The Way of the Sword (BL)

Chapter 138: You are too weak

Xiong Jia's quick bath took just 10 minutes, so she left the room wearing the new outfit. The clothing that the sect gave was gray, consisting of a long shirt with long sleeves, baggy pants, a belt with a bronze pendant and a short black boot. 

Her black hair was tied in a ponytail, her face was clean and she looked much more energetic. Her black hair looked more vital and darker. Her skin had also gotten healthier, it even had a little pink color on her cheeks.

Sure, Xiong Jia was still very thin and her appearance was still ugly, but she looked much more lively and more presentable. 

The difference was evident, as everyone looked at Xiong Jia with a surprised look when the three returned to the group. 

Xiong Jia felt all these looks, but she only had a look of confusion on her small face. Zemin Yan seemed very pleased with the result using the sacred energy for the first time to heal and regain some of Xiong Jia's health. This means that in the future he could help his older brother Zhong Liang to treat his soul.

Sure, people were surprised, but there was no way to comment on a girl's appearance, not when they would have to remember that she was ugliest before the shower. Furthermore, it would be very bad to remind this young girl about her poverty and a bad situation with her roommates. So they were silent and averted their curious eyes. 

"Well, since everyone is here. Let's go now "said Jong Kun with a gentle smile and leading the large group of newcomers. He also looked a little surprised at Xiong Jia, but he didn't take it to heart. 

After all, there were many poor people who entered the great sect as external disciples and who, after a little treatment, would all look very well. 

There were only them in the restaurant now, everyone else had left and now there was only Qi Meiying waiting for the last group to leave the restaurant. Ming On had gone ahead with the rest of the groups to start counting the disciples again, he felt there was something wrong.

"These are the last ones," Qi Meiying said softly when he saw Jong Kun's group. She accompanied Zemin Yan's group to the arena. 

Qi Meiying is the typical beauty romanticized by poets and martial artists, her jet-black hair, light and bright gray eyes, creamy and pale skin, pink and full lips. Her eyebrows were beautiful like paintings, anyway, she is a beauty to bring down kingdoms. 

Her cold personality and distant look made the hearts of men and women tremble, in addition, aroused the urge to win over this cold woman. 

Well, Zemin Yan and his friends didn't care much about Qi Meiying's beauty, after all, they had their minds busy with this test. Of course, some of them had seen beauties that were even more beautiful than a silver moon in the sky. 

The small town on the island was quiet, as it was still very early in the morning, but some gun and herb shops were already open, with some small street vendors with hot food screaming in the streets offering the day's offers.

They walked quickly, then arrived at the teleportation portal to the arena. This arena was different from yesterday's arena, as it was between the mountains of this floating island. The previous arena was in a forest, but because of the poison and the fight between the great sects ... Well, the arena was being renovated again and investigated, just to make sure there are no more moles hidden in the shadows. 

The group entered the teleportation and was sent to a small room, which had two beds and some chairs. The room was entirely made of black wood and had matrix designs on the east and west sides, the brushstrokes of the drawings were thick and made with silver paint.

The matrices had in the center the rune "Cura" and the rune "Recuperação", this showed that this room was used for medical purposes after the battles. 

"This is room number 20. It will also be your group's break room starting in the afternoon when the challenges start," said Qi Meiying when she saw everyone looking at the place with curiosity. 

Zemin Yan looked curiously at the runes and the matrices, he was amazed when he saw what the matrices could do and how they were useful.

"Should I learn about matrices too?" Zemin Yan wondered as he ran his small fingers over the intricate strokes on the black wall. He felt strangely energy emit from those silver lines. 

"It was done with the blood of a holy beast!" Zemin Yan thought with dismay. He himself had Sying, the sacred wolf, Yang Chen, rainbow koi and also Kang Wu, the little tiger who is a handicapped ancestral beast. 

Of course, he would be dismayed when he thought how cruel these underworld people were who used the blood of sacred beasts to make the matrix. 

