The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 41: The Hat Trick

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Haha you guys thought Thaddeus wouldn't go for the Hat Trick...


In the end, Sue sits back and stays quiet. Not like Thad really needs to know who she is for a simple one-off experience, right? And with that, the blonde realizes… she’s actually going to go through with this. Well, if Jennifer can pull it off anyways. She’s actually willing to fuck this handsome young stud.

Sue bites her lower lip as Jennifer and Thad continue to exchange lightly flirtatious remarks. Jennifer is definitely acting the part of the consummate wing-woman, but while Thaddeus throws a few looks Sue’s way, he’s got eyes for both Janet and Jennifer as well, casually checking out all three of them with a confidence that Sue has to admit is quite… impressive in someone as young as him.

Impressive and, dare she admit it, rather arousing. There’s just something about him that has her sitting on the edge of her seat more and more. Until finally, Jennifer gets to the meat of the problem.

“Sooo, Thad… you were wondering why we called you over here before, right?”

Smirking in a slightly knowing way, Thaddeus merely tilts his head to the side.

“I was, yes. Not that the company of three beautiful women hasn’t been well worth the walk over so far.”

Sue blushes and out of the corner of her eyes she can see Janet and Jennifer have similar reactions. The young man was smooth… way too damn smooth. Jennifer even coughs for a second to reorient herself before responding.

“W-Well… I’m glad you think we’re beautiful! That just makes this next part all the easier… see, Sue here needs a ‘friend’ if you know what I mean. She just got out of a toxic, sexless relationship that she needs to have a very good reason not to go back to. I think you might be that reason~”

Sue opens her mouth at that, instinctively about to declare that there was nothing toxic about her and Reed’s relationship. But before she can, Janet reaches over under the table and grabs her leg hard enough to jolt her out of it. Coloring as she realizes that her friends were probably right and she DID need something to truly take her mind off of Reed once and for all, Susan Storm looks more closely at the young man sitting across from her, curious to see what his response winds up being.

Thaddeus hums for a moment, his eyes zeroing in on her as well after Jennifer’s words. After a moment, he smiles crookedly.

“You need a rebound.”

It’s not a question… it’s a statement. Like even barring what Jennifer had told him, Thad looked at Sue and independently decided she was in desperate need of a rebound. The confidence, the cocksureness… its enough to make Sue blush even harder as her thighs clench together. God, he was REALLY good.

And then he sweeps his gaze back across her friends and hums again.

“And is it just Sue who needs that itch scratched?”

What? Seriously?! Sue’s jaw drops open at the sheer balls on the young man sat across from them. He was really shooting for the moon like that?! And why wasn’t she more offended? No, more than that… why weren’t Janet or Jennifer responding? Finally looking to her left and right, Sue blinks at the sight of both of her friends staring at Thaddeus with matching red faces and slightly hungry expressions. Holy shit… had he really managed to hit the nail on the head here? Was Sue not the only one desperate for a fling? Were Janet and Jennifer just better at hiding it?!

It would seem so, because when Jennifer finally recovers, she smiles wolfishly and leans forward, arm on the table as she leers at Thaddeus.

“You think you could handle all of us, boy?”

There was nothing boyish about the young hunk sitting across from them and he clearly knows it because his hackles don’t even slightly come up in the face of Jennifer’s provocation. Instead, he just sits back and smiles, a quiet confidence to him that is only matched by the not-so-quiet confident words coming from his mouth.

“Well, considering I was only here at this hotel today because of a threesome I had last night up in one of the top floor suites… I’d be more worried about poor Sue here not being able to handle me. You girls wouldn’t be very good friends if you abandoned Sue to handle my depravations alone, now would you?”

Sheesh, he was wordy wasn’t he? He looked like a jock through and through, but he also knew how to speak in a way that reminded Sue just a little bit of Reed. Of course, for all that Reed Richards was a genius, he didn’t know how to turn that intelligence towards seduction and charming the panties off of a woman. Thaddeus, while probably not as smart as Reed in terms of science and what not, definitely did.

Before Jennifer can even begin to process the threesome news, let alone muster up a response, Janet suddenly leans in from Sue’s other side, eyes twinkling as she looks at Thaddeus with a hunger in her gaze.

“What’s your opinion on mutants, young man?”

Both Sue and Jennifer freeze for half a moment before quickly controlling themselves. Sue hadn’t even thought of that… this had gone from just trying to get her rebound sex to a foursome so fast that she hadn’t even considered what it would mean if Janet suddenly had to strip naked in front of a stranger.

