The Unseen Angel in MHA


When the break was over we all headed to the arena for the last event, which was one vs one battle. Once we got back Sensei Night got onto the stage and hyped everyone up for the fights to come. The first two to fight were Shota and Kobe, both know about each other's quirk. That means as long as Shota can maintain eye contact on Kobe, it should be an easy win for him. Shota has started to go to the gym with my, practicing his martial arts and strength training.

"Let the fight begin!" Sensei Night says signaling for Shota and Kobe to fight once they get onto the rink they set up while everyone was on break.

Kobe immediately tried to transform into his great ape but noticed that Shota had already activated his quirk canceling his out. Kobe then rushed Shota who was able to dodge Kobe's strikes, before landing his own powerful punch on Kobe's stomach. Kobe had the wind knocked out of him and Shota capitalized on that stunning strike, grabbing Kobe and throwing him out of the ring. Kobe was able to regain himself, but was already thrown through the air and knocked out of the ring. Shota was able to win the fight in less than five minutes from the start.

"What wonderful strategy from Shota! Seems he might be a favorite to win the tournament! Next is Rumi Usagiyama verses Nemuri Kayama!" Sensei Night says and once they both head out, Hizashi turns to me with a wide-eyed look.

"I don't think this is going to be a friendly fight," Hizashi says as Shota walks back over to us taking a seat to watch the fight.

"You think, Nemuri has been itching for a fight with Rumi, though Rumi doesn't even consider Nemuri a threat," Shota says hearing who is going to fight and Hizashi's stunned look.

"I just hope Rumi doesn't hurt Nemuri too bad," I say surprising both Shota and Hizashi.

"Let's hope Nemuir never hears you've said that," Hizashi says with a pale face, remembering all the times Nemuri has 'educated' him. Shota just nods his head agreeing with Hizashi.

We look back down at the fight as Sensei Night tells them to start. Immediately Nemuri releases her quirk surrounding herself and most of the rink in her sleeping gas. Rumi seems to avoid it first and contemplating what to do, then she takes a few deep breaths before launching herself forward. She slams into Nemuri who tried to dodge but wasn't fast enough, the strike was hard enough to send her out of the rink and slam into the wall knocking Nemuri out cold. Shota and Hizashi have looks showing concern, but I can see some happiness in Hizashi's eyes at Nemuri's loss. Seems he got some petty revenge against her in a way. Nemuri was carried off to Recovery Girl to get some help, while Rumi came back over to us.

"I may have gone too far," Rumi says with some regret in her voice at hurting Nemuri as much as she did.

"You could apologize to her later, but I wouldn't as it would only hurt her pride more. She is like you never knows how to hold back, and hates when someone pities her," I say after Rumi sits down next to me and she gives me a thoughtful look, before nodding in agreement.

"Sure, if you say so. Though now I'm one step closer to getting my fight with you!" Rumi says with her same excited look on fighting me, which makes me get a small smile, that quickly fades as fast as it showed. Though it would seem Shota and Rumi noticed it, as they both gave me different looks, Rumi looked like she won and Shota gave me a contemplating look.

The next several fights were between some of our other classmates until Hizashi's fight came against another classmate of ours named Ryuko Tatsuma. She was a quiet girl in our class keeping to herself mostly, she appeared to have blonde hair and yellow eyes that reminded me of the eyes of a serpent. They stood across from one another and it seemed Hizashi was trying to flirt with her before the fight began. Though the girl did blush a bit from his flirtatious attitude, Sensei Night interrupted it by signally the fight to begin.

Hizashi seemed to not take the fight as seriously as he was too busy trying to flirt with her, though her face went from blushing to serious in an instant. Then she turned into a giant dragon, that still had some human-like features like human skin on her face and her blonde hair on her head. Hizashi was too stunned to move or use his quirk at the sudden transformation. I could hear Shota give a tired sigh at Hizashi's stupidity, I just chuckled a bit. The girl then rushed Hizashi, who now snapped out of his stunned state and immediately used his quirk to either stun her or push her back. As his scream came out and made her stop grabbing her ears in pain while stumbling back a few steps.

Hizashi then took another deep breath to let loose another scream, but Ryuko was able to recover enough to swipe at him with her tail. This knocked Hizashi back a few feet and take the breath from his lungs. This gave Ryuko enough time to fully recover from Hizashi's scream, as Hizashi was pushing himself back up she rushed him again. He turned trying to give scream again, but there wasn't enough air in his lungs to be as effective as before. This let Ryuko push through the pain and swat Hizashi with her clawed hand knocking him out of the arena and onto the ground where he seemed to roll around in pain. After Sensei Night signaled the end of the fight Ryuko rushed over to Hizashi in her normal form and seemed to help him stand up.

