The Wizard’s Fairy Tale

Chapter 32 Patras II

Master Viscount likes rules. After you go in, say what you should say, don't say what you shouldn't say, do what you should do, and don't do anything extra! Knight West wore neat and clean armor, like A peacock, ready to be visited at any time, spoke meticulously.

Yes, Master West Knight! Andrew Great responded submissively.

Knight West took another strict look at Andrew, and his eyes flicked past his fearful and longing eyes. Knight West saw this kind of eyes quite a few times. Those who want to rely on speculation to win the favor of Lord Viscount That's the kind of look in your eyes!

Haha, but they don't know that only strength is the root of everything! Knight West sneered in his heart.

His eyes continued to move down on Andrew, and fell on Andrew's old clothes, his brows could not help but wrinkled.

In all fairness, Gretel's family is also a wealthy family in the small village of Nisai. The clothes Andrew wears are much better than those of ordinary villagers. Many villagers have holes in their clothes, and they are reluctant to throw them away!

Because if you throw it away, there will be no clothes to wear!

And Andrew's clothes were old, but at least there wasn't a single hole in them!

However, even so, it still couldn't catch the eyes of Knight West.

Knight West is a person with high standards, whether it is for himself or other civilians, of course not including people like Viscount Grian.

But in any case, Andrew is not one of those exceptions.

Therefore, Knight West's complexion became more and more ugly.

Andrew became more and more cautious, for fear that his inadvertent action would become the fuse of the volcanic eruption!

I don't know how many people have come here, but Andrew is living like a year, and cold sweat is breaking out on his back.

Only then did I hear the extremely dissatisfied voice of Knight West, Go in!

Only then was Andrew relieved, and shyly walked into the Swan Hall of Newville Castle.

The place where Viscount Grian entertained guests.

Finger-thick rosin candles lit one after another, a silver-white fireplace, a thick floor with gilt patterns, and a Trisian goat rug embroidered with black swans on the floor.

Where has Andrew seen such a luxurious thing?

The best building he's ever seen in his life is Patras Kool's Tavern in Patras!

How can Papa Kool's Tavern compare with Viscount Grian's mansion?

Everything made him overwhelmed and impacted his poor knowledge.

Andrew was stunned for a moment.

He raised his head blankly, and a long rectangular dining table came into view.

On the first seat in the middle of the dining table, a middle-aged man wearing a white gold silk robe and an elegant beard was concentrating on using a silver knife to deal with the bloody steak on the silver plate in front of him.

This person is the owner of Newville Castle, the ruler of Patras, Viscount Grian.

On the right side of Viscount Glenn, stood a strict and capable butler. His head was slightly bald, his hair was combed neatly, like an army waiting to be inspected, his body stood upright, like a A high-spirited tree, without squinting, with one hand raised, and a clean white napkin hanging on it, waiting to serve his master at any time!

Bill! The name flashed in Andrew's mind.

He heard about this man from the rough townspeople in Papa Kool's tavern. He was Viscount Glenn's butler, his right-hand man, and the relationship between them was like that of Baron Dickas and Old John.

Butler Bill assisted Viscount Grian to manage his territory in an orderly manner, and Viscount Grian returned the trust!

Andrew couldn't help but glanced at Butler Bill a few more times.

Facing Andrew's impolite gaze, Butler Bill's face remained unchanged.

Like a statue.

On the contrary, Knight West, who walked to Viscount Grian, had a look of dissatisfaction on his face, and let out a cold snort from his nose.

Andrew's whole body softened when he heard this, and he couldn't help but feel remorse. Why did he listen to Adams in the first place?

At this moment, Viscount Grian also looked over.

Andrew and Viscount Glenn looked at each other, and the calm and arrogant look made Andrew's heart beat violently, and he knelt down uncontrollably.

When Andrew's dirty clothes touched the gilded patterned floor, there was a thump, and the presence of Viscount Grian and Butler Bill frowned.

An even more sullen look appeared on Knight West's face. Andrew was brought in by him, and he didn't measure up, so he was humiliating him.

He raised his foot and wanted to walk in front of Andrew and throw out this pariah who made him lose face in front of Viscount Grian.

Unexpectedly, Viscount Grian waved his hand slightly to stop his actions.

Knight West had no choice but to stand where he was, staring at the trembling Andrew with bad eyes: If you shame me any more, I will make you shameless!

Andrew's body is already weak!

Viscount Glenn picked up the napkin from Butler Bill's arm, wiped the corner of his mouth that was not too oily, and then put the wiped napkin on the table, before saying to Andrew, You are the village of Nise people?

Viscount Grian's voice, hoarse and magnetic, sounds very comfortable and aristocratic!

This was a thought that flashed through Andrew's mind.

Yes, Lord Viscount, my name is Andrew, Andrew Gretel. The eldest son of the old Gretel who delivered the letter! I...

Knight West mercilessly interrupted Andrew's chattering words with a cold snort, making Andrew tremble with fright again.

Whatever the Lord Viscount asks you, you can answer! You don't need to talk so much!

