The Wrong Person Was Transported to the Horrific Lost Village

Chapter 30: Cake and Tea

The rest of the evening passed without anything of note occurring. Haunting and I stayed up to watch the so-called Jailers--

"They're bigger than Ryza and Greg, Mari."

"Yeah... I wonder how easy it would be to hide from them."

Speaking of Greg, he and Cassandra came to the inn. They were going to be staying here too. Bessie was hesitant at first, but then Cassandra and Greg opted to stay in the same room, which calmed her down.

Ryza later came and joined Haunting and I, and she brought some interesting thoughts with her--ones I expected her to have--

"Mari, Haunting, I probably don't need to tell you this but, I think we should exercise caution with most people. We don't know these people. We can't trust them so easily."

"Does 'them' include people like Bessie and Beverly?" I asked.

"Of course. We don't know what being in this place has done to them."

Haunting was quiet while this conversation carried on, but it looked like she agreed with Ryza on some level.

"But you trust us enough to tell us your feelings?" I asked.

"At the moment, I do. There are a few others I trust too. The guy--Paulie. He was brave when he didn't need to be. He's a good one. Then, Cassandra and Gregorio--they're worthy of trust and good to keep close."


"Trust me, Mari," she said, noticing the question brewing in my mind. "Anyway, I think these are people worth keeping close."

I wasn't feeling too confident with throwing too much suspicion onto others, lest people start suspecting me, but if Ryza was going to do it, then great. Confirming she wanted to work with me was good too. 

That said, it was probably worth giving some warning to Ryza, though it wouldn't really do much if she was already on guard.

"Haunting said Beverly made her nauseous."

"Mari! I didn't say it was Beverly's fault--"

"Those are Haunting's instincts acting up, so, better to err on the side of caution."

"Ahh, I see. Well, whatever," Ryza replied. "Wouldn't be surprised if every single one of these people had skeletons in their closets."

As far as I was concerned, Beverly would be sorted out by tomorrow night as long as I put in the effort. Most of my troubles were going to come from trying to keep her alive until the week had passed, since I didn't want to risk this 'Youlsha' thing.

Speaking of "efforts"--they began with this session of watching the Jailers. Ryza eventually left us, but Haunting was mesmerized by these creatures that would occasionally pass by the inn. It worked to my advantage. 

We stayed up for hours until Haunting passed out. Once she did, I went to sleep too, happy that I could now say that "Haunting and I stayed up way too late watching monsters."

The first thing I did when I woke up the next morning was convert my entire brain into butterflies for a second and "reset" it back to its optimal condition, getting rid of any effects lack of sleep could cause. With that set, we went to Beverly's house for a wonderful tea party. I had never been to one of these. I just couldn't wait. <3




Beverly's home was more pleasant than expected. It looked like a well-off person's rural home. The sun shone brightly through the large bay window, casting warm rays on the well-furnished living room. The plush couches were arranged in a U-shape, feeling welcoming.

The kitchen was spotless, with gleaming countertops and pristine wooden cabinets. The small round dining table sat in the center of the room, with a delicate lace tablecloth draped over it. The centerpiece was a gorgeously frosted cake, adorned with fresh berries and mint leaves. Beverly had thoughtfully set out delicate porcelain plates, polished silverware, and cute cups.

 She was a very welcoming host. I was happy.

The girls were happy too. Haunting came to this tea party in a new outfit... it was strangely like mine. I didn't think she would have a black turtleneck sweater too. Ryza was looking like a professional, wearing a button-up blue shirt fitted to her stature and black pants. Hari, in a billowy white sundress with matching shorts, looked like a free-spirited adventurer ready to roam the outdoors. Beverly, meanwhile, was as covered with Vengeance as ever. I couldn't see what she was wearing, but from what the others said, it sounded like she was wearing an apron over some sundress.

"How is the cake, ladies?" she asked. I still couldn't see her face on account of all the Vengeance, but she sounded delighted.

I was delighted too. The cake wasn't drugged--it would be stupid to drug it when everyone and their mother knew we came here today. She had survived in this place without getting caught by her fellow villagers, so she had a sense of timing... Well, that was my reasonable guess. If she went and poisoned us without any fear of penalty... I could probably save Haunting, and maybe one more if I risked my health. But no, I doubted it.

The others took their time to respond one after the other--

"It's good. I'm surprised there was cake," Ryza said.

