The world in the box

Chapter 8

The dead are gone, and the dead are gone.

It has been 70 years since the gods descended, and the people of the Black Sand Continent will never forget this year.

At the beginning of the new year, Saint Bell fell asleep in the morning sun, and her body turned into a stone slab and a sword in the stone.

According to the priests of the Temple of Light, the stone slab is a sacred stone for communicating with the gods, and it is a wordless book.

The sword in the stone is the sword of light bestowed by the gods on mortals. Only the destined hero can pull out this sword.

On the seventh day of the 70th year of the gods' descent, people held a grand funeral for Saint Bell in the Temple of Light.

At the funeral, the old priest sang praises to Ling's life with tears in his eyes:

"You are a gift from God to the mortal world, hope, light, the mother of medicine, the pioneer of mechanics, the birth of light, the pioneer of science, the oracle of hope, the executive of the Giant Wall Fortress, the ruler of Xia, the first saint..."

Ling's first half of life was parasitized by suffering, and her second half of life was praised.

Her life was undoubtedly magnificent, and it was a story destined to be written in history books.

When Ling signed the contract with God, her life was destined to be extraordinary.

However, is such a life really without price?

No one knows the answer to this question.

At the end of the funeral, the people who saw her off began to cry, and then it suddenly rained heavily.

A bloody rain.

"Even the sky is crying for the saint!"

I don't know who shouted this sentence, and people cried even more sadly.

Only the old priest, looking at the bloody rain, noticed something.

‘This is not the tears of the gods, this is blood. ’

‘What happened to the gods? ’

The priest stretched out his hand, took a few drops of bloody rain, and put it to his nose. Suddenly, a bloody but extremely desirable smell rushed into his brain.

Then, he felt that his body was filled with some kind of inexplicable power, which made his limbs stretch out.

He couldn't help shouting:

"Light, this is light!"

"The power of light, the legendary magic."

Feeling the power flowing in his body, the old priest had a complicated expression.

He was happy that he had gained new power, but he also felt regretful that his life was about to end.

The old priest stood in the rain, and heard the voices of people's grief. He looked at the coffin symbolizing the Saint Bell with a complicated expression.

He knew that a new era was coming.

"Such a good era, but it doesn't belong to me or you, what a pity."


At the same time, a bloody rain also fell in the southernmost land south of the Black Sand Continent.

This is the southernmost part of the world in the box, with ice and snow all year round and few people.

But there are still signs of life here.

There are many polar creatures living here, including a short monkey-like creature. After the bloody rain, it suddenly developed wisdom and evolved into a short humanoid creature.

Compared with humans, their hands are more dexterous, their flesh and blood are stronger, and their strength is amazing.

After civilization, they call themselves the craftsmen of nature. They cut icebergs, gather into groups, and begin to take shape in society, and enter a stage of rapid development.

And to the west of the Black Sand Continent is an island community.

There are countless islands here, like stars.

Here live some humans who migrated from the Black Sand Continent hundreds of years ago, and their level of civilization remains in the Stone Age.

They called the sea they were in the Starry Sea, and the islands the Starry Islands.

In the sea around the islands, there lived a group of blue long fish.

They were the smartest fish in this sea, and they were also the overlords here.

On this day, they were swimming in the water as usual, but suddenly they felt irritated, forcing them to swim out of the water.

Then, they saw an unforgettable scene in their lives.

Blood-red rain fell from the sky like a waterfall.

They swam into the blood-red waterfall, but they didn't know that their bodies had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Their upper bodies gradually lost their scales, and they grew hands, and with them came waterfall-like hair.

Some long fish discovered their own abnormality and couldn't help but exclaim, but bursts of heavenly songs came from their throats.

The songs were like the whispers of gods, gentle and beautiful, making all things intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

Gradually, more and more long fish discovered their changes, and they swam out of the water and looked at themselves in the water.

Suddenly I discovered that their upper

The body is the same as the creatures on those islands.

They remember that those creatures once called themselves human beings.

The upper body is human, and the lower body is fish, so aren't they mermaids?


This bloody rain not only benefits the Black Sand Continent, the Far South, and the Starry Islands, but also falls on the Nameless Continent.

This continent is located in the east of the Black Sand Continent, and its area is second only to the Black Sand Continent, but because it is too far away from the Black Sand Continent, no one has ever set foot on this continent.

Due to climatic reasons, there are forests everywhere, and various beasts live in the forests.

They form the food chain here, and the ecology is relatively balanced.

After the bloody rain, I am afraid that the ecology here will be unbalanced.

After the bloody rain, some beasts suddenly walked upright, just like humans.

Some beasts turned into human forms and grew long ears. They sang loudly in the forest, like natural artists.

Some beasts became huge and their natures changed dramatically.

The sudden changes of various beasts dragged this land, which had been peaceful for several epochs, into the swamp of war.

The blood rain changed the entire world in the box and opened a chapter of the extraordinary era.


According to the chronicles of the Temple of Light, 70 years after the arrival of God, spring.

Suddenly, blood rain fell, and some humans became extremely powerful and had the strength of nine oxen and two tigers.

The priests of the Temple of Light called those who awakened this power as divine veins.

They were selected by the Temple of Light and became the guards to protect the temple.

The other part of those who followed the light had an indescribable power.

They could summon strange light, which could save people from life and death, and burn others.

They called this power divine magic.

However, the emergence of these two powers did not make the rule of the Temple of Light more stable, but made its situation more unstable.

Because the person who could take over the saint had not yet appeared.

According to the last words of Saint Bell, only those who see the gods can become the new saints (sons of the gods).

In the 77th year of the descent of the gods, the divine veins and the priests were divided into two camps, each for their own.

In the 80th year of the descent of the gods, the situation in the Kingdom of Shia finally collapsed completely, and the leader of the divine veins launched a mutiny and called himself the king.

The army of the divine veins marched into the Temple of Light and forced the priests of light to step down from the altar.

Inside the temple, the old priest's eyes were red with anger, and his finger pointing at the leader of the divine veins kept shaking:

"Are you crazy? The first saint once said that everyone is equal under the gods, but you actually made yourself a king and went against the will of heaven!"

After hearing this, the young leader of the divine veins raised his lips and was full of vigor:

"Yes, everyone is equal under the gods."

"But the first monkey who lit the fire is no longer a monkey, but a human."

"The first person with a divine vein is naturally not a human, but is superior to mortals!"

"We are no longer human, so why not be above everyone else?"

80 years after the gods descended, the Temple of Light fell, and the Kingdom of Shia was renamed the Shia Empire.

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