The Unseen Angel in MHA


The next day Rumi came over and things got very heated quickly as we both didn't say much but just wanted to be with each other physically first. Then we just hung out while talking about our experiences during the sidekick training period. Rumi once again stayed the night and even though we both didn't get much sleep we still made it to school on time. Shota has already arrived it seems and the atmosphere was very negative in the classroom, it would seem everyone heard the news about Oboro. After everyone showed up and only a few people spoke to one another, Gran Torino entered the room.

"I assume you all heard the terrible news about Oboro Shirakumo. I'm sorry for everyone's loss, he was a great student with a bright future ahead of him. Though as future heroes these kinds of things happen, it is up to us to keep pushing onward. If any of you need to talk about it you can talk to me or any of the other teachers at any time," Gran Torino says to our class seeing how everyone is in a bad mood. Then he goes silent for a minute in respect of Oboro.

"In other news, we have received your final remarks from the hero agency you all studied under as sidekicks. Seems you all have gotten very good scores, just remember should you graduate and receive your official hero license, most of you will become sidekicks for the first couple of years of your career before being a normal hero," Gran Torino says breaking the silence and everyone just listens quietly.

"Now we will begin the fun cramming part of your final year where you all will come to hate books and laws," Gran Torino says with a smile trying to pick up the mood, which works just slightly.

The next several weeks of school are exactly as Gran Torino said nothing but cramming the final lessons they had for us. Make sure we all are ready for the final exam to determine if we become full fledged heroes. I hosted study sessions at my house for everyone as I did in the past years, though this time everyone including Hizashi was taking this very seriously. As the final week of our last year at U.A. approached Rumi came over on our last day off of school before graduation. I wanted to see if she wanted to move in together once we graduated and I planned on selling my parent's house, as I felt it was time for me to move on.

"Akihiko! I'm here!" Rumi says busting into my house and walking into the living room where I was currently relaxing on the couch reading a book.

"You said you wanted to ask me something?" Rumi says after jumping in my lap and pushing the book out of my face.

"Yeah…..I was thinking after we graduate…..did you want to get a place of our own together?" I ask slightly nervous even though I feel like she's gonna say yes.

She just gives me a surprised look and her ears perk up before she grabs my face kissing me passionately. The kiss turns into much more very quickly and after losing ourselves in each other's embrace for more than an hour, I realize she never gave me an answer.

"You never gave me an answer," I say while holding her as we both lay on the couch completely naked.

"Oh, was that not a good enough answer?" Rumi says looking at me with a smirk and sitting up showing a beautiful view of her assets.

"Of course! Though I want to become the main hero of my city, so…..would you be ok with us living there?" Rumi says while giving me a nervous and hopeful look.

"Definitely, I was just thinking about selling my parent's house, I want to move on, and holding onto this place I feel will make that more difficult. Though I just hope we don't live right next to your parents," I say to Rumi who smiles brightly at me and gives me another passionate kiss.

"Wait are you sure you want to sell this house?" Rumi says breaking the kiss quickly and giving me a concerned look.

"Yeah, I don't have the best memories here and if I keep it, I feel like it will always be a reminder," I say while pulling her back down to me and kissing her before she can talk more. Once again we lose track of time and find that several hours have passed before we both stop our even more passionate session.

The final week of school comes and the heavily pressured exams arrive. Everyone was extremely nervous though I just yawned in boredom making everyone even Rumi give me an annoyed glare. The first three days were the written portion with the fourth day being the practical and the last day would be giving us our scores back along with our possible official hero licenses. The first three days were long and boring for me as passing the written part was a breeze for me. Then the practical exam came and I didn't need to take it, so instead Gran Torino invited me to the teacher's lounge while the rest of the class took the exam.

"Akihiko you finally arrived, you and your uncle are probably the fastest people I know and yet still don't like to arrive on time," Gran Torino says to me and I just shrug my shoulders indifferently making him just shake his head at me.

"So why'd you call me here? Couldn't I just go home early?" I ask as I sit down near him and stretch a bit. He just gives me a deadpan look annoyed with my indifferent attitude.

"Well sure you can go home, but I figured you'd want to know if you passed or not now," Gran Torino says to me with a smirk, as I just raise an eyebrow at him.

"You're saying there is a chance I didn't pass?" I ask him with a smirk making him drop his smirk and glare at me.

