The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 029 – Family

[2009 – June]

Knocking on the doorframe of Xavier's office, I could see the Professor and a flawless blonde beauty already in the office through the wide-open door.

Ah, Elijah. Please, come in and close the door.”, the Professor responded to my knock.

Doing as he asked, I entered the office and sat down in the free chair in front of Xavier's desk, right next to the woman, who I was pretty sure was Emma Frost.

"Elijah, let me introduce you to my former student and Headmistress of the Massachusetts Academy, Emma Frost. Emma, meet Elijah Frost, newest residence of the mansion and a young man with a bright future.", Charles introduced flatteringly.

Turning towards Emma, I saw her extending her hand as she addressed me with a perfect smile: "Nice to meet you, Elijah. I hope it's okay that I call you by your first name. You too can just call me Emma."

Sighing internally at my initial suspicion about my name coming true, I shook Emma's hand lightly, as I answered her calmly while keeping my face straight: "Nice to meet you, Emma."

At this point it was pretty much guaranteed that I was somehow related to Emma, I just hoped my secret backstory didn't include cloning and experiments, so I wouldn't end up being her son. I basically just hoped I wasn't the male version of Laura Kinney, as that just screamed trouble.

Well, even more future trouble. As I doubted that my second life would be very peaceful in comparison to my first one.

Elijah, the reason for my visit here is rather unpleasant, I fear.”, Emma continued, sounding genuinely apologetic, “According to the information I managed to uncover, it was revealed that your unknown father's name was Winston Frost, who was also my father.”

Once again sighing internally, though this time in relief, I thought about Emma's words.

Her being my half-sister, was a much better outcome than being a genetic experiment. This also meant, that I was entitled to part of the wealth that 'my' late father had possessed, which wasn't really that appealing, as material wealth held hardly any attraction for me. Well, besides living comfortably.

It was also easy to figure out that he was already dead as Emma spoke in the past tense.

Still, wanting to make sure, I directly asked her: "He is dead, isn't he?"

He is dead, isn't he?”

Words uttered with calmness, bordering on indifference, rung in Emma's ears.

Since stepping into the office, Elijah had been nothing other than a perfect picture of calmness.

Emma knew the effect her physical beauty had on men but the supposed hormonal teenager had hardly shown any reaction to her appearance, nor to the revelation about his supposedly unknown father. If she didn't know any better, she may have thought that she was talking to the wrong boy.

Keeping herself in check, Emma replied with equal calm: “He is.”

Well, thank you for coming here and telling me about that.”, Elijah replied politely.

Actually, there are some more things I would like to discuss with you. In private, if possible. So, why don't we move this conversation to your room?”, Emma stated, not wanting Charles to be present while they talked about family matters.

This time a minute smile appeared on the boy's face, as he responded lightly: “Sure, I'll lead the way then. Later, Professor.”

Ah, yes. We will talk at a later date, though let me add that I am happy to see you getting along so well with the young Miss Grey. You certainly have good taste, Elijah. Jean is an exceptional girl.”, Xavier voiced out politely, causing hardly any surprise in Emma.

The moment she had stepped foot into the mansion – actually even a bit earlier – she had used her gifts to gather information about her new half-brother, so she was well aware of his relationship with Jean Grey.

Jean Grey's incredible abilities and potential also weren't news to Emma, as she had always looked for a way to steal the exceptionally gifted student from Charles and place her into her own academy.

"She most certainly is, Professor.", Elijah replied sincerely, before leading Emma out of the office and to his room in the mansion.

Do you mind telling me about the arrangements you made with the Professor, Elijah?”, Emma asked, as we were heading to my small apartment.

She was wearing an all-white business suit that accentuated her curves and she moved with a grace and elegance that simply couldn't be natural, though she did so effortlessly.

I didn't know too much about the different versions of Emma Frost, but if the movies and the bits I knew from the comics were anything to go by, then her life certainly hadn't been an easy one.

The fact that she was also an incredibly cunning and manipulative woman, was something I was well aware of. Still, without getting to know her I wouldn't judge her based on the knowledge I couldn't verify, though it wouldn't hurt to be vigilant.

After thinking about it for a moment, I answered honestly: "Well, after awakening my powers I followed Xavier to the mansion, as my old apartment in the city didn't seem to be too safe anymore. Afterwards, he invited me to join the school and I believe he wants me to become a recruit for the X-Men."

