The Way of the Sword (BL)

Chapter 165: Young martial cultivators aren't like they used to be

Representatives of the influential families of Nam Yang City looked at Bai Lin with deep, thoughtful looks.

"Elder Huang, isn't your great-nephew in a very friendly relationship with this low life?" Elder Bai asked politely, but the words were hateful and sharp.

"Elder Bai, you shouldn't talk like that about your own grandson," Elder Xu said mildly. Of course, this statement was like an accusation that the Bai Family was inferior and dirty enough to have a descendant who has demon blood and has the disgusting appearance of a dark-skinned, beast-eyed person.

The Dark Age was hundreds of years ago, but the hatred against different races was as great as an ocean, humans couldn't forget that time when they were hunted and had to submit to demons to survive.

"He is not my grandson!" Elder Bai said with veiled hatred. He maintained his calm and composure after a few seconds showing the revulsion he felt for his grandson Bai Lin, as Elder Xu is the representative of Marquis Xu, being Elder Bai himself only from a wealthy merchant family that had ties to the Sword Sect Heavenly.

So Elder Bai couldn't be too tough or too fierce against Elder Xu, especially in front of an Elder of the Celestial Sword Sect. This would be an embarrassment to the Bai family as a whole, but Elder Han had a very good personality and didn't mind the small fights between the Elders of Nam Yang City.

Of course, in Elder Han's mind, these people were very small-minded and didn't see Bai Lin's great potential.

"Better for us so Bai Lin will be more faithful to the sect than his family" Elder Han thought as he watched the agitated and foolish Elders arguing.

Everyone knew that most cultivators were much more loyal to their principles and to their families, that was a general concept, as there was the concept of filial piety instilled in the minds of all humans. Teachers and teachers fell into a category above the family, but of equal value to principles, so they were highly respected in this time and space.

Fully loyal to a Martial Cultivator was practically impossible, after all, there will always be a master or lover or family member or even principles that would be more important than the meaning of the entire sect.

That's why Elder Han thought positively when he saw Elder Bai showing how the Bai Family treated Bai Lin badly, which meant that the Celestial Sword Sect would take over this vacant place that was the family in young Bai Lin's heart.

Now don't be surprised, this is the mentality of sects, even good sects that see the growth of humanity.

"I'm going to talk to my little Deshi, he shouldn't get too involved with this kind of dirty scum" Elder Huang said firmly as if he could really dictate what Huang Deshi would do with his life.

If Elder Huang were in modern times or Huang Deshi was just a civilian, this might even be true as he is only 12-years-old and Elder Huang would have a lot of weight in the teenager's life.

However, when it comes to a young and still very talented martial cultivator who has now become a new disciple of a powerful martial sect... Elder Huang is having a lot of positive thoughts and has an erroneously high self-image as Huang Deshi has deep resentment against this Elder Huang and part of the adults in his family.

For many bitter things that he went through part of his childhood, that only time and some inner work will be able to make this kind of feeling be reinterpreted one day, but it won't be today.

So Elder Huang is just being a fool speaking with such authority to others and will be made a clown later on when he receives Huang Deshi's cold response to his requests.

Hu Amen, Hu Dewei's uncle, and the test and tournament host for the [span]Celestial Sword Sect [/span]sneered with a fierce smile at those old men, who ignored his presence, considering him too wild, as they were only brought up on the surface.

He found it ridiculous how these people could consider Bai Lin the same weak and silently suffering child in the past. Bai Lin was now a disciple of the greatest sect of mankind, if he tried hard and built some good relationships the future of the young black was unlimited.

Within the Celestial Sword Sect who ruled was the strong regardless of the family background of each disciple, whoever was rich and had a powerful family had a head start, but the talent would never be suppressed for long. Bai Lin had demon blood and an enviable physique, for Hu Amen it was clear as to the day Bai Lin would stand out within the sect.

For Hu Amen, Huang Deshi was a smart young man and was already strengthening ties with Bai Lin before the other achieved success. He looked at his nephew, Hu Dewei who was smiling and playing with Bai Lin and with the [span]man with the effeminate grimace[/span].

