The Whole World Knows I’m a Good Person [Quick Wear]

Chapter 53 - School Fighter\\\'s Love (7)

When Shi Qing was obsessed with teasing (not) Zhuo Junli, and encouraged (yazha) the younger brothers to struggle, the school teachers liked him more and more.

Who doesn’t like such a good student who studies hard and drives other poor students together!

In particular, Shi Qing also showed special love.

I specifically asked Zhuo Junli, a poor student, to make up for them. On the one hand, poor students can improve their grades. On the other hand, Zhuo Junli doesn’t worry about tuition, books, papers, etc.

Every time the old class walked into the classroom and saw that he was facing Zhuo Jun’s school bully even after class time, he couldn’t help showing a happy smile.

He has been a teacher for so many years. This is the first time that he has not reached out to rescue himself, the other party has automatically entered the ventilator, and he is particularly enthusiastic about inserting an oxygen tube into the other person.

That’s reassuring.

If all the students in the world can be as self-disciplined as Shi Qing, and at the same time enthusiastically restrain others, wouldn’t it be beautiful.

The old class looked more and more pleasing to the eye.

It’s like today’s evening study.

The evening self-study in their school is really self-study. Teachers usually don’t sit in the classroom.

However, every class teacher will appear in various places unconsciously during the evening self-study.

——The gap in the back door

——The middle window

——The glass on the front door for the convenience of the teacher’s supervision

They didn’t talk to anyone before they came, and they didn’t have a regular pattern, they could move at will.

Often before the arrival, the magical class teacher will use a flexible position that is comparable to a cat, and lightly and quietly before making an active appearance.

Then, quietly, quietly staring at the students in the classroom with his own pair of dead fish eyes.

X-rays are emitted from a pair of eyes, and they are scanned clearly from top to bottom, from top to bottom.

Main glance points: the student’s mouth, the student’s hand hidden in the desk hole inexplicably, the student’s gaze straightened to the eyes of a row of tall books.

Usually behind this tall book is a mobile phone or extracurricular books.

Today’s old class is the same as above.

The coquettish position perfectly avoided the front door glass and reached the middle window.

He only showed half of his body, and a pair of fish eyes stared at the students in the classroom because of the severe swelling of the eyes with the baldness.

After staring at it for about half a minute, someone in the originally laughing classroom finally found the existence of the old class. He shut up his mouth and didn’t count, and quickly stabbed people around to remind him.

Then more and more people found him.

It was less than half a minute. The classroom seemed to take off from noisy to silent, and the students looked at the books in their hands seriously, or else they wrote and painted with a pen.

Although it is likely that their nib is not next to the paper at all.

Under these false peace illusions, Lao Ban was pleased to find that two people have not changed since they first arrived.

It was Shiqing and Zhuo Jun who left.

Every student seems to be pretending to be a teacher’s radar. Even if they don’t see the teacher coming, when the surroundings are quiet, they will shut up immediately, look at the nose, nose, heart, and pretend to read without reading. .

Of course, there are occasions when this radar goes wrong.

For example, suddenly everyone stopped talking, and those who wanted to talk thought they were teachers and didn’t dare to squeak.

After waiting for a while, I realized that the teacher never came. At this time, the originally quiet classroom immediately seemed to be stuffed with hundreds of squealing ducks.

When Shi Qing and Zhuo Jun left, they perfectly showed that they did not move regardless of whether the teacher came or did not come.

Even the movements haven’t changed much.

The old class pushed open the front door and walked in, watching the laziness leaning on Zhuo Jun’s shoulder, a pair of uncles looking at Qingqing holding the language documents, his heart was full of relief.

This is the performance of students’ guilty conscience.

Moreover, their relationship looks very harmonious. When you think about it, Shi Qing always bullied Zhuo Junli secretly and secretly, and look at the present.

Sure enough, what he did not hesitate to do when he grasped Shi Qing was to give more than an hour of credit.

Of course, as a class teacher, even if he is happy and proud, he still has a cold face on his face, walks to the podium, and starts to criticize:

“I can hear you all downstairs! Noisy! Why not!”

“Come along this way, it’s the loudest voice in our class, no shame! You are all in the second year of high school! The second year of high school! The second year! The next year is the third year of high school, and the second year is the college entrance examination! Time! Don’t want to go to college?

Zhuo Junli listened to Laoban’s heartbroken words, and his heart had no fluctuations.

After all, the old class said these things, and according to his experience as a student, every teacher said so.

All his attention was attracted by Shi Qing, who was using his fingers to play with his fingers freely while he was talking in the old class.

