The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 22

The next day. It felt like ages since we’d been out for a hike, even though it had only been a few days.

As usual, Sowol climbed the mountain without breaking a sweat. By the time she finished her basic training, I was ready to pick up my sword. Sowol looked at me, tilting her head in confusion.

“Why are you picking up a sword?”

It made sense given that I usually used a stick to teach her instead of a sword.

I wiped the smile off my face and pointed the sword at Sowol.

“Today is the skill test day.”

“Huh? All of a sudden?”

“Normally, tests are done based on your basic skill level. Let’s see how accustomed you’ve become to the Moonlight Sword Form, Level One.”

Moonlight Sword Form. Moonlight Wave.

It had been quite a while since I taught it to her, so I thought she’d be used to it by now.

After taking a deep breath, Sowol slowly grasped her wooden sword.


A powerful energy began to swirl around Sowol’s body, and it was impressive considering she had only been practicing for less than a year.

If she continues to grow like this, it won’t be long before she masters the Moonlight Sword completely.

[Job Quest – Sage]

[Raise two disciples to a certain level of growth.] (0 / 2)

When I accepted the Sage job quest, that number hadn’t changed at all.

It had taken quite a lot of effort to change that number even in the game.

Well, I’ll just keep going.

“Let’s go! You have to be careful!”

Oh my. I sure do have to be careful.

Even with Sowol’s incredible talent, her level wouldn’t even scratch me.

Still, it’s quite heartwarming to see her thinking of her master like that.


With full determination, Sowol charged at me.

The energy at the tip of her sword began to glow stronger.

With her eyes sparkling, Sowol swung her sword quickly in front of me.

At the same time, a powerful light and the energy within it spread out.

An actual Moonlight Wave was initiated.


I used the same Moonlight Wave to cancel it out, and as the mass of light settled, I watched Sowol slowly retrieve her sword.

She seemed to have controlled her strength somewhat; I thought she was trying her best.

Sowol appeared to have enough leeway left.

“How was that?”

With eager anticipation in her gaze, the only response I could give was a nod.

At this level, she could definitely call the Moonlight Wave her own.

“Well done.”

“Wow! Praise sticker!”

“Do you really think I’ll give you one?”


Praise stickers are indeed quite rare.

“What’s the criteria for getting a praise sticker?”

“My heart.”

After all, praise should come from the heart.

After patting Sowol’s puffed-up head, I picked up my sword.

“Okay. Now I’ll teach you the second form.”

“Huh? Isn’t it true that I can’t learn this form until I drink the Moonlight Elixir?”

“Just watch and learn for now. The real training will start after you drink the Moonlight Elixir. Did you drink it?”


“Good, then let’s go.”

I took a step back and held the sword with both hands. And…


With a low shout, I swung the sword swiftly.

At first glance, it just seemed like a simple downward slash.


The crescent-shaped sword energy shot out, instantly slicing through several trees.

There was no preparation stance, and it was quick—this sword style is the second form of Moonlight Sword. Moonlight Slash.

“… Wasn’t that just a normal sword energy release?”

“It’s hard to call it normal. Its power is strong compared to a typical blade release, but it has a low mana consumption rate. Plus, it’s fast enough to catch opponents off guard.”

I lightly waved my sword, and the flying crescent energy sliced through the sky.

Not stopping there, I continued to swing my sword.

With each swing, the crescent energy kept shooting out and gradually started to wreck the surrounding forest.

“When you get the hang of it, you can do something like this.”

“… That’s amazing!”

Sowol admired the completely destroyed surroundings.

Hmph. How about that?

Look at my master’s skills.

Receiving her gaze filled with respect, I sheathed my sword.

“I’ll teach you how to channel the mana for Moonlight Slash. Um… at first…”

I grabbed Sowol’s arm and guided her mana. Like when she learned the Moonlight Wave, we did fumble a bit at the start, but Sowol quickly began to grasp the flow of mana for the Moonlight Slash.

Her talent really shines through in moments like this.

Compared to the numerous times I taught the Moonlight Sword to talentless characters in the game who couldn’t grasp it no matter how many lessons I gave, Sowol’s talent is truly impressive.

“Hm.. Is this how you do it?”

Tilting her head a few times, Sowol swung her wooden sword. At the same time, crescent energy formed in the air. However, instead of spreading out like I did with the Moonlight Slash, it simply dissipated in place.

“It’s difficult.”

“It’s not one of the three great sword techniques for nothing. Still, creating blade energy on your first try is praiseworthy.”

“Then maybe… praise sticker?!”

