The Witch’s Ichor

Zoe’s First Foray [21]

This chapter contains references to sex!
This was also released 3 days early on my patreon <3

Zoe groans as her alarm clock goes off. She slowly climbs out of bed, and looks over at her closet mirror. She has dark circles under her eyes. Her hair is a complete mess. Zoe looks around her room, and realizes she doesn't have any of the stuff she needs to get ready!

Maybe Mom can help?

The smell of breakfast tempts Zoe, but she's far more worried about her appearance. She rushes downstairs to see her mother pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Mom, I need your help! I can't let Theo see me like this!" Zoe exclaims.

Zoe's mother turns around to see Zoe flipping out. She slowly sips her coffee, and sighs.

"Honey that's basically how you always look when you're going to school." Zoe's mother reminds her.

"Mom! I have eye bags, Theo will think I'm a slob if show up to school like this!" Zoe whines.

Zoe's mother sets her coffee down on the counter. She walks over to Zoe and takes her hand. Zoe obediently follows her mother upstairs. They enter the master bedroom, and then the master bathroom. Zoe's mother starts rifling through her makeup.

"You're lucky our skin tones are so similar." Zoe's mother comments.

Zoe nods sheepishly as her mother gently brushes her hair out of her face. Within a few minutes she's looking much neater. Zoe's mother squirts some foundation onto a blender. The all too familiar sensation of gel-like foundation being applied tickles Zoe's face. She smiles.

"No smiling, silly. Stay still." Zoe's mother chides.

Zoe quickly schools her expression. Her mother works even faster than Tracy did. The blush and foundation take half the time, and she makes applying eyeliner look as easy as tracing lines on paper. The mascara and lip gloss finish Zoe's look. She starts to turn toward the mirror-

"Young lady you'd better let me apply the setting spray, or your makeup will smudge." Zoe's mother warns.

Zoe whirls back around and straightens up. She closes her eyes. Zoe's mother carefully spritzes her face with the setting spray. They let it dry for a few brief moments.

"Okay, you should be good now." Zoe's mother says.

The girl staring back at her brings a blush to Zoe's face. Zoe's mother quickly gives Zoe a kiss on the top of her head. Zoe smiles and quickly hugs her mother.

"I gotta get to work. You and Theo have a good date!" Zoe's mother calls over her shoulder.

"Mom! I-It's not a date!" Zoe protests.

Zoe stares at herself a little longer before making her way downstairs. She quickly gets her things together, and grabs a piece of toast. Unaware of the trope, Zoe runs off to school with the toast hanging from her mouth.


Theo's eyes wander across the other high schoolers walking through the courtyard. He's trying to distract himself with a worksheet, but it's not working. Jamison is leaning against the wall beside Theo. Derek sitting on the other side of Theo, pouting like a child.

"Why does he get to be first, anyways?" Derek sulks.

"Because he's the skinny nerd, Derek." Jamison replies.

Derek huffs softly. His eyes scan Theo's outfit. The smaller boy may look a little uptight, but he isn't unattractive. Derek glares at the back of Theo's head.

"Looks cute enough to be last to me..." Derek mumbles.

Jamison chuckles upon hearing Derek's comment. Theo is so engrossed in seeking out Zoe that he fails to hear Derek's words.

"Why not take Theo and let me have Zoe to myself?" Jamison offers.

"What? Fuck off." Derek retorts.

The two boys quit their bickering when they see a familiar girl approaching them. Theo is so focused on the people entering that he doesn't notice Zoe nearly standing right in front of him. Zoe's voice startles him into dropping his pencil.

"H-Hi!" Zoe greets.

Theo looks down and over to the left at the girl he didn't notice. Zoe's face is normally attractive, but the makeup she's wearing brings her beauty to a new level. Theo's cheeks are set ablaze as he sees the equally pretty outfit she's wearing. She's got on a black skirt with white plaid patterns, a familiar pair of black boots, and a white sweater with flared sleeves.

"H-Hi. You look... incredible." Theo replies stiffly.

"Thanks! You look cute." Zoe chirps.

Being called cute wasn't what Theo expected, but it is pleasant regardless. Derek and Jamison watch their exchange with somber frowns. Theo gathers the courage to say something- and the bell rings, interrupting him.

"Aw. See you at lunch?" Zoe asks.

"Of course." Theo replies without hesitation.

Most of the teens head inside. Zoe moves with the crowd, but not Theo. He sighs softly as he watches her walk away. The heart stopping smile on her adorable face makes him swoon.

"Come on, lover boy." Derek remarks.

The three boys head inside with very different thoughts in their heads.

I really hope I don't mess this up.


The soft thump of Zoe's punk boots as she makes her way through the cafeteria is punctuated by a myriad of stares. Normally Zoe dresses casually at school, but grabbing Theo's attention is worth the hassle. She waits in the lunch line with a bored pout on her made up face.

"Zoe?" Someone says.

Zoe turns to look at who's addressing her, but she doesn't immediately recognize him. The tall guy has a rather charming grin on his face as he sizes Zoe up. Zoe can practically feel him undressing her with his eyes.

Ew. Creepy.

"Um, who are you..?" Zoe asks.

The boy looks a little hurt by that, but quickly reintroduces himself.

"Matthew. The guy you introduced yourself to randomly in the lunch line?" Matthew reminds her.

Zoe finally remembers the tall boy, and nods enthusiastically. Her memory of that meeting is quickly clouded by her suspicion. She narrows her eyes at the smiling boy. He's really looking at her intently.

"Are the zippers on those, like, a real pocket?" Matthew asks.

