The Venerable Monster Tamer

v8 Chapter 28 - : How can love be so good!

Section 28: Why is love so good!

No one expected that the palace gate was opened so easily.

For a time, everyone was a little dumbfounded.

The most surprised member also belonged to the member of the eighteen horses who tried. He stared at the scene in the temple and showed shocked eyes.

Numerous treasures, jade slips of various colors, countless superb demon eggs, demon planted seeds, demon soldiers with different shapes, immortals, fairy capsules, etc. are countless.

They exuded colorful treasures, and after watching them for a while, they all felt dazzled.

The eighteen riders looked at each other, exchanged glances, and the obscure killer swept away to Xiao Yan aside.

These are all treasures, revealing one out, will cause the robbery of the demon master. A few of them are of greater strategic significance.

It’s better not to get it by yourself than to get it from outsiders.

Xiao Yan is such an outsider.

If it were n’t for the girl ’s impression that it was too deep for everyone, it seemed quite reliable, and it was very mysterious. If the eighteen rides were inaccurate, they were already cruel.

“Master, the hall is very safe, there are no traps!” The demon master approaching the hall shouted.

Cao Youdao already had a look of excitement on his face, but hesitated and did not immediately leave. Instead, he instructed the eighteen riders around him: “This is all a chance. You have a share of seeing, and you go to explore.”

Eighteen riding overjoyed, and flooded into the Crystal Palace.

But the door was clearly open, but some people touched the invisible wall, and was stiffly blocked outside the hall.

Together with the one who just entered, only four of the eighteen riders successfully entered the hall.

“These four are the sons of the people’s movement, and my guess is not wrong.” Chu Yun saw this feeling, and he became more determined.

Cao Youdao finally determined that there really were no traps.

There was a cold flash in his eyes, and he turned to Xiao Yan with a warm smile on his face: “It’s interesting, Miss Xiao, are you coming or I?”

Xiao Yan hesitated, and at this moment, the voice of Chu Yun pointing came from her mind.

So the girl suddenly had the courage to do so, and walked directly to the Crystal Palace.

She was the son of the earth movement, and as soon as she entered the hall, the entire crystal hall shone with light, which made everyone look in amazement.

Cao Youdao’s face sank, and he couldn’t help regretting it. He already knew what he had to do to get rid of Xiao Yan just now, and what to try. Well now, the treasures in the temple are going to give a share to Xiao Yan, things become more troublesome.

While thinking of the conspiracy, he walked towards the hall.

The Crystal Palace sensed the presence of the Son of Heaven’s Luck, and suddenly burst into a colorful brilliance. For a time, the glow of the glow was jingling and beautiful.

“Hahaha, it’s very good. I’m the most destined person. The treasures here must belong to me, to our Cao family!” Cao Youdao was surprised and happy.

Xiao Yan smiled coldly and glanced at Cao Youdao, who was laughing violently: “You want to be beautiful.”

Cao Youdao’s face was sullen, and he said in a cold and cold tone: “Why, Xiao Xiao, can’t you see the situation in the field? The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, you …”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xiao Yan: “Did you not see clearly, did you see the text on this crystal dome? Everyone can only choose three treasures, and he will be punished if he takes more. “

“Huh? That’s it!” Cao Youdao looked up, really!

He glanced angrily at the four subordinates who came in, and his fire-breathing eyes clearly said: Why haven’t you found out that I’m so ugly!

The four subordinates were also very wronged. They were all attracted by these treasures suspended in mid-air. Who can see the dome with patterns on their heads?

All subconsciously ignored.

Now when I look at it, I realize that among these patterns, there are ancient characters from Guizhou that record everything about the Crystal Palace.

Everyone read it carefully, and they were all excited.

“It turns out that this crystal palace has such a big head!”

“This is set by our Three Emperors and Five Emperors in Guizhou, the purpose is to accept disciples and establish a sect.”

“Yes, as long as we get the relevant jade slips from these treasures, we can cast them under the gates of these emperors and become fully developed.”

The four subordinates became more and more excited, and Tumo Xingzi sprayed everywhere.

Cao Youdao was also very excited, but what happened next moment made his mood suddenly worse.

“What are you doing ?!” he roared.

The four subordinates turned a deaf ear to his roar, shining with both eyes.

“Grab it, grab an entry jade jade, what else do I have to do with the Cao family eighteen ride?”

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and I can enter this hall, it is a fate!”

The four of them scrambled, and even fought in the fight. Their faces were extremely distorted, and they were crazy.

There is no absolute loyalty unless there is a corresponding contract between the auras.

Caojia Shiqi is very loyal, but this loyalty comes at a price. When the temptation of the outside world exceeds the price of loyalty, then the betrayal is completely understandable.

“Huh, I’ll settle the accounts with you one by one later!” Cao Youdao saw that he couldn’t stop drinking, and his face was so dark that he could drip water.

He also summoned monsters and joined the fierce competition.

Shiqiqi outside the palace was dumbfounded.

Xiao Yan shrank into a corner of the hall and did not shoot, but waited for a good opportunity.

Suddenly, Chu Yun’s voice came to her mind: “The red velvet snow edge fairy capsule in front of the left!”

