The Venerable Monster Tamer

v7 Chapter 75 - : 9 State Havoc

At this moment, Chu Yun felt that the heavens and the earth were roaring. The unprecedented terror pressure was like a mountain, and he suppressed it fiercely in his heart. Odd pop-up window

He was glaring, dizzy and buzzing in his ears. It seems that thousands of bees flutter around in their ears.

The power of the sage exceeded his imagination. He seemed to be a flat boat on the sea in the storm. In the stormy waves, he could only follow the waves and follow his destiny.

Hard to shave

This is just the saints’ random screaming through tokens, at a distance of hundreds of millions of miles.


Chu Yunqiang couldn’t hold it, spit out a golden blood. For a while, the blood on his face faded and it was horrible pale. There was a burst of black in front of me, and he would faint on the spot.

But at this moment, the star card on him emitted a bright dark blue starlight. The starlight was thrown into Chu Yun’s body, which suddenly revitalized Chu Yun’s spirit.

The endless starlight, like the sweet and clear springs in the mountains, flows in Chu Yun’s body. The unparalleled feeling of comfort made him almost fluttering. The feeling at this moment is as if flying directly to heaven from the painful hell!

There is no doubt that this is Xing Sheng’s action to defend Chu Yun.

The starlight was raging and suddenly went. Chu Yun spit out a turbid breath, a bright starlight flashed in his eyes. He was pleasantly surprised to find that after just a moment, his own physical quality has actually been greatly increased!

His original skin was white and delicate, pure and scale-free. Now there is a diamond-like crystal sensation, if you look closely, he now emits a slight starburst all over his body.

Chu Yun can feel that his body strength is at least twice that of the original one, his flexibility is five times that of the original one, and his recovery ability has tripled!

Before that, he thought that the innate body was already the peak limit of physical fitness. Wan Wan did not expect that there is room for advancement and growth in the congenital body.

“The treasure is shining and the stars are brilliant. How is it possible? This is the kind of weather unique to the light and heavenly body!” You Huang was startled.

The other emperor-level strongmen are not much better, all cast their eyes in amazement, and there is much discussion.

“It is indeed a scene of a congenital body. But there is no reason! Just now, Star Saint just poured the Holy Power into the Spirit Emperor’s body. This is just a common reward method for saints to make physical fitness leap. We have experienced many times. Why have three people never become congenital bodies? “

“But you look at the star emanating from him. Obviously it is a weakened copy of the congenital body of Star Saint, this is absolutely not wrong!”

The stunned eyes gradually turned into envy and jealousy, and almost all the emperor-level strongmen did not hide their fanaticism. Dozens of eyes on Chu Yun looked around, sharp as if to strip Chu Yun away completely.

Only saints have congenital bodies. The saint reincarnated, the innate gas was full and mellow, without revealing any traces, so the innate body was achieved. After the saints joined together, the congenital body was promoted to the congenital body. From then on, with words and laws, unity of humanity, divinity is endless.

“Congenital Dao?” Chu Yun’s ears have been holding back as much intelligence as possible.

“It turns out that.” He understood the cause and effect in his mind. “I am because of the bliss and joy of rotation to be promoted to the innate body. As long as the innate body is irrigated by the Holy Power, it can be further promoted to the inborn body. These emperors are all acquired. In the body, the essence of the Holy Power can only absorb the superficial part. It is not like I can digest the guesswork in the Holy Power. “

“Just the Tuo Sheng, the female saint, the ghost saint, and the saint and the soldier saint have targeted me, and almost made me pass out. This is the warning and punishment of the five saints for me to surrender to the emperors. Xing Sheng used the divine power to instill me , Is a commendation for my performance. “Chu Yunling’s light was frequent, and when he understood it, he lifted the humanity immensely.

Emperor Xia, Xiangdi, Meidi, Rendi, Yedi, Qingdi, Tiedi, Guodi, Guadi all recovered their freedom.

After a period of slack, they all changed color.