"Is this how people stay sane in a paranormal wonderland? Cake?" Haunting asked, stuffing her face.

"This is very good. Thank you, Miss Beverly," Hari said.

"Yes, this is so good. And you had all these pretty plates and utensils for us. I'm so surprised," I said. "Are you friendly with our captors?" I said with a jovial tone.

Beverly giggled. "In a way."

She must have been making an amused face given how nobody else looked concerned.

"I won it by completing my Personal Goals. I got my cake and actually many pieces of furniture. But, don't worry. This is how it is for everyone. You too can decorate your rooms, should you complete the right goals." She breathed a drummed-up sigh. "Those crafty goals--they know how to tempt me into opening them. I'm weak to creature comforts, I'm afraid." 

"Aren't we all," Ryza said with a chuckle. 

Incidentally, I think I was starting to tell the difference between "polite" Ryza and "genuine" Ryza.

"Sometimes, it bites me, but those times that I get to have my cake and eat it too are so worth it--they have me hooked."

"It's comforting to know we can win some nice things, though it makes one wonder why they're getting us comfortable," Ryza said.

"Maybe we're just the pigs they are fattening for the slaughter," I said. "Or maybe it's better to say they're slowly boiling us."

"Dark, Mari."

"Hard to not be when you see the Jailers waiting to kill you outside your door."

"Okay," Beverly said, clapping her hands together. "I did not want this to go too far into the... I try to keep a bright place here. Hari, did you like the cake?"

"I did, thank you, but I'm a little thirsty."

"Great. I'm glad--"

The whistle of the kettle went off in the kitchen.

"Excellent, there's our hot water. One moment, ladies."

It was time.

Beverly was in the kitchen preparing the tea she had. I stood up from the table.

"A few of us are done here... I'll clear some of these plates."

"Thanks, Mari. You sure?" Ryza asked.

"Yes, it'll be fine," I said, taking Ryza's plates and utensils.

"You're awesome, Mari!" Haunting said.

"I think I'll have some more cake," Hari said, looking a little embarrassed.

I took the three plates, forks, knives, and one cup over to the kitchen, stumbling once and almost dropping the plates.

"Oops, that was close," I said, playing up my clumsiness.

Beverly reacted and turned around. "Oh, Mari, please don't worry. Those dishes don't look stable--"

"No, no, I'll be fine. I'll put them by the sink."

"No, here, just hand them to me," she said, placing the kettle down and approaching me.

"No, it'll be fine--"

I yelped as I tripped on my feet. My fall was set in motion. Beverly screamed as I collided with her, the plates mid-fall. We both went to the ground, with plates landing around us shortly after.

This is it.

I had one of the knives in my grip. I drove it into her right hand as soon as we hit the ground. I pulled it out and slid it away. It all happened so quickly that no one should have seen that I did it.

The girls, startled by the crash and the sound of breaking plates, rushed over to the kitchen. Ryza was the first to react, her voice filled with concern. "Hey, what's going on?! Are you okay?!"

Hari followed right after.

"They're on the ground--"

"MARI!" Haunting screamed.

I quickly got on my knees and put on a frantic voice. "Oh my lord--Beverly, I'm so sorry! You're bleeding! I'll get paper--"

"No, it's fine--"

I remembered where she had set the kettle down. That kettle had just happened to be on a drying rag. One that was sitting right where a person trying to stand up could realistically and accidentally pull on it.

I pulled on the rag, grit my teeth, and let the kettle fall on.

We both screamed. I slipped and fell onto her again as water and the scorching metal fell on my hand while water fell on Beverly.

"Holy--get them up, get them up quickly!" Ryza screamed. 

She pulled me off Beverly as I cried. I looked down at Beverly and did all I could to hide my glee. I saw her face for the first time. Sharp eyes, glasses, and dark chestnut hair. 

"Mari!" Haunting screamed. "Shit--that looks bad!"

"Don't just stare!" Ryza barked, pulling Beverly from the hot water. "Go get cool water. They have running water here!"

"I'm already getting some, Ryza!" Hari screamed from the sink.

"Haunting, they're bleeding--get rags!"

Haunting bit her tongue. "Rigsh, I will, I will!"

I burned my hand in the process, but I had gotten a fair amount of Vengeance in exchange. Way more than I could ever get from Kaz... I was almost sad I couldn't be more "helpful." I let the girls take care of me, happy.


