The Unseen Angel in MHA


My Uncle immediately charged me while Gran Torino waited for an opening jumping around the area at his full speed. Sensei Night supported my Uncle from a distance using her power over shadows or darkness whatever it is, to send bolts of energy hitting me from all directions. These allowed my Uncle to land a few hits on me at his current full strength, which hurt a lot. However what they didn't know was I kept growing in strength drastically as time passed, I feel now even in my base form I'm twice as strong as my Uncle is currently. When I reach my full maturity I feel my base form will be as strong as my Uncle when he was in his prime.

As I'm dodging the strike from my Uncle with a few hits from Sensi Night's help, Gran Torino finally makes his move striking me from behind. This strike plus Sensi Night's current strike against me allows my Uncle to land a signature punch of his against me, called the 'California Smash'. This sends me flying back a few feet and my ribs from where the strike landed hurt a lot now. Without waiting my Uncle rushes forward again to keep up the pressure on me. Since it seems I can take even a signature punch of his, I will have to tank a few hits as I've only been on the defensive so far.

After waiting for what feels like hours, but is really a minute, my Uncle starts to prepare another signature punch of his while the other two are trying to suppress me. Deciding this is the best moment, I tank the next hits from Sensei Night and Gran Torino ignoring the pain. I then use all of my current strength in my base form to land a punch on my Uncle's stomach, sending him flying back and knocking the wind out of him. He crashes into the arena wall, but I rush him before he can recover while Sensei Night and Gran Torino try to stop me. Tanking their hits even though they bring me some pain, which I've now gotten used to, I send a haymaker at my Uncle's head with all my strength again to knock him out.

My Uncle recovered enough to try to block my strike, but I was able to break through his block since he hasn't recovered fully. The haymaker landed on his head with a resounding boom and blast of air from the power behind my strike. I see my Uncle is knocked out unconscious, I turn to look at Gran Torino and Sensei Night who share a look with one another of unease. Gran Torino rushes me as Sensei Night tries to support him from a distance, but now that my Uncle is no longer able to pressure me the rest of the fight will be very easy.

Dodging both strikes from the two pro heroes, I grab Gran Torino by the face mid air as he tries to jump away. Then using his body I throw him at Sensei Night, who tries to move out of the way, but she is just slightly more athletic than your average person. Gran Torino's body smashes into Sensei Night as they both fly back a few feet and become mangled together. I move to stand over them and place my foot on Gran Torino's chest as he is on top of Sensei Night, to keep them from moving.

"Do you both surrender?" I ask with a cold voice, as I was just slightly pissed off from receiving a few hard hits myself.

"Yeah….you definitely passed," Sensei Night says with a pained chuckle, I nod my head and remove my foot from them.

"So what part of the exam will I be skipping next year?" I ask them as they both stand up with some pained expressions, meanwhile the school nurse called Recovery Girl is tending to my Uncle. She was here in case someone got hurt, and the three did get hurt.

"Really? That's your concern right now, not of the well being of your teachers or All Might," Gran Torino says with a pained laugh as he sits down and looks at me. I just stare at him waiting for an answer.

"Fine, since we promised and the principal agreed too, next year you can skip the practical exam. Since the third year practical exam consists of fighting two teachers at once while trying to save robots in trouble. Though since you beat the current number one hero, plus two pro heroes, we can overlook next year's practical exam," Gran Torino says with a sigh.

"Well can I graduate early? I feel I can pass the written exam now," I say with a curious look, then Gran Torino gives me a thoughtful look.

"No, before the exams next year, the school picks hero agencies that we believe the students would most benefit from. There you will be actual sidekicks for most of the school year, the last part of the year is pretty much the cramming for the exams with written part," Gran Torino says with a shrug.

"Then has the school already decided where I will study?" I ask curiously.

"Yes we have, I have a few contacts in the underground heroes. Since you and Shota want to join them, we have found someone that you two will study under. Though since you asked, I will tell you that during that time you both may do some things that will stick with you both the rest of your lives," Gran Torino says to me with some concern, but I just nod my head.

"Now, no more questions. You will find out more next year like the rest who will pass," Gran Torino says motioning for me to leave, as Recovery Girl comes to help him.

After the exams ended, a week passed and Summer vacation started. The school sent out letters to the students letting them know which passed and our scores. All my friends passed and so I decided to invite them all over to celebrate our success. I went out to grab some things for the party and Rumi came over early to help me. We both went to the mall to grab all the things I needed, luckily the party was later today in the late afternoon as Rumi dragged me around the mall.