Zoe blinks at his question. She glances down where his eyes are to see her black books. The little belts on the side are for decoration, but the zipper is an actual pocket.

"Oh, yes! The buckles are just for decoration, though." Zoe explains.

"Awesome! Where did you get those?" Matthew asks enthusiastically.

While his eagerness to discuss her footwear comes off as a little strange, Zoe obliges.

"I got it at the mall, actually. I don't remember which department store... it was pretty pricey, though." Zoe replies.

Matthew slowly nods his head at her words. He opens his mouth to say something, but the lunch line starts moving. Both of them quietly get their trays filled with food. Zoe turns to Matthew to say goodbye, but he's already walking away.

Weird guy.

Zoe approaches her usual table. Tracy isn't here, but the boys are. Theo is sitting where Derek usually does. That means Zoe's usual seat is right beside him. She goes to sit down, but Theo quickly stands up. He pulls out her chair for her.

"Aww, thanks!" Zoe gushes.

Theo's face turns a little pink as he sits back down alongside Zoe.

"So how- uh- how was your day so far?" Zoe asks.

"It's been alright, but I wish we shared more classes." Theo replies softly.

Zoe nods enthusiastically at that. Only seeing Theo during gym class and lunch is inconvenient.

"Yeah, me too. Maybe we'll get to see each other more in college?" Zoe wonders.

Jamison and Derek exchange a look. Theo blinks in surprise and looks over at Zoe. He can't tell if that means she wants to stay friends in college, or more.

"Well, I'm pretty sure all of us are going to Witchburrow University. It'd be weird not to, considering how good their programs are." Theo comments.

"Yeah..." Zoe says wistfully.

Theo isn't sure what Zoe is thinking about, but the way she looks up at him with those eyes of hers make his heart skip a beat. She gently slides her hands over to him beneath the table, and he takes it in his own hand. They both blush at the sensation.

We're holding hands!

Zoe gently squeezes Theo's hand. The warmth of his hand is lovely. Theo squeezes back, and he quietly marvels at how smooth and soft Zoe's smaller hands are. Unbeknownst to the love birds, Jamison and Derek are quietly texting one another in a bid to stave off their jealousy.

Jamison: They're holding hands now.

Derek: Oh thank fuck I thought she was doing something else

Jamison looks at Derek like he just grew a third head. Derek glances up at him. Derek shrugs as if to say he isn't being that outlandish. Jamison turns back to type out a reply.

Jamison: First off, Zoe is too innocent for that. Second off, we're at school.

Derek: School Shmool. I've seen worse happen in the cafeteria

Jamison: Fuckin nasty.

Zoe softly giggles to herself as she looks over at Theo's blushing face. The strange thing is she really enjoys the sensation of her hand being held in his. Who knew just holding onto someone's hand could be so gratifying?

Derek sighs bitterly as he watches Zoe and Theo have their fun. He turns back to his phone.

Derek: How far do you think they'll go..?

Jamison: I don't really wanna think about it

Derek scoffs at Jamison's message. He quickly types up a retort.

Derek: This is THEODORE we are talking about, Jamison

Derek: I bet twenty bucks he doesn't get past holding hands

Jamison: I'll take you up on that. I bet he will.

Derek gives Jamison a confident smirk. The two boys shake hands to make good on the bet. Meanwhile, Zoe scoots her chair closer to Theo's. Theo's reddened face betrays how much he's enjoying her company. Zoe leans over, and abruptly kisses Theo on the cheek.


Theo's surprised expression is worth the kiss alone. The feeling of gently pressing her lips to Theo's face for a brief moment is also worth it. Of course that's right when the bell rings.

"Aw, darn." Zoe sighs.

"I-I... ah..." Theo struggles to speak.

"See you after classes?" Zoe offers.

Theo simply nods. He's gone completely red, and his hand is holding the place Zoe kissed him. It looks as if he isn't sure how to respond to such an open display of affection. Zoe trots off to dump her lunch tray with a spring in her step.

"Pay up." Jamison says.

Theo looks over to watch Jamison demand money from Derek. Derek lets out a frustrated groan, and walks away to dump his lunch tray. Jamison follows.

"Dude that was on the cheek, it totally doesn't count!" Derek argues as they walk.

"You never specified it had to be on the mouth, Derek." Jamison shoots back.

The two boys dump their trays and turn to leave, but Theo is standing in their way with a smug smile on his face. He points accusingly at Derek.

"I totally got a kiss, Derek. That counts. Pay Jamison however much you bet." Theo backs Jamison up.

"God damn it, fine!" Derek scoffs.

Derek passes Jamison a twenty. The muscular boy storms off in a huff. Jamison and Theo leave the cafeteria side by side. Jamison glances around the corridor they enter as if he's a spy checking for tails. Satisfied with the privacy of the hallway, he turns to Theo.

"Are you going all the way with her?" He asks quietly.

Theo nearly trips over his own feet as he processes Jamison's inquiry.

"First it's my own mother, and now you too?!" Theo hisses in disbelief.

Jamison throws his hands up as if to say he didn't mean anything by it.

"I... m-maybe, but if I want to do... that. I need a c-condom or something." Theo stutters.

"Just treat her with respect. I doubt she'll want to do it anyways. Not on a first date, and not on her first EVER date." Jamison warns.

Theo nods in understanding as they arrive at their 5th period class. The second bell rings, signaling class is starting. Mrs. Johnson clicks her tongue in disapproval as the boys scramble into their seats. They put on their best apologetic smiles, and take out their notebooks.

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