“Spirit Emperor, you dare to shoot me!” Xiangdi shouted sharply, eyes spitting fire.

The Iron Emperor rushed to the crown in anger, rushing towards Chu Yun alone: ​​”Chu Yun, you return my fairy pouch !!”

This sound undoubtedly reminded everyone else that the emperors were all trembling, and their hearts were filled with unparalleled pain and majestic anger.

“My fairy sac, I have painstakingly managed the fairy sac world for thousands of years …” Someone covered his chest and howled.

“Chu Yun, you are a kind, and dare to swallow the emperor’s fairy capsule. You spit it out, you have to spit it out, or I will make you die!” Someone growled wildly, his expression extremely twisted.

“Ling Emperor, from now on I will not be at odds with you. Unless you return the Emperor’s Immortal Sac, everything is easy to discuss!” Someone warned in cold voice, and looked at Chu Yun’s eyes sharply.

The anger of the emperors exhausted the water of Kyushu, and it was difficult to offset.

This was all their belongings, Chu Yun swallowed it in one go, and even the congenital monsters were not let go, and the dross did not leave them a little.

All the great emperors have become veritable “solitary widows”.

Chu Yun did a great job, but all the emperors who fell into his hands were alone at the moment, with two sleeves in the breeze. For hundreds of years, thousands of years of hard work, hard work in the abyss of the sea eye, and plundering resources in Danzhou were all swallowed by Chu Yun, dumplings and swallowed cleanly.

If the anger of the emperors is fire, then Chu Yun has already fallen into a raging fire. If their eyes were swords, Chu Yun had already been slashed.

However, Chu Yun was not afraid and sneered in disdain. He is now the pinnacle of the emperor-level, these emperors have no fairy bag world, and their cultivation practices have fallen to the level of pseudo emperor. Between the peak of the king level and the first stage of the emperor level, only when they once again have the unique fairy capsule, their cultivation can be restored to the first stage of the emperor level.

Then, after a long period of accumulation, we can slowly recover from the initial stage to the middle stage, and then to the high stage.

For a long time, they could not threaten Chu Yun. Of course, the Emperor Ye is still more dangerous. Only the Emperor Ye can control the Tao, and Chu Yun ca n’t.

“Huh, really when I dare not kill you? You are not afraid of death, you can kill it.” Watching the emperors rushing towards him, Chu Yun motionless, Yuan Chunyue stood, and the murderous eyes spread.

Tie Emperor, Qing Emperor, Xia Emperor, Guadi and others rushed over immediately. They felt Chu Yun’s fierce killing intent, as if a pot of cold water was poured on their heads, they stopped the impulse and settled in mid-air.

“Chu Yun, you are too arrogant! You dare to be so arrogant!”

“You are dead today, your mortal power is simply a demon’s way! Offended the interests of all emperors, you can’t walk away today. So you obediently spit out our fairy pouch, we show mercy and promise Can plead for you. “

“Ling Emperor’s rebellion is simply another Fu Emperor, and he must not stay. Please ask the emperors to do justice to us and eradicate Ling Emperor!”

The emperors gave angry roars and screams of horror. Only the Emperor Ye said nothing, only staring at Chu Yun. His eyes were filled with cold, cold and endless killing intentions.

Chu Yun sneered, the scene was very chaotic.

The emperors were indecisive, and even the few emperors who had just chased Chu Yun kept their quirky silence.

Chu Yun’s humanity is immeasurable, and they know it after passing the token. The reason why he didn’t shoot was delayed by Dan Sheng.

In their plan, Chu Yun must die. Humanity is infinitely too threatening, just like the original Emperor Fu, he could not let this kind of person sit up.

But after the incident just now, the emperors did not dare to move Chu Yun.

Fang Cai Xing Sheng has already expressed his position of maintaining Chu Yun through the instillation of Holy Power. To kill Chu Yun, is to fight against Xingsheng, who would dare to do so?

