The Unseen Angel in MHA


Shota and I've been here for almost the whole six months now, as we only have a week left with the underground hero agency. We did not get that many missions probably for several reasons, we aren't official heroes, not many missions are needed in the area, or other underground heroes already took them. Since we didn't have many missions they had us running scenarios of various missions we could encounter. Situations like hostages, drug rings, sex trafficking, serial killers, etc.

Though before our last week with them ended, Incognito called us for a final mission before our time ended. Apparently, we are going to work with a hero that found a series of murders in his city that the police can't find the killer. The hero believes he found the person but thinks they are part of a larger organization and would like a backup. The underground agency took the call for backup since the government wants this handled discreetly.

"Moody, Emo, you both ready for your first joint exercise with a normal hero? Yes, I know about your joint work in your second year Moody, but this time you will be acting as underground heroes," Incognito says to us as we make our way discreetly to where we are going to meet the hero in their city. I just grunt in annoyance not answering him.

"Yes, are you gonna tell us who we are working with now?" Shota asks as we move.

"The hero is not the most well known but is called 'Sparks' and yes their quirk is to make electricity. Though they have a student working with them, I believe a classmate of you both. That means don't tell them who you are, since you are acting as underground heroes," Incognito says to us in his normal voice, but becomes serious at the end.

"The kid's name is Oboro Shirakumo," Incognito says right after as Shota and I share a look. Since Oboro was a friend of Shota's but not really one of our close group, but is a nice dude either way.

"Yeah he's our classmate and a friend of ours," Shota says after a few seconds of silence takes over the group.

"Even more reason for you both to not talk or mention who you are. Consider this another test from me to see if you both are capable of keeping your identities a secret even to close friends," Incognito says after hearing Shota and we both sigh a bit before nodding our heads in understanding.

The rest of the way to the designated location was in silence. Then we arrived at where Sparks and Oboro are waiting on a rooftop. Overlooking some of the city and watching a certain place with binoculars. As we jump onto the roof they both turn to us, Oboro seems ready for a fight while Sparks doesn't even turn and is still looking through the binoculars.

"Took your time Incognito," Sparks says with an indifferent voice. Oboro then relaxes noticing that we are the heroes they are gonna work with.

"Well the rookies aren't the fastest," Incognito says with a slight chuckle making Shota and I just sigh in annoyance.

"We have finally tracked down the killer, though we haven't moved on him yet because we believe he is part of a larger organization," Sparks says as he finally turns around and points to a building while handing Incognito the binoculars.

"So that's the murder....when do you think he will meet with his organization?" Incognito asks after looking through the binoculars and tossing them to Shota who looks next.

"He seems to kill every week for the past month, though there have been reports of missing people in other cities nearby. We believe he is the same person, but when the bodies are found…. if they are found. They are missing organs or look like someone experimented on them," Sparks says to us and Shota hands the binoculars back to Sparks as I could see the killer from here with my eyesight.

From the looks, he appears to be your average looking early thirties male. Though I can see all the sins he's committed and they are many more than I've ever seen on someone before. Dozens of people have been killed by him and even some other sins are in the mix like rape. My fire flares inside me to burn him to nothing, but in the last few months, I've learned to control my emotions much better with Incognito's help. So before I'd want to rush him and destroy him, while I still feel that way I won't act just yet.

"So he could be part of the organ trade?" Incognito says with a shrug.

"Maybe, but like I said not all the victims seem to be missing organs, but like someone was trying to make a zombie or monster from them," Sparks says with a shrug.

"Doesn't matter, either way, he is going down tonight. But his last victim is still with him we believe since a missing persons report went out a few days ago. Though they are probably dead, but with an off chance they are alive we've been watching him. However we believe he doesn't kill them until he meets with his organization," Sparks says to us.

"He's moving," I say with a deeper voice than normal trying not to sound like myself in case Oboro recognizes my normal voice.

Then everyone goes quiet and Sparks look through the binoculars to watch the killer. We see three other men enter the apartment the man is inside and they discuss something before the four of them all walk out. Once they are outside the building, the killer seems to be carrying a large suitcase and places it inside the van the three men arrived in. The killer and one of the men get into the back of the van with the suitcase and the other two men go to the front of the van. They begin to drive off and we all immediately follow after them.

