The Villainous Classmate is My Lucky Star

Chapter 152

Character Index

The Villainous Classmate is My Lucky StarChapter 152 Long Live the Little Marquis (1)

Wen Yantong's impassioned words and fiery countenance sent shivers down Hao Jing's spine.

Despite her trembling, Hao Jing refused to yield. "Who do you think you are? How dare you claim the Little Marquis as your brother?"

The resounding slap against the table echoed through the room, punctuating Wen Yantong's resolve. "I, Wen Yantong will not tolerate your baseless accusations against the Little Marquis! Get the hell out here! I'll tear your mouth off if you dare to say anything more!"

Hao Jing flinched, but continued to stand still due to the embarrassment of a hasty retreat. Before she could retort, Hua Mo's voice broke through the tension from the doorway.

"This subject greets Little Marquis."

The two people in the room were startled at the same time. They simultaneously turned towards the door, and heard Hua Mo ask, "Is Little Marquis here waiting for Wen Yantong?"

Chi Jingxi's voice followed suit, "She's inside."

When Hao Jing heard Chi Jingxi's voice, she was so frightened that her whole body started to tremble. She hastily looked around the room, trying to find a place to hide. Seeing this, Wen Yantong stepped forward and grabbed her by the collar, "Don't try to hide! You must take responsibility for your own words!"

Hao Jing stretched out her hand to push Wen Yantong away. The people outside heard the movement, so they pushed the door open, just in time to see the two of them tussling one another.

Hua Mo's expression darkened, "What are you two doing?!"

Wen Yantong, having gleaned her fair share of wisdom from green tea novels, knew that in such situations, the first to speak would often hold the upper hand. Swiftly, she covered Hao Jing's mouth with her hands and boldly declared, "Master, this woman is truly despicable! She came to me with baseless tales about the Little Marquis! The Little Marquis is not only incredibly handsome and charismatic, but also astute and gifted, possessing unparalleled valor and brilliance! To hear her defame him was simply unbearable!"

Chi Jingxi, momentarily caught off guard by the unexpected shower of compliments, almost stumbled in surprise.

Fighting against Wen Yantong's grip, Hao Jing protested vehemently, "No, I didn't! She's making it all up!"

Wen Yantong let out a disdainful snort. It's useless even if you deny it three times.

Hua Mo's voice turned stern, her words a sharp reprimand. "You, a young lady, daring to venture into a man's chambers without permission! If word of this gets out, think of the scandal it would bring upon the entire qin department! This is utterly unacceptable!"

As Hua Mo's stern lecture echoed through the room, Chi Jingxi maintained his silence, a somber presence behind her.

Hao Jing, her heart pounding with fear, could no longer hold back her tears. Her voice quivered as she stammered, "Wen Yantong... She was the one who laughed at me first..."

"Enough!" Hua Mo's patience was spent, her voice cutting through the room. She wasn't about to let Hao Jing off easily. "Are your eyes on your forehead? You dare to speak ill of the Little Marquis behind his back? Why are you still standing? Kneel!"

Without hesitation, Hao Jing's knees buckled, and she fell to the ground with a resounding thud. She began to implore in a desperate plea, "Little Marquis, I beg for your forgiveness! I never intended to malign you. My words were rash, and I deeply regret them."

Chi Jingxi composed himself and directed his gaze towards Hao Jing. His countenance held no overt anger as he inquired, "Is this person also affiliated with the qin department?"

Hua Mo swiftly answered, "Responding to the Little Marquis, this young lady has yet to formally join the qin department. She is currently in a trial period."

Without a moment's hesitation, Chi Jingxi delivered his judgment, his voice firm and resolute. "A person with such questionable morals is not fit for the honor of joining the qin department. Teacher Hua, I trust you will handle this matter accordingly."

Hua Mo's response was immediate, "You have my word, Little Marquis, she will be punished severely."

Hao Jing started to panic and she begged for mercy tremblingly. The irritation in Chi Jingxi's gaze didn't waver; he had grown tired of her presence. With a curt command, he summoned the guards at the door, instructing them to remove her.

Seeing the unfolding scene, Hua Mo understood that Chi Jingxi's primary purpose here was to locate Wen Yantong. Sensing the shift in the atmosphere, she tactfully retreated.

As the door closed, Wen Yantong immediately reverted back to her usual self, and approached Chi Jingxi with a playful smile. "What do you think of that, Little Marquis? In order to protect your reputation, I even roared with all my might just now."

Chi Jingxi lightly asked, "You want a reward?"

"Of course not! Maintaining the reputation of the Little Marquis is what I should do as a friend! Rewarding me would belittle this friendship." Wen Yantong clicked her tongue, pretending to be displeased.

Chi Jingxi remained silent, knowing that Wen Yantong was not done talking.

Sure enough, Wen Yantong continued, "But if Little Marquis wants to give me a reward, of course I wouldn't refuse."

Chi Jingxi flicked her on the forehead, "Wake up."

Wen Yantong covered her forehead and requested, "Little Marquis, can you bring me to watch the play later, I want to watch too."

Chi Jingxi remained calm, "Want to watch the play?"

Wen Yantong nodded.

Chi Jingxi sat on a soft chair and leaned lazily on it, "There is still half an hour."

Wen Yantong understood immediately. She walked to the door and leaned out half of her body and said to the guards outside, "Little Marquis wants a cup of hot water for drinking."

The guards didn't suspect her, so they went to work.

Wen Yantong then looked through her bag. In it was a small package of dried flowers, which she originally brought to use to brew tea with.

These dried flowers were stumbled upon by chance when she went to the street to buy new year's goods. Most of the dried flowers in those shops were used to make scented soap bars, but in fact, these were also edible.

Wen Yantong picked out ones that have a fragrance similar to roses, and used them to make scented tea. The normal teas here she wasn’t used to, so she would drink these floral teas often as an alternative to hot water.

She knew that Chi Jingxi had never tried floral tea before so she generously wanted to share it.

Seeing her acting out of the ordinary, Chi Jingxi couldn't help asking, "What are you doing?"

Wen Yantong turned her head to look at him and displayed the dried flowers in her hand, "Looking for this thing."

"What is it?" he asked.

"Shhh, you will know later." Wen Yantong pretended to be mysterious.

Chi Jingxi refrained from further questioning. As he glanced up, his eyes fell upon the hair ornaments atop Wen Yantong's head, reminding him of his original purpose for seeking her out. His usually composed expression subtly darkened. "Where is it?"

Initially puzzled, Wen Yantong inquired, "Where's what?"

Chi Jingxi gestured with his chin. "Those two flowers. They clash horribly. Even two random branches from the roadside would be a more elegant and natural choice."

Wen Yantong's hand drifted up to her head, her fingers grazing the ornaments before realization washed over her. Swiftly, she retrieved a hairpin from her sleeves, explaining, "Here it is! This is a precious item, I must keep it safe."

Chi Jingxi’s expression softened slightly, "Hairpins are meant to adorn your hair, not be tucked away in your garments."

A soft sigh escaped Wen Yantong's lips. "I dare not draw attention to it, for fear of igniting rumors. Besides, I wouldn't want gossip to find its way to the ears of the Little Marquis. It's simpler to avoid unnecessary complications."

Chi Jingxi remained silent, his gaze fixed on Wen Yantong as she carefully stowed away the hairpin.

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