The Unseen Angel in MHA


"Do we still have a visual on All Might? Is he close to figuring out what happened and where we are?" the tall masked man asked one of his subordinates while sitting down at a table a few feet away from me and my family. He looked to be going through a pile of papers at the moment he asked. His subordinate looked to make a hush question to himself, most likely an earpiece.

"Yes sir, we still have All Might under surveillance. He just appeared at his family's house, shouldn't be much longer until he figures out what happened," the armed subordinate says with extreme respect and fear it appears. 

"Good.... Ah, here it is. I thought your quirk was brought to my attention. Do we have his parent's quirks information?" the man says after finding a piece of paper. Then a woman who I recognize as Sensei Haga comes into view bowing her head to the man before handing him more papers. He takes them without looking at her, though I can see her glance at me with some hatred and fear in her eyes.

"Well, it seems all of your quirks I will take. Doesn't hurt to have them," the man says gathering the papers and handing them back to Sensei Haga, before turning to us.

"All Might ETA?" the man asks as he walks over to us slowly and calmly, only increasing my fear and feeling of helplessness.

"He is on his way sir, about five minutes," the same subordinate says to him, though it appears Sensei Haga left the room with the papers from earlier.

"Good, then let's prepare for his fall," the man says now standing behind me and I can feel his stare at me.

After anxiously waiting there for what feels like hours we can hear what sounds like fighting outside, the man behind me seems excited though. Then with a blast through the doors of the place we are being held, I see my Uncle.

"YOU!" I hear my Uncle yell with extreme anger that I never heard from him before. I can also see the worry as he sees us tied up in front of the man.

"Nice to see you again All Might. I'd suggest you don't do anything or the death of your remaining family will be on your hands," the man says with eagerness in his voice, I see my Uncle extremely angry but nods his head standing still.

"Good, now don't resist," the man says gesturing to one of his subordinates in the room still. The subordinate approaches my Uncle nervously, but seeing my Uncle unmoving he places these special looking handcuffs on my Uncle. The handcuffs completely cover my Uncle's hands and half his forearm.

"You have me, now let my family go!" my Uncle says with deep hatred in his eyes.

"I will let them go, once I take what is rightfully mine," the man says grabbing my father and mother's heads and my Uncle lunges forward.

"What did I say?" the man says with a dark chuckle.

"NOOOOO!" my Uncle screams as I look in horror as the man does something to them making them convulse in pain. Before I hear snaps and he tosses them away they land like rag dolls on the ground. I freeze up as I'm trying to process what exactly happened.

'They are fine...right?' I ask myself as I look at the lifeless eyes of my parents on the ground. At the same time, I feel something inside me snap and a deep feeling of burning like when I released my fire in front of Sensei Haga appeared. This time the feeling was beyond anything I'd felt before.

I begin to struggle as I release my wings and they snap me from my restraints. The man looks down at me in surprise, as my Uncle breaks the handcuffs. The man reacts quicker than me, grabbing my face with his one hand. I instinctually release my fire and he screams in pain as it engulfs him. Then I feel pain in my chest and the next thing I know I was launched across the room. Struggling to sit up I look down and see a hole in my chest as I'm bleeding more blood than I thought possible. My wings instinctually cover me up as the fire burns brighter than before, the last thing I see is my Uncle fighting the man and my parent's lifeless bodies, before passing out.

Jolting awake I find myself inside a hospital room, with no one inside other than me. I force myself out of the bed and pull the monitors off me. There were no IVs in me as they don't have anything to pierce my skin, but that man was able to somehow. I can still sore in my chest, I walk over to the bathroom as alarms from the machines start alarming after I pulled them off me. Looking in the mirror I remove my hospital gown and look at my chest. There is a large scar there showing the massive damage I received from the man and somehow survived. I then hear people rush into the room and someone then quickly knocks on the bathroom door I was in.

"Akihiko Yagi are you in there?" a woman's voice I don't recognize asks me. I open the door once I put the hospital gown back on. She sighs in relief seeing me.

"Please take a seat, we need to run some tests to make sure you are alright before we can clear you," the woman says I just silently sit down on the hospital bed as she replaces the monitor parts back on me. I'm still trying to process everything that happened to me.

"My family...," I struggle to say, the nurse gives me a hesitant and pained expression. I immediately know what that means, I just stare at the wall as tears come out of my eyes.

"I'm sorry for your loss," the nurse says giving me a hug, which I won't return as I just cry feeling completely empty inside now.

The nurse leaves quickly after to tell the doctor and whoever else she needs to tell about me waking up. After a few minutes of crying silently by myself, I hear a knock on the door and several people enter the room.

