The Wrong Person Was Transported to the Horrific Lost Village

Chapter 04- Story of the Bus’s Journey

Paulie's Recollections--


A bus carrying twenty passengers, bus driver included, was making its way down an old, winding mountain road. The passengers had played all kinds of introductory games and were in a generally good mood, though maybe some were too caught up with their own devices.

"Old wives tales say this road was once visited by all kinds of star-crossed lovers. There were many pools here, you see. Many lovers came here to enjoy a night alone, and many others came here to jump in the pools... The catch is, the pools only appear on full moons, and on those nights, they say you can still see the lovers holding each other beneath the surface.... woo, spooky."

Paulie sighed at the "tour director's" story. "Come on, everyone knows the 'Midnight Lover Pools' are in the west of the region, not the east." He glanced over at his childhood friend sitting next to him. "You get what you pay for, I guess, right? Hey, Jackson?"

"Ack--sorry, man," Jackson said, peeling his eyes away from the window. "You know this is my first time traveling out of the city. Just... kind of weird seeing all the untamed wilderness. You read about it... but seeing it is kind of overwhelming."

"Yeah, of course. Pretty wild... Not as wild as the people riding this bus with us, though." Paulie shifted and looked over his shoulder at some of the people sitting rows behind them. He smiled as his eyes landed on a pair of dazzling girls. "Damn, they're hot."

The girls in his eyes, Mei and Kia, were sitting together, sharing headphones and listening to music. Mei was a white-haired girl that had tanned brown skin. She was all made up with dark red lips and light eyeshadow. Her blue eyes gave her an angelic appearance, one that was slightly undermined when one noticed the undone buttons on her white shirt exposing her cleavage. 

Kia, meanwhile, looked to be the "cuter" one of the pair. Her long dark hair had many cute accessories in it, and her smile was bright. Her head rested on Mei's shoulder as she hummed along to the music coming from the headphones.

"The Hot Duo," Paulie said. "And then over there is the Concerning Duo."

The Concerning Duo referred to the two girls sitting across from Mei and Kia. One of the girls had brown hair and a large green hat--Haunting. She was soothing the girl next to her, the one holding her head while wearing an anguished look--Susy. Susy had long and voluminous indigo hair, and a relatively pale complexion.

Paulie's eyes lingered for a little longer. He didn't know what was going on, but he hoped the girl would be okay.

"Maybe she just has a headache..." he muttered.

His eyes went to the man behind the Concerning Duo.

"That guy just looks slimy," he said in reference to the skinny, greasy-looking man with a hat over his face.

That man, Kaz Kitanari, was trying to sleep, though the rambunctiousness of the tour group was keeping him awake. His eyes were sunken in, his nose was long, and his face was creased by age and fatigue. Of everyone in the group, he looked to be the most "stressed."

"That's the guy we gotta stay away from for sure... I think his name was Kaz."

Paulie looked at the back of the bus and at the three people wearing hooded sweaters. 

"Who let teenagers on the bus? Well, they're quiet, at least." Paulie smiled as he glanced at the glamorous brunette in a purple shirt. "She's beautiful... I wonder if the big guy next to her is her partner. Lucky guy."

The two in his sights were Cassandra and Gregorio. The two hadn't said much about themselves other than they were interested in seeing the "spooky woods."

Cassandra noticed Paulie's glance and waved at him, igniting his cheeks and making his heart race. He tensed up and faced forward. There were only four people ahead of them on the bus. 

One was the jumpy but well-meaning tour guide, Mikos. Paulie felt bad for the bespectacled man doing his best with the ghost stories. He was glad that at least a few people on the tour were paying attention to him. Two of those people were Ryza, a laid-back and buff blond and tan woman, and a petite girl with brown, curled hair, Hari. Finally, there was the grumpy old bus driver. The man looked like he was getting on in years with his bushy head and beard of white hair.

"Interesting characters on this tour," Paulie said as he sat back in his seat. 

