The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 38: Domino

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Thaddeus comes to a decision regarding Wanda, and finally meets Domino.


In the end, Thaddeus shakes his head. Power for the sake of power without any caution or consideration of what sort of hornet’s nest he might be knocking over in its pursuit… yeah, that sounded like a bad idea all around.

His heart went out to Wanda Maximoff for her loss, it really did, but inserting himself into her life wasn’t going to help her get over her grief. Nor was he equipped to be just a shoulder to cry on, really. And from the sound of things, trying to get into bed with her was just a plain bad idea right now.

Ultimately, giving Rogue a smile, Thaddeus rolls his thumbs along the flesh of her hips.

“You’re right, Rogue. It sounds like it would be a bad idea, to be honest.”

The relieved sigh that Rogue lets out is mirrored in her facial expression, even as she continues to slide up and down his cock, her chest still pressed against his chest.

“Besides, I’ve got enough on my plate already. Got this sexy young goth coed to enjoy my time with, not to mention the other girls in my dorm.”

Rogue blushes at his indirect mention of her, smiling and squeezing down harder around his cock at being called ‘sexy’. They’re kissing a moment later, with Thaddeus focusing his all on driving Rogue wild and giving her a good, hard pounding from below.

Would he get more powerful by fucking Wanda Maximoff? Sure, but the long term consequences could be disastrous. He wasn’t sure what the hell Chaos Magic even was, let alone what would happen if he made a Chaos Magic User stronger and stronger through lots of fornication just after losing her brother.

No, Wanda Maximoff was off the table for now… and besides, Thaddeus wasn’t wrong. He had plenty on his plate. Not just Rogue and the others as he mentioned, but also that mercenary Emma had hired for him. This Domino lady… Thaddeus still wasn’t sure what to expect from such a woman. Would it just be all business between the two of them?

Well, he supposed he didn’t really need to worry about it now. He’d find out tomorrow when he met the female mercenary. For now, Thaddeus focuses on his current ‘dance partner’, making sure that the rest of the night is just as good for Rogue as it is for him, even as they fuck well into the next morning…

Even if he didn’t know what to expect from Domino, what was there to even worry about? She was a mercenary with ‘luck powers’ whatever that meant. Should be a piece of cake.


“… Which one of you is supposed to be Domino?”

““We both are.””

Thaddeus blinks as the two women in tight leather both answer at the same time, in unison. A little freaky, especially because… they really don’t look like twins. Err, though maybe he’s being racist, thinking that? Shit, at least it stayed in the privacy of his own thoughts.

Still, this… wasn’t what he’d expected. Standing there in a less fancy hotel room than the one he and Emma had spent a weekend in, but one that’s still pretty damn nice, Thaddeus looks back and forth between the two mercenaries he’d found waiting for him. Because yeah, they were both mercenaries, that Thaddeus didn’t begin to doubt. They both wore these skintight leather outfits, and they both had gun belts with holstered firearms at their waists.

They were also both sexy as fuck, Thaddeus could admit. And they also both had a birthmark over the same eye, specifically their left eye. But then there was the fact that one was white and the other was black. And the white one wasn’t just like… Caucasian white, she was full-blown pasty white. Her birthmark was black, while the birthmark on the darker skinned mercenary was white in stark contrast with her skin color.

What exactly was this? Was he being punked? Was this some sort of plan to squeeze more money out of him or Emma? Frowning, Thaddeus crosses his arms over his chest.

“… I was told I would be meeting with a single mercenary named Domino today. Not two going by the same moniker. Please explain what’s going on here.”

There, he could be polite, even in the face of adversity! The two self-professed Dominos exchange looks at that for a moment before the black one shrugs, causing the chalk white one sighs.

“We don’t actually know. We were hoping you could tell us, in fact.”

Him tell them? What? Domino the White points at him.

“Your ‘friend’ told me we’d be having sex. I was initially inclined to decline, but then she offered a truly exorbitant amount of money and also said there’d be something ‘extra’ in it for me.”

Domino the Black chuckles at that, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I never could resist a good mystery box.”

That in turn causes the chalk white one to huff in amusement and shake her head.

“That’s because I’ve never opened a mystery box I didn’t like the contents of.”

