The Village

pt 1 of 3

part one

I was born to a small village in the east, a simple village, one where gold had little value and items of immediate use were traded for what one wanted. My parents held high prestige in the village, being the ones who owned the saw mill.  Wood, hides and food were the main exports, with many travelers coming far and wide to trade. I’d grown up having my eyes on a certain girl, Cynthia, we used to be the best of friends until her parents married her off to the supposed alchemist, who I have to admit made an exceptionally fantastic potion for those who were sick with fever, I’d been on the receiving end of a cold several times and his concoctions always made me feel better. 

Despite this I still hated the man for taking my beloved, I know it was selfish and I really had no say in the matter, my family would never allow me to marry a simple woman whose family owned nothing, no they’d arranged for me to marry the chief’s rude and cruel daughter who’d never been told no in her entire life.

I’d never gotten along with Annabel, not even when we were kids, she’d loved to pick fights with both the boys and the girls and as soon as she didn’t get her way she’d go running to the chief who would of course take his daughters side and punish anyone who had upset his daughter. 

This led to Annabel lacking true friends for most of her adolescent and adult life.

And so here I was the day I’d be married to that dreadful woman, sitting in my room sullenly. Although there was nothing I could really do, I’d delayed things far too long, I was the last of my peers to be married. my father had told me I needed a proper wife, and marrying Annabel would give me far more than what he could provide. 

I was to become the next chief either when Annabels father retired or passed away and Annabel was to become the next chieftain maiden, a fancy term for the chiefs betrothed. 

My entire future was chosen for me and there was little I could do.

In my moment of sulking I decided to go visit Cynthia, after all she and Her husband, Dary, were not invited to the wedding, Annabel highly disliked Cynthia and all the other ‘poor’ people in the village and wanted nothing to do with them. 

It would only be proper for me to visit my friend even if I wanted more than friendship, and it was likely I would not see her much after today.

I left the small wooden house next to the mill my family and I shared and headed east down the warn cobblestone path that connected the village. 

I passed the butchers shop, the Inn, the hunting hall and finally I took a right past the gated sheep farm as collies ran around a few bewildered sheep, I ascended the steep flight of worn stone steps that led to the edge of the mountain where Cynthia and Dary lived.

When I arrived at the small circular cottage I was gasping for breath, not that I was out of shape but Cynthia lived pretty high up, almost 200 steps to reach the cottage, a small pond sat behind the cottage with a few fish jumping in and out of the water, the looming forest of the mountain was directly behind Dary’s alchemist workshop which was a small building big enough for one or two people, sitting adjacent to their home.

I felt a cold chill run up my spine as I rung on the heavy iron knocker nailed to the door, a crisp mountain breeze came from the forest and swept past me.

I shouldn’t be so nervous but I was.

After the third knock Cynthia opened the door with a bright smile on her face. I always loved the way she smiled, she had perfect teeth white as a pearl from the ocean, beautiful blonde hair that slightly swept over her gorgeous blue eyes, bright as a sapphire.

She looked up at me and wrapped me in a tight hug.

“Davie! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you! And you’re getting married today! Congratulations! Come in please!” Cynthia exclaimed. I smiled at her, she was just as energetic as usual, a trait most people found annoying but I thought it was quite adorable, her personality made her all the more beautiful unlike my soon to be wife who almost never smiled, and always complained about everything.

I made my way into the cottage and sat down on a wooden chair near the fire, Cynthia sat down across from me and beamed that beautiful tantalizing smile of hers at me.

I awkwardly shuffled around, not having seen Cynthia in months I wasn’t too sure what to talk about.

“So are you excited about your wedding?” She asked me. 

I shrugged and looked off to the side, not really wanting to talk about it.

“I know it’s different for men but surely you must be happy?” She asked again.

“Eh.. not particularly.” I said as I gazed into the roaring little fireplace that crackled here and there.

Cynthia tilted her head to the side a bit, I couldn’t help but blush a little, her expressions were just so cute.

