The Unseen Angel in MHA


Over the next two months, the teachers drilled into us everything about being a hero, from the laws to Sensei Night's physical training. Half our class seemed ready to put their heads through a wall from the extreme training and lesson cramming. Hizashi was one of the students who wanted to punch holes into the walls, though we all were able to help him study, it was mostly Ryuko though. While I had to help Rumi study more the written side as she was smart, but focused more on the physical side of being a hero. However, most of our study periods ended quickly and with us both naked at the end, not that I'm complaining. Eventually, the time for the test of our provisional licenses came and we all packed into a bus to head to the testing area.

"Ok listen up! The first part of the test is an hour and a half long, it is the written portion of the exam. Then afterward the practical exam is next, each year is a different practical exam. We believe this year will be pairs of students randomly selected to work together to subdue a proctor in a certain time frame," Gran Torino says to us all as the bus is driving us to the exam center.

"Remember to give it your all everyone and good luck!" Gran Torino says to our class and sits back down for the rest of the bus ride. Though the nervous atmosphere can be felt inside the bus as everyone is quiet.

Once we arrive at the testing center Gran Torino leads us to the written exam classroom for our class. On the way there we can see other hero school students on their way to testing rooms and the other class from our school too, class 1-B. Once inside the written exam room, just like the entrance exam into U.A., the seats are a few feet apart to ensure no cheating or easily spotted cheating.

"You have one and a half hours to complete the test, if completed early you can come forward and hand it to me. Then you must sit silently until the time is over," the proctor who is watching us do the written exam says to us.

"Begin," the proctor says after sitting down at their desk while watching us all with a neutral expression.

The written exam seems to be fifteen pages covering all the laws required for heroes to follow. The last two pages seem to be moral questions about what you would do in certain situations. With my memory after I easily memorized all the laws required for heroes I finished the first thirteen pages in under ten minutes. The last two pages took me another ten minutes as I tried to answer them the way that sounded best, so I answered them the way my Uncle would handle the situations. I was the first person to finish the test and about ten minutes after I handed mine over, Mirai the class president finished after me in thirty minutes.

'Seems like Mirai is extremely smart or has a good memory like me too,' I think to myself as I see him hand in his paper with a confident look.

Once the rest of the class handed in their papers with Hizashi being the last one to hand his in two minutes before the time was up. We all sat there in silence for the next two minutes waiting for the next instructions.

"Ok follow me to your practical exam area," the proctor says gesturing for us to follow them.

Arriving at the practical exam area, we saw it was a large waiting room now filled with the other classes we saw from different schools. We all stood apart from one another while looking at each other with skeptical looks. Each school stood together even though we had class rivalries, school rivalries were higher. After standing there in silence staring at the other schools, a different proctor stood in front of the room and tapped the mic to grab our attention.

"This year, as I'm sure you heard from your Sensei, the practical exam is for randomly selected pairs of students to face and subdue a proctor in under thirty minutes. Everything is allowed within the laws of heroes on your part the students, but since the proctor will act as a villain, they can do as they please. There will be several exams going on at once so we do not spend all day here, each exam will be recorded and watched by the proctors scoring them. After your exam, you will return here and wait until all exams are done. Afterward, you will head back to your school for the day, you will receive your score and whether you passed or not a week later. Now we will call your names for the pairs and tell you both which door to head through," the proctor tells us all as we listen silently.

After the proctor named several students, we found out shortly after that it really was random, as students from not only different classes but schools as well had to work together. Guess that makes sense as real heroes may have to work with another hero they barely know anything about. They seemed to give the pairs only two minutes to get to know one another. After several exams went by with all of my friends taking theirs, each came back saying they felt confident they passed. Rumi said her partner was another girl from a different school who could use telekinetic powers.

"Akihiko Yagi and Mizuno Haru please proceed to door three," the proctor finally says my name and another who I don't even recognize.

Walking to door three I see another guy my age wearing a different school gym uniform as they had us wear them for the exams today. He was shorter than me by a few inches maybe around 6' (183cm) and his eyes were piercing red with dark black short hair. We walked together into door three, which brought us to an area that looked like a mini city.

"We are giving you both two minutes to come up with a plan and learn about each other's quirks. Then you must find and subdue the proctor for this exam who is going to run around 'killing' civilians who are just robots. Each robot lost will be a reduction of points, and each one saved will increase points. If you subdue the proctor quicker the higher the score. Your two minutes start now and at the sound of the horn the exam begins," a speaker with a male voice comes on and tells us after we enter the area.