"You're no fun, yeah you passed here is our official hero license and a letter addressed to you," Gran Torino says to me giving me my license and the picture is my face from the pictures they made us take a few weeks ago in preparations for the licenses. They assumed we would all pass and I'd say that would be true.

Before I open the letter I see it is sealed perfectly and with only my name on the front of it. Opening the letter I can see it is from the underground hero agency telling me they officially accepted me as one of them. Someone would be dropping by my current residence this weekend at midnight to discuss my position. Also to destroy the letter once I read it, so after reading it I used my fire to burn it to nothing. Gran Torino didn't say anything just gave me a curious look, which I just shrugged off.

"So…..can I go?" I ask Gran Torino who just chuckles and nods his head.

"Oh Akihiko, it was fun teaching you and your class these last three years. I'm glad it was your class that was my final one before retirement," Gran Torino says to me before I leave the room.

"Yeah, you're a great teacher. Thanks for everything these last few years," I say coming back to shake his hand which he returns. I then go home and I text my friends that I got to go home early so they don't wait for me. They knew I didn't need to take the final practical exam since last year I made a 'bet' with the teachers.

Arriving at home, I just relax watching some TV while bored and not sure what to do with myself. Then I hear someone knock on my door, going over I open it and see a man in his mid to late thirties with black hair, dark brown eyes, and wearing a very fine looking suit. I have no idea who this man is, but he is giving me this knowing smile that makes me want to slap him.

"Hey Moody, miss me?" a very familiar voice says and instantly I recognize it as Incognito, plus he called me by the nickname he gave me. In response, I close the door in his face lock it and walk away.

"Hey! That isn't nice! I just want to talk to my favorite protege," Incognito says after I slam the door in his face. With a heavy sigh, I open it and give him an annoyed look.

"What the fuck do you want?" I ask annoyed by his presence, as I thought I'd never run into him again.

"Never change Moody," Incognito says patting my shoulder and walking inside my house making him really test my restraint about slapping the shit out of him.

"So did you like my letter?" Incognito asks with a chuckle seeing my angered face as I walk after him and he helps himself to some snacks.

"You wrote that letter? It said someone would come this weekend," I say annoyed with him as he eats some chips from my cabinet.

"Yeah that was a lie, obviously…come on Moody what if someone else read it?" Incognito says to me while giving me an exaggerated look and I step towards him ready to slap the shit out of him now.

"Ok, ok relax! Man here I thought we helped fix your anger issues, seems your shrink has a lot of work ahead of them," Incognito says with a chuckle and I let out another heavy sigh while rubbing my face in annoyance.

"Get to the point or I'm beating your ass and tossing you out," I say after suppressing my anger but give him an annoyed glare.

"Fine… the letter said you are officially excepted into the underground hero agency. Though not only that but I'm here to recruit you into the real underground hero agency, you know the one," Incognito says to me and gives me a serious look at the end, I just look at him surprised.

"Yeah I was one the whole time, usually the trainers for newbies are ones. That way if we find someone promising we can recruit them, though you knowing about us makes this way easier especially since you want to join anyway, right?" Incognito says to me with a shrug.

"Yeah I'm in, so how does this work now? Also what about Shota?" I say to Incognito who smiles and nods to me.

"Emo? He won't be recruited, he doesn't have what we are looking for," Incognito says answering my question about Shota.

"Though nothing changes right now. I'm just here to give you the time and place to come for your official introduction into our ranks. Go to the main HQ a week from today and use the code at the elevator, which is 35 and then 139. That will bring you to the lowest floor which doesn't exist on paper," Incognito says to me before standing up from my table brushing off his hands for the chips he ate and leaving my house.

"Oh and Akihiko, since you're joining our ranks, my real name is Sakamoto Tadao," Sakamoto says to me with a genuine smile before leaving my house.

I just sit down and process everything Sakamoto just told me. After a few minutes of thought, I got a text from Rumi saying she is coming over. Once she arrives we spend the rest of the day together and I tell her I got a letter that made me officially join the underground heroes. I didn't mention being one of the 'real' ones though, either way, she congratulated me.

The next day at school everyone learned that our whole class passed and officially graduated from U.A. Our class will do down in the school records as one of the few that passed and remained the same throughout all three years. My friends all came over after the graduation ceremony held the next day and we all celebrated together with a party at my house.


AN: Thus the school arc ends and beings the hero arc. Is everyone enjoying it so far and liked the school arc?

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