There were a few more that Paulie missed, but he wasn't keen on looking back and checking on them. 

"What do you think, Jackson?"

Jackson had not been listening. Instead, he had been looking out the window, studying every passing scene.


His friend nudged him. Jackson, with a reluctant heart, sighed and turned his head. In the last moment, however, something caught his eye. 


He turned toward the window so quickly Paulie thought Jackson had hurt himself.

"Wait," Jackson said, his voice frantic. He stood up from his seat and stared out the windows. "Wait!"

Paulie was shocked as he stared at his friend's strange reaction. He glanced back and out of the windows, but there was nothing.

"Hey! Man, what's gotten into you?!" Paulie said as he pulled his friend back down.

"I--uhh, nothing," Jackson said as he sat down. "It's nothing."

A voice called out to them from behind. "Is he alright, lad?"

Paulie looked around, noting all the curious passengers, before looking at the older gentleman that had called out--Mister Tolk. That kindly old man with a bolo hat and round-framed lens smiled at Paulie. He had a regular build but looked fit and healthy for his age. He looked like he had never frowned or raised his voice a single day in his life. Just seeing him would make most smile.

"Y-Yeah, sorry about that..." Paulie glanced at the apologetic and embarrassed Jackson. "He thought he saw a deer. He's never been out of the city."

Mei and Kia stifled giggles while Mister Tolk nodded. 

"I'm sure we'll see plenty of deer on this trip."

"Yeah, that's the hope--"

A shrill scream cut Paulie off, and he looked right at the source--

"Susy! Wait!"


The Concerning Duo--the one girl, Susy--had torn out of Haunting's grip and passed by everyone else as she sprinted to the top of the bus.

"They're angry! They're angry at me!" she screamed.

At that moment, all hell broke loose. 

From the front of the bus, before Susy had even reached them, the passengers yelled.


"There's something in the road!"


"What is that?! It's bigger than me!"


"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

The bus driver--

"Shit, shit, brakes will work--WHAT THE?! You bitch--what are you doing?!"

Susy had gotten to the bus driver, and she was frantic.

"They're angry!"

Paulie's heart raced. He couldn't tell what was going up at the front. He couldn't see just how Susy's frantic flailing was interfering with the bus driver.

"Crazy Bitch! Hold on, everyone!"

The driver executed a sharp turn, and that turn was what decided the rest of their journey.

"Damn it all!" the bus driver screamed as the bus went off the road.

Screams echoed through every inch of the vehicle as it rocked, sending people flying with every nasty log and bump it hit. Bags flew off the overhead rack, and glass shattered over the aisle, flying in all directions like shrapnel. 

The bus driver had not given up. He drove the bus between trees, all while cursing up a storm.

"Come on, come on! Cut me a break! Brakes! Braaaaakes dammit!"

The tour guide, Mikos, and the buff woman, Ryza, had gotten into gear and were holding the screaming Susy down while trying to stay anchored themselves.

The road became bumpier as the forest became mistier.

One of the screaming girls flew over Paulie's head and into the seats in front of him.

"Shit!" he cried. He saw his friend clawing the seat in front of him and put his hand on his head, and then pulled him closer--there was no way he was going to let his idiot buddy get turned into a human missile.

The mist was covering the forest floor too well. The bus driver swerved to avoid trees and hit the wrong rock. The bus was knocked off balance and tilted to its side. All at once, gravity took over as the bus riders were jostled about.

Paulie, adrenaline coursing through his system, understood the situation immediately. He used all the strength in his left arm and held onto the side of the seat in front of him while pulling Jackson closer. In a feat of herculean strength, he held Jackson near as the bus slammed onto its right side and slid down a slope.

"TREEEE!" the bus driver screamed. "Hold on and cover yourselves!"

With a loud crash, the bus collided with a tree, its windshield shattering into a thousand pieces from the impact. The sound of metal crunching and people screaming filled the air as the runaway vehicle finally came to a stop.





What did they see?!

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