The Way of the Sword (BL)

Chapter 140: Flow of Qi

Qi Meiying took just 5 minutes with her brush to build a somewhat complex matrix to modify the structure of the jade box. 

"Ready. Now you just need to put your hand on that side. You will feel slight numbness in your hand for 2 minutes, "said Qi Meiying, storing her matrix equipment. 

Qi Meiying omitted some details, such as the fact that if the disciple was smart enough or a brilliant talent, that disciple could learn from the matrix how to manipulate Qi outside his body or at least get clues about it. 

She did not say this because she was a person with a heart full of schemata, on the contrary, she did not speak this benefit out loud to not cause more pressure to the novice disciples and they are not the targets of mockery or envy of their other colleagues with greater purchasing power.

Yes, rich people had a strange mentality. They make fun of those who are poor, but if the poor obtain benefits that they themselves did not obtain ... For them the world becomes an unjust place, soon generating envy and hatred. 

Of course, not all rich people think that way, but most have this defect of character, only those who have really entered the martial path have an improved and more open mindset. 

Anyway, everything was ready and all the new disciples could use the jade box for the draw. 

"Everyone get ready! Three, two, one, go! "Said Jiang Lian, signaling the inner disciples to keep an eye on the novice disciples so they don't act" funny ".

It was nothing too difficult, after all, it was just touching your big white jade box. The novice disciples felt a little cold when touching this box, but that was it. 

Wen Jie felt his Qi move from inside his body, the Qi ran through all the meridians of his body and the chakra veins, making a rhythmic movement that resonated with his entire carnal body. 

"So this is how this body works ... Much more complicated than when I was from that place" Wen Jie thought a little puzzled. Well, he was always a little surprised by his body, since it was the first time he was reincarnated in an ordinary human body. 

His memories of his past life only came after the incident with the demon beast One-Eyed Wolf who led a pack to hunt humans who went further into the Forbidden Forest, which is close to village 10. 

At the time Wen Jie was 15 years old and was went out to hunt with the warriors of his village, but unexpectedly a pack of Wolves of the Earth led by one-eyed wolf appeared in a region normally peaceful for humans.

The village warriors fled in an orderly manner and activated the various traps along the way, but Wen Jie, who was very young, was unable to leave his injured companions behind. 

Bravely Wen Jie came back and bought some time for the laggards. Ironically, Wen Jie was left behind without anyone being as brave as he was. 

No one came to help him, while he was lying on the floor with his injured leg!

Wen Jie thought he was going to die that day, but his memories of past lives awoke at that crucial moment, of course, this is due to the fact that demonic energy has infiltrated his human body due to the one-eyed wolf attack, which is a Demon Beast of intermediate level, which in human terms would have the Aurore Core Realms level cultivation. 

One-eyed Wolf's attack was what left the ugly, red cut mark on Wen Jie's face, which still hasn't been treated properly today ... Well, Wen Jie didn't really care to treat that disfigurement mark on his face. 

This scar that disfigured his face could be considered very good to rule out possible marriages and his birth parents not looking for so much trouble with him.

So he can spend a whole year analyzing his memories, taking care of his body and starting to cultivate. Of course, he also understands the new world he was in.

Wen Jie now 16, he pushed memories away, while focusing on the circulation of Qi in his body, this was a good opportunity to learn more about the functioning of his weak and human body.

After all, this was his first time reincarnating in a purely human body, in his other lives he was practically a god, who only breathes already raises cultivation. Now, he is just a weak human and unaware of what human cultivation is like!

Zemin Yan, Yi Yuga, Chu Yue, and Quian Dalai just pretended to be surprised and let Qi out of their bodies, they also pretend to understand how Qi worked. 

Birds of a feather flock together, of course, that Zemin Yan's friends were as many pigs as Zemin Yan himself liked to pretend. 

"This is ... So this is how ..." Xiong Jia was surprised for a moment to feel her Qi moving inside her body, each vein of chakra vibrated and the meridians seemed to resonate with the flesh of her body. 

Xiong Jia really was a person who had no knowledge about Qi, she didn't even know how to read or write, so she couldn't read about it and her colleagues were also not good and just liked to harm her. 

Now that she felt the flow of her Qi inside her body, she really became serious and focused on memorizing her Qi rotation. She can feel that there were parts where her Qi was slower as if there was something blocking the flow and, in other places, there was a pain that almost made her choke, but she endured it. 

Those places that hurt were probably the spots on your body that had a lot of impurities and block the flow, which caused pain when the jade box forces the flow of Qi. 

Xiong Jia was not the only one to have cold sweats of pain, the disciples who were on Qi Meiying's side felt this pain, but they had to restrain themselves from embarrassment. In addition, they were afraid of being reprimanded by their senior brothers and disrupting the selection.

Zemin Yan, who had much of his lineage sealed, also felt pain all over his body and began to sweat, but he soon stopped his flow of Qi, since he was not an ignorant person like the others around him. 

So he made the painless, but he was still sweating cold and had gone paler. He had to act well, right?

Only that made him remember bitterly about his body's situation again. Zemin Yan would have to ask his older sister about this in the future. 

Qi Meiying watched all the novice disciples on her side, she could see the disciples becoming paler and begin to perspire, probably in pain, which was normal. Mainly, if they did not have an adequate cultivation method or if they had many impurities in their bodies. 

"Time's up," Jiang Lian said out loud, awakening all the disciples who were focused on his Qi energy. All the disciples were awakened and removed their hands from the jade box. 

Soon a ball of light came out of the huge jade box, the ball of light was the size of an apple and fell directly into the hand of the new disciples. 

"I got the number 11," said Zemin Yan, when the ball of light stopped glowing and turned into a black colored ball, the number was a silver-colored character. 

"I also got 9 in light blue," said Yi Yuga, showing his light blue ball with number 9 in jade green.

"My ball is green, number 5!" Said Chu Yue showing the green ball with number 5 in black. 

"Mine is dark green number 7!" Said Quian Dalai showing his ball with a confused look. 

"Mine is pink with the number 6!" Said Wen Jie also holding his pink boa in his big tanned hand.

"Mine is blue in color with the number 2!" Said Xiong Jia with a curious look, looking around to see the situation of others. Her ball was royal blue and had a white number.

"Mine is orange number 1," said Shou Zuo, who had approached his group again. 

"Mine is red, number 4," said Huang Deshi showing his ball with the number 4 which was yellow. 

"Mine is yellow, number 3," said Bai Lin holding his yellow ball and showing it to the others. 

"Mine is dark green, number 8," said Wang Tai-Yang holding a dark green ball with the number in red. 

"Mine is also dark green only number 1," said Hu Dewei holding his ball in his hand, looking a little suspiciously at Wang Tai-Yang, as it looked like the two could be on the same team. 

All the disciples start talking to each other, the inner disciples and the core disciples leave the novices talking. Everyone's conversation was only interrupted by a loud noise coming from this huge white jade box.

Suddenly the white jade box flew into the sky and opened! 

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