The school bully has always disliked listening to these words. Every time the class has a class meeting or the old class has a long story, he is particularly bored to play Zhuo Junli’s hand.

Why is it a player?

After all, in the winter, everyone is dressed like a mule, and it is good to show his hands.

Of course, for Shi Qing.

Even if it is a sister-in-law, Zhuo Junli is also the most beautiful sister-in-law.

The old class is still speaking seriously: “Don’t think that the college entrance examination is far away from you, not far! The college entrance examination is like a wooden bridge. Look at you like this. I don’t want to be in the college entrance examination. You just fall off the wooden bridge like dumplings. “

Shi Qing gently touched Zhuo Junli’s ring finger, slowly moved to the root of the finger along the elongated finger, as if something fun was found, pressed on this relatively soft bone, and turned around.

“You guys! It was the worst I have ever had!”

His hand moved away from the base of his fingers, and continued to slide down, staying on the young man’s blue blood vessels that became more prominent because of his fair complexion.

“Look at you one by one, what’s the matter, I don’t care if you are right, I tell you, your grades are all your own, not mine, and the benefits you get from entering a good university are also yours. It ’s okay with me. Now that I ’m strict, you think I ’m not good. If I ’m really loose, when you grow up, graduate, and go out of society, you should say I ’m bad! ”

Shi Qing began to press the blood vessels on the back of Zhuo Jun’s hands. Like most boys, his blood vessels were slightly raised, but they were not very conspicuous. They seemed to be flat and could be felt by touching them.

And with his gentle strokes that are completely different from the usual style, Zhuo Junli completely allowed him to move, just a pair of light brown eyes, but slightly sideways, staring softly at Shi Qing.

The school bull raised his eyes and met his gaze. Subconsciously, a pair of narrow eyes bent.

Everything is natural.

Lu Tao, sitting behind and behind them, rubbed his eyes.

Strange, how did he feel that Shi Ge and Zhuo Jun seemed to have a lot of pink bubbles from the surrounding area …

The old class above also mentioned Shi Qing: “Here, I want to praise a classmate, Shi Qing.”

Hearing his own name, the school bully didn’t feel guilty, so he just touched his hand at the same table and looked up.

The old class was a little excited about this.

“Mr. Shiqing’s performance was not good before, and he usually likes to play, but he has a sense of crisis. During this time, he not only worked hard, but also motivated other students to work together, listen carefully in class, and let Zhuojun take the initiative after class. Within a short period of time, the grades have improved a lot. “

“This is a typical example. It doesn’t matter if you start late, it doesn’t matter if you work hard, you still have time! As long as you don’t give up and work hard from now on, even if your grades are poor, you can get back!

Being commended, the school bull raised his chin and raised the expression “Isn’t this supposed to be”.

Zhuo Jun lifted his head slightly, looking at such self-confidence, even when looked at by the whole class, his hands still firmly fell on the back of his hand, and his eyes softened again.

The old class didn’t think there was anything wrong with Shi Qing’s attitude. After all, he was used to this wild and unruly student.

It doesn’t matter, just know to study, don’t force others.

After leaving the chicken soup as usual, he left the classroom.

After a while, he went from silent to noisy in the class.

Lu Tao, a kid, rushed to the front like a monkey: “Brother Shi, the supermarket seems to be selling red ropes, which are tied to your hands. Do you want to buy them?”

Shi Qing leaned on Zhuo Junli, frowning and disdain, “Why do I want that?”

“I told you Brother Shi, this red rope is meaningful. Although it is only one dollar, the school is spreading it, saying that if you buy one and give it to someone you like, you can always stay together. “

He shook his eyebrows at Shi Shi: “If you bought this and gave it to who, hehe hehe.”

The school bully was dubious: “Really fake? Only one dollar. Is there such an evil door?”

Zhuo Jun was quite calm when he left, he asked, “Everyone you said is spreading, so who started the spread?”

Lu Tao: “My son, the owner of the supermarket.”


Shi Qingxi laughed, “You all know that he passed the letter and believed it, and he made money from the people who bought their house.”

Just now Tong Xinyu, who had just ran to the front to borrow the homework, heard it, immediately stopped, twitched, and came over with embarrassment on his face.

“Well, in fact, this red rope cannot be so useful. Everyone knows that buying this is mainly because if you send a red rope, the other party will almost understand what you mean. If the other party also feels, buy a red rope and send it over, probably It’s the equivalent of a confession. “

Then, Tong Xinyu whispered: “If it was me and I was given a red rope by someone I like, I would be very happy.”

Yes, she hinted insanely.

