The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 213

Chapter 213

“Rush, all for Lao Tzu.”

Li Yunlong held a PKM general-purpose machine gun and shouted while charging.

Duan Peng kept pulling the corners of his clothes anxiously.

All of a sudden, he pulled Li Yunlong’s whole person back several steps, and almost didn’t fall.

“Duan Peng, what the fuck are you doing?” Li Yunlong roared angrily: “Laozi is charging to fight, what are you holding back here?”

Duan Peng said stubbornly: “Where is there a division commander who charges like you, if the little devil comes with a cannonball, don’t you go down to see your mother in advance?” I am your guard, and I have a duty to protect you. ”

Li Yunlong was anxious: “You fucking mother!” This is to obstruct my charge, it is battlefield disobedience, I can kill you. ”

Duan Peng was even more angry: “You were sent by the Generalissimo, you kind of killed!” Even if you are killed, I must protect you. This is the task given to me by the Generalissimo. ”

Li Yunlong had nothing to say, Chen Fan kindly sent the person, he was reluctant to shoot.

Besides, Duan Peng’s martial arts skills are high, and he is very loyal, and he blocked the gun for himself in the last battle.

Li Yunlong said 860 words, who dares to shoot Duan Peng, who can he be anxious with.

“Okay, you kid is always in my way.” Li Yunlong took a step back: “But I must charge with Lao Tzu, I Li Yunlong has never fought without charging and fighting.” ”

Duan Peng nodded: “This is okay, you must always be behind, and there are bullets to block you.” ”

Li Yunlong laughed: “If you die, Lao Tzu will visit your grave every year.” ”

The speed of the iron fist master’s impact was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, he had already reached the halfway point of the mountain.

On the top of the hill, Dazo, hiding in a machine-gun fortress, excitedly pulled out his saber: “Shoot immediately, kill them.” ”

In an instant, all the devils shot at the same time.

More than a dozen 92 heavy machine guns swept wildly into the mountainside from various pillboxes, and the bullets were almost hit against the ground because they were fired from above.

“Bang bang bang”

The Iron Fist Division soldiers, who rushed to the front, were immediately swept down by bullets, and fell down like cut leeks.

“Hey, the bullet is really blocked, I’m fine…”

Many fighters looked at the deformed warheads on the body armor and laughed excitedly.

The rest of the defeated fighters also looked down one after another, and almost all the bullets hit their chests, because there were still more than two hundred meters away, so the power of the bullets was not enough to threaten life.

Li Yunlong rushed to a soldier and easily withdrew a warhead from his body armor.

After reading it, I immediately burst out laughing.

“The things issued by the Generalissimo really worked, this body armor is not heavy, but it can really block bullets.”

Then he stood up and yelled, “Brothers, charge me and see how the little devil kills us.” ”


The soldiers’ eyes were full of fanaticism and excitement, and they all roared and rushed towards the mountain.

Bullets swept in row after row, and people continued to fall under the rain of bullets.

But as soon as it missed the vital part, the fallen soldiers immediately got up and continued to charge towards the mountain. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Daizo Hashimoto on the mountain was stunned, why did he fight for so long, and the number of Chinese soldiers was not small at all? It seems that it is still fighting more and more.

“Bage Yalu, what marksmanship do you (BGCH) have you (BGCH) why can’t you kill people until now?” Hashimoto yelled at several machine gunners in the bunker.

The machine gunners are very aggrieved, even if their marksmanship is poor, they can’t hit people for so long.

Seeing that the iron fist master was getting closer and closer, Hashimoto was sweating urgently, but like ants on a hot pot, there was no way to solve it at all.

But suddenly, he saw more than 80 meters away, more than a dozen Chinese soldiers were knocked to the ground by bullets.

But in the next second, they actually got up again, patted their chests like no one, and continued to run towards the mountain.

“Yaga!” Hashimoto was stunned: “Bullets, why can’t bullets kill them?” Aren’t the people afraid of bullets?”

When he shouted like this, the ghosts in the bunker were also stunned.

You must know that they use a 92 heavy machine gun, and the bullets are much more fierce than ordinary rifles.

Even this bullet can’t kill anyone, unless the opponent is charging in steel.

Some devils even subconsciously go to see if there is a problem with their bullets

“Bang bang!”

A large number of soldiers of the Iron Fist Division were already about to rush up the mountain, and the ghosts in various bunkers were panicked to the extreme

They relied on the fortification of the bunker.

If the enemy rushes to the front, then how can this battle be fought.

“Yaga, shoot them in the head, hit their head, I don’t believe it’s useless to hit their head.” Hashimoto shouted frantically.

The heavy machine guns in the bunker were immediately all raised a little, specifically hitting the heads of the Chinese native soldiers.

The soldier with the rifle also raised the angle of the shot, aiming at the head is a shot.

“Bang bang!”

The bullet hits the bulletproof helmet, as long as it is not centered in the center, and is immediately slid away by the material on the edge.

Although many soldiers were shot in the head at close range, more just shook their heads and continued to charge at the devil.

“Oh my God” Daisaku Hashimoto knelt down directly in fright: “Did they bring a pot?” Why can’t I even wear a helmet? Are these people really unable to kill with bullets?”

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