The Unseen Angel in MHA


A week after the sports festival we received all the letters that wanted us to go to their hero agency for the month of hands on training. During this week though we learned about a group of heroes called the 'Underground' heroes. There were several types of Underground heroes though their main purpose was to subdue villains not in the public's eye or as Gran Torino said the government's lap dogs. However, Shota and I shared a look that suggested we both were interested in the Underground heroes. As expected I received letters from all the hero agencies to train under them, even my Uncle sent me a letter to train under him.

The one letter I was hoping to get I did receive, the one person I wanted to train under to see if they could help me learn more about my fire, Endeavor. I accepted his letter, writing my response telling him I would join him next month for that month's training. Then after we excepted whoever we picked for the month's training, it was due by the end of the week. Gran Torino told us that we needed to design our first hero suit by the end of the week too, then we would have it before the month's training. Afterward, we were expected to wear the suit whenever we did Sensei Night's classes. After hearing about the underground heroes, I designed my suit for that purpose. It was all black skin tight, made from extremely durable kevlar, and steel toed boots. The design was strictly for use and not flashy, especially if I was going to become an Underground hero.

"You guys finally decide who you are gonna study under and what your hero outfit will be?" Hizashi asked our friend group which now includes Rumi, much to Nemuri's annoyance.

"Yes, I picked Endeavor. My design is only for practicality," I say with an indifferent shrug, to which Shota nods his head in agreement.

"Same my design is strictly for use only, though I was excepted by Nightquake," Shota says and Nightquake is actually one of the top ten heroes currently.

"Endeavor? Isn't that a young and newer hero? He's not even in the top twenty yet, why him?" Rumi asks me confused about my choice.

"He is one of the few heroes who are strong as he is with the ability to use fire. I want to see if he can help me understand how to use my fire better. He may not be one of the top heroes, but he seems strong enough to reach the top five I believe," I say while thinking about his strength that was displayed several times in the past when he fought different villains.

"If you say so.....Though I was able to get All Might as my teacher! My design I guess is practical, at least it would help me move around with less restriction," Rumi says excitedly at who she is studying under, which surprises me and everyone else.

"Oh…..Uh….congrats….." Hizashi says awkwardly not sure how to respond as they know my Uncle for years now. Rumi stares at us with a confused face as she is unsure why we are not as impressed by who she is studying under.

"Guys! It's All Might! Come on! You're telling me none of you would want to study under him?!" Rumi says annoyed at everyone's awkward indifferent attitude.

"Anyway...what about you guys?" I say changing the subject and making Rumi grumble about us just being jealous.

In two weeks everyone in our class got their first hero costumes and we all got to try them on. Sensei Night told us to change into them and meet down in the training field. Everyone quickly changed into their hero uniform and went down to the training field. Looking around I saw everyone's choice of their hero costumes, Shota like me really did go strictly with use in mind only while everyone had more flashy costumes. Though the one that stood out the most was Nemuri's as it only really covered her breasts and lower half, leaving everything else completely exposed. All the guys in class couldn't help but look at her with lust, even Shota seemed interested in it while I understood her reasoning behind it and just shook my head in disbelief.

"Nemuri kinda went full nude huh? Yeah, a lot of the girls gave her looks of disbelief or jealousy for the confidence she has," Rumi says next to me while I just shake my head and turn to her.

"Your costume looks good too, really fits you," I say to her genuinely meaning it, but then realized how it sounded, when her face turns a bit red as I look at her.

"Uhh…thanks. Yours too," Rumi says for the first time stunned and embarrassed which I find even cuter. It is rare for her to ever become embarrassed, as she normally is hot headed and stubborn. I clear my throat to get rid of the awkward atmosphere and luckily Shota speaks clearing it further.

"Seems Hizashi might just get a girlfriend," Shota says to us and gestures to Hizashi who is flirting with Ryuko and she seems to be flirting back.

"Wow, you're right! Never thought I'd see a girl who would be into Hizashi," Nemuri says having walked over to us and hearing Shota's statement.

"Well, I guess he learned that being himself does work and that some attention is just not….. not necessary," Shota says while looking at Hizashi, then turning to Nemuri while giving her a deadpan expression.

"Hey! This is so my quirk can be used easier! You know I need my skin exposed to use it more! Akihiko, what do you think?" Nemuri says to Shota with an annoyed voice, then turns to me while crossing her arms and pushing her breasts further up. That movement stuns me a bit, so I hesitate. It seems my hesitation makes Nemuri smirk, while Rumi glares at her.

