The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 043 – Wrath and Patience

[2009 – June]

It was 17:30 o'clock when I stopped my training, my clothes practically sweat-soaked.

Jean had left roughly three hours ago to take care of some chores.

After a quick shower and a change of clothes, I was on my way back to my apartment when I received a message from the Professor, asking me for a meeting right now.

Frowning slightly, I changed direction and made my way towards his office, ignoring the curious stares and whispers of the students I met.

Hey pup, how is it? Got comfortable with your new place yet?”, a rough voice suddenly asked good-naturedly.

Turning to the side, I saw Logan standing before me with a blank-faced Laura at his side.

"It's alright. Haven't seen you around for the last few days, you were on a mission Logan?", I asked casually, before greeting Laura who didn't respond whatsoever, "Hey, Laura."

"Well, just a short trip to Africa to pick up a new student.", he replied before he continued, his eyebrow raised and his tone serious, "So, I hear you've been spending a lot of time with Jean."

"I am. What's your point?", I asked, my tone no longer casual but pointedly neutral.

"Nothing, just wanted to make sure you have the best intentions. Jean is a good girl and I don't wanna see her hurt. So just a heads up, if you break her heart, I'm gonna have to beat your ass.", Logan stated with a wolfish grin.

Sighing, I answered: “Thanks for looking out for her but if I break her heart, I would much rather let Jean herself beat me up.”

"Hah. From me, you would just get some broken bones, but you might not survive her beating, kiddo.", he remarked with a smirk.

Well, if I am dumb enough to break her heart, I would probably deserve that. Anyway, I have a meeting with the Professor, so I have to go.”, I stated dryly.

Yeah, you don't wanna let the Professor wait, he is kinda a stickler for being on time. See ya around, pup.”, Logan voiced out.

See ya, Logan. Bye, Laura.”, I said, giving Laura a small wave with my hand.

This time Laura reacted as she gave me a small wave too, surprising not only myself with her actions but also Logan.

"Well, you were right girl, the boy is something else.", her father voiced out, looking at the disappearing back of Elijah as he continued, "You saw that look he gave me when I mentioned Jean? Well, that pup is no X-Men material. At least not the kind-hearted kind."

Laura knew that her father was right, as there had been something dark and merciless in Elijah's eyes as soon as Jean had been mentioned. Something, she had recognized from looking in the mirror in the past.

They were the eyes of a predator – a beast.

"So, I just wanted to make sure that you have settled in nicely and how you are after finding out about your newly-added family members.", Charles said amiably, as he looked at the black-haired teenager sitting across from him.

No complaints there. The facilities are great and the apartment very much meets my taste, so thank you for arranging that, Professor.”, Elijah answered politely, before he continued, “And my talk with Emma wasn't bad, though any kind of real familial bond will take time to form.”

"Ah yes, such things are best not forced.", Charles remarked understandingly, before switching to a topic that was of more importance to him – Jean.

Also I had mentioned in passing last time, but I am very happy that you and the young Miss Grey have found each other like that. Jean is a very sensible girl and it's nice to see her open up to someone.”, he voiced out, making sure to study Elijah's reaction.

A mask of calm appeared on the boy's face, preventing the Professor to make out his inner thoughts through his expression while his mind was equally shielded from his senses.

Mhm.”, Elijah remarked noncomittally.

The Professor knew that privacy was a very important subject for the young mutant, so he was extra careful with his next words.

Jean is actually who I wanted to talk to you about, Elijah.”, the Professor voiced out, “Telepaths, especially powerful ones like Jean, are very susceptible to losing themselves in the thoughts and emotions of others. They are also greatly affected by the traumatic experiences of others.”

I had expected this talk to come sooner or later after I had shielded Jean's mind with my barriers. Considering that Jean had left the recruit team, it was no wonder that Charles wanted to talk to me about her this soon.

"Jean is a special case even amongst them, as her powers are very volatile and sometimes uncontrollable. That is also why I normally help her in dealing with incidents such as yesterday's and make sure the control mechanisms of her powers are all in place.", Charles stated.

Control mechanisms?”, I asked calmly, a foreboding feeling in the back of my mind.

As a child, Jean was unable to control her powers, so I had placed some mental limiters on her powers. Over the years, I removed parts of it so that she could slowly learn to control her incredible abilities.”, the Professor explained calmly.

Does she know about that?”, I questioned.

"No. These limiters are only as effective as they are because she does not know.", he answered with a serious look on his face.

I didn't know much about telepathy and mental barriers but I didn't believe him. My instincts told me that he was lying. And remembering what I knew about him from the movies and comic books, I trusted my instincts very much.

I am afraid after yesterday's mission and the traumatic impressions that came with it, coupled with Jean's loss of control in the training room earlier this day, that the limiters have started to loosen.”, Charles voiced out, a worried look on his face.

A pause stretched between us as I didn't respond to his words, but silent anger started to bloom in my heart. I realized that Charles wanted me to remove the barrier protecting Jean's mind so that he could fiddle with her thoughts, and his next words confirmed my guess.

"I was unable to check up on the limiters, as something seemed to have blocked my telepathy and I can only assume that your barriers may be the cause for that.", he began, before he continued, "You have to understand that Jean is not only a danger to others in this state but most importantly to herself. It is imperative that her powers are kept in check."

Disgust and wrath welled up inside me, as I heard him try to manipulate me and harm Jean while using her safety and my feelings for her against me.

I knew that I could create a barrier around him and crush him inside like a tin can before he could even call for help, but there was a time for violence and there was a time for patience.

I had only been in this world for a few days and I didn't know what kind of changes Charles' death would bring, but I was sure to make an eternal enemy out of the X-Men and probably also Magneto. Because while they seemed to be enemies on the surface, I knew that he wouldn't sit still knowing that Charles had been murdered.

Added to that was the fact that Charles' influence was an essential part of keeping the relations between humans and mutants relatively calm and neutral, instead of a full-on race war.

'Patience.', I reminded myself internally, knowing that now wasn't the time for impulsive violence.

Calming myself, I closed my eyes for a moment before I answered: "You are basically asking me to help you invade Jean's mind … I have to think about this."

Sighing audibly, Xavier replied: "I am asking you to help protect Jean, Elijah. But I understand that this may seem a bit much all at once, so take your time. Though remember that even I can't be sure how long the limiters will hold if something isn't done soon."

Charles knew that he couldn't sound too intent on Elijah taking down his barrier, but that didn't stop him from emphasizing the risk Jean was under.

He knew the power hidden inside the girl was apocalyptic and he simply couldn't let that be used carelessly. Not when her power could be used to help in creating a lasting and peaceful coexistence of humans and mutants.

Watching the young mutant leave his office, Charles couldn't help but sigh. He didn't like manipulating others, but sometimes he was simply left with no choice but to act for the greater good. Because if he didn't do it, who else would and could?

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