The Youngest Son of Sunyang

Chapter 82 Tools for a Purpose 2


"What's wrong? Grandfather said you'd welcome it with open arms, didn't he? Don't you know either?"

My father scrutinized my expression, trying to decipher the hidden meaning.

"Oh, no. More than that, he mentioned something about selling something at a low price. I can't quite guess what he intends to give."

"Then, shouldn't you tell me what you do know? I'm dying of curiosity."

"In my opinion, he's giving us people."


"Yes. Sunyang Hospital is known for having many VIP clients. High-ranking officials and politicians are careful about their health, so they look for a top-secret hospital like Sunyang to maintain their confidentiality. And there are many celebrities as well."

"Ah...!" A low exclamation escaped his father's lips.

"Now, anyone who wants a special promotion or special treatment will contact Father. It's a natural way to build connections. Father can take care of directors and lead actors during movie production at the Sunyang Hospital."

"What about the Human Resource Development Institute? Are those people too?"

"Of course. All the promotion candidates receive training at the development institute. Even though the institute's training evaluation doesn't guarantee promotions, it has a significant impact on avoiding demotion."

It is a well-known fact that Sunyang Group's talent management is rigorous. Unlike other companies, where training might be considered a brief respite or even a vacation, the Sunyang Institute offers an intensive curriculum with seminars, debates, exams, and evaluations that rival a judicial training institute, leaving no room for gaps.

"Since everyone aiming to get close to the core of the group goes through the development institute..."

"People will be flooding father's phone, asking for favors, and that's how your network will expand."

"So as to build a network both within and outside the group."

"Yes. As you started late, this is a way to make gain influence as grandfather's son."

"You mean your grandfather wants ME to create people, not you." My father began looking at me with a sense of wonder as he spoke quietly. "How on earth can you figure this out? Your grandfather connecting the hospital and the institute with his network, and you grasping it all at once... I really have nothing to say."

Anyone who has received a salary from Sunyang Group knows the potential of the institute. To secure a simple promotion to assistant manager, you might spend ten sleepless nights in a four-person room with two bunk beds.

The middle-aged department heads endure even more. They enter a two-person room and have to digest a devilish schedule for the entire week.

If your stamina can't hold up, it's the end of your executive promotion dreams. You either stay as an eternal department head until retirement or submit your resignation.

At times like these, if the Institute Director makes just one phone call? Even if it's just confidential instructions from the Institute Director, it can bring executives one step closer to their promotions.

Regardless of how lowly you may think of the institute, it is a pivotal position that allows candidates for executive positions in Sunyang Group, even if you only have time to share a drink with them.

Only those who receive a salary from Sunyang know all of this.

Father, who has never once sighed at the numbers in his bank account, naturally wouldn't know these facts.

"You probably aren't interested, so I didn't mention it. By the way, could you find out the ownership structure and assets of the Institute?"

"You want to check the current situation?"

"Yes. It seems like it's not just about networking. If that's all it was, grandfather wouldn't have told you to keep it a secret for now. There might be something hidden that the senior members would oppose if they found out, don't you think?"

"Are there more secrets hidden within the request to keep it a secret?"

"Grandfather is a man with many secrets, after all. Hehe."

My father let out a short sigh at my laughter. "Hmm... How did you end up resembling Grandfather more and not me?"

"Talents can skip a generation sometimes."

My father sighed once more and got up. "Well, being a father is not an easy job."

"How was the wedding?"

"It's not like I'm the one getting married, what's the big deal? But how did it go?"

There's something more important than the wedding, and that's Dae-ah Construction.

"Chaebol families always attract curiosity when it comes to strategic marriages."

"Marriages that happen after seeing each other only a few times, are those marriages? They're contracts."

"Oh, so you're not going for a strategic marriage? You won't be the typical chaebol third-generation marrying the Candy who lives a humble but determined life?"

"I'll marry the woman I need, no matter who she is. Uncle, why do you keep talking about other things? What about the Dae-ah Construction shares?"

"Child, when you get older, you become curious about young people's dating and marriages. We're done with that." Oh Sehyun smiled and took out a note of the stock situation. "These guys seem flustered. They contacted me as soon as I purchased 5% of the shares and declared myself a major shareholder. They want to meet."

The securities market had completely frozen. Buying the shares of a company on the verge of bankruptcy in a stagnant market would naturally raise concerns on the company's side.

Moreover, the person who purchased the nearly worthless shares was Miracle, a giant investment firm that had swallowed A-jin Group. They would be truly terrified if they had committed many sins.

"Should we meet them?"

"Of course."

"How do you think they will react?"

Oh Sehyun squinted his eyes. "Leave it to me. Do you think I haven't dealt with a couple of guys who tried to scam me and escape with investment money during my investment career? Those guys who crossed me, do you know where they are now?"

"They're probably in prison or living as ex-convicts, right?"

"Bingo!" Oh Sehyun snapped his fingers and picked up his bag. "Come on, let's go. We should play a round."

The main office of Dae-ah Construction in Yeongdeungpo felt colder than the winter weather outside. The employees inside the building commuted to work with heavy hearts, even though the company wasn't paying their salaries.

They knew the company was on the verge of bankruptcy, but they clung to a glimmer of hope that they might still receive some payment. It was the hope that kept them coming to work every day, even though their heads told them there was no hope left.

When they woke up in the morning, they had nowhere else to go but this building. The hope of receiving their overdue salaries pushed them forward, even though they knew it was unlikely.

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