The Wrong Person Was Transported to the Horrific Lost Village

Chapter 23- The Lonely Beauty

"So over there's an old diner," Bessie said, guiding our gazes.

"Surprisingly modern," I replied, noting that it looked like a diner out of my original world's 80s.

"That diner is outfitted with appliances from the last two decades. It's one of the most modern installments here. Many of our townhouses are much more in line with the place's rustic 'charm' than that diner over there," Bessie continued. "Anyway, we distribute the little food from there. We have two great cooks who will gladly whip you folks up something good." Bessie showed us a warm smile. "You'll find that quite a bit here. People do their best to make you forget the truth about this village. Oh, but we have rules governing food distribution. Don't be gluttons okay?"

"What's on the menu?" Ryza jovially asked.

"Lots of eggs, fish, grains, and wild vegetables and berries. We're currently trying to nurture a healthy pig population. Pitter and some of the others are hoping they can get some pigs we set loose in the forest a few years back to multiply."

I cocked my head. "How's that going? There are hounds in those woods at night, right? Are they keeping the population in check?"

"We don't know if it's the hounds, but something is keeping them under control. It's too bad too. We were hoping an ecological disaster would destroy this place, but it seems like it's more resilient than we thought."

Ryza chuckled. "I would have paid to see a war between wild hogs and rabid mutts. It's a shame you couldn't get wild nature on your side."

"Fun fact: most of the first boars we released are still alive. They're a decent size now too."

"I'm surprised we didn't see any," Haunting said, making a good point.

"If there were more boars, they would be emboldened, but they're still shy animals at heart," Bessie replied. "Anyway, the diner might be the most important place to remember."

"Can't live without food," Ryza said.

"Got that right. So, as you can see, a bit past our diner is a garage or scrapyard. Some unlucky people actually manage to make it into town with their vehicles intact. Not that those vehicles help in the long run. Still, the metal is good. The scrapyard is where we keep those projects. If you're looking for something to do, go dig around the scrapyard. A few of our big guys walk around with metal shields they banged together there."

We walked a little bit up the road. The moment I saw an intricate cross, Bessie continued.

"And that's our church over there... Look, if you need some god to get some hope, go on over there. No judgment. No one here will judge, as jaded as some of these souls are."

She had been chipper up until that point. The sheer hopelessness that she let slip out with that comment was heartbreaking. Bessie picked herself up and guided us across the street to rows of townhouses.

"So, this is where the majority of the houses got placed."

Bessie guided us along, telling us about who lived in the area and some little facts about the houses' quirks. Her smile was brightest when she spoke about the houses. It was a little captivating.

It was during this time, when Bessie was leading us by the houses and Ryza was speaking to her about housing, that Anabelle came closer.

"So, Mari… you had a job in the outside world, yes? The one with the... questionable boss?"

"Yeah…" I said, raising my brow at the question. "It was an ugly job with an evidently very questionable and ugly boss."

"Yes… and what was the name of the city you worked in?"


Uhoh. What was this? She was asking me questions? Why was she asking me this now? Why was she pressing so much? Okay, I had to calm my bubbling irritation and play it off. 

"Oh, the city? Yeah, it's such a lovely city," I said with a laugh. "I mean, yeah, there are some dangerous parts, but it was a lovely place to call home."

"Oh…" she said, taken a little off-guard. "Were there any places you liked?"

Come on, Annabelle, what are you trying to figure out here? Do you suspect me of not being what I say I am? 

Honestly, I could respect that she was inquiring, but this was not what I needed at the moment. I just wanted to slip into the community.

I put on a smile and responded, happy I got her off-balance enough.

"Yeah. There's this one street—it's closed off with many cafes along it. There's a cinema there—always busy. I really love the vibe of that area, especially at night."

"Oh, that's nice. What's the cinema called?" she asked, her hollow smile accompanying eyes that could not mask their inquisitiveness.

I smiled at her while, internally, I screamed at Kaz's memories for not giving me the name of the cinema. Dear god, come on—you weren't supposed to pursue it—

"Oh my gosh, Mari!"

I looked to my right at that strange girl getting all excited. She grabbed hold of my arm and smiled at Annabelle.

"Delta City's Monument Cinema is the name!" Haunting excitedly said.


My surprise slipped out--god I hated myself immediately after. What a stupid slip up. Regardless, this woman had me curious.

Just what was Haunting doing?

I looked at her, and just her, a little perplexed. She giggled at me and kept speaking.

"I just KNEW you looked familiar! I knew it! You're a horror movie buff too! You go to all the midnight screenings, too, right? I'm so sure I've seen you there!" Haunting stroked her own chin as she chuckled. "The Untouchable Solemn Beauty... That's what my friends and I called her."

Holy shit. Haunting was giving me the way out.