Her dark-skinned counterpart smiles and nods at that, the two of them seemingly going off into La La Land for a moment to reminisce. Doing a double take at this, Thaddeus grunts, getting their attention back and causing Domino the White to continue on.

“Right, so like I said, I’m not a whore by trade. I prefer to sell my other skills, not my body. But I got a good feeling from this job offer, so I decided to accept anyways.”

Then she looks to Domino the Black, who just shrugs her bared shoulders, causing her tits to jiggle rather nicely in the tight leather top she’s wearing.

“Meanwhile, there I am minding my own business in some chuckle fuck smartass’ secret laboratory when I accidentally tripped on some machinery and turned on some sort of device. Only, I never accidentally trip. Ever.”

Her chalk white counterpart nods at that, frowning slightly as the dark-skinned one continues.

“Anyways, portal opens up in front of me, I wind up dropping through it, and then land on this one’s head. Took a second for us to figure out what’s going on, but the long and short of it is that we’re both Domino, but I’m Domino from another world. Seeing as this Domino’s acceptance of your little job was immediately followed by my arrival, we figured maybe you might know what’s going on.”

Domino the White smirks at the end of that, picking up right where the other has left off.

“Call it a hunch. And we’re really good with hunches.”

Looking between the two of them… Thaddeus lets out a groan and rubs his face with both hands. He has a theory, but before he just goes and spouts it out, he figures he might as well clarify something.

“What are your powers exactly? Both of you?”

“Psychic Probability Manipulation.”

“Probability Field Manipulation.”

They pause at that, glancing at one another curiously. Thaddeus is curious as well. Different powers? Well, slightly different powers. At the end of the day, they might as well be the same thing, even if there was clearly some nuance to it. And hey, if this all worked out, Thaddeus was set to get both versions, he supposed.

“Right. So to put it bluntly, you’re both really, really lucky.”

Domino the White and Domino the Black share a glance before shrugging in unison, with the chalk white one crossing her arms over her chest now as well and scoffing.

“Normally I’d say yes. But between me choosing to whore myself out and her tripping her way into a portal, I’m starting to have some doubts. Maybe our mutations are in the fritz.”

The black one just grins toothily, showing off suspiciously perfect white teeth as she shakes her head, making her afro bounce with the movement.

“Nah. I think we’re as lucky. Am I right, stud, or am I right?”

Sighing, Thaddeus rubs the bridge of his nose for a moment.

“… Yeah, you’re probably right. Look, your… employer didn’t tell you this before, but you would have found out soon enough anyways. I’m a Power Copier and I copy powers by having sex with the original.”

Both women go wide-eyed at that, as well as taking a step back in unison. As their hands fall to their guns, Thaddeus just rolls his eyes and follows up with the part that concerns them.

“… I’m also a Power Amplifier and I amplify powers by having sex with the original. And the amplification, just like the copying, is permanent.”

The two Dominos freeze in place at that and Thaddeus can practically see the gears in their heads turning as they process what that means both for him… and for them.

“You’re saying that I tripped through a portal into another dimension because my power saw a chance to get stronger?”

Domino the Black is rather cute when her nose is scrunched up like it is right now. She doesn’t sound annoyed or upset though, just… thoughtful. Domino the White, meanwhile, is nodding along.

“So this is the ‘extra’ that she was talking about. And why I got a good feeling about a job that literally just consists of whoring myself out. Sex for powers… huh.”

Finally, they both look at him. Really look at him. As in, eye him up and down and study him for a moment like he’s a piece of meat. Thaddeus doesn’t mind, truth be told. He’s been checking them both out while they’ve been talking. How could he not? The way their outfits hug their bodies is dastardly and should be downright criminal. Really, it’s only fair that they get to return the favor.

“… Yeah I can see it.”

“Right? He’s just a little too perfect now that I look at him.”

“Chiseled like a living statue.”

“Probably already has all sorts of powers too.”

As the two Dominos are chatting with one another while studying his physique, they’re also moving. Their hands start at their gun belts, unclasping them and setting their weapons aside. Then, they start removing their tops, exposing their lack of underwear along with their beautiful breasts.

Stopping there, the two topless mercenaries saunter over to him in unison and drop to their knees at the same time before him.

