The Unseen Angel in MHA


The first two weeks of 'learning' under my Uncle were very boring. Anytime we went out to patrol either nothing would happen or if it was something, it was only a small crime that my Uncle would handle with ease immediately. He then let me handle a few petty crimes under his supervision and like him, I handled them with ease. This boring work makes me want to be an underground hero even more, as I feel like I would be doing real change there and not here just smiling at the cameras like an idiot. I once thought my Uncle was the coolest hero there ever was, now I feel like he is kinda a fraud. To me, a real hero doesn't need to be acknowledged like a movie star, but someone who does the right thing without all the fanfare.

"So young Akihiko, how do you feel about being a normal hero?" my Uncle asks me as we are patrolling the streets again.

"Kinda boring and annoying, what's the point of the police if we just stop all the petty crimes? Aren't heroes supposed to deal with villains that the police normally couldn't handle?" I say to him with a sigh as we walk.

"Boring is good! Means no one thinks they can do whatever they want! Plus as heroes, we are meant to save anyone in need of help, no matter the issue's level of importance. If we are there we can handle it before the police arrive making everyone safer, who knows what could happen before the police arrive," my Uncle says with a smile and thumbs up to me, while some people have been taking pictures of us as we walk around.

I just sigh as what my Uncle said does make some sense, but I still find this work boring. The rest of the day is pretty uneventful, when the next day arrives my Uncle said we are heading to another city to work alongside another hero. He said last night they contacted him for assistance to deal with some drug dealer ring in their city. My Uncle refused to tell me more and said to wait until we arrived. Once we got onto the train, I realized we are headed to Endeavor's city.

'Maybe it really is Endeavor. I haven't seen them since this summer when I visited for a day. Plus I'd like to see Rumi again, we've only been able to text or call each other during this time,' I think to myself as we walk through Endeavor's city to the Hero HQ in the city. Walking inside we pass through to the back where they have conference rooms and inside one of the rooms are Endeavor, Rumi, and two police officers.

"Ah, you're finally here All Might and you brought your student, good this should be a great tool for them to learn from," Endeavor says to my Uncle and then gives me a smile with a head nod. Rumi mean while looks like she wants to jump into my arms and make out with me, as we haven't had physical contact with one another for more than two weeks.

The police then explain the situation to us and what is needed of us. We are supposed to go through the 'front doors' and be the distraction while subduing any individuals inside. The police will seal off all known exits while going in through the back to arrest anyone they come across, this way we pincher them with no escape. Tonight we would make our move, this means we have a few hours before the 'big' drug bust.

"I could have handled this on my own, but I figured this would be helpful for the kids to learn from," Endeavor says to my Uncle once the police leave and with some rivalry in his eyes, as he sees my Uncle as a wall to overcome.

"I know you told me that yesterday! I appreciate the thoughtfulness!" my Uncle says as I just stare at the two with a neutral expression.

"We have a few hours, we can do some light sparing in the meantime. Then the last two hours we can relax a bit, plus I'm sure you two want some alone time," Endeavor says as he walks out of the room, but gives Rumi and me a smirk. Though both of us don't care about his teasing as it is true we'd like some alone time. Arriving at the training room that Endeavor showed me when I first trained under him, he motions for me to stand across from him.

"I know you are much stronger than me and I'm sure you've only grown since then, but let's see what your fire is like," Endeavor says to me and then without waiting blasts me with his fire. From the heat behind it, he is not even holding back and thankfully we are in the special room or he'd have melted everything and everyone.

I return the blast of fire with my own, though when they connect my fire consumes his. Until it washes over him without injuring him. Though from the feeling I can tell he has improved his heat resistance and fire temperature since we've last fought. Seems he has been pushing himself to the limit a lot since then.

"Thank god you are becoming an underground hero, I don't like the sound of being number three," Endeavor says with a chuckle. During the past year, he has grown in his hero rank quickly rising to the number two spot, just below my Uncle.

"Let's all beat up Akihiko!" Rumi says through the speaker with an excited laugh, as I turn to the glass seeing both my Uncle and Rumi watching us. I just give her a deadpan look, while my Uncle is laughing behind her.

"Sounds good to me," Endeavor says with a smirk looking at me and then all three are standing across me in the room.

All three rush me immediately, Endeavor with fire punches as he can't fully use his quirk with allies in these close quarters. Rumi much like Gran Torino jumped around the room landing strikes on me between both my Uncle and Endeavor, but with more strength behind her strikes than Gran Torino. While my Uncle served as the tank of the group keeping in my face while Endeavor and Rumi supported him. They were overwhelming me rather quickly in my 'normal' form.