"Yeah," I said with a chuckle. "It's a nice scene. But Haunting~" I sang.

"Yes, Mari?"

"We both know you're too busy to have friends."

Her eyes went wide as her mouth dropped. A stunned chuckle escaped her, and then she slapped my back.

"Says the Legendary Loner!" Haunting shot back.

"Umm..." Anabelle tried to get back into the conversation, but I swore Haunting saw her try and purposefully reacted to shut her out.

"You really are always by yourself, though. Or at least, I've never seen you with anyone. Are you single, Mari?"

Hmm. Well, I didn't think she had to ask the last part, but sure, I wasn't going to complain now.

"Yeah, I've never been one to need a movie buddy… and yes. Haunting… I am single." I blinked at her a few times. I hoped she could see how bothered I was by this line of questioning. "I'm too busy with work."

She giggled and then nuzzled—actually nuzzled--my arm.

"Well, good thing you have nothing but time here, huh?"

"Yup… Good thing. What about you, Haunting? Are you single?"

She tensed up and looked straight ahead. Was she calculating her answer?

"Well, yeah," she said. "But that's just because I'm really busy with my radio show and research. You know, I just didn't have time for other people like that. And you know, no one was really on my level..." She glanced at me. "It was them, not me."

"Yeah, uhuh, totally."

"But you're pretty cool, Mari! I wouldn't mind hanging out with you! I can be your best friend."

"Ahh, but aren't you going to be busy researching this place? I mean, a preeminent researcher like yourself must be raring to crack this place open."

"Yeah, but we're probably going to have so much time... And I would rather you not keep being a loner here," she shot back, a little more fire behind her words.

"Oh, but I would rather people not spend time with me because they feel bad for me--"

"I swear I don't feel bad for you, Mari. But I do want to get to know you more. We could do a really chill dinner--"


Haunting, Anabelle, and I all jumped at the sudden yell and looked forward at Ryza, who was standing with her hands crossed next to Bessie, who had her hand on her heart while chuckling. Hari was standing beside Ryza, shaking her head.

Ryza chuckled wryly. "Sorry, didn't mean to shout." She pointed at her left ear. "I'm partially deaf."

""No problem,"" Haunting and I replied simultaneously, much to my dismay and much to her delight.

I groaned. "Don't say it--"

"We're so in sync, Mari! So about that dinn--"

"Mari," Ryza said with a cocky grin. "You should sit down and have dinner with me. I'd love to learn about the woman packing so much power in that small frame."

I chuckled. "How forceful. Sure."

Haunting gasped. "The Alpha Female just made her move and beat down the Beta with a single swipe of her paw..."

"Haunting, what are you talking about?" I asked with a raised brow.


"Anyway, Bessie was telling me about her Inn up the road." Ryza glanced at Bessie. "Tell them, Bess."

Bess went red and started stammering. What had happened that caused her to have that reaction? It was humorous.

"Yes, I was showing you around these parts because you would have the option of taking up one of the free or shared houses. If you didn't want a house, though, I was going to offer you all rooms at the inn I manage--well, I don't manage it, but rather, I claimed it when I first got here. It's pretty big, the rooms are nicely sized, and there's only one other person occupying it. We also have a good food storage unit. Do you want to check it out?"

Ryza nodded at us. "Honestly, it sounds like a good spot. Mari, let's check the place out." 

Ryza then placed her muscular arm around Bessie.

"Holy shit, she's just a playmaker," Haunting mumbled.

"Bessie here was hoping some more girls would move in with her."

"H-Hey, don't tell everyone," Bessie, red as a tomato, tried to protest. Ryza ignored her, though.

 "You and me, Mari, two powerful girls--we'd put this fine woman's heart at ease, wouldn't we?"

I put my hands in my pockets and walked along. "I would say we would... but honestly, it would all be you, Ryza," I said, approaching her from her right side. "Let's go then... Honestly, a house would be too big for me. Living at an inn would put me in a better mindset."

Ryza chuckled as she eyed me. "Ain't that right--yeah, we aren't settling down here. We're passing through." Ryza turned around, and Bessie resumed guiding us after Ryza released her. "We aren't planning to settle down here, so why play house?"

"Exactly. We're travelers on a journey, not migrants looking to settle down," I said.

Haunting followed me quickly, leaving the troublesome stammering element behind. I hid a smirk and then looked over at her with a kind smile. "Aren't you coming too, Anabelle?"

We looked eyes for a moment, and I saw how dazed she was now.

"Ahh! Right, yes, of course! The inn is very nice!" she said before picking up the pace.

Anabelle had been disarmed enough that she seemed to drop her inquiries. I then turned my head to the other troublesome element. Haunting met my gaze with a smile and a cheerful wave.

"We'll have to talk later," I conveyed to her.

She went red for some reason and then nodded profusely. What a strange girl.

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