The Villainous Classmate is My Lucky Star

Chapter 141

Character Index

The Villainous Classmate is My Lucky StarChapter 141 The True Plot Continues

Wen Yantong scratched her head, and hesitated for a moment before saying, "Let's see when the time comes. If I don't leave by then, I will definitely tell Little Marquis."

Chi Jingxi nodded without much change in his expression. He then ordered the servants to clear away finished food on the table, got up, and went into the study.

Wen Yantong got into bed early, ready to sleep.

But it wasn’t until late at night before she fell into an uncomfortable slumber.

Wen Yantong had a dream that night. A nightmare so to say.

She dreamed that she was standing in the wilderness, surrounded by the glaring sight of blood and dead bodies. The strong smell of iron spread in the air, blocking her nose and making her feel extremely suffocated.

"Chi Jingxi." Someone spoke.

Wen Yantong turned around abruptly, and saw Cheng Xiao standing not far away. He was in full armor and holding a long blade. His cold eyes looked down at the person in front of him as he said, "You have already lost."

Wen Yantong moved her gaze to the direction Cheng Xiao was speaking from. Just a few steps from Cheng Xiao, someone was kneeling on the ground on one knee. His back hunched and his head lowered, and the long sword in his right hand was sunk into the ground, as if he was holding onto the handle for support. The silver armor on his body was stained with blood and had several deep cuts on it. There were several feathered arrows protruding from his torso, the arrowhead all deeply embedded into his body.

His long hair scattered to the ground, covering his face. The man’s body trembled slightly, and he let out heavy panting.

"...I lost a long time ago." Said in a hoarse and familiar voice.

Wen Yantong frowned.

"No matter what the final outcome of this battle is..." Chi Jingxi could almost no longer support himself, his every word was spoken slowly, "I lost from the moment everything was taken away."

From Cheng Yanchuan's death, the assassination of Mu Yang, Fu Zixian, Cheng Xin, and Anhuai Hou followed. At the end of Chi Jingxi's battle, he really had nothing.

The success of a general at war depended on the sacrifice of many[1], and Chi Jingxi was one of the many sacrifices.

Wen Yantong felt a sharp pain in her heart, and before she could react, she had already woken up from the dream.

She sat up from the couch, only to realize that she was crying, so she quickly wiped it away with her hands and even sniffled back in the mucus running down her nose.

The scene seen in the dream was an actual scene in the original book. After Chi Jingxi lost the last battle and admitted his defeat, his life also came to an end.

Wen Yantong actually also cried when she read up to this part of the plot. However, her original thought was that Chi Jingxi must have felt very unwilling (to die). Afterall, he was a capable individual, talented in both literary and martial arts. When he was a teenager, he was the idol of all the boys and girls in Chaoge. And when he grew up, he was a courageous, strategic, and decisive general.

Chi Jingxi was steady and wise, but he could never overcome the protagonist’s halo.

But the dream just now gave Wen Yantong a new understanding of Chi Jingxi.

Perhaps when Chi Jingxi died, he should have felt more of a sense of relief. This was because all of his loved ones were dead. Even if he won that battle and really ascended to the throne, he would only be living in pain and torment for the remaining decades.

He said he had already lost long ago. The defeated ones should be given a quick end so that the pain they suffer would not be so heart-wrenching. Chi Jingxi continued to fight to his last moment as a self-justification to everyone who had passed before him. But when death draped the curtain upon him, he was filled with the joy of liberation.

The more Wen Yantong thought about it, the more unwell she felt. She continued to wipe her face with her hand.

Just as she was still immersed in this depressing mood, there was a tapping sound behind the screen. Wen Yantong reflexively turned her head to look, and saw Chi Jingxi standing by the screen, half of his body was illuminated by a floor lamp. When he saw tears on Wen Yantong's face, Chi Jingxi couldn't help but lower his voice, "What's wrong? "

Wen Yantong wiped away the remaining tears in a hurry, pretending to be as if everything was alright and replied, "I’m fine, it's just a nightmare."

Chi Jingxi's eyes seemed to be full of tenderness under the soft fluorescence. He walked up to her side lightly and asked, "What kind of nightmare? To make you so scared?"

Wen Yantong sniffed, "I dreamed that I was crushed to death by a pig."

Chi Jingxi couldn't help laughing, and lifted the quilt up to cover her head. "How cowardly."

Surrounded by the sudden darkness, Wen Yantong soon felt a gentle force on her head, as if Chi Jingxi was patting her.

"Don't cry, you’re already a grown man." Chi Jingxi did not bother to hide the obvious smile in his voice, nor the tenderness in his consoles, "That pig has already been slaughtered. You just ate it for dinner. If that pig knew that you had cried for it, it may feel that death was worth it."

Wen Yantong was amused, and the blue haze in her heart slowly dissipated. After pulling down the quilt, she looked up at him, and asked, "Why is Little Marquis still not asleep at this time?"

Chi Jingxi lowered his head and looked at her. "I fell asleep, but I just heard a kitten-like crying sound, so I got up again to have a look."

Wen Yantong rubbed her face. "I didn't mean to disturb Little Marquis’ rest. I'm really sorry, please go to sleep."

Chi Jingxi didn't have any intention to blame her, so he just said, "Are you still feeling uncomfortable? Would you like some hot water?"

Wen Yantong shook her head. "It's all right, I feel much better with the Little Marquis here to talk to me."

Chi Jingxi couldn't tell whether she was glib or sincere, so he just smiled and patted her on the head. "Then go back to sleep."

Wen Yantong did as told. Chi Jingxi bent down to help her tuck in the corner of the quilt. She thought Chi Jingxi would leave after tucking in the quilt, but she didn't expect him to sit cross-legged on the edge of the couch.

Wen Yantong was overwhelmed by flattery. "Little Marquis, why don’t you go to sleep?"

Chi Jingxi replied, "Go to sleep, don’t mind me."

She wanted to say something else, but Chi Jingxi pressed her forehead, "Go to sleep!"

Wen Yantong nodded, covering her whole body with the quilt, only just showing the top half of her head. After looking at Chi Jingxi a couple more times, she slowly closed her eyes.

Chi Jingxi sat on the edge, lit a four-sided carved candle, picked up the book on the low table and read it quietly.

Hearing the sound of the pages turning slowly, Wen Yantong gradually relaxed.

Before today, she had always believed she was an outsider in this world. She transmigrated into this book and didn't belong here. But now Wen Yantong realized that from the moment she entered this book, she was already a part of the story; she was only just unwilling to insert herself into the future plot.

After the dream just now, Wen Yantong was willing to plunge into the story and change the direction of the plot set in the original novel.

For the sake of all the friends around her.

And also for the sake of Chi Jingxi.




The author has something to say:

[Chi Jingxi's Little Diary]

The twenty-fourth year of Ruixing Decade, the twenty-ninth day of the first lunar month:

Today a pig took her for a ride,

When we came back, she had nightmares that night,

And even cried my name in her sleep,

It was strangely cute.


[1] The success of a general at war depended on the sacrifice of many - A well known phrase from a poem from the Tang Dynasty. You can read more here:

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