The fun had subsided. The girls were patching both Beverly and me up. I ended up with a burned and sliced hand. Beverly had the stab wound and a burned arm, shoulder, and neck. Lucky for us, Beverly had a first aid kit handy, so we didn't have to go to the clinic immediately.

Ryza was cleaning up Beverly's hand and looking at my hard work. "I can't believe something went clean through. How did you manage that, Mari?" Ryza asked.

"I don't know. It all happened so fast. I think I saw something go flying, and I tried to catch it, but..." I sneaked a glance at Beverly. "Sorry."

She stayed silent.

"Mari's hand doesn't look good either," Haunting said as she finished slathering my burns in a cooling gel.

"Both of you need to go to the clinic if they have the supplies to deal with this better," Ryza said.

"I think I'll be fine," I said, wiggling my fingers. "I only got burned and wounded on the back of my hand and my palm."

Ryza shook her head, looking dissatisfied with me.

"I'll go to the clinic later," Beverly groaned.

Ryza shook her head again. "I never thought you could be so clumsy, Mari."

"I would never call myself clumsy before today..." I said, wincing and recoiling as Haunting wrapped my hand up.

Ryza shook her head and kissed her tongue. "Are you feeling alright? Are you exhausted? Can't have you hurting yourself and others like this, Mari."

"Mari..." Haunting whispered, her ears drooping.

"Haunting and I stayed up last night... I'm sorry, Haunting. I wasn't able to get sleep after you fell asleep. I was just... I couldn't get my mind away from the Jailers... I guess not getting any sleep, and the stress, made me a little disoriented."

I directed an apologetic look at Beverly, who leveled a complicated look--as far as I could make out--at me. It looked like she wanted to be upset, but she understood it was an "accident."

"I am truly sorry that my bad choices led to this. I am sorry for hurting you," I said, expertly keeping my vomit-inducing disgust to myself. "I... didn't think I could be so stupid."

She sighed. "It's okay... This place can really fry the nerves... Just take care of yourself, okay? We have limited resources, and we have a limited amount of people that can take on the big challenges." She shook her head. "I'm way too injured. If I take on the wrong Challenge, I'll die. I'll have to sit things out for a while."

"Whatever. I can take your place," Ryza said. "I want to do these big challenges anyway."

"I can too," I followed. "I'm confident in my ability, even with a damaged hand."

"Just make sure you get some sleep before we ever go and do one of these things, Mari."

"Of course, Ryza. My apologies again." I looked at the kitchen, got up, and walked over.

Beverly was quick to groan. "Please, just please, don't touch anything."

"Please, don't worry. I'm just going to go get some water." I opened the tap and started pouring water into a jug. "It's unfortunate that you don't have a cooler here." I bent down and tied my shoelace.

"Mari?" Haunting asked. "Are you okay?"

Beverly groaned again, but I ignored her.

"Just lacing up my shoes. Don't want another stupid accident." I grabbed the knife I had used to stab Beverly and slipped it into my coat's arm with a quick motion. Then, I converted some of my arm into butterflies and had them pull in the knife, before replacing the skin. The knife was now sitting in a small cavity within my arm, surrounded by butterflies. I couldn't help but wonder if the enemy was aware of what I had done. The girls wouldn't be aware. No one had noticed where the knife had slid into.

Regardless, I had the knife now. With this, I would be able to put on the performance I had cooked up... I really hoped the enemy couldn't read my mind.

I walked back to the table and set down the jug. "I'm sure we all need water after that--"

The door to Beverly's home flew open, and a panting Pitter stepped in.

"Good, you're still here," the kind, sweating man said. Then he went pale. "What happened here?!"

"An accident," Ryza replied. "Everyone's okay. What's the matter? You're sweaty."

He shook himself from his surprise and nodded. "We got a Community Goal, and it involves everyone that was on the bus. We need to go to the school right now."

"Uhoh," Beverly said. "Girls, go on with Pitter."

"Are you sure?" Ryza asked.

"I'll clean up here a bit and head to the clinic afterward. So, just go. Don't worry about me."




I was a little sad to leave Beverly, but some things took precedence. With our curiosity growing, we followed Pitter out of the house.

I would be coming back for Beverly later.


Wasn't able to work on this series enough this week. Busy IRL. Will be back this coming week with two to three chapters.

Thank you for your patience. I hope the Community Goal and Beverly chapters will entertain you.

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