“We’ll have to test of course.”

“Will a blowjob-titjob work?”

Obviously they already suspect it will or they wouldn’t be letting their powers clearly lead them to their knees in front of him, instead of stripping naked and hopping on the bed together. Swallowing thickly at the two very similar but very different women, Thaddeus slowly nods.

“Yeah. It’ll work. Hell, you could jack me off with gloved hands and let me cum all over your faces and it would still work.”

That causes them to pause, but only for a second. Domino the White snorts while Domino the Black chortles.

“Done a lot of testing, lover boy?”

“Testing nothing, he’s speaking from practical experience from the sound of things~”

Thaddeus flushes, but in the end decided to not let it bother him. He’s not used to such cavalier attitudes, but that doesn’t mean he can’t hold his own with these two. As they free his cock from its confines and coo over his size, Thaddeus decides to move after a moment, forcing them to follow after him on their knees as he sits down on the bed right between their two discarded gun belts.

Watching the two topless Dominos nestle themselves between his spread thighs, Thaddeus has to admit… it makes for quite the appealing sight. One chalk white, one mocha black… and with perfectly sculpted breasts that squish together around his cock as they lower their mouths to his throbbing dick tip and loll out their tongues.

They engage Thaddeus’ cockhead in a three way kiss right then and there, their tongues slurping and sucking this way and that around his dick tip. But not in a competitive manner. No, instead it’s like the two are perfectly in sync with one another, their lips pressing together as they makeout with each other almost as much as they’re making out with the first couple inches of his shaft.

As for the rest of his dick, their breasts are incredibly soft as they rub against either side of his length. Neither Domino is particularly well-endowed, at least when compared to Thaddeus’ well-hung member. He’s not demonstrably large or anything like that, but he is big enough that either one of them would struggle to wrap their tits around his cock alone.

Perhaps that was why their powers had conspired to bring the darker-skinned version here to help out her chalk white counterpart? … Nah, that would be ridiculous, right?

Either way, with their busts combined, the two are more than capable of sandwiching his cock in a heavenly soft tunnel of their respective tits. Their breasts squish together and against his cock, their nipples move this way and that, sometimes rubbing against one another and sometimes rubbing against his shaft, and all around… the experience is insanely pleasurable.

Is it their powers making him reach his release faster than he ever has before? Or are they just that good? In the end… does it even matter?

“Fuck… here it comes, ladies.”

Just a few minutes in and Thaddeus is already blowing his load from their combined efforts. Not that either Domino is complaining. Both mercenaries perk up and redouble their efforts, moaning around his cockhead and into each other’s lips as they do so. Finally, with a grunt and a groan, Thaddeus tips over the edge and begins to cum. Neither of them has made any effort to fully wrap their lips around his cockhead and seal it shut or anything, so they’re both pushed back by the geyser of seed that flows from his member.

It shoots up into the air and then comes back down on their upturned faces, coating them both in his sticky, hot spunk. He cums and cums until his balls are emptied at long last and the two mercenaries are drenched down in his seed.

A second later and Thaddeus feels something. He can’t really put words to it, but if he had to describe what having both Psychic Probability Manipulation and Probability Field Manipulation at the same time feels like, this might just be it. His hands almost seem to have a mind of their own as he reaches out and runs his fingers down both Dominos’ backs. The two shudder… and then spasm, each reaching their own climax, much to their wide-eyed surprise as they look up at him with his cum still drying on their faces and tits.

Grinning, Thaddeus just shrugs his shoulders.

“Felt like the right thing to do.”

The two mercenaries share a look and then gaze up at him, both with predatory, hungry glints in their eyes.

“Felt it?”

“Yeah, I felt it.”


“Yeah, we’re in business.”

Thaddeus chuckles. Maybe before he would have had a ‘haha I’m in danger’ moment. But now? The playing field might not be level yet, but it would be soon enough if he wound up fucking the both of them nonstop…

Luck Powers had sounded weird to him at first. But now? Now he was beginning to realize the simple truth. Luck Powers were bullshit.


A/N: Double the trouble, double the fun! Anyone see this coming? :P

The Vote: 
[X] They fuck all night long without interruption - 77%

[ ] They fuck but are interrupted partway through - 23%


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