She was about to ask another question when Dary walked through the door with a scowl at the sight of me. I couldn’t blame him, I’d given him a hard time as teens when he and Cynthia begin to grow close and I’d given him an even harder time when their parents arranged their marriage.

“Don’t let me interrupt.” He grumbled as he grabbed a parcel from a large table leaning against the wall. 

“Hello Dary.” I said shuffling my feet against the floor awkwardly.

“Don’t you have a wedding to attend?” He asked with a scowl.

I nodded. “Not until tonight, I thought I’d stop by and visit.” I replied

Dary shook his head. “Whatever, don’t stay too long, I’m working out back and Cynthia needs to be gathering ingredients for me soon.” He said with a glare at his wife. 

Cynthia’s smile had disappeared and was replaced with a firm frown.

“Can I speak to you outside please Dary?” She said as she gave her husband a harsh look.

He nodded and the couple stepped outside. 

as soon as the door closed I could hear hushed arguing that was slowly growing more heated.

I crept towards the door, feeling as though I’d outstayed my welcome, I opened it and stepped outside as the shouting began.

“You’re more mature than this! I swear stop being a child, he’s already not happy with the wedding, why do you have to go and make his day worse!” Cynthia yelled.

“Oh please! He’ll get over it, the lucky bastard already gets to be the new chief! He’ll be richer than the king thanks to this wedding!” Dary screamed back.

I let out an awkward cough and the two immediately looked at me.

“I think I’d better be going.” I said.

“Davie wait!” Cynthia exclaimed as I walked past them.

“Let him leave, you should be helping me with work.” Dary scowled.

“Help yourself.” Cynthia said as she walked into the cottage and slammed the door behind her.

I was already stressed enough as it was and hearing them argue definitely wasn’t helping so I quickly made my way back down the stone steps leading to the village, I passed the farm again, passed the shops and immediately went straight into the Inn to drink as much as possible before my miserable wedding.

I took a seat at one of the little booths and drank nearly three pints of ale before I was finished, the heavy buzz of liquor making me somewhat numb to what I was being forced to do.

I sat there and waited until the sun begin to set and not too surprisingly, Annabel walked through the doors of the inn looking around with a furious expression on her face.

She was a beautiful girl, with bright red hair ,matching eyes, and a rather curvy figure but her personality ruined it, She was like a devil wearing girl skin, always bitter and mean. 

She spotted me and I shrunk in the booth I was sitting at hoping she wouldn’t see me.

“DAVID!” She seethed as she stormed over to me.

“What the hell are you doing!? You should be ready by now! The ceremony is in an hour!”

She took hold of my hand and gripped it tightly, pulling on me till I decided to get up and follow, we left the Inn and made our way to the chief’s hall which resembled a small excuse for a palace made of wood and stone.

We climbed the wooden steps and entered through the giant wooden doors.

Annabel screamed for the maid and she came running to attention.

“I want my soon to be husbands ceremony robes ready this instant! Do you understand!?”

She seethed at the maid who was trembling in fear.

Annabel gave me a light push. 

“Follow her and get changed, and I want you wearing that ruby amulet my father so graciously gifted you.” 

I sullenly nodded and followed the maid, she led me into a small room filled to the brim with clothing, she skillfully plucked my white robes from one of the shelf’s where it was neatly tucked away.

“Here you are master David, I hope everything is satisfactory, the tailors worked very hard on this.” She said with a bit of pride in her voice. 

I gave her a convincing fake smile. Not that the robes were unsavory, they were soft and made from beautiful silk. 

“Thank you.” I said quietly. 

The maid quickly left and I took off my trousers and rough woolen shirt, I pulled the robe over me and was just finishing getting dressed when Annabel burst through the room, wearing a very expensive looking gown, she was adorned in multiple pieces of jewelry, silver, gold, rings and pendants with precious gems inside.

“Oh David you look so handsome!” She exclaimed as she handed me the ruby pendant. I cringed when she called me handsome, I’d never liked that word.

I slipped the pendant around my neck as Annabel reached up and locked the metal chain in place, it smoothly slide down between my chest.

