume is a glare under his mask.

"Toga we should leave and regroup with the others, Rapture is not something we can handle," I hear Twice say to the blonde. The students relax more hearing the two villains, even Bakugo doesn't look ready to attack them right away.

I turn around and destroy the clone that twice was trying to sneak attack me with thinking that they both had my attention. Showing that neither spoke the truth and would be fighting me until one side dies first. Seeing his attempt fail Toga throws knives at me covered in hellfire while Twice makes several dozen clones which rush towards me.

"All of you return to U.A. and I will not ask any of you twice," I say to the students having landed in front of them cutting off the villains from reaching them unless they go through me.

Then I send another wave of holy fire to destroy the clones and stop the knives. The class all nod their heads, while Bakugo and Midoriya both give me hard looks. Midoriya for some reason thinks this war is about him, my Uncle, or his quirk. While Bakugo just hates being thought of as useless or dead weight, which in this case everyone is both. They all run back to U.A. at least it looks like they are, I will have to ensure they do after this fight because I am in no mood for these kids thinking of running around.

"I'd rather not have to kill a kid, so if you surrender I will remove what is inside you and ensure you get the help you need," I say to Toga who is trying to attack me up close using a new pair of knives which are covered in hellfire.

"Really sir? Well in that case…sure! But you have to stand still first!" Toga says to me with a crazed laugh while still trying to cut me.

"Very well," I say as I stop moving and she brings both knives in an arc to stab through my chest and into my heart. I grab her arms right before the knives reach my chest and I just look down at her with a sad look at what I'm about to do.

"Don't look at me like that!" Toga says seemingly annoyed at my look of pity and regret. While Twice has been sending wave after wave of clones at me which have been burning up by my holy fire when they get close enough.

"NO!" Twice says seeing that I broke Toga's arms in a split second and broker her neck in the next second. Right as the champion demon began to take over Toga's now-dead body I blast all around me holy fire. Destroying the champion demon before it could even form.

Though turning to Twice ready to do the same to him, I see he has let the demon take over already. As I come face to face with Belial's champion the Lord of the fourth layer of hell, known as the layer of Greed. The champion was Naburus the Avaricious, a more human-looking demon with greenish-black skin, long black hair, two small horns, and a pair of bat-like wings. Naburus wielded his rapier and medieval knight armor that was made with hellfire.

"You know you can not defeat me by yourself," I say to him as I just want to be done with this war already.

"It matters not, you don't become a champion by defying your lord's orders. We all must see them to completion or die trying," Naburus says to me with a French accent. Seems he really enjoyed the Renaissance in France.

"If you say so. Let us end this then," I say while summoning my halberd and rushing toward him as he summons all his power knowing how much weaker he is than me.

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