"Seems Hizashi now as a new target," Shota says with an annoyed sigh while watching Hizashi have a surprised look at Ryuko helping him.

"New target?" Rumi asks hearing Shota, I can see Nemuri has been released from the nurse and is heading back to us.

"Hizashi if you didn't already see is a horny animal, always flirting with any girl he comes across in hopes they will reciprocate his flirting. It has never worked, though it seems that maybe for once he found someone who might just like him back," Shota explains while gesturing to them. Rumi looks down and has this utterly confused look on her face, which makes me laugh seeing it.

'Why the hell does Rumi always bring out these emotions in me?!' I think to myself stopping my laugh and immediately becoming confused with myself. Rumi just gives me an annoyed look hearing my laugh at her, while Shota stares at me with narrowed eyes. Luckily Nemuri came back just in time.

"What's going on? What'd I miss?" Nemuri says and seems to not even care about Rumi's stare at me or the loss she suffered some time ago.

"Just talking about Hizashi's next victim," Shota says after breaking his stare at me and motioning to Hizashi who is leaning on Ryuko with a perverted smile and seemingly flirting with her still. Seems her face is red again now. Nemuri just sighs and shakes her head at the sight of them.

The next fight is between me and another student who seems from class 1-B. They appear to be a boy made from cement or concrete tall around 6'1" (185cm). I've grown taller too though now standing at 6'3" (190.5cm). He seems to be a calm and modest individual as he gives me a friendly smile before the fight begins. I just nod my head back in greeting, trying not to be rude to him. Then Sensei Night signals the start of the fight.

Curious I stand still wanting to see his quirk, he immediately touched the ground causing the concrete to lift up and fly towards me at high speeds. I just swat them away from me, still standing still to see what else he can do. My indifferent attitude seems to have surprised him though, I can feel my friends staring at me with different looks. Shota just seems annoyed that I haven't finished the fight, Nemuri is giving me a lustful look, and Rumi is waiting at the edge of her seat waiting for me to use my quirk.

Meanwhile, the boy then tries to use the rest of the cement in the area to launch at me, while the cement beneath me becomes liquid. I would guess he is trying to trap me or knock me out of the rink. Deciding I have seen enough of his quirk, I finally move to strike him, I reach him before he can react, and roundhouse kick him with enough strength to knock him out of the arena. He flies back slamming into the wall much as Rumi did with Nemuri, though he is much more durable it seems as he is still awake and mostly undamaged. I won the match though still as he was removed from the rink.

"Akihiko that was a good fight, thank you for letting me use my quirk a bit before beating me. It seems you are just as powerful as the rumors around you claim," the boy says to me as we walk back to the stands after the fight.

"Ah, uh no problem...your name is?" I say confused at his calm and happy expression while talking with me.

"Right! How rude of me, my name is Ken Ishiyama. As you can see my quirk involves controlling cement to a certain degree," Ken says to me while offering his hand for a handshake, to which I return the gesture.

"Your quirk does seem very good, especially in today's world, where everything is made of cement or has cement in it," I say after we shake hands and he blushed from the praise. Then we part ways as I head over to my friends and he goes over to his.

"You didn't use your quirk! But that is fine because I will be the one to make you use it!" Rumi says to me immediately upon seeing me and with a determined look. I just shake my head ignoring her before taking my seat.

"I'm surprised you didn't end it sooner," Shota says and now I notice Hizashi is sitting with Ryuko, still flirting with her.

"I just wanted to see what his quirk was, plus these aren't real fights with the villains I plan on facing in the future," I say with a colder voice at the end, as I think about All for One. Shota and Nemuri just nod their heads hearing me, while Rumi seems confused but doesn't ask anything.

The next fight is between Keigo and Yu, even I'm not sure which way it will go, as Yu's quirk can really only be used in certain situations. Though when the fight begins, Yu immediately transforms into a giant version of herself reaching the height of the arena. While Keigo looks somewhat surprised at the transformation but quickly flies into the air while dodging Yu's attempts to grab him. This seems to have turned into a battle of attrition, as Keigo is using very few feathers to slowly make cuts on Yu. While Yu is desperately trying to grab the very fast Keigo in order to end the fight. After half an hour Keigo is able to win through the attrition, by making Yu surrender since she passed out after losing too much blood and reverted to her normal size. Yu was immediately rushed to Recovery Girl, as now the semi finals of the tournament are going to take place. The first fight in the semi finals was between Shota and Oboro.

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