They’d all seemingly decided to keep their true identities a secret from the young hunk sitting across from them, but would they be able to maintain the ruse once Janet’s stylistic poncho-cape came off and her beautiful wasp wings came into view? And it wouldn’t matter how confident or charming or alluring Thaddeus was. If he was a mutant hater, this was all over. Sue wouldn’t even go for a bigot like that for some one on one time, even if they were the best sex she would ever get to have.

Blinking at what must seem to him like a non-sequitur, Thaddeus sits back in his seat and smiles.

“What an interesting question. If you’re asking if I hate them… no, I don’t.”

There’s a brief pause as they all wait for the follow up. And then… it just doesn’t come. Sue gapes a little bit. Did he really think that was-

“Alright, I’m in.”

Oh. Apparently yes, and apparently he was right. Sue blushes a little as Janet is the first to just… agree to the foursome that Thaddeus is proposing. And before she knows what’s happening…

“I’m in too!”

Jennifer has also thrown her hat in the ring. Seriously?! Now all three of them are looking at her and Susan realizes she’s gone from having a guaranteed one-off of no-strings-attached sex to being frozen out of her own rebound if she doesn’t get with the program. Sheesh, her friends better be grateful that she loves them so much.

“F-Fine… but ‘Jan’ is paying.”

Janet Van Dyne, decidedly the richest person at this table (unless Thaddeus was some billionaire’s son Sue supposed) just smirks and rises to her feet.

“But of course. Allow me to go secure us a suite.”

And just like that, five minutes later, the four of them are in the elevator heading up to the hotel suite that they’re about to turn into a den of debauchery and depravity. Sue fidgets, even as Jennifer grins hungrily. Meanwhile, Janet is giving Thad the side eye.

“Apparently, the best suite in the hotel was… unavailable due to ‘being in need of extensive cleaning’.”

Thaddeus lets out a sheepish laugh at that and runs a hand along the back of his head before shrugging as if to say ‘it couldn’t be helped’. And maybe it couldn’t. Sue feels a shiver run down her spine and finds herself wondering exactly what they’d all gotten themselves into here… but at the same time also can’t help but be excited for what comes next.

As soon as they’re in the hotel suite that Janet has purchased for them, the fashion designer wastes no time in getting more comfortable. Shucking off her outerwear, the beautiful mutant woman lets her wasp wings spread along her exposed back. The backless, shoulderless top she's wearing tastefully and stylishly covers her slim torso while giving her wings plenty of room to breathe.

Janet stares at Thaddeus intensely once she’s done this, eyes narrowed.

“Recognize me now?”

Sue bites her lower lip at that, because if he recognizes Janet, he’s probably going to realize who she and Jennifer are in short order. Then again, maybe not. It’s not like they’re THAT active together in their other identities so even if-

“No? Should I?”

Wow. Susan doesn’t think she’s ever seen Janet look quite so shocked. The cute brunette fashion designer looks gobsmacked as Thaddeus tilts his head to the side consideringly.

“Your wings are gorgeous by the way. I’m sorry that you feel the need to hide them out in public, but I fully understand why you would.”

… Jesus Christ, this guy was just too good. Now even Janet is blushing up a storm and turned into a stuttering, stammering mess. Seeing this, Jennifer laughs lightly and stalks forward.

“Alright, enough with the verbal panty wetting, stud. If you’re going to get all of our engines revving with that smooth talking of yours, we might as well get to the fun stuff.”

Dropping to her knees in front of Thaddeus, the untransformed lawyer smiles up at him as she begins working open his pants. Not to be outdone, Janet hurries over and joins Jennifer on her left. Realizing that she’s in danger of being left behind, Sue scurries over as well, only for Jennifer to scooch to the right before she can kneel down.

“Sue needs to be in the middle. This is still supposed to be her rebound after all~”

As Janet and Jennifer both pull Susan down to her knees, Thaddeus just grins and shrugs.

“No problem on my end.”

Sue wants to protest that it’s grown far beyond all of that, but before the words can leave her lips, Jennifer’s deft fingers have finally freed Thad’s cock from its confines and… holy shit.

As his dick flops out, Jennifer grunts just from hefting the thing up with both hands in front of all three of them. The untransformed She-Hulk stares at Thaddeus’ dick right alongside Janet and Sue as they all gawk at the size. It has to be the biggest, fattest cock that Sue has ever seen, and it’s not even fully erect yet… though it’s rapidly getting there.

Jennifer coos over it, running her hands up and down his length and saying what they’re all thinking.

