The Wizard’s Order

Chapter 431: Lucky Theodore

The hot blood of the Gorefiend spreads all over the body with Ryan's neck as the center, as if there are countless insects swimming in Ryan's body.

As the infusion of blood increased, Ryan's body began to change.

The pupils of the eyes became extremely red, as bright as they could drip blood.

His teeth began to become pointed and elongated, and several of them even pierced his lips and were exposed to the air.

His skin became as hard as leather, and then the incomparably hard skin began to crack, and the bright red blood flowed from the crack and solidified on the surface of the skin, dyeing Ryan's whole body blood red.

Lane's change even surprised Sophia, who was the initiator, "How can he absorb so much blood? Can his body be demonized just by accepting demonic blood? This kid's talent is not very high, maybe he can become a prince in time. Level blood demon."

It will take some time for Ryan's body to adapt to the blood of the Gorefiend. Sophia filled herself with a bottle of wine on the wine rack in the room.

She sat on the sofa with Erlang's lap crossed while drinking wine while waiting for Ryan to wake up.

I don't know how long it took, Ryan's closed pupils suddenly opened.

Sophia put down the wine glass in her hand, looked at Ryan who bounced off the bed and said, "Are you awake? How are you feeling?"

Ryan stared at Sophia tyrannically, and said coldly, "Woman, are you talking to me?"

At the moment when the last word was uttered, he kicked his feet on the bed, and with the cracking sound of the bed, his body rushed in front of Sophia like a predating tiger, and his right hand grabbed Sophia's throat. She picked it up.

He glanced at Sophia's slender body with hot eyes and said, "Woman, since your body is not bad, I can leave you a small life to serve me, but you dare to use it again. If that tone speaks to me, then I will kill you!"

Threatened by Ryan choking on his neck, Sophia froze for a moment and then laughed.

"Huh?" Ryan's eyes froze, "I've already given you a chance. Since you chose death, then—"

He grabbed Sophia's neck violently, and Sophia's neck immediately made a "quack" sound of bone cracking, until the neck was completely broken, and the head without support was pulled to the side.

However, Sophia was still laughing, from the chuckle at the beginning to the wild laughter later, even though the throat kept vomiting blood, the laughter did not stop.

Ryan's eyebrows wrinkled, and his other hand raised his fingers and folded them into a knife, attacking Sophia's heart.

When Ryan's hand knife was about to touch Sophia's chest and was about to peel her heart out, Sophia's laughter suddenly stopped, as if a real cold killing intent burst out from her, making Ryan's body freeze. .

Sophia straightened her head, and her broken neck healed quickly.

She stared at Ryan with icy eyes. As her gaze continued to move downward, Ryan's body continued to bend downward as if being pressed by a heavy weight, so that he finally fell to the ground and couldn't move.

Sophia squatted down in front of Ryan, stroked Ryan's head lightly, and said to Ryan, whose body was trembling, "You are very talented. You may become stronger in the future, maybe even stronger than me."

"But from the moment you accepted my blood and became my blood servant, you can only crawl under my feet forever, understand?"

Looking at Ryan's fearful eyes, Sophia nodded with satisfaction.

After she lifted the suppression, Ryan, who had regained his freedom, immediately hugged her, and smelled Sovia's body fragrance with an intoxicated face.

Then, while shouting "My Lord Sophia", he took off Sophia's clothes and prepared to continue the unfinished business.

"Huh?" Sophia's eyes froze, "Go away!"


Ryan's body flew out all of a sudden, embedded directly on the wall, and slipped off the wall after a few seconds.

Sophia snorted coldly, "My body is something that a dirty and lowly servant like you can touch?"

As she said that, she sighed, "How handsome and handsome the former Master Rickon is, especially his cold appearance unmoved by my temptation. Just thinking about it makes my body scorching hot."

"I still want to have a good time with him, and then turn him into a blood servant when I get tired of playing."

"Hey!" She glanced at Ryan, who fell to the ground. "If you can change back to how you were when we first met, I don't mind rewarding you with this attractive body."

Looking at Ryan's tyrannical eyes and feeling the gloomy aura emanating from Ryan's body, she sighed, "Isn't it true? It's been a long time since I met a good man I like, and it broke before I could have fun. what a pity."