It’s been so many days. It stands to reason that if Shi Qing or Zhuo Junli feels about her, she should also confess.

But she waited, waited, waited, waited, didn’t know how many paper cranes she planned to send out during the rest time, she couldn’t wait.

Watermelon did not come to confess.

Sesame did not come to confess.

It shouldn’t be.

Tong Xinyu wondered, Zhuo Junli could also say that she might not like her, but in the whole class, except for her, Zhuo Junli had never contacted other girls.

There was also Shi Qing, who had been jealous to stop Zhuo Jun from getting close to her.

Shi Qing doesn’t like her, can she still like Zhuo Junli? !!

Tong Xinyu is very clear about her urine, and last time she saw a senior in high school by chance. She was worried that if the male **** didn’t confess, she would empathize.

So she began to frantically advocate the red rope like a caregiver.

“How much can you buy for one dollar, but if you buy a red rope for someone you like, it will be priceless.”

“This is not just an ordinary red rope, it represents love.”

“This red rope is not afraid of water, and you do n’t have to pick it up in the bath. Think about it, no matter what time, any place in the future, the red rope you send is worn on the wrist of someone you like, as if you were with her. How beautiful. “

Shi Qing’s eyes gradually lit up.

“You make sense.”

Even Zhuo Jun left, handsome pretty face thoughtful, and even nodded.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! !! !!

Tong Xinyu screamed wildly in the bottom of my heart!

What do you mean! !!

What do the gods mean! !!

Are they all planning to buy her a red rope?

Oh my gosh gosh!

Happiness came so suddenly, she felt like she was going to pass out with excitement.

How to do how to do.

In case she really thinks it, who is better to promise?

Zhuo Jun speaks softly and gently, and is suitable for straightforward and informal talk.

Shi Qing acts arrogantly, and is suitable for mildness and good temper.

Tong Xinyu felt that she seemed to be nothing.

She was neither informal nor mild-tempered.

Forget it!

Whenever she confesses, she promises it!


After school, Tong Xinyu was in a state of excitement, watching Shi Qing and Zhuo Jun leave and packed up and left the classroom, and quickly followed.

Of course, she is not so insignificant as the last line.

She just wanted to go to the supermarket to buy a red rope. “By the way” to see if the two male gods also went to the supermarket to buy a red rope.

Tong Xinyu smoothly followed the crowd and walked behind Shiqing.

Her two male gods were chatting, and Shi Qingxiao was particularly happy. Zhuo Junli just looked at him with such a soft smile.

The two talked as they walked, no matter which one they saw, they were particularly pleasing to the eye.

Arrived at the supermarket, Tong Xinyu nervously slowed down the angle, can not wait to set up a telescope, stretched his neck and looked at it.

After a while, Shi Qing and Zhuo Jun left.

Both held a red rope in a small transparent bag.

Ahhhhhhhhhh! !! !!

Tong Xinyu was screaming again in the heart of a marmot.

Red rope! Red rope! !! !!

Sure enough it is a red rope! !! !!

They’re down the stairs!

They came in his direction!

Zhuo Junli is already unpacking!

Has he found her already? !!

Ah ah ah ah he took it apart! !!

Tong Xinyu held her breath nervously, and then she saw:

Under the dim light, there were not many people on the path. The handsome young man took the red rope out, lowered his eyes gently, and put it on Shi Qing’s hand.

Tong Xinyu: “???”

The school bully who has always been very abandoned by outsiders has not withdrawn his hands, so let Zhuo Junli wear a red rope to himself.

And she couldn’t hear it. Shi Qing, who was red-eared, took the proud look of “Since you have done this, then I will show mercy,” while wearing her red rope on Zhuo Junli’s wrist , One side seems to be very reluctant:

“You gave it to me, and mine gave it to you.”

Seeing Tong Qingyu, Shi Qing wearing his own red rope on Zhuo Jun’s hand: “…”

She stood just like that, watching her two male gods swap the red ropes.

Then, the two male goddesses, who were both top-notch and figure, were so close together that they took another path and headed towards the dormitory.

Tong Xinyu is still: “…………”

She looked stupidly at the back of her two male gods.

Then, in my head, somehow I thought of my previous thoughts.

She was also worried that Zhuo Jun could speak softly and gently, and behaved with impertinence when she was overbearing.

As a result, they complement each other.

Tong Xinyu imagined that these two personalities would meet together.

——It really matches well, but there is no sense of contradiction.

After thinking about it for a long time, Tong Xinyu held a broken girl’s heart and faced the facts in despair.

So, her two male gods …

Sold domestically …

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