The Unseen Angel in MHA


After spending a whole night and part of the morning, I cleared out all the known fronts for this human trafficking ring. I wasn't that physically tired, but mentally I was drained from all the suffering I saw and the extreme amount of sinners making my fire extremely volatile. After I finished talking with the same cop that was a Sargent for pretty much each front, Soma spoke up.

"Rapture, Ms.Starlight told me to tell you to go home and get some RnR. That she will keep us on this case, but since this affects the whole country she is going to make some moves on her end before we can continue," Soma says to me with a tired voice as she is just a normal person with not a physical quirk so she is dead tired after working for more than twelve hours.

"Understood, I'll head home then. Soma, you did good for your first mission and it was a pleasure working with you," I say to Soma while quickly making my way to an underground hero safe house to change back into normal clothes.

"Thanks Rapture, you did a good job too. I'm sure Ms.Starlight will contact us soon," Soma says before cutting off the comms.

After changing back to normal clothes and making my way home, I called Rumi back who is probably already on her patrol.

"Hey babe, sorry for getting back to you so late. Last night was a very long night and mentally exhausting. I'll tell you more when you get home," I say to Rumi who answers the phone while she was patrolling the streets.

"Shit, now I'm worried. But we can talk more when I get home. Love you," Rumi says with worry in her voice, making me smile to myself.

"Love you too," I say before hanging up.

"Ok listen up! Everyone here empty your wallets and pockets! If you follow instructions you will not be hurt!" I hear a man say while I'm standing on the train. He appears to be with four others, two are armed, but the other two probably have combat quirks.

'For fucks sake, I'm gonna kill these fuckers,' I think to myself as I turn and move faster than anyone can react.

I appear in front of the two who are holding guns on people threateningly. After appearing before the two I grab their heads and smash them together knocking them out. Then turn spartan kicking the one man who spoke, breaking his ribs and knocking him out. The other two react turning to me before one charges me and the other looks to be preparing to use whatever quirk he has. I sidestep the charging man while planting my fist into his abdomen and knocking him out. Then rush the last man who panics releasing a stream of electricity that I move in front of protecting a mother and her newborn.

My anger surges as the man almost killed two innocent people, especially a child. I then grab his throat after rushing him and pull him close to me before head butting him and breaking his nose. Then breaking his jaw with a punch that also knocked him out since I felt just a broken nose wasn't enough. I take out the flex cuffs that I carry on me at all times since during U.A. we were taught even on off duty to carry some in case of situations like this. As I cuff the idiots the people in the train compartment clap at me and thank me for saving them. The train conductor then requested an emergency stop, thankfully we were already close to my stop, so we just waited until reaching it.

"Ah, so it was you who saved all these people!" I hear an extremely familiar voice that is teasing me at the same time. I look up to see several policemen here for the idiots while Rumi is with them in case she is needed.

"Sir can we ask you a few questions?" one policeman asks me while I just roll my eyes at Rumi who is smirking at me. Once I give my statements to the police and show them my normal hero license they let me go.

"Seems you had a very eventful day," Rumi says to me as we walk out together and it seems people recognize Rumi now in the city as some fans of hers come up to ask for pictures or autographs.

"You have no idea," I say with a tired sigh and Rumi just chuckles.

"I'll be home soon to help take your mind off it," Rumi says to me and then pulls me in for a passionate kiss. The passerby and her fans gasp at this, with some taking pictures.

"I look forward to it," I say with a smirk after she breaks the kiss. Rumi doesn't care about her public appearance that much, plus she did this for several reasons. One we have been seen together already on multiple occasions, two Rumi doesn't care, and three she likes to make her claim on me letting the world know I'm taken.

Once I get to the apartment I lay down on the couch and lean back trying to relax or maybe take a nap. It seems I ended up taking a nap but got woken up by a phone call from my work phone which is basically a 'ghost' phone. I see that Amaya, my shrink, is calling me. We've been meeting once a week ever since I joined as she demanded, I don't feel like we've made any progress but I don't know what she thinks, nor do I care.

"What?" I say with heavy annoyance in my voice from being woken up and not being a fan of our talks.

"Your boss sent over the experiences you had and confirmed kills from this past mission. I just wanted to ask how you are feeling and if we need to meet sooner?" Amaya says to me with her professional, but a slightly worried voice.