After accepting the blood of Gorefiend to become Gorefiend, not only the body but also the spirit is changed.

Negative emotions in the spirit will swell violently, and even the tenth great benevolent person will become a dark and tyrannical evildoer.

And because the negative emotions inflate too much in a short period of time, the brain will be greatly oppressed, unable to carry out complex thinking, and will only act on instinct.

Only after a long period of time, maybe several years, maybe ten years, or maybe decades of adaptation, can you control the negative emotions in your mind and think calmly.

Lane's change is typical of them.

When he first got his power, he was arrogant and ignored the whole world. Even Sophia, who gave him the blood of Gorefiend, was regarded as an ant.

After being taught by Sophia, he realized that Sophia was far more powerful than him, and after establishing the master-servant relationship, his mind immediately indulged in Sophia's beauty and strength, and began to yearn for Sophia's body.

When you have a desire, act immediately.

So Ryan, like an animal acting only on instinct, rushed towards Sophia and took off Sophia's clothes, wanting to sleep with Sophia, like an animal in heat.

With Ryan's performance, no matter how strong his physical fitness is and how high his combat power is, he can only be regarded as a low-end blood demon and can only be used as cannon fodder.

However, out of liking for Ryan, Sophia still expects Ryan to return to the look that fascinates her when he grows up, "With your aptitude and my training, it should take a few years to regain his senses, right?"

"But before that, we have one more thing to do."

She had already determined that Ryan was the pharmacist who rescued the blood hunter from her with the potion that day. Knowing Ryan's identity, she naturally had many questions to know.

With her and Ryan's questions and answers, she successfully got the answer she wanted.

"Really? That blood hunter has died?"

"I was thinking of torturing her after I found her, but she died, which is a pity."

She was not surprised by this result. After all, under her onslaught that day, almost only the skeleton of the Bloodhunter was left. Even the Gorefiend with super-healing ability would die if he encounters that kind of injury, let alone Bloodhunter. .

So it's normal to be dead, and it's amazing to be alive.

As she continued to ask Ryan questions, her face gradually became solemn.

"Do you have other companions lurking here?"

In order to know which pharmacist broke her good thing that day, she did a lot of investigation before, and finally she locked Lane.

Because Ryan is from Olymp City and has a grudge against her blood servant Mok, what is even more striking is Ryan's sudden rise in the Pharmacy Society.

A person who was unknown not long ago was suddenly appreciated by the master of pharmacy Ejik, and the most coincidental thing is that the master of pharmacy Ejik suddenly achieved a lot of results in pharmacy research after Lane became his student.

Ordinary people may not doubt it, but how could she not doubt it?

Since she locked Lane, she has been waiting for the day when Lane comes to the pharmacist exchange meeting at the mansion of Earl Kiri.

She was worried at first that Ryan had discovered her hiding place, but judging from Ryan's performance at Earl Kiri's mansion, she found that she was overthinking.

In the end, she succeeded in making Ryan her blood servant.

The **** blood hunter who investigated her was seriously wounded and died, and the hateful pharmacist was also crawling at her feet. Just when she thought her revenge had come to an end, this time the matter had come to an end, she suddenly got the message from Ryan. Do you know that there are still blood hunters lurking in the earl's mansion?

In fact, she has already aroused the suspicion of Bloodhunter?

She looked at Ryan speechlessly, "Since you suspected that there was a Gorefiend here and sneaked in with a mission, why do you have so many flaws?"

"I was caught so easily by me?"

She found that her disillusionment with the previous Ryan had been shattered. It turned out that she was just a dummy with some ability. It was a waste of emotion for her to be so moved before.

But now is not the time to think about it. Dealing with another lurking blood hunter is the key.

After she asked the name of the blood hunter from Lane, she asked the last question, "How did you suspect this? I have always been cautious in my work, and have never revealed any flaws?"

Lane replied: "There were witnesses who saw a beautiful red-haired woman wandering the streets late at night."

Sophia covered her forehead and said depressedly, "That's it?"

She was 100% sure that very few people saw her figure when she went out late at night.

Just based on the dictation of a few people, can you suspect her?

There are many red-haired women in this world, and there are also many red-haired beauties. They actually found her by relying on this non-evidence evidence. Should it be said that Ryan and the others have incredible detection abilities, or is she too famous for her beauty?