“Oh darling it looks so magnificent! You’re such a lucky man for my father to choose you to be my husband, and I’m so glad he did, I’ve had my eyes on you for quite some time.” Annabel exclaimed excitedly.

“Thank you.. my love.” I replied through gritted teeth.

Annabel stepped back and took a good look at me, beaming as she did.

“Alright, let’s go to the church’s courtyard, the guests have probably already arrived.”

I followed Annabel outside, despite the unfortunate circumstances I enjoyed the crisp nighttime air, and the beautiful stars shining brightly in the sky. We made our way west down the stone path and soon we were at the church, an old stone building that perhaps needed to be cleaned up a bit. 

Vines were growing all over the church’s stone walls, the roof had several patches of Moss growing atop and small spider line cracks could be seen here and there in the stone walls.

Most of the town had gathered outside the church but only a select few were permitted to enter the courtyard for the ceremony. 

Annabel and I made our way to the back of the church and entered the courtyard through an iron spiked fence, the chief smiled as he saw his daughter, my parents were there as well and beamed at me. My father looked so proud, it broke my heart that he’d never know how much I despised this wedding.

A few of the villages musicians began to play on a harp and violin, small lanterns decorated the landscape here and there, casting a warm and pleasant ambiance. 

The rest of the guests soon arrived and the priest began his drawn out boring speech about marriage, my mind began to faze out as I walked to the front of the courtyard, standing by the preacher under a worn gazebo.

Annabel was walked to the front by her father and she soon took her place adjacent to me.

I was barely paying attention to the priests  weeding when he said “Do you take this maidens hand in marriage?”

“Yes.” I replied in a monotone voice.

“And do you young beauty, take this handsome young man to be yours and only yours, till death do you part?” 

“Yes!” Annabel exclaimed with a dreamy look in her eyes as she gazed up at me.

“Then by the powers bestowed to me by our Heavenly Father I hereby pronounce you husband and wife!” The priest finished with a bow as Annabel leaned up to me, expecting a kiss that I reluctantly gave to her.

The crowd clapped and cheered as the two of us walked across the church’s courtyard. 

Annabel and I split up to go mingle with the guests, most were being served food and wine, I myself took one of the large pitchers of wine and downed about half of it, feeling the sweet alcohol enter my system leaving me in a pleasant drunken haze. 

I made small talk with several people I didn’t know, one being the tailor who was going on about how lucky I was to marry Annabel and become the next chief.

Many of the conversations I had with the guests had a similar theme but I didn’t feel lucky at all, I was absolutely dreading my new life, not only as the future chief but as the husband of that shedevil. 

I made my way to a small unoccupied table and sat down rubbing my aching head.

To my complete surprise I noticed Dary walking towards me with two drinks in hand, he sat down across from me with a wicked smile on his face.

“Cheers to the new chief, right big guy?” He said as he placed one of the silver cups of wine in front of me.

I reluctantly took it and as Dary raised his glass I clinked mine against his.

“Cheers.” I said sullenly and unenthusiastically.

Dary watched as I downed the drink, I noticed a bit too late that he hadn’t even taken a sip of his.

“Aren’t you going to drink yours?” I asked.

“Eh you know I’m not much of a fan of wine, I better get going anyways, don’t want Annabel to catch someone uninvited at this wedding.” He said while quickly getting up and tossing the contents of his glass onto the ground.

He swiftly left and I sat there pondering the strange interaction.

As the time passed and the moon rose higher into the sky, eventually it was time for everyone to leave. 

Annabel excitedly dragged me to our new home, a large cottage recently built at the edge of the western forest, about a hundred yards away from the chiefs ‘palace’.

She opened the door and took in a breath of fresh air as she gazed around the room appreciably. 

The entire cottage was fully furnished, fancy oil lamps that most did not have access to, hung from hooks here and there. A polished kitchen table sat nearby a wood burning stove, a woolen couch was placed  in front of the fireplace opposite of the kitchen and a hallway led to a beautiful bedroom with round stained glass windows. The fanciest thing in the cottage was a built in bathroom, it had a sink and even a shower, all connected to the nearby river with iron pipes, I couldn’t believe it, most of the villagers had outhouses near their homes, this was a complete luxury, it seems the chief had spared no expense on our new home.

