The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 221

Chapter 221

The invasion of the puppet army of the country of sticks was ended by Chu Yunfei and the navy on the banks of the Green River.

Chen Fan flew back to the airport in Jincheng, where he had two planes on standby.

One flew in the sky, the other returned to refuel.

It is a pity that there are no aerial tankers now, otherwise Chen Fan’s plane can stay in the air twenty-four hours a day.

Chen Fan quickly boarded another plane and flew directly to the battlefield of Tieling.

Forty minutes later, his landline drove above the battlefield.

Looking down from nowhere, the two sides are already inextricably separated.

Although Kong Jie and Ding Wei’s tactics were very good, they underestimated the tenacity of this group of Kwantung Army.

The Japanese troops in the encirclement could not be attacked for a long time, and the devils on the periphery of the encirclement were inseparable from the armored forces.

Because it was known that the Chinese army had a large number of armored units, this group of Japanese troops carried a lot of anti-tank weapons.

There is the anti-tank sniper rifle made by the polar bear18, which can penetrate tank armor with one shot at close range, and although one shot can scrap the shoulder of one or two soldiers, this weapon is really useful in local wars.

Then there’s the anti-tank gun, which is an absolute killer of tanks.

Only the Tiger tank can carry it hard.

Others, whether panther tanks or armored vehicles, will lie down in an instant.

The battle lasted for a day and a night, and neither side could eliminate the other, but they were all killed and wounded.

Chen Fan directly contacted Ding Wei and Kong Jie on the plane: “I am on your head, how is the situation now?”

There was a dense gunshot on the phone, and Ding Wei shouted at the top of his voice: “Generalissimo, please rest assured, the battle in the encirclement will be over in half a day at most.” The devils have been compressed by us to a zone of less than two kilometers, as long as we launch a few more charges, they will definitely die! ”

“What about the periphery?” Chen Fan asked.

Ding Wei said embarrassedly, “The ghosts on the periphery are too powerful, and they are not beaten at all.” The terrain in this area is not suitable for tanks to storm back and forth, and many tanks have already been blown up. We are now holding hard, and only by solving the enemy in the encirclement can we have the strength to return and collect them. ”

Ding Wei’s introduction was optimistic, but Chen Fan had heard that they were actually in a dilemma.

“Why is that? The combat effectiveness of this group of Kwantung Army is so strong?” Chen Fan asked.

Ding Wei smiled bitterly: “It is indeed very strong, and the marksmanship is particularly accurate.” We wore bulletproof and the attack started smoothly. But then they all hit us in the neck, legs and hands. Our soldiers were very wounded, so the offensive could only be slowed down. ”

Chen Fan asked, “Why don’t you attack with artillery?”

Ding Wei said even more bitterly: “This is all mountainous, and when the artillery bombards, all the devils are hiding.” When we rushed over, they climbed out again. ”

Chen Fan looked at the surrounding terrain, and sure enough, it was surrounded by mountains.

The battlefield is again in the middle of a mountain, and you can find a random place to hide from artillery fire.

This group of Kwantung Army is much luckier than those puppet armies of the stick country.

If the puppet army were in this area, I am afraid that it would not have failed so quickly.

“But Generalissimo, rest assured, we will definitely be able to complete the task, I promise you.” Ding Dawei roared, for fear that Chen Fan would replace them.

But he also figured out that Chen Fan did not have any troops to replace them at present.

This battle had to be won by the cooperation of their two infantry divisions and armored troops. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Chen Fan ordered the plane to fly lower and rotate around the battlefield, he wanted to see the environment below.

All the staff officers were lying on their stomachs at various windows, carefully examining the battlefield below and finding a breakthrough.

After flying two laps, Chen Fan smashed a punch on his leg.

The terrain below is complex, perfect for an ambush, but also great for counterattacks.

Now the two sides are fighting inextricably, whether it is sending aircraft bombing or artillery support.

Blowing up the devil also blows up his own people.

“Send helicopters” Chen Fan shouted to a group of staff officers: “Immediately mobilize all helicopters to this area, and let Natasha select the best snipers to get on the plane.” I want them to strike with precision in this area, quickly! ”

The staff officers immediately went to convey the order.

At this moment, the twenty helicopters belonging to Xu Shaohua were in Fushun.

There are also twenty helicopters on standby in the Huangxin area.

After receiving the order, she immediately took off and went to the perimeter of Shencheng to pick up Natasha and her snipers.

Natasha selected a total of seventy-nine people, two per gunship, which is also the largest number of people that Cobra can take.

After all, it is a gunship, not a transport helicopter.

“Nothing to ask for.” Before leaving, Natasha whispered to all the chosen ones: “Shoot all your bullets, and each of you will kill at least forty enemies.” If you can’t do it, get out of the sniper team in the future, you don’t deserve to be a qualified sniper. ”

“Yes,” everyone yelled.

“Go, kill.” Natasha jumped on a plane 063 with SVD in her arms.

Under the harsh sunlight, forty Cobra planes quickly took to the air, and then quickly flew towards the battlefield.

The Japanese troops in the Shencheng area looked at these aircraft in shock, and they were stunned one by one.

But these gunships soon left their sight and rushed towards the battlefield with a soaring murderous spirit.

At this time, in the battlefield of the iron leader, Hishita Jing used the death charge to successfully occupy two positions that originally belonged to Kongjie’s troops.

Although he paid the price of sacrificing two wings, he occupied two commanding heights and had the right to compete with the armored forces of Huaxia.

“Give me all the anti-tank guns to concentrate on the heights, and there are other anti-tank weapons. Try to spread it out on both sides. Lieutenant General Hishita gave a grim order: “I want to concentrate my firepower and attract the attention of their armored forces.” The rest of the troops continued to attack the encirclement of the Chinese people. Today is to fight them to the death, and also to rescue our heavy troops. ”

“Hai” A group of ghost officers immediately scattered in all directions.

Hishita Jing stood on the high ground and looked coldly at the battlefield that had been fought: “Zhi Na people, today I will fight with you to the end!” “。

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