Xiao Yan shot suddenly and directed the monster to pick up the fairy capsule.

When you open it, the space is extremely wide, and it is much more spacious than the ordinary first-class fairy sac.

But it’s not a gem.

According to Chu Yun’s guess, this should be the result of the failure of an emperor to refine the unique fairy capsule. There is no doubt that this is a semi-precious fairy bag.

Its value is definitely among the top five in the temple.

Xiao Yan got the fairy pouch and shrank back again, quietly watching the hot battlefield in the center of the hall.

Cao Youdao severely suppressed the four subordinates’ subordinates. Various Taos and Laws were endless, and the offensive frenzy caused the four people to complain.

They started to converge a little bit, but they soon discovered that this crystal palace was extremely strong, and even the treasures suspended in the sky were protected by white apertures, and there was no danger of being broken.

So the battle escalated.

“Boy, don’t force us!”

“Brothers, let’s go together, otherwise we will definitely die !!”

Siqi quickly joined hands. Although Cao Youdao still had the upper hand, he was just promoted to the first stage of Haoxiong, and his opponent was the peak of four strange people.

The overall gap is not large.

Xiao Yan stood on the wall and watched for a while, then heard Chu Yun’s voice again: “The mirror on the upper right!”

At this time, all the treasures were flying in the palace in the storm of Taoism and Dharma collision.

Xiao Yan was shocked and saw that the mirror collided with several other treasures and then ejected to other places.

Instead, three jade bamboo slips were shot at Xiao Yan.

Upon seeing this, Chu Yun sneered and said to Xiao Yan: “Don’t touch these jade slips and chase that mirror.”

The girl naturally obeyed, no one interfered with her, she soon succeeded.

“Xuan Ji Jing, this is a demon soldier used by the division, and can predict a future scene. The value is among the top three treasures in the temple! It carries a seal, and it has not been unsealed, so close it quickly.”

The girl was also happy and smiled, and happily put Xuanji into her arms.

At this moment, the scene suddenly changed.

Taking advantage of the war, Yiqi accidentally caught a jade slip. Yu Jian’s brilliance suddenly enveloped him, forming a strong protective aperture, allowing him to leave the battle group instantly.

“I, I became a disciple of the corrupt emperor. God, I succeeded!” He shouted with excitement, attracting countless envious eyes.

“Look, the jade jade he caught in his hand was posing as a colored light. Is it true that the jade jade bearing the colored light is the disciple jade jade?”

I don’t know who reminded me.

Only then did everyone in the field find out that the light emitted by these suspended treasures is different when they do not know when it will start. Most of the treasures are still protected by white apertures, but a few jade slips radiate colorful lights.

“Let’s take a look!” Yiqi gritted his teeth and suddenly reached out to grab a colorful jade jade.

In an instant, he was also surrounded by the aperture and forced out of the battlefield.

“Yi Di, Ye Di is my master!” He burst into tears, shaking with excitement.

This example suddenly made others understand.

The remaining two riders are no longer in love, aiming directly at these colorful jade slips.

As soon as the attention was focused, I suddenly found that there were many jade jade targets, all of which were intentionally or unintentionally gathered in Cao Youdao, followed by Xiao Yan.

Although these two people are young, they are not easy to mess with. The two riders looked at each other and shifted their targets to the colorful jade jade pieces left in the corner.

In fact, there are many colored jade jade in the palace, no need to fight.

At this time, Xiao Yan can even reap one piece by simply grabbing it.

But she followed Chu Yun’s teachings and didn’t do it.

“Time is running out, have you seen the jade pot on your right hand side. You pretend to grab the jade jade beside the jade pot, and then change direction halfway. Get out of the jade pot and rush out immediately, quickly!” Chu Cloud pointed.

“Yes.” Xiao Yan stared closely at the jade jade beside the jade pot and shot like lightning.

The jade jade beside the jade quivered with excitement, not only did not dodge, but also slowly flew towards Xiao Yan.

Suddenly, Xiao Yan’s movements changed, grabbed the jade pot, stepped on his feet, and shot out in a blink of an eye, and went outside the hall.

“Stop her!” After the consternation, the fourteen riders outside the hall shouted.

But Xiao Yan had a premeditated plan, seized the fleeting opportunity, and flew out of the encirclement by the cursed crow.

Watching her flying farther and farther ~ ~ quickly flew out of Bone Mountain. The three emperors and five emperors of Guizhou, who had been hiding behind the scenes, were dumbfounded.

Similar to the situation in Xingzhou, they also have to unify their faith. Therefore, this crystal palace was established to recruit disciples.

But the situation on their side is more complicated. It took a long time for the emperors to discuss this rule.

The disciple jade was arranged in the crystal palace, and the one chosen by the son of luck was under his door.

Of course, the three emperors jade jade are naturally more than the five emperors jade jade.

But this, Xiao Yan …

She didn’t choose any jade jade. After choosing three treasures, she turned and left.

The three emperors and the five emperors were speechless.

Those treasures are nothing but tempting bait, but when a fish swallows the bait, it grows wisely away.

Why is it that the emperor and the powerful called Guizhou are so good!

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