I suddenly begin to feel very sick, cold sweats ran through my body and I touched my forehead with the back of my hand, I was absolutely burning up.

I made my way to our bedroom and laid down on the soft King sized bed, suddenly feeling awfully exhausted.

Annabel made her way into the room, a grin plastered on her face.

“Oh sweetheart, you aren’t tired already are you?” she said with a sly grin as she pulled her gown off and begin to undress.

“Come it’s our time to make this marriage official” she said as she slid her naked body onto the bed.

I groaned as I felt a wave of nausea wash over me. 

“Anna.. honey i’m not feeling it tonight.” I said with another groan as I felt a sharp pain in my guts. 

She gave me a harsh frown and a scowl. 

“Oh come on! What’s wrong with you?” she said, growing slightly irritated.

“I feel sick..” I replied in a meek voice.

Annabel reached over and put her hand to my forehead, she sighed and laid down next to me.

“You do feel a bit warm..fine we’ll just sleep for tonight.. But tomorrow I expect my handsome husband to gift me with children.” she said with a dreamy look on her face.

I groaned once more and turned over to my side, clutching my stomach in pain.

Annabel got up and blew out all the lanterns in the house, the only light coming from the stained glass windows in the bedroom.

“Goodnight my love.” Annabell said as she planted a kiss on my cheek.

“Night.” I replied coldly.



That night I barely slept, I was in so much pain I could hardly take it. When sleep did finally come to me, it didn’t last long, I slept for a solid three or four hours. When I eventually did awaken I felt strange, and the fact that Annabel was standing over me with a jaw dropping, shocked expression plastered on her face I knew something was terribly wrong.

“Anna.. why are you looking at me like that?” I said in a foreign high pitched voice. 

I cleared my throat and tried speaking again but that same high pitched voice came back.

“Holy shit this can’t be happening!” Annabel exclaimed.

“W..whats happening?” I asked meekly.

Annabel swiftly grabbed me by my hand pulling me out of bed like I weighed nothing, I found it odd as she normally wouldn’t be able to lift me like that, I also felt a strange weight on my chest that was not there yesterday.

She led me over to a large wall mounted mirror and my mouth dropped at the sight that greeted me.

The first thing I noticed was I was now a few inches shorter than Annabel, The second thing I noticed was my complete change of my appearance. I resembled a young, although beautiful woman. I had a slim waist, dainty hands and feet, my hips were rather large, along with my ass which jiggled and shook, I had heaving breasts which were so large they’d put Cynthia to shame as she was often teased at having such large assets. My shoulders were slim and narrow, my face was cute with a submissive, pouty look, my eyes were the same color, A bright red, my hair was slightly wavy and went down slightly past my shoulders, it retained the same color as well, a deep chestnut brown. I still resembled myself slightly, I looked like a distant cousin who’d received all the best genetics from our family line.

In a panic I quickly reached down into my oversized trousers and to my relief I still had my male parts.

I looked up at Annabel with a whimper, I was confused beyond belief.

“Oh my God what the hell am I going to do?!” she said with a hint of rage in her voice.

She roughly pushed me down onto the bed and began to pace around the room.

“You can’t be seen in public like this, Fuck what will people think?! I’ll be the laughing stock of the town, my husband is a fucking woman now!” Annabel began screaming as she nervously pulled on her hair.

I felt my lip tremble as I fought back the urge to cry. She didn’t care about my predicament at all, only how it would affect her appearances. I felt a few tears roll down my cheeks as I glared at her.

She looked at me with the most terrifying look I’d ever seen her give anyone, the sight of me crying sending her into a rage.

“Don’t start crying like a little bitch! Act like a man for fucks sake!” she screamed as she stormed over to where I was sitting on the bed.

“Until I have this little predicament fixed you are not to leave this cottage, got it?!” she yelled in my face and roughly pushed her finger into my collarbone.

