The Unseen Angel in MHA


For the next couple of weeks, Cathy hung out with me and my friends, while we explored the city or played video games at someone's house. Then the day when we all could go to the beach came, our parents came too as they haven't been to the beach in a while, plus we needed a ride to the beach. Arriving early in the morning at the beach as we planned to make this an all day activity. Our families found a good spot that was open for us all to share, once we finished helping our parents set up the towels and parasols, we could all go swimming.

"How often do you exercise Akihiko? Every year you seem to get more muscles," Hizashi says to me after I took my shirt off and showed off an as toned of a body for a fourteen year old could get.

"Yeah, but who had more muscles?" Cathy asked as she joined me in my exercises in the mornings because like me she like working out and believes it will make us better heroes too.

Cathy then began to flex her muscles making Hizashi get a very perverted face, while Shota just sighed. Seeing Hizashi's face Cathy just chuckled since she has no shame, while Nemuri gave an annoyed look to him.

"Cathy is definitely better," Hizashi says answering her question earlier, Cathy gives me a superior smile, while I just roll my eyes.

"Ok, pervs I'm gonna swim now," I say walking off to the ocean with Shota and Cathy right behind me, making Hizashi run to catch up to us after snapping out of it.

"Hey wait for me!" Nemuri says quickly removing her t-shirt and shorts she was wearing, which then showed the bikini she wore underneath.

"Nice," Hizashi says looking at her with the same perverted look he gave Cathy. It seems Nemuri has begun maturing as her body I admit is very attractive now, as even Shota and I had red faces. Seeing our looks Nemuri got somewhat self conscious and became red faced, Shota and I looked away embarrassed, but Hizashi continued to stare like the perv he is.

Once we all were in the ocean we began to mess around with each other and just swim enjoying the ocean. After an hour in it, our parents entered the ocean too but gave us our space to be alone with our friends. I lay on my back in the ocean just floating it and enjoying the feeling of floating. I also took my wings out to give me a bigger surface area to float easier. At first, I wanted to see if they would become waterlogged, but it seems that water had no effect on them. They remained as dry as they would normally be even when I floated in the water.

"Wow, your wings remain soft and dry still?" Cathy says feeling my wings as I float in the ocean. My friends looked over hearing her and see me floating with my wings out.

"Maybe it's not angel wings but wings like a duck," Hizashi says with a chuckle making fun of me. Cathy snickers at his joke, while Nemuri and I roll our eyes at his jab. Then they all begin to take jabs at me about my quirk as I just float in the ocean ignoring them.

"I'd say more like a swan since they are white," Shota says making me give him a surprised look, but it seems he is actually thinking that.

"Ha, ha, you guys are so funny," I say with a deadpan look and they all just chuckle.

"SURPRISE! IT IS—" we all jump back in fear with Cathy and I instinctively punching the person who just popped up out of the ocean next to us. The person took our hits with a smile as we punched his face and it turned out to be my Uncle.

"Good reflexes and reactions you two! Hello kids, it's been a while, how've you all been? And you must be my little cousin Cathy, nice to meet you I'm–" my Uncle starts to say when everyone calms down seeing it is him with our parents looking over at the outburst and then seeing my Uncle, they begin laughing at us. Though before my Uncle could finish Cathy interrupted him.

"You're All Might! I've always wanted to meet you!" Cathy says very loudly, but luckily no one was around us as we swam away from everyone.

"Yes I am! Though please be careful who you tell and try not to draw attention to me too much. It is difficult going out without being swarmed by fans," my Uncle says and Cathy immediately nods her head in understanding, then for the first time since I knew her got a red face from embarrassment at her outburst.

"Are the villains really being more active lately? Is that why you've been so busy?" I ask my Uncle after Cathy becomes nervous around my Uncle, though my friends are used to him by now and treat him like any other member of my family.

"Yes, sorry young Akihiko. I would love to have continued to visit you as I used to, but unfortunately, the villains for some reason have become more active. Though I promised to visit you before the summer vacation is over and so here I am. Your parents told me of all your accomplishments this year with your club, I'm proud of you," my Uncle says and I blush from his praise for me in front of my friends while he pats my head.

"Wasn't just me, my friends also helped us in the club they were just as important," I say making sure to include them, and they all smile at me.

"Of course they are! You all will make great heroes in the future and I look forward to the day I can fight beside you all equally," my Uncle says to us with his famous smile and thumbs up. We all smiled back and gave him confident nods.