“Do you really think I’ll give you one?”

I can’t let my guard down.

It had been ten days since we started training the Moonlight Slash form.

By the time Sowol became completely accustomed to the Moonlight Slash and drank the entire Moonlight Elixir, I noticed the inner sanctum of the trading company was buzzing with activity.

“Is something happening?”

“Yes? Ah, yes. They’re holding a harvest festival in the Levent territory right now. Our Eastern Trading Company is also participating in the festival…”

Ah, has it already come to harvest festival day?

The harvest festival in the Levent territory lasts for two full days.

Since this year’s yield is quite good, the scale of the festival would be large, so there should be plenty of fun things in store.


I saw a smiling girl with black bobbed hair approaching brightly behind the maid who had answered me.

It was Laila.

She seemed to have come to join me as promised for patrolling during this harvest festival.

“The patrol team has decided to move out now. We need to patrol both today and tomorrow…”

“It’s a harvest festival; shouldn’t you enjoy it?”

“Haha, I’m fine!”

So cheerful.

Laila, who usually has a smiling face, looked even brighter today.

As I followed her while she casually turned around and walked ahead, I spotted the warriors participating in today’s patrol team.

“Everyone knows, but the harvest festival will be held in the Levent territory from today until tomorrow. Our Eastern Trading Company has decided to participate in the festival, and on the Lord’s request, we are joining the festival patrol.”

“Will we get to rest after it’s over?”

“When the festival ends, there’s going to be a banquet for the patrol team at the Torrence Tavern, so join us then.”

At the serious words of the warrior, joyous sounds erupted from the warriors.

They must be looking forward to eating and drinking at the banquet.

As the murmurs faded, he cleared his throat softly and looked this way. Did he have something to say?

“There shouldn’t be any problems, but if something unmanageable happens during the festival…”

“Ah. Then contact me immediately.”

“Thank you, Master.”

I didn’t think anything would happen during such a small local festival, but perhaps due to the recent heretic incident, Baek Moo seemed a bit tense.

Once I gave the okay, he sighed as if feeling relieved and relayed the patrol zones to us. As for mine…

“I’m in the market area, huh? It’s where the festival is happening.”

Perfect. I’ll casually stroll around and grab some snacks.

Since there was no need to wait, we moved to our respective patrol zones.

When Laila and I arrived at the market area we were assigned to, the people preparing for the festival brightened up upon seeing us.

“Oh my! Isn’t that Master? And Laila too!?”

“Hahaha! How have you been?”

“Oh dear! I’ve been well. You wouldn’t believe how much the kids have wanted to see Laila.”

“Louis and Roland? Hehe, please tell them I wanted to see them too.”

“Sure! Master! When the festival starts, you have to come to our shop. We’ll give you great service!”

“Sure, keep up the great work.”

The people greeted us throughout the market, starting from the first shop we visited.

While I received their greetings casually, Laila, due to her cheerful personality, ended up chatting for quite a while with everyone.

“Have you been waiting long?”

“No, no. By the way, you two seem to get along well with the townsfolk?”

Especially well with the parents.

Earlier, a playful boy and a lively girl even charged at Laila, playfully saying they would have a sword fight later!

I’d thought working for the Eastern Trading Company would mean not getting along with the village, but that turned out to be false.

“Haha… it seems they find it easy to get close to me because of how I look and act like a boy.”

With a bright smile, Laila scratched the back of her head.

Her words made me gaze intently at her.

Short hair cut like a boy’s.

A always-smiling face. She wore shorts that came up to her knees, and on top, she had a jacket from the Eastern Trading Company.

While one could say she radiated a androgynous charm, it didn’t mean she looked like a boy.

“I’m not pretty like a lady.”

“You’re pretty too.”

“… Huh?”

“You’re definitely pretty.”

“Haha… no, that’s quite the joke.”

“It’s not a joke. Everyone has their own charm. Yours is definitely beautiful too. To me, you’re as charming a girl as Sowol.”

“… Is that so? Hehe…”

Laila, with a scratched head and a slightly flushed face, gently lowered her gaze.

“I’ve never heard anything like that before…”

“Really? Well, even if it’s just sometimes, if you want to hear it, come to me. I’ll tell you as much as you want.”

It doesn’t cost me anything to say that.

I smiled at her, who was gazing at me blankly, before turning my body. And just then.

“Hah! Hah! Hah! Oh my!! What a coincidence!!”

It was Sowol, who doesn’t even seem to be out of breath after climbing a mountain, panting and wiping her sweat, then brightly smiling at us.

When did she come?

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