"Maybe it's just because I'm going to the pharmacist exchange meeting, so I'm investigating me by the way?"

"No matter what the reason is, it seems that after this vote, it is necessary to change the place quickly."

"But before that, let's get rid of the other blood hunter first." Thinking of another blood hunter lurking in the mansion, she showed a hideous smile, "He is sure about the fact that Rickon and I entered the room. You know, he should be alert, right? Maybe he planned to escape? But I won't let you escape!"

She moved and left the room through the window in an instant.




early morning.

The pharmacists who participated in the exchange meeting entered the conference hall one after another.

Theodore looked at the pharmacists who obviously hadn't slept last night, and laughed secretly in his heart, "Last night was quite indulgent, one or two of them were all beasts, how could they look like human beings after only a few hours. already?"

He despised these pharmacists, but he didn't show it.

His eyes wandered around, looking for the figure he cared about, but no matter how many times he looked, he still couldn't find it.

Finally, his eyes fell on the pharmacist Pumando, and he found that the pharmacist Pumando was also anxiously looking for someone around, and he realized that the boy really had a clue.

However, he still held a glimmer of hope in his heart, until Earl Kiri appeared, and when he saw Ryan standing side by side with Sophia behind Earl Kiri, he confirmed that Ryan had fallen into the hands of the Gorefiend and could not be saved.

When Earl Keery appeared, all the pharmacists in the conference hall fell silent.

But when they saw Ryan standing close to Sophia, the tranquility was suddenly broken, and everyone couldn't help whispering to each other.

"Who is that person? Why is he standing there? Seeing that he is still Miss Sophia's affectionate appearance, is it Miss Sophia's husband?"

"I seem to have a bit of an impression of that person... By the way! Isn't he the same Rickon who came with Pumando, said to be Ejik's student?"

"Rickon? Ejik's student? He's getting along with Miss Sophia in just one day? I'm so envious!"

Except for Theodore, who knew the truth, none of the people present did not envy.

Because Sofia is the granddaughter of Earl Kiri and the only heir, after Earl Kiri dies, Earl Kiri's property and title will be inherited by Sofia.

If you can become Sophia's husband, it will definitely be a great thing in one step, especially Miss Sophia is a super beauty who is one in a million.

Whether it's for Earl Kiri's property or **** for Sophia's beauty, those who want to marry Sophia can line up from the eastern border of the Kemuroa Empire to the western border.

Although Sophia is not a very guarded person, on the contrary, she is very open, and she has been with no less than twenty boyfriends with names and surnames.

However, Ryan was able to stand with Sophia on such an important The two also behaved extremely close, and it could almost be considered that they were officially announcing their relationship in disguise.

Nine times out of ten, Ryan and Sophia's relationship is what they guessed.

A genius boy with a level of pharmacy no less than theirs at the age of 15 or 16 made them jealous, and now he is married to Bai Fumei and has reached the pinnacle of his life. Is this the son of heaven?

Theodore also showed an expression of extreme surprise. He kept squeezing his eyes at Ryan, as if to say - "You are amazing, boy, I thought you were a stubborn boy who didn't understand pleasure, but he didn't expect to be silent. Get such a beautiful woman as Sophia."

However, Ryan's response to him was a pair of bloodthirsty and tyrannical eyes.

Those murderous eyes made Theodore take a few steps back in fright, bowing his head and not daring to continue to look at Ryan.

Theodore, who lowered his head so that no one could see his expression, sighed softly, "I was thinking that a miracle would happen, alas—"

With his many years of experience hunting blood demons, he can see from Ryan's breath and eyes that Ryan was 100% endowed with the blood of blood demons and became a blood servant, and the time was last night!

Before, he only suspected Sophia, but now with Ryan's sacrifice, he was 100% sure that Sophia was the blood demon prince who seriously injured Sasha in Olymp City!

"Rickon, Rickon, Sasha trusts you so much, and is still waiting outside for your signal. It's better for you. You were targeted by the Gorefiend and became a blood servant on the first day."

"It's a pity that I risked exposure to approach you and hint you, but unfortunately you idiot didn't notice it at all!"

"The only thing that is fortunate now is that I didn't follow Sasha's arrangement to wait for news outside, and you didn't know that I was lurking in here, or we would all be killed by you!"

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