"Moody, you are the fastest among us. If we lose the van stick with it and tell us your location to meet you where they stop. Set comms to signal three and you have my permission to act if the victim is alive and they plan on killing them before we arrive," Incognito says to me while we parkour on the rooftops following the van.

After ten minutes of following the van, it pulls out of the city to the outskirts where it speeds off. Then I quickly follow after it at a discreet distance, I hear Incognito tell the others to get a car or probably begin a long trek after me and the van. I follow the van for almost an hour outside the city while frequently telling Incognito and Shota my location. They have gotten an undercover cop car to follow after and are about ten minutes behind me now. The van eventually stops at what looks like an abandoned shack in the middle of nowhere. The four men including the killer all get out with the suitcase too and walk inside the shack. Then one stays outside probably to stand guard. I relay this all to Incognito and ask if should I act.

"Shit! We are about ten minutes out....No wait for us, we have no idea what's inside there. I know the victim may be killed, but sometimes we underground heroes have to make tough decisions. This one is on me, don't forget that," Incognito says to me and tries to reassure me. Sighing and gritting my teeth in anger, I try to reassure myself by seeing the lack of movement from the suitcase as if the victim is dead. After about fifteen minutes they arrive where I told them I was hiding.

"Moody any other forms of entrance or exit?" Incognito asks me while they look at the shack from our hiding place.

"Not that I noticed, though from the way they handled the suitcase, it seems the victim is already dead," I say to them and Incognito surprisingly places a hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

"Ok, then quickly and quietly remove the lookout. We will move in after," Incognito says to me and I nod my head.

In a burst of speed, I appear right next to the lookout grabbing him by the face and covering his mouth with my hand. Then in another burst of speed, I move from the entrance to kill the man away from the shack while the others move in. The others move as soon as I removed the man and once I was about a hundred feet from the shack I burned the man to nothing. All the sins this man committed pissed me off, seems he is no better than the killer, maybe with fewer kills though.

After burning him to nothing, I rush back to the shack quietly as possible. Entering it I see it is empty except for a well hidden hatch in the back. The others seem to have already entered it since they are nowhere in sight. I quickly and quietly make my down the stairs. This place seems much more elaborate than the drug ring we busted a while ago. As there are several different ways to go from the entrance, forward, left, and right.

"Incognito, I just entered. Where do I go now?" I ask over the comms quietly.

"Sparks went forward, I went left, Emo and the kid went right. For now, cover the entrance in case any try to come in or out. We'll contact you should any of us need help," Incognito says which kinda annoys me, but makes sense since we probably don't want anyone to escape.

After waiting near the entrance for about ten minutes though it feels like hours, Sparks and Incognito seem to have gotten into fights further in. Shota and Oboro seem fine still and are making their way further in. This place seems to go down several levels as Shota said they have gone down several flights of stairs already.

"Fuck! Moody, can you make it to me quickly?" Incognito asks over the comms and he sounds in pain. Without a second thought, I rush down the way Incognito went. After traveling for a few seconds and not being quiet since fighting already broke out down his side.

I arrive to see Incognito holding his side which looks like a gunshot wound while taking cover behind a pillar in the room. There are five other men shooting at him on the other side of the room. With one hand I send a blast of fire directed toward the men incinerating them and the bullets to nothing, while also blasting Incognito with fire to heal his wound.

"Thanks, Moody, those fuckers came outta nowhere. Like they knew I was here the whole time, even shot at me in my invisible state," Incognito says with a relieved sigh since I healed his wound and killed the men at the same time.

"Then that means they know about Shota and Oboro then! Shit, they've been getting deeper on purpose!" I say quickly thinking about the weird situation. Incognito seems to realize this now too.

"Emo! You there?! You and the kid need to fall back now!" Incognito says over the comms, but Shota doesn't respond.

"Fuck! Go–" Incognito says turning to me, but I'm already quickly moving not caring anymore about the noise I make.

"I'm going to meet with Sparks, seems this place is a dead end anyway," Incognito says after I left over the comms.

"Ok," I say back rushing down to where Shota and Oboro should be. On the way there, there seem to be several dozen men and women who try to stop me with either their quirks or guns. I just ignore them all burning everyone I come across to nothing, their screams echo down the halls as dozens burn to nothing.

"I'm coming!" I shout as loud as I can in case Shota or Oboro can hear me. Though the screams from the dying probably made it impossible to hear me.

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