Viscount Grian didn't stop his knight Wester from speaking, which meant that he was dissatisfied with Andrew's answer.

After a pause, Viscount Glenn asked again, I heard that your Baron Dikas plans to stay in Nise Village this winter?

Yes, Lord Viscount! Andrew secretly glanced at Knight West, this time he didn't dare to speak more.

Viscount Grian couldn't help but smile, even if it was a mocking smile, it was full of aristocratic elegance, Your baron is really brave!

Master Viscount, maybe he is not brave, but stupid! A stupid person always takes his stupidity as courage, just like he rejected your kindness! Knight West pursed his lips slightly, and said.

He is the confidant of Viscount Grian and has a certain right to speak.

Knight West, speaking ill of a duke noble behind his back is not what a knight should do. Viscount Grian said something critical of Knight West, but it didn't look like he was talking about it. criticize!

Yes, Lord Viscount, I should reflect on myself! Knight West replied, without a look of self-reflection on his face.

Butler Bill was unimpressed.

Andrew was terrified like a mouse.

No one present can and no one dares to criticize them.

Okay, let's listen to what this gentleman, this Mr. Andrew has to say. Viscount Grian did not forget the business, and turned his gaze back to Andrew who was bowing his head.

Mr. Andrew, can you tell me the situation of Baron Dickas in detail? Viscount Grian said with a sincere look and an unquestionable tone in his tone.

Hmm... well... of course, Lord Viscount, it's my honor! Seeing Andrew's tendency to speak at length again, Knight West, who was in self-reflection, sent a warning look.

Andrew's body tightened, and he quickly said, Baron Dikas decided to spend the winter in the small village of Nisai. Not only that, but he also charged 40% of the land rent and asked us to spend the winter with him in the small village of Nisai. If we don't stay in the small village of Nise, Baron Dikas will take back our fields! Without the fields to cultivate, we will have no harvest!

Ridiculous! Even if you don't even have your life, what can you do if you own the land? Knight West sneered contemptuously.

Yes, Lord Knight, we think so too! But Baron Dikas doesn't think so! Andrew was also quite dissatisfied when he said this, He seems to have made up his mind to stay in the small village of Nise. He also sent his most loyal housekeeper, Old John, over to Patras City to purchase supplies!

Andrew leaked this information without hesitation.

Neither Knight West nor Viscount Grian showed any surprise on their faces, they should have known the news long ago!

Andrew's face changed, and he begged quickly, Master Viscount, please come out to uphold justice and justice. The lives of 300 people in Nisai Village cannot be ruined by Baron Dikas' willful actions! With your prestige, Baron Dikas will inevitably Will not violate!

Andrew, I have no right to interfere in another nobleman's territorial affairs, that would be a violation of the principality's laws! Viscount Grian said seriously.

A bitter look suddenly appeared on Andrew's face.

However, Viscount Grian changed the subject and said, However, civilians have the right to buy and sell freely. Patras also welcomes every guest from afar and provides them with a safe shelter!

Andrew was taken aback for a moment, and then showed ecstasy. He kept thanking Viscount Grian, Thank you, Lord Viscount, thank you, Lord Viscount...

Well! During the Harvest Moon, my knights will leave with their guardians. But before that, Andrew, I need you to report to me the situation of Baron Dikas at any time. Can you do it? Grian The Viscount looked down at Andrew.

Yes, Lord Viscount, I can do it! Andrew nodded desperately.

En! You go back first. Viscount Grian nodded in satisfaction, and then sent Andrew away.

After Andrew left, Viscount Grian looked at the place where Andrew was kneeling just now, with a look of disgust flashing in his eyes, and he told the butler Bill next to him, Bill, go and shovel the floor at that position, and re-lay it with a new one. The floor! Smells like a pariah!

Yes, Lord Viscount! Bill bowed in response.

At this time, Knight West also asked strangely, Master Viscount, I don't understand, why did you do this?

This is the rule of the nobility, West! Viscount Grian has always been tolerant to his confidant, What's more, he is the son of the Grand Duke Odyssey VII!

It's just his son who is not valued. West smiled contemptuously. A majestic baron of the dukedom has only a few entourages, not even a personal guard! How much does His Royal Highness despise this!

No matter what his status is in His Royal Highness's mind, he is always His Royal Highness's son, and he has the blood of the Odyssey family in him, so we must leave room for it! Viscount Grian said, And, don't you think so? Is it fun?

Interesting? Lord Viscount, I don't understand.

Think about it, West, when the harvest month comes, the villagers in the small village of Nisai are only willing to come to my Patras city, and the whole village is only left with the scene of Baron Dikas. Think about it, then What a fun thing to do!

There are always fewer and fewer happy things, Viscount Grian must find some fun for himself, find a new fun besides women and food!

Knight West was taken aback, and then laughed, Master Viscount, I think that must be an interesting scene, which can guarantee the joy of Patras in winter!

Hahaha... Viscount Grian also laughed triumphantly.

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