"I'm Akihiko, my quirk is a higher physical enhancement and use of fire," I turn and say to Mizuno as soon as the voice stops.

"I'm Mizuno and my quirk is shooting a beam of destructive energy from my eyes," Mizuno says to me with a neutral voice. I nod my head in understanding.

"Since I'm probably faster than you, I can carry you while we search for the proctor, and should we find them quickly we can fight them. If we come across any robots I'll try to save them while you distract the proctor," I say coming up with a quick plan which Mizuno agrees to, then we hear the horn go off.

I immediately grab Mizuno and jump from building to building while we search for the proctor. We hear them immediately as they begin to destroy the other side of the mini-city. Rushing us over there we see a woman who can seemingly control the ground or earth in the area to uproot buildings and destroy them. I set down Mizuno to begin the plan, as we already see some destroyed robots. I then rushed over trying to save as many as I come across under rubble or bring them out of the fighting area. During this time Mizuno is shooting lasers from his eyes at the woman and doing his best to avoid destroying the area or harming robots that the woman uses as shields at times.

I was able to get most of the remaining robots out of the area, other than the ones she already destroyed and the ones she is using as a shield currently. As she hides behind them, she is using her quirk to try to knock out or capture Mizuno. He is now on the defensive as the woman launches rocks of various sizes at him or uproots the ground from beneath him. I blast my fire at the woman and robots surprising everyone as they thought I just harmed the 'civilians' too. However, because I can control what my fire harms the robots remain fine, while the woman brings the earth around her to block the fire. Using this distraction I grab the robots who remain fine and Mizuno lets out a breath of relief since he thought I just failed us. I just smirk at him, he then blasts the rock after I removed the woman's hostages.

The woman seemed to have disappeared, but I can tell she used her quirk to go underground. We stand around waiting for any noise or movement, then hands come out of the ground and grab Mizuno who immediately jumps avoiding them while shooting the ground with his eyes. I launch myself at the destroyed ground and was able to grab the woman before she burrowed deeper underground. I pull her upward and use the handcuffs they gave them as we entered the room to subdue them while Mizuno stared at her with his eyes ready to strike should she try anything.

"You guys did the best out of everyone I tested so far good job," the woman says as the horn sounds again signaling our exam is over, seemed we completed it in under twelve minutes.

"Just one question, is your fire fake?" the woman asks me after I remove the cuffs from her. Mizuno seemed interested in the answer too.

"No, I can just control who I want to harm or not," I say to them and they both look at me surprised. Once we leave the exam area Mizuno and I share a mutual handshake of respect. I make my way over to my friends who smile at my return.

"I assume you did well?" Rumi says to me with a curious look that the rest share too waiting for my answer.

"Yeah, the proctor said we did the best out of everyone she tested so far," I say with a smirk making the rest of them roll their eyes at me.

"Yeah, yeah we know you're the best," Shota says with a sigh and everyone laughs, as I just smile at them.

After another two hours, everyone did their exams and everyone in our class felt they did well. We all then packed onto our buses and headed back to U.A. This time everyone was very talkative on the ride home since we all felt good about today. Getting back to U.A. we all changed into our normal uniforms before heading home for the day. Walking inside my house, I heard someone else inside it so I dropped my bags and prepared for a fight. Though walking inside my living room I saw my Uncle watching TV and he turned to me while smiling.

"I heard today you'd have your provisional license exam, I assume you passed," my Uncle says and he even ordered food it seems, as there were some pizza boxes on the dining table.

"Yeah I believe I passed, you came here to celebrate?" I say to him after relaxing seeing it was my Uncle who was in my house.

"I did young Akihiko!" my Uncle says with his usual smile and thumbs up. I just nod my head before heading upstairs to change into normal clothes. Once I come back downstairs we eat the pizza he ordered while we catch up, as I last saw him a few weeks ago.

"Also Akihiko, I want you to work with me for your two months. I believe I can show you what being a hero really means," my Uncle says to me after we chat for a bit and I can see the seriousness on his face, while he looks worried I will say no.

"Why? Is it because I want to be an underground hero?" I say looking at him with a neutral expression. He stares at me in silence for a few seconds before letting out a sigh.

"Yes, I'm still going to try to convince you otherwise. So please just train under me these two months and if you still want to become an underground hero afterward, then I'll stop bothering you about it," my Uncle says to me with a serious face.

"Fine," I say with a sigh and he smiles at me.

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