The Walking Dead: Warlord

S1E23 – Best Served Cold

I look at V’s corpse for a few seconds before ripping the axe out of her head.

[Human - 100p]



As I get the notification, I release a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. I walk over to the kitchen and pick up the bottle of whiskey, taking a quick sip and feeling the burn go down my throat. Well, three down, one to go. I store the whiskey in my inventory and look around, finding my gladius leaned against the corner of the wall. I pick it up and replace the wood axe with it. I breathe out to calm my nerves and head out of the apartment, leaving the TV on. I head up the stairs, seeing several small bags of trash lying in the corners. The carpet of the stairs is old and has a stench wafting off of it.

Eventually, I reach the next floor, and see the same design as down below. Two apartment doors on opposite sides. I walk up to one of the doors and knock on it,

*knock knock*

I hear nothing from inside, as despite their age, these apartments are pretty well sound insulated. I slowly open the door, and find the room to be pitch black… Minus a single candle lit in the far corner, illuminating an end table and a bed. I knock on the door once again, and hear groaning coming from the side with the candle. I see the bed moving and prepare my sword, waiting for the dead Ricardo to come towards me, but I hear no shuffling. Instead, I see the bed continuing to move. I take a flashlight out of my inventory and quickly flash the bed, revealing Ricardo, turned and tied to the bed frame. I guess he decided to tie himself up, rather than risking the lives of his friends.

I walk over to the side of the bed and see the freshly dead man looking up at me with dead, angry eyes. I take my sword and stab down into his temple, killing him.

[Walkers: 24/50]


[Quest Completed!]

[Escape captivity by any means necessary.]

[Rewards: 500p, 5 stat points, Survivor Box (Bronze)]


I decide to put three points in strength, and two in agility. I’m already starting to look like a powerhouse. Alright, nice. Next, I open up the survivor box.

[Survivor Box (Bronze): Fishing Rod, 5 person tent, Flint and Steel, Poncho, Gravity Purifier, Hotwire kit]

Not too bad of a little box. Don’t really understand why I got it from this situation of all things, but I’m sure it’ll be useful. I spend a few minutes looking around Ricardo’s room, finding my shotgun stashed by the bedside, along with my pistol and holster. With a quick look over of the room, I find quite a number of bottles of alcohol, food, and some medical supplies. Those all go in the inventory.

[Threshold reached! Items will now be stored under individual tabs in the inventory screen for ease of use!]

Oh! How convenient! I find nothing else of interest in this room, and head back down into the big room with V’s body. Since the blackout curtains are drawn, I’m able to turn the lights on in this room. First things first, I store the TV and the game console. After storing the TV, I feel a bit of weight on my chest, and a red screen pops up,

[Warning! Storing larger objects will require you to level up your strength!]

Good to know. That weight disappears as the object is fully stored. I turn out the lights for a second and grab the solar generators, along with the fairy lights. These will be good for raising morale. It’s always nice to have a bit of light at night. I turn the lights back on and look around the room. I end up finding my cyclone knife just lying on the piles of blankets. I end up storing all the blankets, pillows, and beanbags except the ones that have been covered in V’s brains and blood. I find my clothes, as well as V’s and Kelsie’s stored in the wardrobe in the corner of the room. I decide to just take everything. It seems that my inventory is unlimited, but I can only store things up to a certain size as a trade-off. I find a ton of bottled waters, alcohol, another Springfield stashed in the corner, and some boxes of .30-06 ammo. This Springfield actually has a scope on it, as well, so I think I’ll keep this one for myself. The other one will probably go to Dale. But I’ll have to work on his pacifist ways, otherwise he’ll become a detriment to the group.

If this encounter has taught me anything, it’s that I’ve been taking this world too lightly. Thinking of it as more of a TV show than as real life. I’m glad I learned this lesson sooner rather than later. Thinking back, there were sooooo many red flags. First they lured me to that horse with the shots, then she somehow miraculously saved me, then she laughs when I say the guys that shot at me were terrible shots! Plus, she didn’t have her guard up around me! Come on, Penny! TWD 101: If something is too good to be true, it usually is!

As I beat myself up, I finish scouring the room. I find a crate of DVD’s and video games, vinyl records, a record player, and probably around two grand worth of alcohol. With this room being clear, I move on to the other apartment which seemed to be their storage.

Thanks to the blackout curtains, I’m also able to turn on the lights in this apartment as well. The cardboard boxes are actually labeled as well. I find about ten boxes labeled food, ten cases of bottled water, a box with random bathroom items, three boxes of clothes, two boxes full of different types of ammos, and a box full of weapons. It seems they didn’t have a lot of long guns, but they have quite the selection of handguns. I even manage to find the .45acp version of the M1911, the superior version. With a quick swap out, I decide to go ahead and kit myself out. On my right hip is my pistol and the cyclone dagger. On my left is the gladius and mommy Bowie knife. On my back, I’ll eventually have a backpack with my rifle on the left and the shotgun on the right. Honestly, I may just saw off most of the barrel of the shotgun and holster it, but for now, that’s where it’ll go.

After the weapons are situated, I find a toolbox full of stuff, some car parts, and a box of medicines. I even found the tranquilizer she put in my drink. Apparently, it’s used in zoos to knock out raging animals. Jesus, I’m glad this shit didn’t stop my heart or something.

After cleaning out the room, I take a quick look outside. Of course, after turning out the lights. I see the horde outside moving extremely slowly. Looking both ways, I find that the horde just seems to go on and on. Well, it seems I won’t be going out any time soon…

Wait… They should be going back for Merle by now… Shit… I gotta get back like right now…


AN: Read 10+ chapters in advance over on my Patreon.

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