"Uhh.... I mean it does help you use your quirk better. Though maybe it might be impractical in a fit since you are so exposed to danger," I say to her snapping my thoughts back to reality. Nemuri is a good fighter but doesn't have more durability than your average person so she could be hurt just like anyone else.

"True I guess..." Nemuri says while pouting slightly at me. Though before we continue Sensei Night starts the class, it is just basic exercises to see how we like the hero costumes. Also to see if they need any adjustments before we use them every day pretty much moving forward. We were also told that these probably won't be our permanent costumes due to advances in technology or the demand for change.

The next few weeks passed with some people making minor adjustments to their hero costumes to what they believed to be best for them. My costume remained the same as all it really did was make me less visible for stealth missions. Then our time to meet our chosen hero agency came, I headed to Endeavor's agency but since he is a relatively new hero he is the only one in his agency. Arriving at his house, which seems to be your standard home for a single man in the city, I knock on his door with my bag that contains all my things needed for this month. After a few minutes, he opens the door wearing only sweatpants and a t-shirt.

".....Akihiko Yagi? Come in," Endeavor says to me while giving me a curious look and guesting to enter. I nod my head and enter his house, the inside is clean and would appear to be what any single man's house would look like I assume.

"I have a couple of things to talk about with you before we begin. Though during your time with me, you will be staying in the guest room down the hall to the right. Place your things then come back here and we can talk. Want any breakfast?" Endeavor says to me after I enter and I just nod my head, to which he just grunts. After coming back and eating in silence we finish, then he looks at me with the same serious expression.

"First question, you are All Might's nephew, so why chose me to study under? I know your Uncle on a professional level, most heroes who worked closely with him know his name and it doesn't take all that much thought to put two and two together," Endeavor says to me and states seeing my somewhat surprised face.

"Yeah he is my Uncle, but I wanted someone who used fire like me. You may be able to help me learn more about my fire and how to improve it. Plus I want to become an Underground hero, if my Uncle found out about that he'd try his best to persuade me otherwise," I say to Endeavor with a serious face matching his own, he goes quiet thinking over what I said before nodding his head in understanding.

"Ok I understand, second question which is about your fire. Your fire seems different than others I've seen before, we will have to do tests later to see everything about it. Though my question is, what do you know about your fire so far?" Endeavor says to me while sipping his coffee.

"Not much, though it feels hotter when I'm around someone who is 'evil' or a 'villain'. Like when my junior high school teacher sold out my family to All For One and got my parents killed, my fire seemed to try to warn me about her. It also seems to be able to respond to my will, burning only if I want it to or even healing minor injuries if I want it to. Also, my emotions like anger seem to influence it to burn hotter," I say to Endeavor explaining my fire the best I can to him, he goes quiet once again to think about my fire. Before nodding his head once again as if making some mental choices.

"Last question, how much are you willing to do in order to become stronger?" Endeavor asks me with an even more serious face and crosses his fingers while looking at me expectantly.

"Anything and everything," I say matching his serious expression, then he relaxes a bit smiling at me with a hint of respect in his eyes.

"We will get along just fine then," Endeavor says to me with a smirk, then I hear the front door open.

"I'm back from my parents! Don't tell me you made breakfast without me?! I told you I'd be back in the morning!" a woman's voice sounds as she walks into the kitchen and sees Endeavor and me at the table. The woman has stark white hair and silver eyes, she also seems to have the opposite attitude from Endeavor a more happy-go-lucky atmosphere around her.

"Sorry Rei, I forgot. This is Akihiko Yagi, the boy that would be studying under me this month that I told you about. Akihiko this is my fiance Rei Himura," Endeavor says to her and then introduces us to one another.

'I guess the house is so clean because Endeavor isn't single but engaged makes more sense I guess,' I think to myself as I see her enter the room and hear the introduction.

"Oh right! Nice to meet you Akihiko! Welcome to our home, if Enji gives you any problems just let me know!" Rei says to me being very welcoming and nice, I nod my head back thanking her for the hospitality. Then she goes to make herself something to eat.

"Today is my day off from patrolling, so instead we will head to the hero HQ in the city. There we will test your quirk and then I can see what we can possibly do to improve it," Endeavor says to me before getting up, kissing Rei on the cheek and going to change it seems. While I sit and wait in the kitchen talking with Rei during that time since Endeavor told me to change at the hero HQ.

'They seem like a good couple, hopefully Endeavor can help me improve my fire,' I think to myself as Rei is talking to me about herself and Enji.

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