The Whole Family Went Crazy After Reading My Mind, I Drank Milk and Ate Melons

Chapter 221: , Emperor Yu died


 “Mother, mother.”

When Mrs. Ji heard Ji Hua's call, she knew she was awake, and she hurried into the house. I saw Ji Hua's little head peeking out from under the quilt.

 The weather at the end of October is quite cool. Ji Hua put on the thick trousers again. The chubby body looks adorable.

Mrs. Ji put on thick clothes for Ji Hua to prevent her from freezing, and also added a small red fur-collared cloak to cover her body.

 “Put me down, mother, I’ll go by myself.” Ji Hua was afraid that her body would burden Mrs. Ji, so she was unwilling to let her carry her. Mrs. Ji put her down and held her little hand. Slowly step out of the bedroom.

As soon as I walked out and before I sat down, I heard a shrill bell ringing.


Ji Hua’s face was startled.

  【This, this seems to be a death knell? Could it be that Emperor Yu died? 】

 Outside, Ji Yushu and Ji Linfeng strode over. There was a strong chill on his body.

"Mother, the emperor passed away. He committed suicide." Ji Yushu said solemnly.

Emperor Yu died at this time, and the whole country mourned, and no marriage was allowed.

 As a result, his wedding to Su Yuyue had to be postponed again. And the prince cannot marry Lu Qingyan.

Hearing this, Ji Hua was shocked.

  【Emperor Yu is really dead! 】

Jihua frowned.

  【Emperor Yu died at the wrong time. The prince could not marry Lu Qingyan in order to keep his filial piety. The eldest brother cannot marry the eldest sister-in-law. Did Emperor Yu deliberately prevent the two of them from getting their wish? After all, there is no guarantee that there will be no changes in the past three years. 】

Ji Yushu and others thought of going together with Ji Hua. Emperor Yu just didn't want the two of them to get their wish, so he chose to commit suicide at this time.

Ji Yushu and Ji Linfeng went out to find out the news again.

 A country cannot live without a king for a day.


The news that Emperor Yu had committed suicide was a disgrace to the royal family, so the queen announced that Emperor Yu had died of illness.

Duanmuyi came to Wutong Courtyard with Zhiqiu’s support.

 Breakfast has been put on the table, but I am afraid only two people will eat it today. Because Emperor Yu died suddenly, Lord Ji had to stay in the palace to take care of things.

 For fear of accidents, the entire Shengjing city was under martial law for three days. The city is full of Gu family troops.

“Mother, I heard Zhiqiu say that the streets are full of Gu family troops.” Halfway through the meal, Duanmu realized what Zhiqiu had just said.

Mrs. Ji nodded: "His Majesty has passed away. To prevent any accident, the whole city will be under martial law for three days."

Duanmuyi wanted to say that he had killed the third prince and brought down the second prince, and now it seems that another Gu family army has appeared.

The Gu Jiajun are the backing of the queen and the prince, and now they have all the power in the government. It is impossible for the Ji family not to have a crisis in their hearts.

Mrs. Ji served Ji Hua a bowl of millet porridge, and Ji Hua carefully picked up the rice in the bowl. But my heart kept twisting.

  【Nowadays, the Gu family army has become the crown prince's imperial guard, replacing the former duties of the forbidden army. Once this person gains power, he forgets his original intentions. Give birth to a corrupt mind.

 In the original work, after the prince and the queen were defeated, the third prince did not move the Gu family army. Instead, with the help of Lu Yiyi, a gentle policy was used. In the end, Gu Jiajun was taken over for his own use. At that time, Gu Yishan had already recalled that his head was in a different place. 】

【And now, as the uncle of the state, Gu Yishan has hundreds of thousands of military power, and may also be made a king and a marquis. With supreme power in hand, it is unclear whether it can maintain its original intention. Anyway, don't mess with the Ji family, if you offend the Ji family. The third prince and the second prince were his fate. 】

  【In this case, I think the prince can allocate the 100,000 military power in Wei Chen's hands to the Ji family. Firstly, it can check and balance the Gu family, and secondly, the Ji family can be considered protected. ]    As for what the prince would do? No one knows yet.

