The Way Ahead

Chapter 98b: Tablet Monitor

At least the wait didnt' turn out to be too long, and Edwin was able to entertain himself like he usually did- Prototyping and Sapper’s Apparatus both made for amazing fidgets, to say nothing of his ability for nigh-literal self-reflection.

An avior joined him after about ten minutes, armored in significantly more than the chain shirt and helmet of the normal city guards, and an Identify confirmed his higher status.

Junior Provincial Defense Overseer

Edwin was out of practice examining avior expressions- not that he was ever that good, all told- but he still got the sense that the lieutenant wasn’t in the best mood, “You’re the one?” he asked.

“Edwin Maxlin,” he confirmed with a nod, “That’s me.”

“Good. Now, do you want to explain that,” he pointed at the license, “to me and why it gets you out of normal questioning?”

Edwin shrugged, “I’ve been officially advised by T-Enforcer Lisana of Rhothos and Emperor Xares that I not divulge parts of my past and history.”

“Nothing can ever be simple with adventurers, can it?” he accused.

“I mean, I think my companions had a pretty simple entry,” Edwin countered, but saw his reply didn’t land well as the piercing eyes of the black-feathered hawk bore straight into his skull.

“Perhaps. But they aren’t here right now.

“Now, Ally or not, it is my duty to ensure the safety of my city. Thus, you are to answer my questions honestly and fully. Or you’re back out on the road, understand?”

“I guess? Can I answer that something is an Imperial secret?”

“I will check with every single thing you claim that for, and know that if that is a lie, you will find your life becoming very unpleasant very quickly.

“Now, first. Current Registrar?”

“What are you bringing into the city?” the Overseer finally asked. The interrogation, if it could even be called that, wasn’t too bad, but it did take a little while and Edwin was glad that it seemed to be coming to a close.

“Personal alchemy supplies,” he readily answered, “Most of it self-created, some of it I got in Panastalis.”

“And the… many, many weapons we found lying on the inside?”

“Wait, what?” Edwin was confused, why were…

“Oh, that little…” he trailed off, unsure of the right word to express his frustration. He got his emotions under control quickly enough and breathed out, “Those would be my traveling partner, Lefi Forolova’s. I believe he’s just inside the gates if you need to speak with him. I… actually forgot those were in there.”

“What man needs more than one halberd?”

Edwin could only shrug, “You’ll have to ask him.”

“Very well.” He set his tablet down on a nearby shelf, “Twenty-four.”

Edwin flinched a bit at the price, but still fished out the required coins from his pouch, dropping them in the avior’s waiting hand.

“Your friend’s weapons will be kept in the Weapon’s Check, reclaim them when you depart. I’ll be keeping an eye on you, Adventurer. Now begone. Blow away, I have other things I was attending to before this.”

It had been some time since Edwin had been in a ‘real’ city- Panastalis didn’t count- and the last time he had been, Skillful Assessment wasn’t nearly as powerful as it currently was nor was he as adept at utilizing it.

Now that he had it on at basically all times, a thousand almost-invisible Skill uses now caught his attention. A young boy was using Identify on pretty much everyone he could see as he walked hand in hand with his mother, a sky-blue gnome tiredly talked to a merchant as he wrote something in midair, and a farmer was using Packing to heft a massive, spatially expanded barrel over his shoulder.

Avior swooped from the sky and landed gracefully next to an uncovered stall, buying something, then took off once more. A pair of humans navigated around the stream of people while carrying a stone cube that was a bit over four meters a side. A seemingly empty stretch of road that was lit up with Skills lifted up momentarily to let out a halfling and an avior locked in intense discussion.

“Are all cities this rife with Skill usage all the time and I’ve just been blind before now, or is Sheraith special in that regard?” he asked Lefi.

The man chuckled, “You look like Yathal, head darting every which way. Sheraith is perhaps more open with Skill usage than other places, but not by that much.”

Did he really have to make the comparison to Yathal? Well, he did like that he knew better now, but it still made him feel somewhat self-conscious. The boy was looking at a bunch of fall-themed decorations covering every surface, head darting every which way, and Edwin tried to keep his gawking impulses in check.

As they continued their journey further and further into the city, Edwin started noticing a few buildings made predominantly of stone blocks. The architecture quality seemed to improve proportionally, and it was obvious that they were heading to the nicer part of the city.

“How do you know where we’re going, exactly?” Edwin couldn’t help but ask. It was weird just blindly following Lefi, “And are you sure this is the right way? This all just seems so… nice, for an adventurer.”

“I know everything! And worry not, this is indeed the right way we must venture. We are nearly there, you see. Just around the corner. Furthermore, there are many adventurers who have fabulous wealth to call upon!”

“Okay…” Edwin mundanely replied, “It’s just that there’s a lot of people looking at us funny.”

“Worry not of their opinions, they are merely envious of our freedom!”

He didn’t really have a good comeback to that so he fell silent. After a quick check on Bill- fine as always- his attention drifted to their surroundings once again. The architecture in this nicer section of the city was… really, really impressive.

While they were all slightly different, of course, it was pretty clear that the architectural styles in favor included very, very few straight lines. Domes and arches were abundant, rounded walls more the rule than the exception. Very few of the buildings were grand and towering, though, instead leaning more towards short and wide- though ‘short’ still meant three stories in some cases. It was more about the proportions than the actual size, accompanied with a distinct lack of towers and spires he might have normally associated with fantasy mansions.

Then there was the flatly magical features, sprinkled around from place to place- an intricate stone archway held up by posts no thicker than a pencil, floating steps leading to an entrance on the second story of a building, stone shimmering with almost holographic blues and golds.