The rest of the day we spent either swimming in the ocean or relaxing in the sand on a towel. My friends all put on sunscreen, but I didn't as I noticed being in the sun for this long and under its direct gaze like this, I felt something inside me grow. The sun felt like it connect me to something while being under it this long and this exposed made the connection stronger. As I was contemplating this I felt the place in my back where my wings and the weird writing were, begin to burn slightly. Not making any noise I endured it, though I began to sweat a bit from the pain I felt while trying to hide it. Running to the ocean, I swan away from everyone before diving under the water and screaming from the burning pain I now felt.

After what felt like hours of pain, I resurfaced only a few minutes after being underwater. Once I resurface I saw my Uncle walking over to me since his height didn't require him to swim yet. Though now I felt much stronger and felt something inside me, like a ball of light that felt like the sun itself was inside me. Before my Uncle made it over to me I looked up at the sun before it would hurt my eyes but now I felt no pain, with a familiar small connection to it.

"Akihiko, what is wrong? You had us worried when you ran randomly away from everyone into the ocean. Then stayed under for a few minutes," my Uncle says to me as he finally made it over to me. I can see all my family and friends looking over at me concerned.

"I'm not sure, after being in the Sun for this long and this exposed to it, I felt a burning where my wings come from. Then it became too much so I tried to run into the ocean to cool down. Though I feel slightly different, like this... this weird connection to the sun," I say to my Uncle while he looks at me with concern and inspects my back, seeing nothing different he just sighs.

"Young Akihiko, if something like that ever happens again you should tell someone. There could be a medical issue you are having and need to see a doctor right away. Please be careful in the future, though maybe we should still get you checked out by a doctor," my Uncle says and I immediately want to deny that for many reasons.

First is that my parents are very protective of me, especially my mom and I don't want to worry anyone. Plus I'm enjoying being at the beach and with this new connection I have with the sun I want to be out in it for as long as I can.

"Uncle Toshinori, please no! I'm fine, really! Plus I don't want anyone to worry for no reason," I say trying to convince him the best I can. He stares at me with a neutral expression thinking for a bit, then lets out a sigh nodding his head.

"Fine but on one condition, if you feel anything like that again you tell someone," my Uncle says to me with a serious face that I've only seen him have only twice before. The last time was when he told me the truth about his past and teacher.

"Ok, I promise," I say to him and he nods. When we get back he just says I wanted to swim by myself and explore the ocean for a bit. After being lectured by my parents about running off like that, everyone relaxes, but I can tell my friends know me enough to doubt my story. Not that my parents don't know me well, but since my Uncle lied to me they bought the story, though my friends being around me a lot more now can tell when I lie.

"Ok, Akihiko, what really happened?" Shota asks me as my friends and Cathy are all walking on the boardwalk by ourselves to grab an ice cream. They all look at me waiting for an answer. Sighing I tell them what I told my Uncle and they all just listen to my story.

"Did you bring your wings out or do anything to test it?" Hizashi asks me and I just stare at him.

"No! How could I when everyone was watching me and my Uncle was coming towards me," I say giving him an annoyed look and he just rolls his eyes, along with everyone chuckling at him. 

"You should bring your wings out, as that is fine but whatever else that changed we shouldn't test it in public like that. People won't say anything about a physical quirk since that is frowned upon," Shota says and they all nod, while looking at me expectantly.

Sighing I just nod my head, before bringing my wings out, though they all jump in surprise a bit. My wings feel the same as they always did to me, but seeing the looks on my friends' faces they obviously aren't. Bringing them in front of me I can see they still remain a pure white, but when the light hits them a certain way a golden tint flashes across them. Though the biggest change is that they have this golden fire that appears through the feathers like my wings are on fire. I touch the fire and it engulfs my hand this fire I feel a connection to, but using it is draining my energy quickly making me tired. I disburse the fire with thought and my friends are just staring at me in awe.

"What the hell! That is awesome! I think you awakened more of your quirk! Remember they told us sometimes people can awaken another part of their quirk somehow," Hizashi says breaking the silence that took over.

"I wish we could test it now! That'd be so cool to see what you can do," Cathy says nodding along with Hizashi's statement. Shota seems to be in deep thought over what happened to me, while Nemuri is still looking at my wings with awe.


AN: Just remember he is still learning about himself and before anyone says anything about why all of a sudden the sun is affecting him. Just be patient and read the story all will be explained in time. Plus I did say this is going to be a slow or relatively slow story.

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