Of course, there are also some emperor peaks, who are already qualified to challenge the sage’s majesty. But they also checked each other. Whoever came out first and was injured by Xing Sheng would be coveted by others.

More importantly, Chu Yun was killed just before Wu Sheng. Although the saint did not arrive, no one would doubt that the five great saints had no ability to kill Chu Yun. However, they just warned Chu Yun and punished and then stopped.

The emperors are not stupid, and the saint’s intentions are well known. This is to keep Chu Yun’s life. This is different from the situation of the Emperor Fu Qiang millennia ago.

“Where can I vomit what I swallowed? Don’t be delusional, and make me anxious, I will explode the entire world of fairy sacs, and all the jade will burn, and all will die together!” , Is a last resort. But when it comes to vital interests, he will never give in.

Among them, he also knew that with the talents of the Holy Star infused with the Holy Power, he would have a talisman. Even the emperor must cast a mouse.

“You …” Tie Di pointed to Chu Yun, trembling with anger.

“Also invite the emperors to do justice for us!” Emperor Xiang wiped his eyes and tears flowed.

The emperors looked at each other, and finally the bone emperor stood up, and he broke the silence: Well, you do n’t want to mess around, Emperor Ling. Hurry back to the emperor’s fairy capsule world. “

Chu Yun directly gave Gu Huang a white eye: “Gu Gu, even if you are the emperor, you must have a limit to joke.”

“Huh?” Bone Emperor was not worried. He squinted at Chu Yun, his eyes showing disdain and arrogance. “It seems that this emperor must teach you how to respect seniors!”

With that said, the imperial spirit’s pressure broke out, and it was pushed to Chu Yungai as much as possible.

Chu Yun gritted his teeth, ready to brace.

But when the Emperor-level spirit pressed, he suddenly changed his face and found it very easy to resist.

Under the pressure of Bone Emperor Ling pressure, his whole body radiated a slight starlight. The congenital Taoist body is so powerful that it directly reduces the spirit of the storm to the breeze and drizzle.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the emperors became even hotter.

This is a congenital body!

Bone Emperor’s face changed slightly, although the starlight was weak, but he was disturbed in his heart: “These extraordinary capsules are their accumulation and management for thousands of years. It is too much for you to swallow. If you insist on not handing over the gem Fairy pouch, you have to pay the price. Say, what is going on with your body, it is actually a congenital body. If you tell this secret, the emperor will not blame it. “

Chu Yun laughed, and what the bone emperor said was full of traps. He doesn’t blame him alone, what about the other emperors?

Sure enough, benefits are important! The emperors did not want to let him go, and the regiment surrounded him, not because he wanted to preach justice, but to keep his congenital body secret. All the emperor-level powerhouses want to get this secret, so even the emperor, book emperor, and emperor of the Xingzhou camp stand idly by.

But how could Chu Yun say that?

This is related to the safety of the Bliss Fairy, who he will never disclose.

A mocking smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, UU reading www.uukanshu. The expression of com made the faces of the emperors gloomy. It seems that this Spirit Emperor toasted and did not eat and punish wine. Because of the saints, they certainly wouldn’t kill Chu Yun, but they had a lot of rich experience to let Chu Yun suffer.

However, at this moment, the sky of Danzhou seemed to have opened numerous round black holes. Under the astonishment of everyone, the innate gods and devils descended from the black hole to Danzhou.

Almost in the blink of an eye, there are tens of thousands of innate gods and demons!

“This is what the Saints called the Kyushu Tribulation?”

“Gosh, the number of so many innate gods and demons is still increasing. Is there anything wrong?”

“What is going on and what is going on?”

The emperors’ faces turned upside down, and they were all just concentrating on their spirits. They had to deal with Chu Yun and wanted to get the secret of the congenital body from him. But at this moment, they instantly remembered the words of the Nine Saints, the Nine Saints Alliance, the Kyushu Havoc, the emperor’s return, and defending his homeland!

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