The Villainous Classmate is My Lucky Star

Chapter 162

Character Index

The Villainous Classmate is My Lucky StarChapter 162 Love Happens Spontaneously (2)

Their distance continued to shorten until Chi Jingxi's lips were a finger's width from hers.

He then suddenly paused.

A hot breath caressed by her lips, Chi Jingxi gently evoked a smile. His eyes lingered with laughter as he suddenly let go and said, "Done."

Wen Yantong remained in a daze, staring straight at him.

Chi Jingxi nodded. "I'm satisfied now."

She soon roused from her stupor; suppressing her chaotic breathing, Wen Yantong asked, "What?"

"I forgive you." Chi Jingxi said, "I'll treat what happened today as if it never happened. Now, do you know what it feels like to be abruptly kissed by someone?"

Wen Yantong was choked, and she didn't know what to say.

I understand now!

She felt her whole mind thrown into a mess, shattered by Chi Jingxi's gentle gaze, soft touch, and fiery breath.

Wen Yantong lowered her head hastily to hide her panic. Unable to remain in his room any longer, she quickly came up with an excuse. "It’s good that the Little Marquis has forgiven me. Then I will go back now, good night."

She didn't even hear Chi Jingxi's answer, fled the scene, and ran back to her room.

Chi Jingxi remained standing by the table as he looked towards the door, the smile on his face gradually softened, showing a hint of helplessness.

Wen Yantong remained in a state of bewilderment even after she went back. After washing up in a daze, and lying on the bed, she still could feel the sound of Chi Jingxi's breathing lingering in her ears.

This wasn’t the first time that her heart has skipped a for Chi Jingxi, nor was it an uncommon occurrence. Her heart would beat faster whenever they had an unexpected encounter. The calmness he displayed even when injured and the vigor he exuded when practicing archery, all of these were hard not to like. However, the feeling she felt this time was much stronger and more intense.

It was so strong that Wen Yantong could almost grasp this emotion.

Wen Yantong used to believe love was instantaneous, but when Chi Jingxi approached her just now, she realized her heart had been beating for him in the most ordinary way in her everyday life.

So when Chi Jingxi approached, she didn't have the slightest repulsion, but instead, was faintly anticipating it.

At the same time, she was clearly aware that the eagerness was only because it was Chi Jingxi.

Wen Yantong didn't sleep much that night; Chi Jingxi's face kept appearing in her mind. Mundane acts of him holding a brush, shooting an arrow, or beating someone flashed through her mind, every scene, every detail was clearly depicted.

To her surprise, she had been unconsciously observing Chi Jingxi so attentively!

Wen Yantong tried to picture Fu Zixian and Mu Yang, the people she often hung out with. Unexpectedly, they were far less vivid than Chi Jingxi’s image in her mind.

Perhaps, even without her realizing, her eyes had already revealed her subconscious, following Chi Jingxi in every appearance.

After Wen Yantong came to this conclusion, she laughed.

Since she slept much later than usual, when she was woken up by Mo Li the next day, Wen Yantong could barely respond. Her eyes were bloodshot and had prominent dark circles hanging below.

Mo Li was startled by this and inquired if she was okay.

Wen Yantong yawned loudly and replied, "I'm sick, lovesick."

Mo Li covered her mouth and laughed lightly, "Who caused gongzi to suffer from lovesickness?"

Wen Yantong refused to disclose this. "That’s a secret."

After tidying herself up briefly, Wen Yantong went out to have breakfast. Chi Jingxi was already sitting downstairs waiting for her.

There were not many people in the inn in the morning. Chi Jingxi sat further back, and when Wen Yantong finally made her way to him, there was only half a bowl of porridge in front of him.

Chi Jingxi looked up at her. "There’s no need to be that diligent, right?"

Wen Yantong knew that he was being sarcastic, but didn’t mind. Grining, she walked closer; in the past, they would always sit across from one another, but this time Wen Yantong moved to sit down next to him. She asked, "Little Marquis, did you sleep well last night?"

Chi Jingxi moved a bit to the side to make more space. He then looked at her bloodshot eyes and replied, "I slept better than you."

Wen Yantong rubbed her eyes and smiled, "It’s all because of last night’s nightmare."

When Chi Jingxi heard this, he paused and then asked, "Are you having nightmares again?"

"Yeah." Wen Yantong nodded. "I dreamt that I fell in love with a pig, and I was constantly hoping to marry it."

Wen Yantong remained in a joyful state the whole morning, even her sleepy face could not hide the smile on her lips.

Chi Jingxi was curious about her unexpected mood. However, when he was about to ask, she fell headfirst on the soft couch and fell asleep.

Perhaps she really stayed up too late last night. Moreover, with the quiet atmosphere, Wen Yantong fell into a dark slumber as soon as her head touched the soft pillow.

Chi Jingxi, who was sitting on the other side of the carriage, remained silent as soon as she fell asleep. He would occasionally look at her on her peaceful sleeping countenance while she rested the whole afternoon.

The carriage would stop from time to time, but Wen Yantong remained unaware. It was only when it was late in the afternoon that she got up groggily.

To suddenly flip her set sleeping schedule was really too uncomfortable. Although she had caught up on sleep, Wen Yangtong still felt mentally tired.

Seeing this, Chi Jingxi ordered someone to brew a cup of sour date and goji berries for her to drink. It didn’t help very much, but Wen Yantong’s heart warmed as she drank it, so she continued to hold the cup happily.

Throughout the entire latter half of their journey, Chi Jingxi could clearly discern Wen Yantong was in a cheerful mood. It was fine if she occasionally laughed like a fool, what irked him was that she would consistently stare at him as well.

Every time he asked, Wen Yantong would play dumb and refused to outright answer him.

Chi Jingxi was completely rendered helpless by her. He could no longer act the way he had in the past. Back then, whenever he saw Wen Yantong, he would directly say what was on his mind. With a bored expression on his face, phrases such as ‘shut up’ and ‘scram’ often were said without thinking. However, the situation had completely reversed. Not only could he no longer get angry at her, but he also was extremely sensitive to her emotional ups and downs.

Wen Yantong had always been eccentric, so Chi Jingxi was never bored during their whole trip. The journey remained the same as in the past, but the trip from Chaoge to Chang'an seemed to pass by much faster.

After traveling for more than ten days, they arrived at Chang'an during the middle of the third lunar month.

Chang'an was the second most prosperous city in the Shaojing Dynasty. It was equally as famous as Chaoge, but because the latter was crowned with the title of "Emperor’s Capital", Chang'an had always been ranked second.

In fact, because Chaoge strictly controlled their trade route entrance, it was not as affluent as Chang'an. Merchants from all corners of the country gather here. There were a wide variety of shops and restaurants, and the streets were as wide as eight carriages put side by side, it was almost too spacious.

When Wen Yantong stepped out of the carriage, she was amazed by this prosperous Chang'an.

It's a completely different feeling than being in Chaoge.




The author has something to say:

[Chi Jingxi's Little Diary]

The twenty-seventh of the Second Lunar Month:

She's having nightmares again…

Last time she was beaten to death by a pig

This time she wanted to marry a pig

...I want to meet that damn pig

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