The Walking Dead: Warlord

S2E66 – Execution

[Pre-note: I don’t know what all the guys were in prison for, so I’m gonna make stuff up for them. Assume some of them are lying.]


We all stand with our guns trained on the group of six prisoners. Tomas stands in the center with his hand on the grip of the revolver handed to him by whoever it was. I call out to him,

“Why don’t you get your hand off that gun before you get yourself hurt, big boy?”

He scoffs and raises his nose at us, saying,

“Tch, yeah right. So you putos can gun me down with no chance of defense?.”

I nod my head,

“If that’s how you want this to go, sure.”

Daryl comes up to me, keeping his eyes trained on the group,

“Why don’t we just go ahead and ice this fucker? He’s already got his hand on the gun.”

I nod to him and say,

“We got people with us that would judge us if we did that. Right now, they just see him as a guy who’s being defensive. But, he’ll absolutely slip up. The second he does, I’m putting a bullet in him. Keep an eye on that skinny short one over there, I think he’s this dudes lackey. The others seem kinda alright. But I don’t know how I feel about that one.”

I motion towards the one guy I don’t recognize. He’s kinda chubby, and has on a pair of circular glasses like a Ben Franklin wannabe. Daryl looks back at Maggie and nods his head,

“Alright. You shoot this guy, I pop a cap in the other. Got it.”

I nod to him and speak to Tomas,

“Alright, how about introducing yourselves? We know your names, we may be more open to discussing things with you rather than introducing your insides to your outsides.”

The first one to speak up is the big guy. I forgot how silly his name was,

“Big Tiny’s what they call me.”

I nod at him and say,

“Nice to meet you. What you in for?”

He shakes his head and says,

“I had too much weed for the officer's taste.”

I nod and point to the next, the skinny white dude with the billy-goat facial hair,

“A-Axel… I-I was put in here because I-I tried to steal from a store with a fake gun.”

I move to the next, the calm, composed black guy,

“Oscar. Armed robbery.”

I move onto the next, Tomas. He wears his grey jumpsuit around his waist,

“Jimmy. You don’t need to know why I’m in here..”

Before moving onto the next guy, I speak to him,

“Alright then, ‘Jimmy’. If we don’t get the reason you’re here, I’m just gonna assume you were a pedophile and send a round through your skull.”

He looks at me with furrowed brows and says,

“Evading arrest.”

I nod my head and move to the next, a skinny and short black guy who stands at the ready with his baseball bat,

“F-Franklin. Here for drug dealing.”

I point to the last, the guy I don’t recognize,

“Thomas Richards. Here for tax evasion as well.”

That name sounds so fucking familiar, but I just can’t put my finger on it. I’m gonna be keeping an eye on him, just in case. Maybe it’ll jog my memory. I nod my head and start to lower my rifle before saying,

“I’m Penny.”

I go to motion for everyone else to speak, but am interrupted by ‘Jimmy’,

“Woah, woah… You mean to tell me this group of giant dudes is being told what to do by a little pipsqueak like you? Is this some kinda joke?”

I slowly turn my head towards him and give him a smile. I walk forwards towards him and speak,

“Yes. Actually. This group of big, burly men is—in fact— being led by a nineteen year old girl who stands just taller than the average woman. This teenage girl has also killed more people than the six of you could ever imagine.”

I see out of the corner of my eye, Richards smirking. Something about that smirk…

“I’ve shot people, stabbed them to death, and even driven an axe halfway through someone’s head. Before you decide to go and antagonize me, know this: my group and I had already decided before coming here that if there were living prisoners, we’d try to get along with you. But if they decided to be dipshits and get aggressive, we’d put a hunk of lead in their skulls. Think about your next actions. Very. Carefully.”

Tomas looks at me with a smirk and says,

“Alright, boss lady, okay. I gotchu.”

I look back into the room behind them and say,

“I see you got quite a bit of food back there. Explains how you guys survived this long. How much you got left?”

Tomas scoffs again, making several blood vessels pop out on my head,

“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I step forwards and sling my rifle, putting a hand on my revolver just in case. I speak to him in a low tone,

“You must be misunderstanding something here. We’re not the police. There is no police. There is no grey area anymore. Either you tell me, or I introduce you to whatever god it is you believe in.”

Axel is the one who speaks up, saying,

“We-we have about a years worth left for us.”

I nod my head and say,

“Good. Grab a few bags of food and follow us.”

Tomas shakes his head,

“Nah, you don’t—“

I draw my revolver and point it at his skull and say,

“One more word.”

Everyone behind me pulls up their rifles as well, pointing them at the other prisoners. Tomas gulps and says,

“Just… Why do you want us to grab bags of food?”

I answer him,

“Because it’s clear from how you act that we won’t be able to coexist. We’re taking over this prison, so we’ll be getting you out of here. Giving you your freedom.”

Tomas nods his head and speaks with a smile,

“I like the sound of that.”

I put my revolver back in its holster as the group of prisoners walks back into the food storage. I walk back to the group and whisper to them,

“I’m gonna end up killing that ‘Jimmy’ guy. I can already tell. Him and Franklin. If I do end up killing them, hold off on shooting the others, but keep your guns trained on them. If they make any moves, shoot them.”

The group nods to me as I turn around and find the six prisoners all stood behind me carrying plastic garbage bags full of random food. I nod to them and say,

“Alright. Let’s get goin’.”

We walk out of the cafeteria, finding a small group of walkers all standing around aimlessly. A few rounds gets rid of them, and the rest of the way is completely clear of any walking corpses. We make it outside, where the group of prisoners spies the pile of corpses by the fence. I let them all walk out ahead of us and bask in the sun. Big Tiny is the first one to speak,

“Oh my lord, goddamn does the sun feel good!”

Axel nods his head as he looks up with his eyes closed,

“It sure does buddy. It sure does.”

Tomas look at the pile and says,

“So, the entire outside world is full of… This? You guys did this?”

He turns to look at us and I nod my head.

“Yup. These are called walkers. You saw those ones we shot inside. They’re what dead people turn into now. If the brain isn’t destroyed, they end up turning into that. Most of the world's population is most likely one of those now.”

Thomas, the chubby one says,

“And you want us to go out into that?”

I shake my head and say,

“You’re going to go out into that. You don’t have a choice. I wish you luck. And if we ever see any of you here again, you’ll be met with a bullet to the brain.”

Tomas turns to me and walks up closer while shaking his head. He speaks slowly,

“No, no, no. We thank you for clearing this place out for us, but we sure as hell ain’t leaving.”

I walk up closer to him as well, getting about a foot away from him. His stench fills my nose as I scowl at him and say,

“You don’t have a choice. Leave, or die.”

We stay there, staring at each other for a good few seconds. Tension fills the air as we lock eye contact. I can tell, he’s not gonna back down. I speak to him,

“It’s a damn shame you couldn’t see reason.”

I see his arm jerk and immediately draw my revolver with deadeye activated. As my revolver arm moves up to go in-line with Franklin, I use this skill to draw my gladius with my other arm. With one sweeping motion, I split his head in two. My sword wielding arm almost goes numb as deadeye deactivates. I hear ‘Franklin’ yell out and see him jolt at me with his baseball bat,



Only to be met with a cold, hard bullet.

The One Patrons:

Dan Nicolae Barzu

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