I nodded and looked away trying not to sob.

Annabel’s face softened and she brushed a few strands of hair out of my face.

“Don’t worry honey.. We’ll have you back to normal in no time.” she said and without hesitating kissed me deeply, much to my discomfort.

“Just stay here, I’m going to talk to my father about this.”

After getting herself dressed, she left the cottage, leaving me to stare at my new appearance in the mirror.

“How could this happen..” I thought aloud.

The longer I stared at my reflection the more I begin to realize I didn’t exactly mind how I looked, In Fact I had never really liked my appearance before, this body felt strangely comfortable.

Hours passed and Annabel still had not returned, I was getting tired of sitting in the bedroom of our cottage so I decided to sneak out. It was early fall so I decided to wear a long, warm cloak, A bit warm for the weather but not so warm that i’d be uncomfortable. As I pulled the cloak over me, I drew the hood up and looked in the mirror, no one would recognize me, I knew that for a fact. 

I stretched and got up, opening the door to the cottage and heading towards Cynthias. 



I arrived at the edge of the mountain where Cynthia lived, I hesitantly knocked on her door three times. Cynthia answered and looked down at me, I realized I was now five inches shorter than her.

“Can I help you?” she asked with a bewildered expression on her face.

“Cynthia… it’s me.. David.” I said hesitantly.

Cynthia looked around and narrowed her eyes at me.

“Is this some kind of joke?”

“! Cynthia please! Look at my eyes! I Promise it’s me!”

She took on a shocked expression for a few moments as she looked deeply into my eyes.

“Holy shit.. How did this happen!?” she asked.

“I don’t really know.. All I know is I felt horribly sick after the wedding and woke up like this.” I said as I shuffled my feet against the dirt and looked down.

“Come inside.. Please.” she said as she took hold of my hand and pulled me inside the cottage.

To my surprise Cynthia pulled me over to a chair and sat me down on her lap.

“Fuck.. you’re really pretty.” she said softly as she ran her fingers through my hair.

I couldn’t help but blush, I felt heat rising to my cheeks. 

It was even more strange when she begin to grope my chest, causing me to let out small squeaks in surprise. 

She ran her hands down my body, feeling every curve, she squeezed my plump ass and then as if I wasn’t uncomfortable enough she pushed her hands into my oversized trousers and groped my hardening cock.

I squirmed a bit in her lap as she leaned in to whisper in my ear.

“You know.. I’ve never liked men.. You being the exception.. Now that you look like this.. Fuck Davie I really want to ravish you now.”

“B..but what about Dary..” I stuttered as I felt my face flush more.

“What about him? He’s not home and I have no real love for him.” she said slyly.

“Cynthia we can’t…”

“Sure we can, Danielle.” she purred in my ear.

“Danielle?” I asked.

“Suits you more than David while you look like this sweetheart.” Cynthia replied as she pushed me against the small bed in the corner of the room.

She swiftly undressed me and if my face wasn’t already as red as burning coals it was now.

She undressed herself and leaned down, taking my semi hard cock into her mouth, I moaned a bit as it grew hard and she began to suck. 

She reached up with one hand and pinched one of my erect nipples, causing me to let out a soft moan. 

I gripped the sheets as she pleasured me. I’d dreamed of this for years although not quite in a situation like this. 

She stopped blowing me for a moment as she climbed on top of me, positioning her slick pussy over my hard cock, she gently played with my breasts as she slowly slid herself onto my hard on. I gripped the sheets hard as she begin to ride my cock, she leaned down and started sucking on one of my nipples, a bit of milk dripping into her mouth as she did. I moaned loudly and I felt Cynthia’s pussy tighten around my cock as she came, shortly after I reluctantly came inside of her.

She rolled off of me and pulled me into a tight embrace from behind. We laid there for what seemed like hours basking in the afterglow of a fresh orgasm, that is until, to my horror, Dary and my wife stormed into the cottage, both of them had furious looks on their faces at the sight of Cynthia and I cuddling and laying naked on the bed.

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