"Young Akihiko! Thank goodness you are awake!" my Uncle says entering the room with who appears to be the doctor and nurse from earlier. My Uncle appears to have been injured too as he is limping on his one side and is in a hospital gown too.

"Uncle Toshinori, what happened?" I ask him after he walks over to my bed and sits down at the end of it. The doctor and nurse look between us hearing my question.

"We will come back later, it seems that he is fine from what our readings say," the doctor says feeling the depressed atmosphere in the room. The doctor and nurse that their leave as my Uncle turns back to me with a mixture of emotions on his face. Anger, sadness, and regret all lace his face before he looks me in the eyes.

"It appears my greatest enemy the one who killed my Master found out that I had a family. He then planned to use you all to take my quirk from me, as his quirk is to take quirks from others. Though he.... he killed your parents, I'm so sorry I couldn't save you all in time. I'm a failure once again," my Uncle says with anger mentioning the man, then complete sadness and regret on his face at the end.

I was too stunned to say anything, but the feeling of loss and emptiness reopened as I just cried now. My Uncle pulled me into a hug that he began to cry too now with me. Though the emptiness I felt turned to extreme anger and hatred quickly, as my tears dry up and my face shows a blank expression. All my emotions seemed to dry up inside me, leaving only anger and apathy. It's like something inside me broke or disappeared leaving me empty inside.

"What about that man?" I ask after we break the hug and my face shows nothing anymore as it is blank. I can see the concern on my Uncle's face at my sudden change, but anger flares in his eyes too at the mention of the man.

"I was finally able to beat him, he was placed in the darkest hole to never see the light of day again," my Uncle said to me with surprisingly a lot of hatred and contempt.

"You killed him?" I ask not sure what he means, though my blank expression remains the same. I can feel anger raising in me, as I wanted to be the one to kill him.

"No, I couldn't bring myself to kill him. It would not look good for a hero to kill him and make more people see him as a martyr," my Uncle says to me and I can feel relief that he didn't kill him as I want to, but anger since he couldn't kill him.

"I see...." I say with extreme hatred, which made my Uncle look at me with concern again.

"Young Akihiko, true heroes do not kill those no matter what atrocity they commit. It is not our place to be the judge and executioner, we would be no better than them at that point," my Uncle says to me and I give him a look of pure anger this time.

"Then what good is a hero if they can't even protect their own family?! How can we let people… beasts like that man run around and not end them?! That would bring real peace!" I say releasing all my welled up emotions back out at my Uncle, who gives me an understanding but pitiful look, only increasing my anger.

"I understand, when he killed my Master I thought the same but–" my Uncle begins to say trying to get me to understand him. Though my anger has risen to the highest levels I've ever felt before. My wings instinctually come back out responding to my anger and my golden fire flares around me responding to my anger.

"NO! NO, IF YOU UNDERSTOOD THEN YOU'D HAVE KILLED HIM!! ESPECIALLY AFTER KILLING YOUR MASTER AND MY PARENTS!!!" I scream at him as my anger starts to die down after my outburst, but I leave my wings out as they bring me slight comfort. Though my golden fire seems to feed on my emotions, especially my anger. My Uncle just looks at me with sadness and deep regret in his eye.

"I will let you rest….. if you need anything, I'm in the hospital room next to you," my Uncle says after giving me a pained smile and leaving my room after my outburst.

After he left I laid in the hospital bed feeling the emptiness return to me. As I felt all alone in the world, I just lost both of my parents and future sibling in one night. The emptiness started to consume me I felt, pushing all my remaining emotions deep down inside me, only leaving my anger. The doctor came into my room half an hour after my Uncle left the room. He finished running a few more tests on me and writing down whatever information was on his clipboard.

"Your quirk is the most interesting quirk I've ever seen. When you came in here we all thought you had died, but somehow you remained alive even after losing your heart. Then your body slowly healed itself, replacing everything, we've never seen anything like it. Are you sure you feel fine?" the doctor asks me after running all his tests.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say curtly and the doctor gives me a sad smile, before leaving the room.

'I guess when I lost my heart, I lost my emotions too. What else can my quirk do?' I think to myself as I place my hand on the scar.


AN: I know some people are going to be upset reading this chapter and that some people may have seen this coming. Though if I gave anything away then it would not leave the impact I'm hoping it has left. I want to write a story that makes people feel something about the characters. If I spelled everything out or given certain warnings then I wouldn't have achieved that. Now let's see where you all think this story is going to go in the future.

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