The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

The battle for reinforcement has begun, and the battle on both battlefields is extremely fierce.

Chen Fan hovered over Dan City on a plane to personally check the battle situation in this area.

At the same time, news continued to come from Shen Cheng’s side.

Chen Fan appreciated the tactical changes made by Kong Ding and the two.

At the same time, he asked Xu Shaohua to immediately dispatch the armored troops of the division to assist, after all, this is the elite of the Kwantung Army, and the 100,000-strong troops are not comparable to the puppet army of the stick country.

“At all costs, since they are here, don’t let any of them go.” Chen Fan solemnly instructed: “Give me all the troops you can use, let one go, I want you to look good.” ”

“Yes,” Xu Shaohua shouted.

After ending the call, Chen Fan immediately contacted Shen Cheng.

At the moment, the person in charge of commanding is Zhao Changsheng, who has taken full command of ~ the encirclement battle of Shencheng.

“How is it now? Did the Japanese detect it?” Chen Fan asked straight to the point.

Zhao Changsheng said with a smile: “Just the little devil’s IQ, now it has been turned around by us.” ”

Zhao Changsheng said: “Li Yunlong, this kid is very good, and he has divided his iron fist division into six detachments to use. At the end of the day, he had already taken thirteen positions of the devils and annihilated more than 40,000 Japanese troops. However, his troops also suffered a lot of losses, and I have replaced them. ”

Chen Fan frowned: “Who will replace them?”

Zhao Changsheng: “Don’t worry, two divisions have been sent to take over.” At present, the ghost is already afraid to death, and even the hidden heavy firepower has been exposed. I have already let the air force bomb at a designated point, and the ghosts in Shencheng are still in the dark. ”

“Very good,” Chen Fan was relieved, “In one day at most, our battle will all be over. Your side resisted, and a day later, the army came to your full support. ”

“Yes,” Zhao Changsheng yelled.

Chen Fan leaned on the plane and overlooked the battlefield that was already in full swing below, “This side should end faster.” ”

At this time, the battlefield had been completely dominated by Chu Yunfei.

The puppet army of the stick country had become fragmented under his plan, and the 150,000-strong army was scattered over a belt of more than thirty kilometers.

As soon as the bomber left, the tanks of the two armored divisions all tore off their camouflages, rushed out from the shielded place, and rushed towards the puppet army troops of the stick country.

A large group of puppet troops had just found a dirt slope to hide, when suddenly they heard a rumbling sound from behind.

“What sound? It’s not like an airplane. The captain said warily: “Send a few people up the dirt slope to see what the sound is.” ”

Several puppet soldiers immediately climbed towards the dirt slope.

They had just reached the dirt slope when suddenly two tanks appeared in front of them.

Several puppet soldiers were frightened on the spot, their legs fell limp, and they shouted: “It’s a tank, it’s a tan of the Chinese people…”

Before their words were finished, the Panther tank had already crushed them mercilessly, directly crushing them into a pile of minced meat.

“Oh, Xiba” The puppet army under the hillside jumped up in fright.

They’ve ever seen the biggest tank, which is the little devil’s douding.

A small douding tank, something inferior to the armored vehicles of the Chinese army, can run amok in the country of sticks.

Now when this group of puppet troops saw such a behemoth as the Panther tank, they were immediately frightened.

“Oh my God, what kind of monster is this?” The puppet army roared in fright.

The captain said angrily, “Don’t panic. It’s just an ordinary tank. Shot him through, the infantry charged, and snatched their tanks for me. ”

If this order is heard by the soldiers in the tank, it is estimated that they will laugh on the spot.

The little devils still use cavalry to fight with tanks, and these sticks actually charge at tanks with infantry, which is a slow festival for the grass on their graves.

At this time, there were already more than a dozen tanks on the hillside, swooping down the hillside together.


The puppet army under the hillside confidently fired heavy machine guns at the charging tanks.

At the same time, a large number of infantry really carried three or eight large covers and launched a charge towards the Panther tank.

The soldiers in the tank were as if they had seen some strange monster, and their eyes widened in shock.

What age is it, there are still people stupidly attacking tanks, which really makes all tank soldiers gain insight.

“Brothers, don’t be stunned, give me all the weapons.” An officer yelled at the radio.

In an instant, more than a dozen tanks opened fire in unison.

The shells directly blew up the machine-gun positions of the puppet army, and the heavy machine guns on the tanks also opened fire at this time.

The rain of terrorist bullets directly knocked down all the puppet troops that pounced.

These guys, who grew up eating pickles, were put to the ground without even approaching the tank. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Panther tank rushed directly into the ranks of the puppet army like a torrent of steel.

“Ah, Nishihachi..” The puppet army shouted in fright.

The puppet army that did not have time to run was immediately crushed to death.

However, the tank did not entangle with them, and continued to rush forward after killing a road, but the machine gun was still sweeping them at a distance



A large number of tanks and armored vehicles appeared on the battlefield at once.

Although the number of puppet armies of the stick country is large, they do not have rich combat experience like the Japanese army.

These two devils were raised by the Japanese army as livestock on the peninsula, and at most they were used to suppress and suppress the anti-Japanese forces in the country of sticks.

They have not even fought a regular battle, let alone dealt with the shock of tanks.

As soon as the two armored divisions launched an attack, it was like an autumn wind sweeping away leaves, and they instantly crushed all the troops of the puppet army.

This area was originally a plain, and there was no place to hide.

The puppet army of the stick country did not have any protection at all, and could only lie on the ground and fight back against the rushing tanks.

Then he was beaten by the tank, and finally scattered and fled.

Li Xiaoguo’s unit was also attacked by tanks.

The strength of an entire wing was scattered by more than fifty tanks in less than twenty minutes.

Li Xiaoguo evacuated under the protection of the guards in embarrassment, and in the end, there were not even fifty people left around him.

The impact of the armored troops did not kill or injure too many puppet troops, but it scattered the entire puppet army, so that the officers could not find the troops, and the soldiers could not find their commanders.

Although there are many people, they are all spinning around like a swarm of headless flies.

Just like Li Xiaoguo now, he even lost the radio station, and the headquarters was also washed away.

Chu Yunfei put down the binoculars and let out a breath easily: “With another impact, we can reap their lives.” “。

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