The Wishes I Made, Enemies Reap Double

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Ye, my bro, how about I give you this money?

Afterward, they took a group photo.

Lin Beifan said, “Brother Ye, come over here, let’s take a picture!”

Ye Xingchen felt hesitant, “Isn’t it unnecessary?”

“How can it be unnecessary? This is such a memorable moment. Don’t be shy, come on!”

Lin Beifan pulled Ye Xingchen over to stand together.

An employee took out their phone, “Both of you, look here, say cheese!”

The image was frozen in time.

In the photo, Lin Beifan stood on the left, dressed in a slim-fitted silver-gray designer suit, standing tall with shiny leather shoes and a bright smile. He looked like a high-ranking official.

As for our second protagonist, Ye Xingchen, he stood on the right, wearing a somewhat rustic bodyguard uniform with a big red flower pinned to it. In his hands, he held a huge medal, smiling like a fool.

After taking the photo, Lin Beifan picked up a glass of champagne and loudly exclaimed, “Now, let’s toast to Ye Xingchen, my brother! And let’s also wish our company great success and prosperity! Cheers!”

“Cheers!” everyone said in unison.

After the toast, everyone relaxed.

Surrounded by a feast, they ate, drank, and chatted casually.

Lin Beifan didn’t leave but stayed to eat and chat with everyone, seizing the opportunity to build connections.

With his silver tongue, he got along well with everyone.

Throughout this process, our second protagonist, Ye Xingchen, always sat by Lin’s side.

After finishing their drinks, Lin Beifan personally poured more for him.

Whatever he wanted to eat, Lin Beifan personally served him, showing great care!

Everyone couldn’t help but shake their heads and sigh. This bodyguard is truly spoiled.

So what if he had some luck and stumbled upon a path of success? What’s so impressive about that?

He doesn’t have any real skills or knowledge at all!

Then, what was even more enviable came afterwards.

After the celebration banquet, Lin Beifan held the first meeting of his department.

Lin Beiy didn’t ask Ye Xingchen, who was a bodyguard, to leave. Instead, he had him sit right beside him, showing great trust.

During the meeting, Lin Beifan emphasized the future investment direction and strategy, mainly focusing on the securities market.

The protagonist Ye Xingchen felt a bit disappointed because the other party didn’t stumble upon the pitfall. This made things a bit difficult.

You see, Lin Beifan, the devil in the securities market, was terrifying!

He treated the securities market as if it were an ATM!

Making money was as simple as drinking water!

What should I do now?

How can I stop him?

Ye Xingchen began to feel anxious!

Unable to hold back, he spoke up, “Boss Lin, the securities market is currently in a slump. It’s not a good time to enter! How about investing in tangible industries instead? Industries like education and live streaming are very hot right now and worth investing in!”

Although everyone was displeased with a bodyguard voicing his opinion, they had to admit that he made sense.

Because, indeed, the securities market was currently quite sluggish, and it wasn’t a good time to enter.

It would be better to keep the money in the bank, at least it was safe and earned a bit of interest.

Lin smiled slightly, “Ye, my bro, of course we should invest in those industries you mentioned. However, we don’t have enough understanding of those industries and rashly entering them would be more harm than gain. It’ll take some time for research! During this period, the money sitting in the bank is idle, so why not put it in the securities market to earn some small profits?”

Ye secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as you haven’t given up on those industries, that’s good!

I still want to see how you’ll lose everything!

“Now, let’s plan our finances!”

After Lin Beifan distributed the funds, there was only 50 million left.

At this moment, Lin Beifan turned his head and looked at Ye Xingchen, smiling, “Ye, my bro, there’s still 50 million left! How about I let you handle this money?”

Everyone was stunned, and Ye Xingchen was also stunned.

Boss Lin actually entrusted the 50 million funds to a bodyguard to handle?

What kind of arrangement is this?

Ye Xingchen pointed at himself, “Boss Lin, let me handle it?”

“Yes!” Lin Beifan nodded affirmatively, “After all, you were the one who brought in this money, so I believe you have the right to handle it. It’s very reasonable to entrust it to you!”

“Furthermore, I’ve always felt that you have a talent for investments, with a very keen sense. The only thing you lack is an opportunity! Besides, you can’t be a bodyguard forever! So I hope that with this opportunity, Ye my bro, you can train and accumulate some experience, and then move up in the world!”

Ye nervously said, “Can I? What if I lose money?”

“If you lose, it’s on me. Take the risk boldly! I believe in your vision, my bro, you won’t disappoint me!” Lin said with a meaningful smile.

Ye suddenly got excited.

What is this?

This is an opportunity!

50 million funds, watch me lose and ensure your demise!

After losing this money, I can then convince you to invest in tangible industries and make you lose even more!

Ye Xingchen silently applauded his own idea!

But at this moment, everyone stood up one after another.

“No, it can’t be done!”

“Ye Xingchen is just a bodyguard. He hasn’t studied this field at all. He’s not professional enough. How can we entrust such a large sum of money to him?”

“Even if we let him train, we shouldn’t give him that much funding! 1 million is enough!”

“Vice President Lin, please reconsider!”

Lin Beifan suppressed them with a firm voice, “There’s no need to say more. My decision is made. The meeting is adjourned!”

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