Among it all, though, there was a single building which broke the architectural standards to a flatly insane degree, and as they drew closer, it seemed more and more likely that it was their destination. The base looked like a natural jut of rock, sticking at least twenty feet out of the ground, but one that had been carved out into an almost mansion-like appearance, painted in all manner of colors but predominantly blue. Around the rock was a small grassy lawn and accompanying gardens, flourishing with life.

The most impressive feature by far, though, had to be the massive stone tower the rock smoothly transitioned into, rising at least a hundred feet into the air. Or… make that two hundred. Three hundred? Even as they got closer and closer to the base, the top continued to be out of range from Numeracy and Identify alike.

“Is… is that a wizard’s tower?”

“Something like it,” Lefi agreed, apparently distracted by the sight.

“And that’s where we’re going?”


“Why are we going to a wizard tower?”

“Where else would we go?”

“Are you saying that’s where… Rilla is?”

“Rillah, yes.”


“Come along, Edwin! Further into adventure!”

“Are you sure we’re allowed? Those guys don’t look very happy with us,” he noted, indicating a pair of City Guards- well, one was a Senior City Guard, but close enough.

“It shall be perfectly fine, I assure you!”

“I don’t… oh, never mind.”

“You there!” the Senior confronted Lefi. Why was it always Lefi that they thought was the leader? Edwin looked older than him and was the one driving the carriage anyway. Was it the hair? It was probably the hair, wasn’t it? Or maybe the Class? “What are you doing?”

“Well, my friend! I am attempting to enter the current home of my friend! Now, would you happen to know the method by which we might obtain entrance?”

“I would, yeah.”

“Marvelous! Might you enlighten us to that method?”

“You know what?” he leaned forward, “I don’t think so. Your lot doesn’t get in.”

“I assure you, I am perfectly respectable.”

“Yeah, well we don’t want you lot in here, how’d you even get in?”

“My presence was requested by Adventurer Rillah.”

“Ha! Now there’s a joke. Let me tell you what, you scram right now and we won’t haul you in for attempting to disturb the peace. You got it?” the man’s voice rose and carried a hint of a mock with it.

Lefi took in a breath, but before he could say anything, a halfling woman- an Honored Senior Mundanity Assistant- was at the gate, “What is the disturbance?” she demanded of the guard, “The lady wishes to not be disturbed.”

“Ah! Much obliged, my fair lady.”

“These ruffians are attempting to force their way into the Spire’s property, honored lady,” the same guard spoke up, “We’re just going to remove them before they bother-”

“Too late for that, and don’t cut off your betters,” she snapped, leaving the guard spluttering, “You, Adventurer. What are you doing here?”

“I was sent for by Lady Rillah, you see!” Lefi’s fingers pulled out a small green stone from one of his pouches, and after a quick Identify on the halfling’s part, she nodded.

“Very well. Come in, let me close the gate.”

“Much obliged, my fair lady.”

“Your cart and horse can go in the stables around back. Come on, come on!”

That galvanized them into action, and Edwin quickly prompted Tug to enter the opened, very fancy gates.

“If you do get in with the daywasr, lemme know what it’s like, eh?” the non-Senior guard spoke up for the first time as they departed, and his partner gave out a rough laugh.

Lefi did not take the statement well, and in the blink of an eye he had drawn his sword and held the guard at swordpoint.

“Oh, so you do want me to-” the Senior was cut off by the halfling’s cough.

“Knock it off! Get in here, Adventurer. And you, shoo! Go bother someone else.” The woman scolded, and shut down the quarrel entirely.

“You’ll pay for that, adventurer.” The guard promised, but Lefi didn’t seem concerned.

“What was that?” Edwin quietly asked as they were led into the estate’s grounds.

“Well, they insulted-”

“No, not that- though I do want an explanation at some point about that- but the little stone you showed her,” he nodded in the direction of the halfling.

Lefi held out the plaque in presentation before withdrawing it, “Ah, apologies. I forgot you do not possess Common Knowledge. If Identified, it identifies my person as one who is allowed entry to see Adventurer Rillah.”

“When did you get that?” Edwin asked. He hadn’t seen any messages arriving for Lefi that might have carried the object with them.

“Oh, some time ago. We have known one another for many years, but this I received alongside my message as to her whereabouts.”

That didn’t answer all of his questions, but Edwin found himself busy with stowing Bill away in the small stables they had on the property. Caring for a horse was… a very different experience, but Lefi had helped him learn a lot more about it. That conversation also revealed that Bill probably had Skills to make him easier to care for as well. Pristine Coat, Eating, and Prime Health were all Skills which the Empire’s Trainers knew how to unlock for horses and all were standard fare.

Bill would have other Skills, of course. Trainer-type classes didn’t have the same sort of bond that came with the Companion skill, and that meant they couldn’t control the Skills of their animals to the same degree of precision. Thus, like most animals, the pony had a moderately-sized grouping of Skills at a decently high level, but no evolutions.

In any case, he was glad it didn’t take too long and he didn’t have to leave Lefi and Yathal standing around waiting for him.

The notes of a flute floated towards them, melodic and beautiful. It tickled Edwin’s memory in some regard, though he couldn’t remember why exactly. He nodded to Lefi as he rejoined his companions, speaking about something with the woman.

“So,” he asked as they entered the tower’s base, “Onwards and upwards I suppose?”


“That’s bound to be a lot of stairs ahead of us if we’re going to the top.”

“Ha!” Lefi clapped Edwin’s back, sending him staggering as the Assistant opened the door for them, the faint musical notes spilling out as she did so, “Indeed! Onwards and upwards, my friend! Onwards and upwards!”

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