“This thing is a monster. You were right Thad, we would have been bad friends leaving Sue alone with this weapon. You should be arrested for packing this much heat~”

Thaddeus laughs good-naturedly, his casual confidence becoming more and more understandable by the second. One might think his good looks would be enough to justify how composed and poised he was, but Sue had known plenty of handsome men in her life who were rotten on the inside. Often times, they were compensating for some sort of insecurity and in a couple of cases, Sue knew for a fact that it had everything to do with their dick size.

Needless to say, the young hunk standing in front of their kneeling forms has absolutely nothing to worry about on that level, and it would seem he has nothing to worry about whatsoever.

Suddenly, one of Jennifer’s hands is on the back of her head, gently but firmly guiding Sue in.

“You’re the middle Sue… up to you to do the heavy lifting.”

Blushing up a storm, Sue doesn’t protest this treatment, because honestly… she wants it. God, she wants it bad. So, leaning forward under Jennifer’s guidance, the blonde bombshell takes Thaddeus’ cockhead in between her lips and begins to suck at the massive, bulbous dick.

She’s actually extremely grateful for her friends’ presence, because she definitely couldn’t have handled the rest of his dick alone. Her poor throat would never have stretched far enough to accommodate it, and even her hands wouldn’t have been enough to properly cover his entire length once it gets to full mast.

Fortunately, Sue’s hands don’t even have to play a part. Between the three of them, they’re able to tag team the massive member together. Sue on the head of Thaddeus’ cock, Janet on one side of the shaft, and Jennifer on the other. Both Janet and Jennifer also contribute a hand to groping and massaging Thad’s ball sack before Sue can even think to do so.

Looking up into the handsome young man’s face, Sue watches as he groans his appreciation, all while looking down at them all while a comfortable, carefree smile and a twinkle in his eyes. She finds herself blushing under that look, finds herself doing her best to please him. She’s not sure what it is about Thaddeus that’s so impressive, but here she is with the other women, about to engage in a foursome with the handsome hunk.

This oral sex is just foreplay before the main event, but knowing what she knows now about Thaddeus’ size, Sue finds herself dedicated to making him cum at least once before they truly get down to business, if only to start wearing him out a little bit. Otherwise, she’s convinced he might just be able to overwhelm them all… well, so long as Jennifer didn’t transform of course.

After several minutes of the three friends working hand in hand, Thaddeus finally lets out a telltale groan and tilts his head back.

“Oooh… getting close, ladies. Gonna cum soon~”

Sue decides then and there that she’s going to swallow. However, she’s not the only one who gets a say in this, apparently.

“Sharing is caring, Sue.”

“We all deserve a taste~”

Which is how she finds herself pulled off of Thaddeus’ bulbous cockhead with a pop as both Jennifer and Janet lean in from the sides and press their cheeks against her own. Sue whines a little bit at this but can’t exactly argue her case before Thaddeus finally tips over the edge… and cums all over their three faces.

The sensation of being coated in sticky, hot seed should probably feel disgusting, Sue figures. It shouldn’t be arousing, or pleasurable. It definitely shouldn’t be euphoric. And yet, euphoria is the exact word that Sue feels as she’s baptized in Thaddeus’ cum alongside her two slutty friends… right up until she feels a surge within her.

Eyes snapping wide as cum drips down her features, Sue shudders as… well, there’s no other way to describe it. Her powers got stronger. She’s not sure how she knows that exactly, only that it feels intuitive. She knows instinctively that Thaddeus cumming on her has somehow made her superpowers… better.

A glance up at Thaddeus shows him with his head back and his eyes closed still. A surreptitious glance at Janet and Jennifer reveals that they both feel the exact same way as Sue. They don’t even have to speak; their eyes do all the talking as they stare at one another in shock.

Taking a couple steps back, his cock dropping from their suddenly lax grips, Thaddeus sits down on the edge of the bed and grins goofily, his dick already twitching back to life.

“Hope you’re all ready for Round Two, ladies.”

Then, he pauses, as if noticing their shock.

“… Something wrong, girls?”

He doesn’t know. Whatever just happened, he doesn’t know. Sue exchanges another look with Janet and Jennifer, no longer certain what to do. Do they… tell him? But then they might ruin the mood and not get fucked. Do they wait until after? Do they not say anything? Do they stop this here?

Fuck… shit just got complicated.


A/N: And now we see the other side of Nat being able to fool Thad... Thad is in turn able to fool these three superheroines into thinking he's oblivious to his own powers~

The Vote:
[ ] Stop what they're doing and bail before Thaddeus figures anything out - 3%
[ ] Stop what they're doing and let Thaddeus know he's special - 10%
[X] Continue what they're doing with the intentions of telling Thaddeus what's going on at the end - 77%

[ ] Continue what they're doing with zero intentions of revealing anything to Thaddeus - 10%


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