"Yeah I'm fine and fuck that, we'll meet when required no more than that," I say before hanging up on her without waiting for a reply as I just don't want to talk about it, especially to someone who annoys me deeply like her.

'Fuck! Now I won't be able to fall back to sleep,' I think to myself since I was woken up, it seems I only got maybe two hours of a nap. Then my work phone goes off again, but this time it is Ms.Starlight.

"Hello Ms.Starlight, any update?" I asked picking it up and sitting up now.

"Yeah and sorry if I woke you up, though we are having a meeting about this issue tomorrow at fourteen hundred," Ms.Starlight says to me with an apologetic voice, but then turns serious for the next part.

"I was already awake, though I'll be there," I say to her.

"Good…..Rapture, you did really well on your first mission. Depending on how the rest of this goes we may have something to talk about," Ms.Starlight says to me before hanging up the phone. Her statement confuses me, but I figure whatever it is probably isn't that important.

After trying my luck at day trading again, it seems I got no better as my latest stock just fell through. In a fit of anger I not so accidentally punched a hole into my computer's monitor. Deciding that was enough day trading for the day, I read my book series until Rumi came home.

"Akihiko, what happened to the computer?" Rumi asks me after giving me a quick kiss and going to our bedroom to see the computer. Which I forgot I smashed as the book dragged me into it.

"It was being a dick," I say unsure how to explain myself.

"Really…." Rumi says coming out and looking at me with a deadpan expression. I just shrug off her look, before she jumps into my lap and takes the book from my hands while tossing it on the end table.

"So aside from the train and the computer, what really made your day bad?" Rumi asks me while sitting in my lap and looking at me with worry.

"Just…..The mission I took was a lot more than I thought and the amount of suffering I witnessed in one night was…..just so much. Not only that but it seems it will only continue for some time as we discovered just how large of an issue it really is," I say while not going into too much detail because I'd rather not think about it too much.

"Can you back out of the mission?" Rumi asks me with worry even though knowing that I personally never would, nor does our job really let us drop a mission.

"Even if I could, you know I wouldn't. Plus I need to do this, as the bastards behind this deserve all the suffering coming to them," I say with conviction and anger flashing in my eyes.

"I understand, just don't let this consume you," Rumi says before laying her head on my chest while hugging me. I just hug her back, while we relax in each other's arms for a while.

Once the next day comes, I head back to the underground hero HQ and the conference room where Ms.Starlight designated the meeting. Walking inside the meeting room I see Ms.Starlight, Soma, Incognito, his Operator probably, a dozen of other underground heroes with their operators, and two people in suits with IDs that show they are part of PSIA. (PSIA is Japan's equivalent of the FBI or INTERPOL)

"Rapture, sit down and we'll begin. As you can see this issue has been brought to PSIA's attention and we will be working alongside them for the remainder of this mission," Ms.Starlight says while gesturing to the two agents, who both nod their heads in agreement with her.

"From what we gathered it seems that Ms.Soma was correct in her findings about the CEO of SuperToys. He appears to be in charge of this human trafficking ring. He appears to be aware of the recent attacks on his organization and may try to leave the country should these attacks escalate. If that is to happen we will ensure he does not leave," one of the agents says to us, while we all listen silently.

"Meanwhile with the limited resources we have our only real option is to hit each location slowly, while monitoring his movements. We do not have definitive evidence yet tying Mr.Tetsuo to this. So we can only go from place to place gathering evidence and stopping these places," the other agent says after the first one finishes talking.

"This will be a long and difficult mission, both physically and mentally. If anyone does not feel up for it then please leave now...Good then let's get this fucker," Ms.Starlight says to us all while having a very serious face, then seeing no one leaves smiles at us all.

The rest of the meeting discussed what we knew, where each place was being held, and who will clean which city. I was given Rumi and my city for obvious reasons and each other hero was given a city to clean out. Since we only had information on one or two places per city it would be up to us to find more information in each city. Any evidence we could find tying the CEO to this would have to be immediately handed over to PSIA. After everyone asked all the questions they had and discussed everything that needed to be discussed we were allowed to leave.

The mission would be allowed to start tomorrow once everyone got to their cities. The meeting took almost seven hours since there was a lot of information to discuss. Once I got home I explained to Rumi that the same mission would be happening for a while. That I would also be working in our city, she of course wanted to work with me but I said the mission is being heavily regulated by the government and is being hidden from the public for now. Rumi was upset she could work alongside me but understood that this was something she couldn't be a part of for now.

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