"Make no mistake, just because we are sect number 1 does not mean that organizations in the underworld do not dare to do this type of atrocity and expose it before our eyes. A big sect like ours doesn't have time to supervise every corner of the world, so if you feel dissatisfied with the underworld, I strongly recommend that you have the strength to be able to speak first "Qi Meiying said coolly when he saw Zemin Yan with a look bleak on your face. 

The new disciples always entered the sect with high expectations and also with a heart full of justice, with innocent ideologies that they could preside over the justice of the world since they were now part of a large sect. 

Qi Meiying immediately cut any expectation about saving the world or something like that, in order to save the world, one has to have the strength and gain support to accomplish something big like punishing underworld organizations.

The Celestial Sword Sect had to supervise empires and kingdoms, combat the threats of the Devils, also had to be careful with the other great sects, in addition to overseeing the distribution of resources so as not to kill the path of martial growth for the entire nation. 

Yes, the Celestial Sword sect did not have a closed mind to usurp all resources for itself, but to distribute so that martial growth would also prosper, after all, where else would they get disciples if wealth was concentrated only into sects?

Of course, there were cases of corruption like in Deer County, where the surrounding villages were abandoned in the open, but as Qi Meiying mentioned the sect could not keep an eye out everywhere.

"I appreciate the senior sister's advice," said Zemin Yan, bowing in thanks. He knew that the young woman in front of him was not being hostile, but just warning him not to say aggressive and silly things without thinking about the consequences. 

"My name is Qi Meiying. You can call me Big Sister Qi "said Qi Meiying accepting Zemin Yan's apology. She liked smart people and this little boy seemed very smart, at least he was not hurt or angry with her words, as most newbies would be if he heard such a harsh rebuke from her.

"Thanks for the valuable advice, big sister Qi," Zemin Yan said again, his brown eyes warm, they shone with determination. He would be strong enough to one day hunt down these underworld people. 

"Okay, now let me say a few rules. This room 20 belongs to your group and younger brother Jong will take care of you. So if you are injured or tired, or even feel bad when you see some bloody fights. You can come over here and older brother Jong will help you. He is an excellent alchemist and can also give a basic herbal treatment "said Qi Meiying looking at Jong Kun with a kind look.

Jong Kun has always been a highlight in the field of alchemy, if it weren't for a mysterious incident that damaged his cultivation root, he would have gone a long way on the martial path. Qi Meiying had a good opinion of Jong Kun, but he also felt a little sorry for his martial path being cut. 

"There will be two doctors and two medical assistants. These people will be staying in a private room and Jong Kun will be able to call these people if any of you are seriously injured, "Qi Meiying said, handing an emblem to Jong Kun. It was the emblem of a Dandelion, which symbolizes healing. This flower is carved from a jade jewel. 

"Now that the warnings have been given, you must follow me to the challenge site," said Qi Meiying, leaving room 20 with everyone in the group following her. 

Zemin Yan stayed behind a little while still looking at the matrices with holy beast blood. He felt bad and sad to see this kind of thing, he should have already imagined that this organization of the underworld was worse than he could have guessed. After all, this organization killed Yang Chen's family to capture and imprison him. 

Zhong Liang seeing little Yan sad felt bad, but he did not know how to comfort people. So he just put his hand on Zemin Yan's shoulder as a consolation. 

"I'm fine, just ... I'm very weak now," said Zemin Yan with a sad smile. He was barely reaching the threshold between Qi Refine Realms and the Realms Foundation, he was still a long way from being able to fight underworld organizations. 

Of course, if people knew that, they probably vomited blood, after all, Zemin Yan is only 10 years old! 

Zemin Yan still had a lot of time and incredible growth potential, so it wouldn't be absurd for him to destroy underworld organizations in the future.

"When you get stronger, I'll go with you," said Zhong Liang, stroking Zemin Yan's hair. 

"It's really good," said Zemin Yan with a brighter smile. If he had his friends and Zhong Liang with him ... Well, it wouldn't be long before they took down the Underworld organizations!

Soon the two reach the rest of the group and passing through a long corridor, they finally reach the arena. 

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