The Witcher: Lord of the Empire

Chapter 26: Beware of enemies in the Dark

There was a strong wind outside the house, and there was lightning and thunder. The violent wind set off big waves and broke the rocks on the shore, but it did not disturb this quiet laboratory at all. All wind, thunder, and noise are isolated.


The bad news made the mage who worked frown. This is a part of his grand plan, even if it plays a very small role.


Vilgefortz thought for a while and asked: "If I remember correctly, that witcher's name is Jad Karadin?"


Lydia van Bredevoort, as Vilgefortz's assistant and personal secretary, informed him about the recently gathered intelligence.


Lydia's cold and beautiful face did not move at all, but her voice sounded in Vilgefortz's ears: "The witcher is dead and the crystal he was carrying for you is also missing."


"The crystal is a minor matter; the focus is on the witcher. We lost a spy in Cintra."


Vilgefortz continued to flip through the book in front of him, as if it had an amazing attraction. While he was reading, he could still concentrate on dealing with his assistant.


“The witcher is very powerful. He also has a team and will not be killed easily. Who did it?”


“A young earl of Cintra.” Lydia replied. “Lann Lannister.”


Vilgefortz chewed on the name carefully and finally realized something was wrong. He suddenly raised his head and asked: "Lannister?"


Lydia nodded and affirmed: "Lannister."


Vilgefortz stood up and walked to the bookshelf, searching carefully for his target. After a long time, he took out a notebook and opened it to reveal a genealogical record.


At the top of this genealogy are written many familiar and legendary names: Riannon, Lara Dorren, Auberon Muircetach, and Adalia. Stretching all the way to the bottom are the following names: Calanthe, Pavetta, and Cirilla.


There is another name also at the bottom but far away from them: Lannister. And the name has been crossed out.


Lydia slowly walked up to Vilgefortz, pointed to a blank space after 'Lannister' on the page and said: "He is the only son of Lannister, and now Lannister is dead."


“Then, he is one of the only three descendants of the Elder Blood left in the world. Originally, I thought there were only two lefts, but I didn’t expect that Calanthe and Cirilla have such a distant relative. Why was there no news before?”


“Forget it, forget it.” The mage shook his head and threw such a trivial matter behind him without waiting for an answer. He added Lann's name to the page. "Although he cannot inherit power, he can have offspring and provide more people with the Elder Blood. We must keep an eye on him after our plan is implemented. Of course, the priority is Cirilla, she is the most important."


Lydia nodded. As she watched the mage fall into a state of motionless thought again, she grabbed a chair, paint, and a drawing board on one side, and began to silently sketch the image in front of her.


In the picture, a handsome and tall mage stands next to a bookshelf, with various documents, drafts, and books scattered around. The candlelight on the desk flickers and illuminates half of the mage's body, making him half majestic in the light, and half mysterious in the dark.


The windows reflect the violent storms, lightning and thunder from the outside world into the house, but they do not interfere with the inside. It seems that the ferocity of nature is blocked outside the house by this man alone.


He is tall and handsome, all of which are maintained by magic. His actual age is already close to a hundred years old. Unlike most long-lived people who become more reclusive as they age, the passage of time has given Vilgefortz knowledge, experience, and composure, but it has never diminished his energy, vision, and strength.


He stared at the page in front of him, his eyes burning with a light called ambition that was more dazzling than thunder and lightning.


“Elder Blood!”




One month later.


City guard barracks, training ground.


Lann was shirtless and sweating profusely. He was holding a practice sword in one hand and facing him were four swordsmen. These four swordsmen are fully equipped with protective gear.


House passed by the training ground with a bundle of fodder and glanced at the scene. The four of them were slowly circling his Earl, looking for flaws.


It won't be long, House thought. Carrying the fodder into the stable, Black wind had been waiting for a long time.


Lann had already tamed this fierce horse long ago, and House also had a good relationship with it. Seeing its breeder come in, the horse was extremely dissatisfied and raised its head against him. It moved its lips a few times and directly nibbled on the grass on House's shoulder.


“Oh, slow down, slow down.” House scolded in a low voice.


When House removed the fine grass from his body and walked outside, he saw Lann walking nimbly between the two opponents with cat-like steps and slashing at their abs and legs with swords like lightning, again and again.


Two people were already lying on the ground, and now there were two more people.


Swade grinned and took off his helmet, shouting happily: "As expected of the Earl!"


“Your Lordship the Earl!” Dozens of soldiers watching also cheered loudly, as excitedly as if they were the ones who defeated their opponents.


The other swordsman lying next to Swade took a breath and took off his helmet. It turned out to be Ace, the Arrow Attendant.


As the son of a knight, he actually has good swordsmanship, but he is far behind Lann, and there is also a big gap between him and Swade. He loves arrows more, but he is always dragged into practicing swordsmanship.


"You're probably the only one who's still this excited after being knocked down." Ace sighed.


"But it was the earl who defeated us. Did you clearly see the sword move he just made? He defeated four of us head-on all by himself!" Swade continued to shout excitedly. He looked at the earl to whom he swore allegiance. It's like looking at a powerful hero coming out of poetry.


"You two are also very good. You are worthy of being the Earl's attendant." The other two people on the ground took off their helmets. They are both vice-captains of the city guard. "You are actually able to persist for such a long time."




In one month, Lann led the city guard members to clean up almost the entire capital of Cintra. Upgraded two levels and added new skills as planned.


[Precise Blows]: Increases chance of landing a fast attack critical hit by 4% and fast attack critical hit damage by 30%. Adrenaline Point gain: +2% (2/5)




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