"Not bad," Hu Amen thought with satisfaction. For someone like him who was a battle maniac and who only saw value in talent, he was glad that his nephew wasn't blind like those old men from wealthy families.

In this group (group 3) only four people passed the test, Bai Lin with 500 points, Lee Fu (follower/servant of Bohai Xiulan) with an average of 100 points, and two other novice disciples with (150) points each.

Bai Lin, Shou Zuo, and Hu Dewei teamed up on the winning side and already formed a group separate from the others. A strange group indeed, a dark-skinned person of demonic blood, a terribly talented effeminate man, and a very strong-looking Buddhist monk.

This group seemed to jump out and caused a lot of people discomfort, but the young people in that group didn't seem to care about anything around them, just looking at the platform and chatting amiably among themselves.

"Group 4"

"Good luck, Brother Huang," Zemin Yan said politely despite his gentle tone. Huang Deshi was only two years older than Zemin Yan, but having been raised in a noble family and having suffered a difficult childhood he learned not to show too much on his face and keep his emotions in check, so he always looked very serious.

Which usually made others misunderstand him or that he was a very proud person, so Zemin Yan felt obliged to speak politely to the other, if it was Bai Lin he would be acting handsome and being a little brother.

Huang Deshi who had a serious face always, except when interacting with Bai Lin, he seemed to have a softer face when he saw little Yan's goodwill wish, he responded seriously to the greeting, but Zemin Yan noticed that he seemed kinder than usual.

This time it was Huang Deshi's moment. As predicted, Huang Deshi passed perfectly (500 points) and along with two other disciples who averaged 150 points.

"In the bedroom, I will give your prize..." Huang Deshi said pulling Bai Lin so he could speak in his ear, his warm breath touching the sensitive ear of the young black man.

Bai Lin knew it wouldn't be anything to cross the line of morality, but just having young master Huang acting kind and being lovely, he was already satisfied. He felt his face heat up and had the misfortune of being impatient, he prayed to a God he didn't even know existed for the day to pass faster.

Huang Deshi was satisfied watching Bai Lin's slow and somewhat silly reaction, so he went back to acting with a serious face like a young master from an influential family should be.

"How could anyone change their face so fast!" Hu Dewei thought, scratching his head and pretending not to have seen the whole flirtatious scene earlier.

Already Shou Zuo was a little envious in his heart, he wanted Wen Jie to get to his side faster so he could also act coquettish.

Ah, the young martial cultivators of this generation only had thoughts of [span]eating tofu[/span]  and playing with their boyfriends!

Where was the ambition to climb to the top and is it above all?

That's what Hu Dewei thought, but he was a single man, so what he thought could only be the envy of a lone dog.

"Group 5"

"Good luck!" Zemin Yan told Chu Yue holding the little 10-year-old girl's hands. Although the two were the same age, Zemin Yan acted like an older brother to Chu Yue.

The other disciples looked at the two of them to see them as a couple of sweethearts, of course, they knew this was a childhood thing and that it might not be important in the future, but it was still good to wash their eyes.

"I will try my best!" Chu Yue said with determination, which made her a little cute. The young girl had a lovely appearance and with her eyes as bright as a sunny summer day, she made many of the novice and senior disciples feel their hearts soften.

A beauty would stand out wherever she was, even if she was an adorable little girl.

[ol][li data-annotation-id="90ab267c-96b6-a4c3-6193-bf211f52c53f"]Yes, that sounds like something homophobic and misogynistic, and that's right. But it's how they are seen by others with that narrow-minded lens. So forgive me for using such words.[li data-annotation-id="d5e9a42e-4784-a48a-fc77-d2fb9a891bf0"]For those who still don't understand this sentence, it means that one of the parties wants to act more daring, risking kissing, hugging, or even publicly flirting with their boyfriend or girlfriend.[li data-annotation-id="f68a458b-8f57-9d39-3e8a-96c04c2c380c"]The name used will be Celestial, as it keeps changing when I translate.[/ol]

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