'What the fuck is this shit! How are they this coordinated?! My Uncle and Endeavor I get since they worked together several times before, but Rumi too?!' I think to myself surprised at their teamwork but annoyed for being pushed to my limit this easily.

"Fuck this!" I say very annoyed and unleash my real power. Just like the other two times, my speed increases insanely when I focus on a fight.

I slip between the two punches sent by Endeavor and my Uncle, landing a strike against each with maybe more power than I would've normally since I was annoyed. Since both even during my insane speed looked like they'd been struck by a truck in the stomach. While I turn to see Rumi mid jump, instead of hitting her I catch her mid jump and hold her to my chest. Then I relax with my wings still out while holding Rumi in the air, and both Endeavor and my Uncle collapse on the ground in pain. While Rumi struggles a bit in my grip but stops when I give her a passionate kiss.

"Fine, you win!" Rumi says with an eye roll, but lust and love filled look after I break the kiss. Though both the grown men are still on the ground groaning in pain.

"Akihiko! Why so hard?!" Endeavor says with a groan as they both push themselves up off the ground.

"You annoyed me," I say with an indifferent shrug. My Uncle gives a pained chuckle at my statement, while Endeavor gives me an annoyed glare.

"OH OK! Though she gets a kiss, sure whatever," Endeavor says with an annoyed huff, though my Uncle looks between Rumi and me with a surprised expression.

"Did you want me to kiss you next time?" I ask with a smirk, while Rumi is giving Endeavor a smirk too.

"Akihiko, you can't! How would Rei feel about that!" Rumi says with a fake worried expression. My Uncle is laughing now even though it seems to hurt him from my earlier punch.

"Fuck you both," Endeavor says as he leaves the room holding his stomach still in pain.

"I guess we are done sparing, you two can stay here or roam the city, but be back here at least an hour before we need to meet for the mission," my Uncle says as he leaves with Endeavor.

"So what–" I say to Rumi after my Uncle leaves, but get cut off as Rumi jumps into my arms and kisses me passionately.

"There are private rooms upstairs, let's go!" Rumi says not even waiting for me to respond and drags me there. The rooms are like five star hotel rooms meant for heroes to rest here if they are visiting the city to help, much like how my Uncle and I are doing it now.

As soon as we get inside Rumi jumps back into my arms as I struggle to lock the door. Those hours spent before the mission went by way too quickly, as Rumi and I got a text from Endeavor telling us to come back to the conference room in thirty minutes.

"We need to shower," I say as we get up from the currently ruined bed after our several hours of alone time.

"Let's make it a very steamy one then," Rumi says while standing up naked and swaying her hips as she walks into the bathroom.

The next twenty minutes were used 'showering' and then we quickly got out, dressing in our hero costumes before going downstairs to the conference room. Like before we see the two police officers, Endeavor and my Uncle in the room waiting for us.

"Glad you two decided to finally come, thought you lost track of time. Have fun?" Endeavor says with a knowing smirk, that Rumi and I ignore waiting for the meeting to start.

They go over the plan once more and make sure everyone knows what is expected of them. Then we all head out to the area where the drug ring is located, seems there are several warehouses that are a front for it. The police separated from us a few blocks back to meet with the other police that would surround the area. The four of us stood a few dozen feet away from the one warehouse believed to be the main one.

"Ok, you two remember the laws you are allowed to act under. Since this is going to be a large-scale fight, we may get separated so make sure you retreat asap if you find yourself in a bad situation. Rumi and Akihiko you two stick together since you know each other well and are new to this. Endeavor and I will take lead, you two will do clean up or deal with anyone we miss," my Uncle says to us with a serious face that leaves no room for argument. Endeavor nods his head agreeing with my Uncle.

"Fine," Rumi says with an annoyed sigh as she wants to fight these people, while I really couldn't care less, as long as we get everyone involved I'm happy.

"Good, then we wait until we get the 'ok' from the police," Endeavor says while he waits for the police to radio us to begin.

A few tense minutes of waiting go by as Rumi is itching for a fight, my Uncle is watching the area closely, Endeavor is holding the radio waiting, and I'm just leaning against a wall.

"You're green light," the radio says and we all share a look of understanding before my Uncle and Endeavor rush forward. With Rumi and me right behind them.

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