The Walking Dead: Warlord

S1E4 – Exploration




I’m woken up by the constant chime of the watch on my wrist. I rub my eyes, getting the sleep out of them, and look at the watch.


And, I set the timer to 6:30, and fall right back asleep.

Or at least I try to, before I remember the world I’m in. I can’t exactly snooze my alarm anymore, considering I’ll have to find food and water. After all, I may have enough food for two days, but that’s just that. Two days.

First thing I do after waking up is my morning stretches. They help me get fully woken up, and keep me nice and limber. I usually do this for about ten minutes every day, but I’ll just do it for five today. As I come up from my toe touch, a blue screen pops up,

[DEX +1]

Instantly, I feel the joints all across my body loosen up ever so slightly, a refreshing wave washes over me as I take a deep breath. Jeez, if this is how it’s gonna feel every time, I think I could get addicted to it.

But, wow… That was pretty fast. From just five minutes of exercise, I’m able to gain a stat point? Once I’m with a group, I may as well just become the group yoga instructor! I’ll be able to fold myself in half! Literally! That is, if it stays this fast, which I doubt it will. As I’m thinking, my stomach starts rumbling. So, I head over to the kitchen. Opening up the pantry, I find that it seems to be relatively stocked. Several small cans of food, some chips, cereal. There’s even a few packets of ramen.

Opening the fridge, I of course am bombarded by the smell of rotting meat, due to the lunch meat being kept in it. But, ignoring that, I find a couple more bottles of water, as well as an unopened two liter of coke, and an opened two liter of Dr. Pepper. Though, there’s only about a cup left of the Dr. Pepper. I also find a loaf of moldy bread in there… Seriously? Who keeps bread in the fridge?

Anyways, moving on.

I store all of my findings in my inventory, taking up five slots in total as I find out my inventory stacks.

[Misc. Canned Foods x13]

[Chips x3]

[Cereal x1]

[Bottled Water x9]

[Two Liter Soda x1]

I take out one of the canned foods, getting a can of Vienna sausages, and find a glass in the kitchen to pour the Dr. Pepper in. And I have myself a hearty, but flavorless meal. I did add some salt and pepper to the sausages, though. Seeing a full bag of salt, I decide to take that as well, as I know a bit on how to preserve meat, so I know the salt will be useful. That and I’m sure I’ll get sick of flavorless meat after a while.

Alright, with my meal out of the way, it’s time to head out. I’ll be checking the adjacent houses today, trying to find a few more bottles of water if I can. Maybe even a pair of bolt cutters. I look out the cracks in the wooden boards covering the glass on the door, trying to get a view of any walkers or people in the area. I see that there are two walkers to the left of the entrance, about twenty feet away. I’m a little freaked out, but I think I can take them. So long as I’m careful, that is. I open up the door and walk outside with my knife out. Sadly, I didn’t find something like a baseball bat or axe in the backyard, so I’ll have to stick to this for now. The walkers start moaning and shambling towards me, the two look much less degraded than the other two I’ve killed so far, but I still think I’ve got them. Luckily, they’re spaced apart. I walk up to the one closest to me. My heart starts to race as I get closer, seeing it’s dead eyes looking at me as nothing more than a meal. I remember how the gang took out walkers on the show further in, stabbing them in the neck, up into the brain. I take some deep breaths and try to calm down as the walker is five feet in front of me.

I lunge forward, knocking its right hand way from my body and plunging the knife into its neck. Though, I don’t feel a cracking sensation, but a scraping one. Turns out, penetrating a skull is a lot harder than the show would have you believe. With my left hand on its right arm, the walker keeps pushing itself towards me, leaking blood from its neck onto my clothing.

I start to panic and pull the knife back, stabbing it in the temple. Once again the blade glances off, peeling some of the skin off the skull of the walker. It grabs onto me with its other hand, digging its fingers into my shoulder. They don’t pierce through my skin like they do in the show, but they do hurt like hell. I pull out the blade and stab again, hitting it in the back of the skull, behind the ear. The blade glances off once more, but glances downwards. I feel a bit of resistance being broken through, as the walker's arms go limp.

I get no time to breathe however, as the second walker oversteps the corpse and grabs onto my shirt.

“Ugh! Rrrr!”

I shove the walker back, making it lose its grip on my shirt. I step forward with it, and stab it straight in the neck with my knife. And it falls, right back onto its buddy. The two continue on biting, as I didn’t destroy the brain. So, I fall back, sitting down to catch my breath.

I look around, seeing no other walkers in sight, and get back up to finish off my kills. I decide to test out the kills they did in the show. I turn one of the walkers head to the side and shove the knife into the base of the skull. This has my desired effect, as it cuts into the brain stem like butter.

(I know the brain stem is protected, but let’s just say that part of the skull is softened in walkers, aight?)

[Rotted Walker - 10p]

And, I do the same for the other.

[Rotted Walker - 10p]

“Fooo… Well, that was exciting.”

I sigh and get up. If fights like that are gonna wear me out, I won’t survive for long. I do a quick look over of the walkers and see nothing of interest, so I continue on my way. I walk down the street, looking through the front doors of the houses.

Once again, most are locked, and some have wide open doors. The houses I do search are pretty much empty, other than dust that is. Guess I’ll have to go deeper into the city.


AN: The first 20 chapters are up on the Patreon. You can join for as little as $1 a month.

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