And you agreed?”, Emma asked neutrally.

No, I declined. I told him that I have my own plans for the future, my own dreams to achieve. Then we talked for a bit and came to an agreement. So now I basically just rent a room from him while retaining much of my freedom, and at the same time, I can enjoy the relative safety of the mansion. Ah, that reminds me, I have to withdraw some cash.", I told her, mumbling the last few words to myself and seeing a small smile form on her lips.

"Why wouldn't you want to join the X-Men and become a hero?", Emma asked with genuine curiosity in her eyes.

While Emma may be good at manipulating people and hiding her own emotions, I also had several decades of experience to lean on, additionally, I always had good instincts when it came to people.

Hero? Based on whose ideal would I simply be considered a hero just by joining the X-Men? The Professor's? Common people? I don't care very much for either of them, I have my own ideals, Emma. I don't need to follow theirs.”, I responded truthfully.

A surprised look appeared on her face, as Emma kept quiet for the rest of the way.

Arriving a few minutes later, I opened the door to my room and gestured for her to step inside first, before following right after her. Moving into the kitchen, while Emma looked around the room with interest, I grabbed two glasses and a pitcher of juice before moving them to the small table in front of the window.

Here, have a seat.”, I invited the beautiful blonde.

"Thank you.", she replied, as she took a seat opposite mine, while I placed a glass of juice in front of her.

It's a nice room. Charles really seems to want you to stay, doesn't he?”, Emma remarked.

"Well, there are many words to describe the Professor. Some good, some less so. But stingy or cheap aren't on that list.", I replied.

"I suppose you are right.", Emma admitted, before she continued after a short pause, "Besides you, Elijah, I am not the only remaining member of the Frost family. There is also Christian, my elder brother, and Cordelia, my younger sister. And I know that you probably won't come to see us as your real family any time soon but they also expressed their wish to meet you and get to know you."

Sighing audibly, I thought about her words for a moment.

While I didn't have any impression of my deceased mother in this life or my late father, which was perfectly fine with me. I realized that I still had three siblings left and while such things couldn't be forced, trying to connect with them and maybe form some kind of bond wasn't something unthinkable.

In the same way I had become friends with Pietro, Ellie, and Yukio, or my relationship with Jean, this new life was a chance to live my life to the fullest and make up for my last life's regrets.

One of the biggest regrets I had was the fact that I had died not even knowing how my family was. I hadn't spoken to them for months, some of them even years.

I hadn't been able to treasure my family, not with all the depression and despair I had been dealing with in my daily life. Maybe this was my chance to create a lasting bond with this new family, so I was very much open to the idea.

I also would like to meet them.”

I knew it may take some time before something like a familial bond developed, but that didn't mean we couldn't spend time together.

A bright smile emerged on Emma's face, as she replied: "I am glad you think that way. Family is very important to me. In fact, I would very much like to invite you to live with us, but I realise that you take your independence very seriously. Though I hope you can accept these."

Opening her small white purse, Emma pulled out a brand-new smartphone and a black credit card.

"The phone is the same model I use, which means it can't be tracked and your activities won't be traced back to you. You are a powerful mutant and a Frost, so it's best to be careful with such things. My own number and that of your other half-siblings are already on the contact list."

"And this card gives you access to a bank account, where I deposited not only the money from your current account but also an extra two million dollars. Now that your circumstances have changed so drastically, it's best if your money is placed in an account where a third party can't interfere and freeze your assets. The pin code is the year of your birth."

After she finished her explanation, Emma placed the two objects before me, looking at me with something akin to anticipation.

I didn't know if she did these things to manipulate me, but my gut told me that she just cared about me and this was the easiest way for her to show it.

"Thank you, Emma. And I will gladly accept these. I don't care much for money, but having more can't do much harm. And thanks for the phone, it looks nice, and now I don't have to worry about anyone spying on me, except you, of course.", I said with a roguish smile.

"That is true.", Emma admitted with a smirk, as she took a sip of the orange juice before she added while leaning forward slightly, "Now. I am curious. So you wanna tell me about your power first, or about your girlfriend?"

How about a trade?”, I asked the mature blonde in response.

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