The Walking Dead: Warlord

S1E9 – Help Thy Fellow Man

“Jesus Christ, she fucking shot at us!”

I hear muffled voices as I feel myself being carried,

“Yes, but that’s completely understandable considering what just happened. The poor girl was nearly raped!”

The other one, the more masculine one, speaks,

“Fuck. She’s absolutely drenched in blood.”

The more feminine one then speaks up,

“I know, right? Poor girl.”

I open my eyes and look up at the person carrying me, but am unable to make out any real features other than dark hair. My head aches as I feel myself being placed inside of a car. I hear a higher pitched male voice speak,

“Uh, guys, who is she?”

The deeper voice speaks up,

“Two men tried to rape her, but she managed to fight them off. But she’s been shot, so we need to take her to the camp.”

As I’m placed inside and laid down on my back, the other door opens and the female figure gets in beside me. She lays my head on her lap and holds pressure on my gunshot, causing me to tense in pain. She notices me looking at her and says,

“Don’t worry. You’re safe with us. We’ll help you.”

I fall unconscious yet again.


[Narrator POV:]

“Holy shit they fucked this girl up. The blood coming from the gunshot is one thing, but the back of her head is caked in it. The cut on her jaw is pretty deep, too. She’s lucky we were there to get her. T-dog, can you pass me a pack of gauze? We can’t wait till we get to camp.”

Andrea speaks while holding pressure on Penny’s wound. T-dog nods his head and opens the glovebox, grabbing the red medkit out. He decides to pass her the whole bag instead of just the gauze, not knowing if there was something else she needed.

“Here you go. Morales, the hell happened back there? What part of a medicine run ends up with you bringin’ back a girl covered head to toe in blood?”

Morales, who is sitting in the back of the van, says,

“Like Andrea said, we were on our way to the store when we heard a girl yelling out. When we got close enough to see what was happening, I ended up stepping on some broken glass so we weren’t able to get the drop on those pieces of shit. She must’ve had a gun hidden on her, cuz next thing I know, two gunshots ring out and the meth head trying to rape her is dropped. Course, his buddy tries killing the girl. Just before I was able to shoot him, the girl managed to pop off another two shots, dropping him. But as you can see, she didn’t exactly make it out unscathed.”

Glenn, who is driving the van, speaks up,

“Jesus, guys. Seems like some people have already gone to shit, huh?”

T-dog shakes his head,

“Nah, those people’ve always existed. There just ain’t no cops to keep them from doing this anymore.”

Andrea then speaks up,

“Tell you what, this girl is pretty lucky. And lower and that jaw cut would’ve been a throat slitting. She’s also lucky that the other guy was a shitty shot. I don’t know too much about anatomy, but it seems like the bullet missed anything majorly important. Shane will probably be able to tell better than us.”

T-dog speaks up again,

“So, did you guys grab those rapists' guns?”

Morales shakes his head and says,

“Nah, we were too focused on getting her outta there. Plus I doubt those dudes would ever have cleaned them, anyway. They’d probably be about useless.”

Glenn then chimes in,

“Shit guys. There’s a bit of a horde on the road.”

Looking ahead, the group sees a gathering of about nine walkers slowly shambling down the road. Glenn speaks up again,

“We may have to take a bit of a detour.”

Andrea shakes her head,

“No, just go through them. The van can take it.”

Glenn sighs and says,

“Dammit, I’d rather not get blood on it but whatever.”

He continues on, hitting three walkers and continuing on. Blood splatters on the hood of the car, as well as the front windshield. Glenn creases his eyebrows in disgust and says,

“And that’s why.”

Using the wiper fluid, Glenn proceeds to spread a thin layer of blood across the entire windshield. 


[Narrator POV:]

As the group arrives back at camp, everyone immediately notices the blood on the car and assumes the worst, going up to the group with worried looks. As Glenn gets out, he notices the looks and speaks,

“We’re fine. Just… Had to get back quickly.”

Everyone gives him a confused look as they see Morales reach into the back of the van, pulling out a girl with blood coating her front. Shane springs into action,

“She bit?”

Morales shakes his head,

“No, shot, cut, and hit in the head.”

Shane speaks, 

“Alright then, Lori, Carol, can you get the bed in the RV cleaned off for her? Dale, show me where the medical stuff is.”

Everyone gets into action quickly. Carol and Lori move the backpacks from the bed and clear off the blanket. Morales comes in and lays Penny down on the bed. Dale comes in with a large red crate and lays it down beside her before commenting,

“Jeez. They did a number on her. Absolute animals.”

Shane then comes in behind him. Dale goes to leave, but Shane stops him,

“I may need a pair of steady hands to help me with some stuff. Don’t go too far.”

Dale nods his head and sits down on the couch. Shane takes a bottle of rubbing alcohol and washes his hands with it before putting on a pair of latex gloves. Dale looks at him curiously, to which Shane says,

“Even if I’m using gloves, I don’t wanna take any chances.”

And with that, he gets to work.


AN: The first 20 chapters are up on the Patreon. You can join for as little as $1 a month.

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