"Akihiko, I'm gonna try some outfits on and you tell me what you think I should buy!" Rumi says as she drags me into a woman's clothing store, that also sells lingerie.

I feel slightly awkward as I'm currently the only man in the store while some of the customers and workers are looking at me, some with lust in their eyes. I just ignore the stares and lean against the wall near the changing rooms for trying on the outfits. As I'm waiting Rumi grabbed what looked like a dozen different outfits to try, I just give a small sigh. Then as Rumi is currently changing, from my angle I see Hizashi and Ryuko walking by the store. I quickly call Hizashi to get him to keep me from being the only male in the store.

"Akihiko? What's up?" Hizashi asks as he answers the phone.

"Get into the woman's store you just passed, Rumi dragged me in here to test some outfits on. I'm being stared at by all the other women and could use some company that isn't a woman's stare," I say not asking but demanding and he laughs before they both walk in.

"Akihiko, what do you think?" I hear Rumi ask me and I turn to see her wearing a very nice white sundress that hugs her body tightly.

"Guess this is one to buy," Rumi says with a smirk as I just stared at her with a lustful look, but then our two friends walk up.

"Oh hey, guys! Ryuko you should try some things on with me!" Rumi says grabbing Ryuko who looks surprised at the sudden invite before Rumi drags her around the store to grab some clothes for her.

"Akihiko, even I feel awkward," Hizashi says to me under his breath, as he notices we really are the only men in the store.

"I guess Ryuko is good for you then, the old you would have run around flirting with everyone in here until you got kicked out," I say with a teasing smile as we watch Rumi give some clothes for Ryuko to try on as she just nods her head along shyly.

"Yeah, she is. Ever since we started dating, I've been happier and realized how much of an idiot I was before," Hizashi says with a smile at Ryuko that looks like one I probably give to Rumi.

"Oh so you guys have finally done it then," I say with a knowing look at him, making him look over at me in shock.

"Shut up dude! It's not like Rumi and you haven't!" Hixahis says to me annoyed but under his breath, while also yelling it at me. I just laugh it off.

Then the two of us wait for about twenty minutes as the two try on a dozen or more outfits. All of them I approved of as I feel Rumi looks good in anything. Then Rumi texted me to go inside her changing booth. Making sure no one was paying attention, I snuck into Rumi's changing booth. Walking inside Rumi is wearing white lacy lingerie and it stuns me for a second.

"Like it? I was thinking about buying some different pairs," Rumi says with a smirk at me while posing.

"Fuck yes, I'll buy you whatever," I say nodding my head agreeing immediately making her laugh a bit before giving me a passionate kiss that quickly becomes heated.

"Ok we need to stop," I say as I break the kiss since we both know if it continues we are going to make a scene.

She gives me huffs annoyed, but then before I can leave the changing room she gets undressed in front of me. Now I can't leave and risk exposing my girlfriend, so I watch and just enjoy the show. Though she takes her time removing the clothes teasing me and slowly gets dressed too, she is really testing my resolve right now. Then when she is finally dressed I quickly leave the booth, to see both Hizashi and Ryuko look at us with smirks. Rumi just laughs at their looks, while I grumble since Hizashi will never let me live this down.

The next several hours we spend finished grabbing the items we need for the party and hanging out with both Hizashi and Ryuko. They both just came home with us and decided to help set up the party. I cooked the food, while Rumi and Ryuko set up the games and drinks. Hizashi claimed he'd help me cook, but really he just talked to me while I cooked, handing me items I needed at request.

"So what do you think next year will be like?" Hizashi asks me as I finish cooking and we hear Nemuri and Shota enter my house. Then Shota enters the kitchen right as Hizashi asks me the question, while I assume Nemuri is hanging out with the girls.

"After I finished my practical exam, Gran Torino told me next year we'd all be sidekicks for most of the year at a hero agency that the school picks for us. Then the last part of school is studying for the big final exam for our actual hero license," I say to them with a shrug as I bring out the food for everyone and explain to the girls what I learned from Gran Torino too.

"I will say this too, Gran Torino told me that Shota and I are going to be the sidekicks of an underground hero. So Shota this should be a very interesting year," I say to them all as everyone grabs some food.

"You're right and I guess that means we will be working together, we are going to make the best team," Shota says with a smile and looks excited to finally be working in the field we both want to. The rest of the night we all talk about the future and who everyone wants to sidekick for, they all spend the night too as we all stayed up until three in the morning playing games or watching movies.

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