The Yandere Ring [Yandere Harem]

11 – ✨ The rules are set!

I shudder on my gaming chair.

“My… what?”

“It’s not like you are taking good care of it anyway,” the girl (Devil? At this point it’s hard to understand how I should call her) shifts her gaze around at my room with a sneer. “I am giving you a chance to have what you desire the most, in exchange for something you will never get used of. Something you did not even care about until a few seconds ago. I could ask you to pay me by cutting your toenails, and it would have the same effect on your quality of life.”

“What… what about my quality of afterlife?” I gape, trying to make sense of her words. My soul? This bitch is crazy. “Isn’t that going to cost me way more in the end? I mean… if I have a soul it’s immortal, isn’t it?”

“Things are a bit more complicated than that. I have been dealing in souls for a long time, my friend. Much longer than you have been alive. This is just one of my footholds in this world, and there is so much more going on beyond what you can see.”

“I get that. But I still want to know what’s going to happen to my soul after I die.”

She shrugs. It’s a bit hard to look her in the face and for the first time in my life I have an easier time looking at her slight chest in fact. She is so astoundingly gorgeous that stopping to look at her face feels like it’s a crime. Like stopping to look at a masterwork of art. Her lips, her nose, her eyes. Everything shows such perfection of form that it aches to not bask myself in it. But I have to. I know that if I keep looking, I will not be able to stop… and she will have my soul right there.

“The usual thing that happens to every soul after they depart: you get thrown into the Great Wheel, and according to how you behaved and your starting situation, you get reincarnated in some other place. Your memories get wiped clean and you enjoy a fresh start.”

“And I am supposed to believe you.”

“It’s not my fault if your world has decided to throw away any kind of afterlife belief. You are so focused on yourselves.”

That… does make a point. I would not believe her, but the ring has proven to work.

And besides, she’s sitting on my damn Principal!

“Alright. What’s going to happen to my soul? Terms and Conditions.”

“Come on, nobody ever reads those,” she chuckles.

Damn, that laughter. It feels so good. No wonder she’s in sales business.

But then she starts to explain them, raising her fingers one by one.

“You will pledge your soul to my use, for the same amount of time, calculated according to the measurements of your original world, according to your original perception. During that time I will just use your soul and your mind for menial tasks such as accounting, mind experiments, and perhaps sustaining a spell or two for brief periods. If you will uphold your part of the contract and will not try…” she lowers her voice a bit and I feel a layer of frost grow over my skin at the threat “… to harm the contract in any way or to worm out of the terms, you will be treated fairly and I will personally make sure no harm will come to you. At the end of your tenure you will be released into the Great Wheel and we will not have any more contact with each other unless you desire to do so upon your next incarnation.”

I take a few moments to register everything she says.

“That… sounds actually quite fair?”

“Bad faith is bad for business,” she shrugs. “I aim for something sustainable, not a pyramid scheme.”

“I… have to think about it.”

“Sure thing. One last clause: you will have to pass on the ring after sixty years of usage. I can only stretch so far in this world, I’m afraid.”

“So that explains Grandpa’s present.”

“It would mean no harm to you. At that point, the ring’s benefits are permanent, together with a general effect to keep you healthier and preserve you better than usual. You will keep its benefits… all of its benefits, until the time comes.”

“And that’s when you gobble up on my soul.”

“Souls are not to be gobbled. Do you eat your money, my friend?”

I suppose that might not sound like the best idea.

“Alright. Is this everything I have to know.”

“Everything you need to make a decision. I am available at any time for any other request or demand, until the ring roots itself into your existence. And after that, I am always eligible for assistance, but please consider that any other asset you might offer me besides your soul is of… negligible value to me.”

“I see. So you are, what, the devil?”

She grins. No laughter, thankfully.

“Perhaps something like that. You might already know my name.”

“Grandpa said this is the ring of dawn, so are you what.. Dawn? Devil Dawn?”

She looks delighted. I feel that laughter inside me, sweeter than Tina’s kisses running down my cheeks.

“Dawn is not the right name for me. But you can call me with my name, as you have received the ring.”

She stands up. A circle of silver light appears at her feet. The Principal lets out a satisfied breath and disappears through it. She also begins to sink into the floor. It’s just a moment, but right before she disappears I have a feeling like I can notice a pair of thick red sprouting from her forehead, as if the glamour failed for a moment… or she turned it off.

One last grin.

“I am Morningstar.”

To find the full novel (only up to 60% will be published here) together with exclusive POV chapters and even more sexy scenes, you can follow this link (or click on the sexy pic below).



Thanks for reading! I felt like writing a fuller chapter this time... but the next two will see some sexy action between our protagonist and his sister (I surely hope nothing too scandalous happens)!

Also, we crossed 18,000 visualizations in what... two weeks? Thank you so much for your support, everyone. I hope you'll keep enjoying this story!

Oh and let's be real... it's not like you are doing anything useful with your soul, are you? Maybe you should consider a little trade...

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