 It was close to noon when Lord Ji returned to his house. He knew that Mrs. Ji wanted to know the news in the palace, so he hurried to Wutong Courtyard.


"Daddy is back, mother." Ji Hua heard the voice of Lord Ji outside and walked out with her short legs. After walking a few steps, I felt tired, so I leaned on the door frame and moved slowly.

Ji Houye entered the room and saw Ji Hua with a happy face, and his gloomy mood suddenly improved a lot.

Mrs. Ji poured a cup of tea for Mr. Ji. Lord Ji sat at the table with Ji Hua in his arms, drinking tea and talking in detail about what happened in the palace.

"When I was going to court this morning, Eunuch De suddenly came to report that Your Majesty had passed away. At that time, there was no one in the Shouyuan Palace. No one knew why Your Majesty suddenly woke up, and then fell to the ground with a heavy breath. "

When the others discovered it, the ground was covered with blood. Marquis Ji suddenly lowered his voice and approached Mrs. Ji and said, "Your Majesty wrote seven big characters in blood: Wife's exclusive power, the dynasty will be destroyed."

 This is to warn the prince, and also to alienate the relationship between the prince and the Gu family.

After listening, Jihua fell into deep thought.

I remember that Gu Yishan had a daughter named Gu Shi'an. In order to stabilize the relationship between monarch and ministers. This Gu Shi'an is afraid that he will be included in the harem. The Gu family is powerful and will not let their daughter suffer, so the position of queen is a bit elusive. 】

  【Hey, if Lu Qingyan had married the prince as soon as possible and became the princess, he would not be in the current dilemma. 】

Ji Hua was actually optimistic about Lu Qingyan. I don't know if the queen wanted the prince to marry the daughter of the Gu family, so she delayed the wedding with the Lu family.

 It seems that the Queen's heart is partial to the Gu family. Lu Qingyan's chance of winning could only depend on the prince's attitude.

 Emperor and courtiers in one dynasty.

 No one knows how many officials and ministers the prince will replace after he succeeds to the throne.

 The two of them felt heavy in their hearts after listening to Ji Hua's analysis. Under the control of power, people's hearts will change.

  Two days.

 Royal Palace.

The queen and the prince led the concubines in the harem and the little princes and princesses to kneel down in front of Emperor Yu's spiritual throne, all dressed in plain clothes.

Outside the palace gate, a large number of civil and military officials in plain clothes were kneeling down, as well as some of their family members. Outside the palace gate was the Gu family army, followed by the common people who came spontaneously.

Except for a few cronies and the prince who deliberately revealed it to Lord Ji, no one knew about the blood letter.

The minister who presided over the funeral was Prime Minister Lu. He stood at the top and read the edict loudly.

"Since I ruled the country, the world has been peaceful and peaceful. However, I had no choice but to mistakenly believe that the bad guys took the fatal medicine. My health is getting worse and I am no longer able to handle state affairs. The eldest son of the emperor, Bei Hengmo, is benevolent and virtuous. He obeys the instructions of his ancestors and obeys the sentiments of the people. , it is appropriate to take the throne of emperor"

 The imperial edict is very long, and it takes enough time to recite a stick of incense.

Ji Hua, also wearing plain clothes, was kneeling next to Mrs. Ji with her buttocks lifted.

Mrs. Ji didn’t want to bring her here, but she couldn’t overcome the little guy’s love of joining in the fun.

The battle was so big that Jihua was so shocked that she didn't dare to move.

Today she has witnessed the fall of a generation of emperors and the birth of a new dynasty.

  A new conspiracy will also begin from this moment.

 The ceremony lasted for two hours. After reading the edict, the Ministry of Rites received it and announced it to the world.

 After that comes the crying spirit. From the day of hearing the funeral, I cried day and night for three days.

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