The Walking Dead: Warlord

S1E15 – Back to Atlanta

The drive to my old house was relatively short. About thirty minutes. I walk into the house and put on one of my armor plates, strap my shotgun to my back, and strap my gladius on my hip. I don’t wanna have to take something out of my inventory in front of them. I’m sure they’ll find out about this ability someday, but I don’t want it to be today. Especially not in front of Merle. That fucker is most likely to turn me into a giant pack mule. 

I also stock my pack with some food to make it more believable when I take it out of my inventory. Alright! I think I’m good!

I step outside of the door and see the group all huddled around one of the rapists bodies. I look at them with confusion and ask,

“What? Did something happen?”

Glenn nods his head,

“Yeah, Uhm. One of the bodies is missing. We were going to loot them for their weapons, but only one of them is here.”

Oh, right. I didn’t shoot the skinny one in the head. Time to play stupid.

“Some walkers probably drug it off somewhere, or some of his buddies came to bury him. The fat guy was probably too hard to move.”

Glenn nods his head,

“Yeah, that’s what we were thinking.”

They’re all too soft to know the truth right now. He may have gotten shit for it, but Rick was right for waiting to tell them. I mean, Jacque already wanted to kill herself and she didn’t even know about that. I guarantee you Andrea would have stayed there had she known, even with Dale saying he was gonna stay.

After that brief detour, we head down into the depths of the city as apparently the group had already combed through most of the outer section. Glenn’s had his eye on a mechanics shop deeper down, hoping to get some more stuff for Dale to help with the RV. Driving through the city, we notice that it’s oddly quiet. Glenn speaks up,

“Uhm, anybody else notice how quiet it is? Usually we’d see at least one group.”

T-dog nods his head,

“Yeah, I’m not a big fan of this. It’s kinda creeping me out.”

Andrea says,

“This should be a good thing. It means we won’t have to deal with any blocking the roads.”

I chime in,

“Or it means they’re all gathered in one spot.”

As I say that, we turn to head to the mechanic shop and directly in front of us is a group of walkers all standing in front of a clothing store. T-dog speaks,

“Oh shit.”

I hop out of the passenger seat and talk to Glenn through the window,

“Take the van around back, I’ll lead most of the horde away. I’ll meet you guys in the clothing store.”

I run back to Merle, not giving the group the chance to argue. He starts off,

“How we doin this?”

I say,

“I’m gonna lead most of the horde away, you guys are gonna go around the block and break line of sight, I’ll meet you guys in the clothing store.”

He chuckles,

“Hehehe, you got balls, girlie, I’ll give you that.”

I wait for the group to drive around the corner and start yelling,


I pick up a brick on the side of the road and throw it at the window of the store to my right, getting the attention of most of the horde. I keep making noise, making sure to keep an eye out around me. Anxiety starts to feel my body as I look through the herd of mostly freshly infected walkers. I start to freak out a little as my hands and feet start to grow cold. I wait for them to be a couple feet in front of me and start slowly walking my way down the road, away from the clothing store.

I walk like this for a good thirty minutes. Quite a long amount of time, but I have to walk at the same speed as the walkers. During this time, I’ve calmed my nerves quite a bit. I draw my gladius and decide to get a little bit of practice in with it. Some walkers shamble a little faster than the others, making them easy to take out. First up are two lovely ladies. One has on some runny makeup, which doesn’t really help the contorted Karen face. The other looks as though she’s incredibly bored despite the fact that half of her face has been mawed off.

I don’t feel any familiarity with the gladius like I do with the knife, so I think I’ll try to use it the same way I would a knife, just more slashy. As makeup walker comes just out of arm's reach, I slash the gladius. It soars through the air, making a whipping sound as it gracefully and accurately cuts…

The air.

I slashed just a bit too early. Luckily, I twist my wrist and slash again. This time, I cut the walker across the jaw. Still not a kill. Damn. I really need to get down the distance. I stab up, catching the walker just behind the chin. The sword comes out the top of the skull for a brief second before I rip it back out. The walker gurgles as the last bit of oxygen leaves its lungs.

[Walkers: 1/50]

The second walker, ol’ sleepy Joelle, comes up to me with reckless abandon as walkers tend to do. I decide to try out a decapitation again, so I wait for it to get closer and then slash to the right. My blade finds purchase, cutting through the walkers neck with ease. I take the sword and stab the head on the ground.

[Walkers: 2/50]

Alright! Let’s do this for a few minutes!

{Ten Minutes Later}


[Walkers: 16/50]

[STR +1]

[AGI +1]

“Hoooo… Haaaaah… Alright, I’m done.”

I need to head back to the group now. I start jogging down the street to the right, getting some distance so I can break line of sight. I reach the end of the block and turn to my right. As I start jogging down this street, I feel a pair of eyes on me and freeze for a split second.



I hear the sound of a bullet hitting the ground by me, causing a shock to my system. I immediately start running. Based on the fact that I heard the bullet before the gunshot, this person must be shooting from pretty far off. As I reach the end of the block, another shot rings by.



This one lands to my right, causing me to run to the left. Hopefully turning down this street will block me from the shooter. As I run down this block, another one rings out to my right again. I guess there were two shooters.



But, the gunshots are getting more and more spaced. I take a left down the street, and come face to face with the biggest horde I’ve seen yet. At least two hundred walkers. I take a step back out of shock.



I see. They were leading me here. Sick fucks. I draw my pistol and am about to shoot the walkers when…



AN: Read 10+ chapters in advance over on my Patreon.

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